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Welcome Danu

Summary: The members of Danu Chroi are given the opportunity to meet each other, and celebrate the creation of their new organization.

Cast: Vessa Maina Megumi Arcadia Xanya Sadie Darak Miranda

Air Date: Febuary 6, 2654

Setting: Piorra Vineyard - <Eiru, Pyracan>

Thousands of acres of large, craggy vines curl and twist around miles upon miles of stainless steel and wood trellises in this verdant valley, set in thousands of perfectly parallel rows as if the Supreme One's comb had been run through them. Upon closer examination, the vines look somewhat untended and unweeded, as if they're in the first stages of going back to nature. Whatever the case, the vines are heavily laden with orange, trumpet-shaped flowers with a heavy, almost cloying perfume in the spring, leading to heavy crops of hand-sized reddish-brown teardrop-shaped fruit hanging on the vines during what goes for summer and fall in this tropical environment. Several boxy buildings sit in a cluster to the west, with all vineyard rows seeming to lead to them. Rusting hovercombines can be seen poking out of one of the buildings. A plascrete road with piorra-shaped prints stamped into its edges bisects the long trellises at a right angle, travelling up the hills to the south and north.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Vessa stands chatting with the Vineyards owner, there are servers near the entrance to guide arriving members to the outdoor patio where long tables filled with food and drink are to be found.

Arcadia strolls into the area chewing away on a wad of gum.

Megumi drops in from above, wings flapping as though she were using them for lift.

Vessa looks up and waves to Arcadia then grinning she waves to Megumi too, "Welcome ladies, all of our people have not yet arrived, though I hope they do soon." She is standing near the tables filled with food and drink and was previously chatting with the Vineyard manager, which she appears finished doing now.

Maina wanders into the vineyard, looking around a little pensively.

Meg smiles lightly and looks at the spread, choosing the strongest scented food there and having a nibble.

Vessa gives Maina a smile and a wave as she arrives and says to Meg, "You might like this cheese coupled with this wine, strongest stuff I have ever been near but it blends beautifully." she indicates the two she means and keeps looking for late arrivals.

Maina gives a little wave over towards Vessa, "How's it going?"

"Lovely, thanks," Meg replies absently, moving to give the cheese and wine a try. "It's a good thing I can't get drunk," she muses, "Wouldn't do to have the security chief stumbling over herself at a company party."

Vessa is standing near tables set out with a lot of food and drink on an outdoor patio and chatting with a newly arrived Maina and a cheese and wine tasting Megumi. Smiling at Maina she says, "Good thus far, hopefully some of the others can make it before the end of the party," to Meg she chuckles, "It is certainly a perk, not being able to get drunk. Oh and if possible, Maina and I had some ideas for how to kit out security and wanted your feedback on them."

Maina wrinkles her nose at Vessa, "Whether it's a perk is debatable." She gives a wave over at Megumi, "How's it going?"

"Of course," Megumi nods, "I'd love to hear them." She smiles to Maina, "Oh, same as always. Bored during the day, less so at night. Not much to hunt at the moment so I find myself seeking more hobbies. And you?"

Xanya enter the Vineyard walking carefully making sure not to ruin her brand new outfit. She looks around to find her friends but is distracted by the rows of vines, fruit and flowers.

Vessa considers Maina's words and nods, "Yeah, felt that one myself at times. The not able to get drunk thing I mean." seeing Xanya she gives a wave to catch her attention and grins at Megumi, "We are thinking the Armor can be the uniform, best you can make for every member of Security, you get to decide who will be a part of security of course. We also want them to be given what weapons you deem them proficient enough to use, and I want every person given any form of weapon well tested. Any ideas or anything that you have for security, please feel free to let me know."

Maina smiles towards Megumi, giving a shrug, "Doing better lately, I suppose. And yeah, I'm really against uniforms, but Vessa thinks security should have them. So we figure the protective gear can be a sort of 'uniform', though I'd like people to be able to make their own armor pretty however they like... but if you think something else is better for security, that's cool. Just realize we aren't a military outfit."

"Uniforms have the benefit of making security personnel easily identifiable by other security personnel," Megumi points out, "I can let them accessorize, within reason, but I would like to see a mild degree of similarity when we're armored for work. As for weaponry, I was thinking that perhaps we should stick with nonlethal options. As you say, Maina, we're not military. And it would be safer should someone... undesirable, get past the screening process." She shrugs a shoulder and the attached wing, "I'll look into what I can throw together and get back to you. how many people have you hired so far with security in mind?"

Xanya spots the wave from and walks over to the group slowly. "Hiiiii girls." She says as she finaly arives and puts her backpack down near the tables with food and drinks. "Is Sadie here yet?" She Askes as she looks around.

