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(RP Event on Idar Prime - June 16, 2012)
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Latest revision as of 00:17, 17 June 2012

Participants: Xiq'Vuular, Xani'Ulun

Location: Central District - Dal Sempora - Idar Prime

As the sun sets on Dal Sempora, outside of the Hall of Governors members of the Mercantile Authority are setting up various kiosks and stands for the coming days celebrations of the formation of the Toro Mercantile Authority. Under the watchful eye of members of the Imperial Guard, the tensions run high between the Mercantile merchants and the military forces present.

The Mercantile Director, Xiq'Vuular, stands near a handful of members of his organization. They talk amongst themselves, mostly about the celbratory plans that are underway. Vuular turns slightly, looking at a group of Imperial Guard members watching them as if they are breaking the law.

Xani'Ulun is of course among the Merchants and eventually finds himself among the group near Xiq giving him a nod and a "Morning, Xiq." He looks a bit more well rested than he normally does, and is currently wearing the leather armbands that have always been there.

"Ah, mister Ulun. Good of you to join us." Vuular replies, smiling. "There's quite abit of activity here this fine evening. Everything is on schedule for the celebrations tomorrow. Assuming the Guard doesn't step in." He motions to those standing in the distance. "They have been watching for hours. I'm surprised they don't round everyone up."

Xani'Ulun chuckles just a bit at that and replies "We haven't broken any laws yet. Though I will say it seems like at least a good portion of them aren't too bad of people. Girl I took up residence with is especially nice." Looking over to the staring guards he adds "That doesn't mean, however, that they don't follow orders."

"They don't care if we haven't broken any laws." Vuular says, shaking his head. "If this 'girl' is a member of the guard, be careful what you tell her. I received word of a fire fight this morning outside of Dal Toro on Idar Minor. Looks like the Guard attempted to infiltrate a communications outpost there. They will be looking for blood. We killed their strike team."

Xani'Ulun nods a bit at that replying "Don't worry. She doesn't even really know I'm with the Authority yet. If she ever asks I'll just tell her I'm a simple merchant trying to earn a living." At the news of the attack he frowns a bit and replies "Let them try." He gives a few subtle taps to his wrist bands.

Raising his hand, Vuular adds, "Don't provoke them. This is the only thing standing between alot of our people and what can only be described as a blood bath. Yes, the Myini are the enemy, but the Quorum is intent on ending any possible threat to them, even from within."

Xani'Ulun smirks a bit though retains a serious tone and replies "Who's provoking? I just have no plans for being a bloodthirst quencher today should they try anything."

"No one. Right now. But they will, at some point, try and push some of us around to try and start something. Give them reason to crack all our skulls open." Vuular replies, coldly. "There is too much bad blood between the Mercantile Authority and Imperial Guard. They don't like how we are building a fleet of our own. The Quorum is afraid that we will move against them, and that we might just win."

Xani'Ulun nods a bit at that and replies "As I said, I'll do nothing until a real fight breaks out. A few shoves here and there are to be expected with the bad blood. Until then, I'll be treating the guards with the utmost respect I can muster."

From the distance, a transport ship barring the mark of the Mercantile Authority flys overhead. It's a smaller ship, used mainly to carry cargo. As it comes over the square outside the Hall of Governors where the Mercantile is setting up for the coming celebrations, it hovers for a few moments as those below make room for it to land as if it is expected.

Vuular turns to the ship, only for a moment, then back to Xani. "I try to, as well. It is hard though. I have to travel is forged documents. If they knew I was a director in the Authority I'd be arrested."

Xani'Ulun smirks a bit at that and replies "Of course. Thankfully I'm nothing more than a humble merchant they have no reason to be arresting." He looks over to the ship as well and asks "Another shipment?"

Nodding, Vuular replies, "Probably more supplies and equipment for the celebrations. And, speaking humble merchant.. What is it you wish to do in the Authority? Simply trade? Or more?"

Xani'Ulun smirking just a bit he adds "I daresay you already know what I used to do? A former imperial guard. Particularily good at taking people out from stealth. I think you might just have your answer already."

As the explosions occur, Vuular doesn't even look back to see what is going on. The Idaran merchant drops to the ground, reaching for his commlink. Shouting into it, he says, "All Mercantile forces fall back from the Hall. We are under attack."

Xani'Ulun hits the deck as well when explosions start happening, though the only harm that's caused is his now ringing ears. He looks to Vuular and says, while preparing to bring out his hidden blades "Yes, but who are we supposed to attack?"

"No one." Vuular replies to Xani, as he gets up off the ground. "We need to fall back. As soon as they muster their forces they are going to come moving through here and round us up. That shuttle has our insignia on it. They will say we attacked them."

Xani'Ulun curses rather viley at that and replies "Well what are we waiting for? I'll start rounding as many people up as I can and get them out of here." With that The blue scaled Idaran starts running for the merchants telling anybody who's still in the area to clear out immediately, going about it in such a way as to be heading away from the scene as he does so.

As the shuttle attempts to flee, a small attackship appears from behind the Hall and fires two energy missles at the transport. Exploding into flames, the ship tries to veer away from the crowd but is not successful. The ship crashes into the ground near where Vuular is standing.

As Vuular turns to start getting more of their people to run for it, he is thrown several meters from the nearby explosion of the shuttle. He groans in pain as he lifts his head, putting it back on the ground a moment later.

Xani'Ulun turns to see the explosion and curses again. The Idaran must think him dead, however as he keeps rounding up merchancts to clear out, still moving in the direction he was, only looking back to see Xiq's head fall back to the ground.

As the ship explodes, the Imperial Guard attackship turns to another crowd on the outskirts of the square and opens fire as Imperial shock troops appear from a large door of the Hall of Governors. Loudspeakers in the square are activated, "You are all under arrest. Resistance will be punished. Cooperation will be rewarded."

Vuular remains still on the ground, as several Idarans grab him by the arms, picking him up and disappearing into the chaos.

Xani'Ulun gives up on trying to attain new recruits for his herd of people he's already gotten running for their lives, and now starts to travel by alleys and sticks to the shadows in order to remain largely unnoticed by the guard, hopefully.

The attackship turns to open fire on fleeing civilians at the other end of the square, not in the direction of Xani. As the troops pour out from the Hall, they begin rounding up those who remain, allowing Xani to escape.

Xani'Ulun escapes through the shadows and alleys as he planned, picking up a merchant here and there if he manages to see any still not captured and telling them to get the hell out of dodge. Always making his way closer to the residential district.