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[[category:Logs That Include Narai]][[category:Logs That Include Heidi]][[category:Logs That Include Sharai Dravik]][[category:Logs That Include Grim]][[category:Logs That Include Earth]][[category:Logs That Include Drescher Interstellar Spaceport]]
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Revision as of 10:31, 23 February 2012

Participants: Narai, Heidi, Sharai Dravik

Synopsis: CIS forces, led by Agent Grim, attempt to stop Viceroy Narai from proceeding and attempt to take him into custody. Several others step in, including Sharai Dravik.

Drescher Interstellar Spaceport – San Angeles – Earth

Heidi nods her head slightly and gestures for Sharai to led on. She gives the woman's shoulder a small squeeze and then lets her hand slip away, brushing against her backside on the way down. "Sure thing... nein much to say really. Been floating around doing not much of anything. Was a rent a cop for a time but that stop being fun." The two are heading towards theh bar and chatting.

Three black shuttles descend onto the tarmac of the docking pad at Drescher Interstellar Spaceport. No distinctive markings on these vessels. They rest on their landing skids as the thruster turbines wind down. Hatches click open simultaneously. Ramps slide down. Black-masked, black-suited agents armed with rifles start jogging down those ramps.

Sharai Dravik is about to reply with a playful smile when she sees the ships and goes pale, stepping in front of Heidi, hand on her pistol hilt but doesn't yet draw.

Heidi turns to look over at the ships and she lifts a brow slightly. "Hmm.. this is differnt ja?" The tall woman comments as she takes a step back.

The Opodian Viceroy, standing near the Opodi's Light with several local police officers that Iseul left with him the night before, is discussing various items with some of the 'locals', who have never seen an Opodian before. He tries to explain where he and his ship came from, but they don't quite understand and walk off. As the black shuttles come zooming overhead, Narai looks up, grumbling. "This is never a good thing."

The last off the shuttles is a man with spiky silver hair. He follows his team of armed agents toward the Opodian. As the agents form a circle, the leader steps through and offers a faint smile to Narai, eyeing the strange bear-like alien up and down. Clasping his hands behind his back, the gaunt-faced man says, "I am Senior Agent Grim of the Consortium Intelligence Service. If you would be so kind as to accompany us, our government has some questions about you, your vessel, and your intentions in Consortium space. The Vanguard is already taking up security positions around your orbiting vessel. We will try to return it to you in decent condition, of course."

Sharai Dravik steps forward, "As I recall the Consortium Council has already met with the Viceroy. Where is your authorization to apprehend these people?"

Heidi hangs back some and looks between the heavily armed men and the panda scout leader. She frowns deeply and lifts a brow as Sharai moves forward.

Narai steps back, "This is how you greet all new comers? We come in peace! I told your Councillor that last night and we were greeted with open arms!" Shaking his head, he continues, "If I go, how long will I be gone? We come in peace, we are intergalactic travellers, searching for knowledge and peace." He looks at Sharai, and lets her intervein.

Grim smirks at Sharai. He says nothing else to her before turning his attention back to Narai. "You met with one politician, after bringing an alien starship from - I am led to understand - an alien universe. Who knows what diseases you brought with you? Are you trying to wipe out humanity? Forgive us if we want to see a little more caution exercised than our less intelligent politicians might care to follow. We want nothing more than to ask a few simple questions, conduct a few simple scans, and impound your starship so that we can fully understand the technology that brought you to our part of the galactic neighborhood. I am sure you understand the wisdom in this."

"This still requires authorization from your own government and I do believe that the scans and questions were being planned though /proper/ methods that do not require guns pointed at our guests. Stealing technology is generally frowned upon in diplomacy, Mister Grim." Eyes narrowed and frowning Sharai does not move, "How very inappropriate of you to be insulting to your governmental officials to the general public and visitors besides."

"I may have been born at night, Mister Grim. But not last night." Narai replies. "I have interacted wit humans on the other side of the rift before. We do not pose any sort of biological threat. As for my ship, no one will step foot on it. I will, be prepared, as on offer of friendship, allow remote access to our database for review by your people. As for scans and questions, you can do that here." The Opodian chuckles, shaking his head. "Perhaps I should have went to Tomin Kora, that nice fellow who was sitting near the rift seemed quite pleasant. I trust they would not have given us any hassle. And as I seem to understand it, these 'less intelligent' politicians are the ones you answer to. If they are alright with my presence here, then you should have no problem."

"Ja well.. crook with badges usually have to play by some rules.. People on Tomin Kora.. not so much." Heidi pipes up and looks over at Narai and lets out a small sigh. "It was between the man-child Savage and spook Grim... such names.." She mumbles to herself.