Vessa nods in agreement with Meg and Maina, "I am good with non-lethal but that means if anyone wishes to carry their own weapon that has lethal capabilities then I want them tested on it and with the understanding that when they are working for us, that they don't use them." she shakes her head at Xanya, "I left a message for her but no word yet. She told me she planned to make it." thinking a moment she nods, "I agree with a certain level of uniformity, as for who we have in security at the moment. There are a few who have expressed interest as security being a second job, at least two actually." she looks at Xanya, "Did you want to jump into that too?"

Maina looks to Megumi, "I know of one person other than you with Security as their primary field. Last I was informed, at least. More uniformity is okay, and I really like the non-lethal idea. I didn't know there are non-lethal weapons. It's good. I want to avoid killing as much as possible."

"There are several non-lethal options, and I figured that would be ideal for our purposes. I will be sure to make it very clear that no lethal weapons are to be used on the job," Megumi nods. She smiles to Xanya. "Hello," she greets, "How are you?" Her attention returns to the conversation as she adds, "Were there any colors anyone had in mind? If we're sticking with the nature motif, might I suggest green or brown as a start?"

Xanya looks questiongly to vessa. "jump into what? Doing security?" She asks as she takes a piek to the tables to see whats on it. "Oh hello again miss." She says and she looks up to megumi. "I remember us meeting before but... I forgot your name, or you never toled me." She then looks to the rest of the group. "and if we are talking about colors I'm voting for purple." She sais with a playfull smile. "but thats just silly me talking, no need to follow that idea." She says and her eyes go back to the table to see whats on it.

Vessa is standing near large tables holding a plethora of food and drink and talking with Megumi, Maina, and Xanya, "Lets stick with green then, and non-lethal it is." grinning to Xanya she chuckles, "Purple is a bit too far afield for the org but certainly a royal idea."

Maina nods towards Vessa, "I kind of liked blue and green. They're both pretty nature-y, and just one color seems too plain..." She smiles to Xanya, "Nice idea... but it doesn't really fit the theme."

"Well if we stick with just one color, I figure that leaves room for individuals to choose the color palette of their accessories," Meg remarks lightly. She smiles to Xanya and adds, "Adding some purple, for instance." She bows, then, "Megumi. Most call me Meg."

Sadie walks in and looks around before walking up to the ladies. "Hey guys!" She nods slowly to Xanya, smiling. "So what are we talking about, ladies?"

Xanya bows back to megumi. "My name is Xanya. I will be sure to remember your name now." She says as she starts to think of a way to remember. "letter M, upside down is W wich stands for wings." She says talking to herself "Yes thats a good way to remember." She says with a smile. And as Sadie walks over she smiles brightly to her. "Hello there pretty. how are you doing?" She says examening sadie top to bottem and back up again. "OH where talking about uniforms for security." She then turns to Vessa, Talking about security. I'd have to give it a thought If I want to do it or not. it sounds interesting as a .. secondary job. I could then wear a ... green uniform with either, black, silver or white. not sure purple looks good with green."

Vessa nods thoughtfully at that, "I like that idea Meg," she chuckles, "See, if it were me designing I would just go with all black." she shrugs, "Then again, I have no fashion sense whatsoever so probably best I don't try to design things." Waving to Sadie she smiles brightly, "Welcome to the party sis. No drinkie for you though, you get soda, or juice." she waves a teasing finger Sadie's way. Sadie this is Megumi, our Head of Security, Meg this is Sadie, me in another universe was her sister."

Maina gives a wave over towards Sadie, "Just green works. The organization's colors can be green and blue, but security can be just green."

"No standard uniform, just unified armor for when we're actively on the job," Megumi clarifies lightly. She nods to Vessa, then, unsurprised about the sister bit, "Yeah, I've met her. So green armor with space for customization, and non-lethal weaponry. Great." The grayscale woman finishes her glass of wine and helps herself to some snacks, before her PDA starts blaring. She huffs, "You have to be shitting me. I'm sorry, I have to take this. I'll be right back."

Sadie smiles and nods to Meg. "I remember meeting you before, but you probably don't remember me." She giggles and waves back to Maina as she grabs a juice and makes a pout face to Vessa. "But sissy!" She smiles and scoots next to Xanya.

Xanya has finaly made a decision and decides to go for a large glass of apple juice she then stands next to sadie again smiling to her. "How have you been?" Xanya asks as she puts one arm on sadies shoulder.

Nodding in satisfaction Vessa grins at the group then nods to Meg as her PDA interrupts, "No problem Meg, the party should still go on by the time you get back." Chuckling to Sadie she smiles and shrugs, "What can I say, I am such a mean sister." A Pyracani arrives and heads over Vessa's way, "I have the music, you have the party?" He asks with a wide grin on her muzzle, "That we do, though hopefully more will arrive later, go ahead and set up. Drinks are provided as agreed, can't have our DJ going thirsty." The Pyracani gentleman gives a thumbs up and moves to set up his equipment. To Maina, Vessa says, "I like the colors, blue/green, a nice color to have as the org colors." she nods happily and moves to get a beer for herself.

Maina nods a bit, "Good combination, I think..."

Sadie smiles as she lays her head lightly on Xanya's arm. "I've been good!" She turns her attention to Vessa and Maina. "Green and blue? Sounds cute."

As Sadie puts her head on Xanya's arm Xanya smiles some more and kisses Sadie gently on top of her head. Xanya then turns to vessa and maina. "blue and green. what shorts of blue and green are we talking about. light blue and light green? or dark blue and dark green? or some other combination or color tones?" Xanya says followed by a big drink from her glass with apple juice emptying almost 1 third of the glass.

Music begins playing in the background, for the moment it is soft and meant to fade into the background. If the dance floor is any indication however, that will not last the entire evening. The servers begin bringing out food meant for more then snacking and setting it up on a previously empty table.

"I rather like the idea of something in the middle, not too dark but not really light either." Vessa opines, drinking from her own glass. "So Sadie, ever thought about learning some self defense?" She grins as she watches the two and looking around she jokingly sneaks over to Maina to plant a kiss on her cheek, "Couldn't resist with you looking so adorable." she says softly in her ear before back to her beer.

Maina smiles over at Vessa, giving a grin, "Oh, if we're going to dance..." she lets her outfit change to another one, "And I was thinking forest green and navy blue. Plants and rivers."

Sadie looks to Vessa. "No, I actually haven't thought about that..I'm not sure I'd be any good at it." She bites her lip. "I..I'm more good at healing than fighting." She giggles softly, looking around at everyone's clothing. "Well, if y'all are going to look all sexy and everything.." She begins to look around her bag.

Xanya watches sadie carefully to see what she takes out for clothing. "selfdefense can be good even for a healer. if someone were to attack you, you would be able to vend of that attack and get away from him, or her. Vessa and I could show you some things some time. if you want to of course." Xanya says with a smile and takes an other drink from her cup.

Vessa is not paying attention to the other two, she has actually lost the plot on quite a bit as she is far to busy staring at Maina and her new outfit, "Mur naruf." She says eloquently, thoughts apparently far too occupied to put cohesive sentences together, beer glass held in loose fingers, seemingly forgotten about as well.

Maina giggles over at Vessa, "You're terrible. You like it?"

Sadie smiles as she excuses herself to the fresher to change. "I'll be right back!" She winks at Xanya before walking off. As she comes back, she wears a tight white lace dress that hugs her curves just right. The dress falls just below her bottom, about 2 inches past, and has no sleeves as it dips at the top in a sweetheart neckline to show off her cleavage. She giggles as she walks over, her feet sporting bright red and tall heels. "This feels a bit better!"

Xanya eyes widen and her jaw drops seeing the outfit sadie has put on. "hubba hubba hubba" She says unable to say much else for now.

Vessa nods wide eyed and wraps her arms around Maina, "Good gracious woman, how could I not?" she whispers something in Maina's ear and gives her a kiss, "Sheesh, now I need to dance with you. No option for it." she sets aside her beer and takes Maina's hand, indicating that the music should be more dancey and lest backgroundy, the DJ happily complies with a grin and the music picks up to something danceable. Vessa leads Maina out and begins dancing with her, with spins, twirls, lifts and the whole bit.

Maina giggles softly at Vessa, taking the hand. She has a little trouble keeping up, but she seems to be having a blast.

Sadie giggles at Xanya, winking as she lifts one of her legs back behind her. "You like?" She bites her lip as she looks at the woman, then smiles as she looks back to Vessa and Maina dancing.

Xanya nods to Sadie. "like is not the right word. I love it. It's Stunning. I mean you look stunning. I mean.. you look stunning in it." Xanya say correcting herself a few times as she looks at sadie who just changed her outfit. Maina Changed her outfit too and is now dancing with vessa on some dance music made by a DJ.

Vessa slows the dancing a bit to make it easier for Maina to keep up. She goes for quite a few songs before she is quite out of breath and in need of a drink, taking Maina's hand she leads them back with a wide smile, clearly she enjoyed that.

Maina follows back to the drinks, grinning broadly, "Yay! Dancing! That was fun."

Sadie smiles as Xanya speaks. "Well, thank you!" She takes a sip of her juice and looks to Maina and Vessa. "Y'all look like you were having fun!" She smiles and moves to lean her body against Xanya.

Xanya wraps an arm around sadie's waist and looks at her some more. She then manages to remmber her drink and empties her glass.