"Do you know what *else* is frowned upon? Unscheduled diplomatic visits from aliens aboard ships that have transuniversal capabilities and, perhaps, weaponized assets that could be turned against the Consortium," Grim replies matter-of-factly, now turning his chill gaze toward Sharai Dravik. "We will have a conversation with the Councillor soon enough, to remind her that there are protocols to be followed in first contact situations and that she is unqualified to be part of those." He looks over at Narai and follows up with: "No negotiation about studying your ship, I am afraid. You have violated sovereign territory without proper clearances. Perhaps if you had called ahead?" Sharai Dravik raises an eyebrow of her own, "Oh yes, called ahead so that you could have been more prepared to act with hostility. I doubt this is the impression the council as a whole would like to give to visiting members of another universe, as it stands now they should have diplomatic immunity in the interest of potentially setting up trade relations or some other form of benefit for the Consortium as a whole rather then CIS's personal interests in particular. I am sure the councilor looks forward to your little chat as much as you do."

The Viceroy ponders, in silence, for a few minutes. "Will you allow us to leave in peace? Or has that ship sailed already, Mister Grim? I have a feeling that you won't be happy unless this ends with my surrender, and your people running around my ship." Narai pauses again, raising his hand at Sharai. "Leave it alone. I surrender. We will comply. No point in arguing. And if a search of my ship, and an interrogration means that we can *possibly* have peaceful relations, then so be it. But I find it amusing this is how you treat alien races in a first contact situation, considering you have many alien races as part of your 'Consortium'."

Heidi shifts a little and pulls out a black and gold cigarette. The tall woman lights up and lets the others talk. She is out of her league on this one.

"*Known* alien races," the senior CIS agent replies to Narai, apparently ignoring Sharai for now. "Judging by your appearance, you are a close match for the species of creature that was found murdered in this city just a few months ago. For all I know, you have come with an agenda to exact vengeance on the Consortium for *that* hostile act. So, your cooperation is most appreciated." He takes out a commlink and speaks into the transmitter: "You may proceed with the internal sweep of the alien vessel. Thorough scans. No deconstruction. We want to return it to our guests in fine condition." He switches off the commlink, then looks toward his shuttle. Someone in the cockpit gives a thumbs-up. Grim turns back toward Narai and smiles. "We have acquired all we need from you personally, scan-wise. I suppose we can avoid undue inconvenience and, in the interest of full disclosure, ask questions for you to answer right here."

Sharai Dravik nods and steps back though still frowning deeply but respects the Viceroy's request.

"I am not familiar with any murder here, nor am I here to 'extract vengence'. But ask your questions." Narai replies, waiting for Grim to get on with it.

Heidi takes a deep drag from her cigarette and watches with mild interest.

"Splendid," Grim replies. "First, what compelled you to leave your universe for this one? Is a crisis imminent? Should we expect an influx of refugees?"

Sharai Dravik stands frowning and listens silently

"Knowledge. What else? Well, that and to open diplomatic relations with the beings of this galaxy." Narai replies, shaking his head at the stupid questions. Typical xenophobe some people are, can't take an alien at his word! "There is no crisis imminent, and you should expect some 'refugees'. At least those from this galaxy who were transported against their will to ours. I am willing to return any who wish it."

Heidi clears her throat and nods. "Ja well... I am from Waldheim.. year 3008." She offers towards Grim. "Many humans und Demarians and the like out in Hiverspace for some reason." She says before sucking down more smoke.

"3008?" Grim glances toward Heidi for the first time, his cold eyes seeming to light up. "The 31st Century? Intriguing." His gaze lingers for a few moments, but then he turns back to Narai and says, "That was actually my only question. I will report your good intentions to my superiors. I am sure they will be quite comforted. Your ship should be cleared of inspectors within eight hours." With that, he turns and strides back toward his shuttle. The armed agents break their circle and start following.

Sharai Dravik looks at Heidi and shakes her head with a scared look in her eye and indicates the tavern with her hand, motioning Narai to go there too.

The Opodian sighs, slightly confused but also relieved that he wasn't taken into custody. As Grim walks off, he takes a few steps towards Sharai. "Thank you, dear lady, for coming to my aid there. I expected them to put a bag on my head and take me off somewhere!" He follows along to the Tavern with the two.

Heidi watches Grim leave and slowly exhales some smoke, her hand shaking slightly. "I should have umm.. not mention mein time of orgion ja?" She murmurs and starts to follow Sharai.