Megumi returns with a tired look on her porcelain features, shaking her head with a sigh. "People," she mutters to no one in particular.

Vessa chuckles at Maina's words and nods, "That was fun, going to have to do that more often." She gives Meg a wave and picks up her beer, "Meg, if you want Aka can come. I think we have gone through the work stuff I had in mind and now is to just let everyone get to know each other. Except I would really love for Sadie to learn some self defense," She turns more serious as she looks to Sadie, "I worry, and even if it is only a little, would like you to know something about protecting yourself."

Maina leans a bit on the refreshments table, humming to herself in her 'new' outfit.

Sadie bites her lip before nodding to Vessa. "Well, only if y'all really think it would be good for me." She nods to Meg as she comes back.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a physical combatant," Megumi responds, "Shell's too light. Take my psi and I'm worthless."

Xanya gently kisses sadie. "it can never hurt to know some self defence sweety. And like I said. I would be willing to..." She gets interupted by her PDA going off. "... help vessa teach you some moves." She says finishing her sentance and looks on her pda. "Darn it. not now, I'm in a party for pieps sake." She shakes her head sadly. Sorry people but it seems I have to leave." She turns to sadie and hugs her tightly and gives her a kiss on the cheek and a gentle pat on her behind. "See you soon sexy." She then walks away and makes sure to turn around once more for a wave before leaving the vinyard.

Standing near Megumi, Maina, and Sadie, Vessa takes another drink of beer as she waves to Xanya, "Take care Xan, see ya soon." They are all near tables full of food and drink, a DJ is playing music in the background and a dance floor is set up as well. Shaking her head Vessa says to Megumi, "Hardly worthless, what matters more then anything in a fight is the mind. If you can think faster and clearer then an opponent then you will win. Strength, good weapons, and skills, they all just make the odds that much more in your favor. But yes, I will teach you to fight if Sadie."

Maina gives a little wave towards Xanya, "Enjoy!" She glances towards Megumi, "I've been meaning to ask... what's your area of expertise with psi? If things go wrong, can you help the team escape efficiently, or would it be fighting out?"

Having received the notification of some sort of social gathering, the former Mekke Ambassador turned Commander during the war with the Kretonians, Darak arrives in the Vineyard with little idea what to expect. He has never been one for social gatherings - something about all work and no play. Being on the only known Mekke left in existance, he is noticable, and he is quickly directed towards Vessa. Nodding his large head in approval, he comes up behind the woman. ~Greetings and salutaions, Vessa.~ He sends telepathically, allowing others in nearby proximity to receive the message, his mandibles move as he communicates non-verbally.

"I have exceptional expertise in the fields of Psychokinesis, Psychoportation, and Telekinesis," Megumi replies, "I could go into everything I'm capable of, but it would take a long time and I can't think right now. I also specialize in countering those very fields of psionic ability thanks to a need to track down other Riftwalkers who cause an inordinate amount of trouble."

Sadie smiles and waves to Xanya as she walks away. "See you later, gator!" Giggling, she turns back to Vessa, Maina, and Meg. As Darak walks (?) up, she stares at him, cocking her head. She looks towards the restrooms, smiling. "I have to run, I'll be back later. Bye!" She walks off, her heels clicking after her.

Vessa jumps in surprise at the Mekke's greeting then turns smiling to Darak, "Hello, good that you could come, I wasn't sure what would be the most palatable to you, the kitchen people swore that they could serve to any people so there should be something over there that should be good." She waves to Sadie as she too runs off.

Maina blinks, glancing towards the new arrival to wave, "Uh, hullo." She looks to Megumi, "Psychoportation... that's teleporting and such, yes? Force walls with telekinesis? Those are all great for helping the team get out, I'm glad."

"Force shields, walls, teleportation, phasing, pushing, crushing, enhancement or creation of weaponry using force, electromagnetic control ranging from general EM shifts to lightning," Megumi pauses to take a breath even though she doesn't actually need to breathe, "Fire, ice, invisibility, flight, et cetera."

~I am quite alright, I do not require any food at this time.~ The Mekke replies, as his large bludging eyes looking at the various creatures and aliens that have assembled. Before attempting to speak physically, Darak's mandibles open wide and a loud slurping sound can be heard. "Issss thhhhere anythhhing I can do to be of asssssssissstance, dear lady?" The Mekke asks, his words coming out slowly, in a deep tone. The mandibles produce a fair abit of saliva as he speaks, perhaps why he perfers to keep it to telepathy - less of a mess.

Vessa nods happily and blinks at the long list of skills, "Damn Meg, you can kick ass." to Darak she smiles, "Enjoy yourself my friend, oh and did you want to work as Security part of the time?"