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New Arivals

A log by Xanya

Bull and Hawk Tavern - <Eiru, Pyracan>

The large first floor of is home of the Bull and Hawk Tavern, built entirely of dark woods. Walls have been paneled in the same wood as the bar, polished and kept free of dust or grime that could come from daily interactions. High on the walls, near the ceiling are carvings of the hawk in silent flight or the stampeding bull. The designs make their way around the entire border, lending to the establishment's name. A C-shaped bar sits against the back wall with cushioned stools lining the entire length.

A hearth is located on against the right wall, with a large marble mantle carved with six figures - a wildcat, a raven, a mongoose, a horse and rider, a bear and in the center, a rampaging bull. Freestanding tables dot the open the floor, about a dozen in total, some near the hearth. In colder weather, a fire roars there, but during the warmer months, it remains empty, or has decorative baskets lying inside. Hanging above the mantle is a banner of brown silk with a rampaging bull featured prominently. Flying overhead and just slightly smaller is the image of a striking hawk.

Lining both left and right walls are luxurious booths. Each of these booths is more of a cocoon of wooden warmth, lined by velvet cushions of a deep red. Instead of merely just a place to eat a meal and talk, the booths are literally carved from wood, with unique tables settled inbetween two high backed bench-liked structures that curve upwards to the ceiling. The outline of the two seats as they face each other is roughly oval shape, but each booth has its own small variation to create a uniqueness to each spot. To add to this uniqueness, designs have been painted on each of the wood frames, each depicting something different. Some are just flower designs, while others repeat the figures on display along the hearth's mantle. Gauzy red curtains are tied back at each booth, easily released in case the diners prefer a more intimate experience.

On the left side of the bar is a door that leads into the kitchen, succulent smells drifting outwards at all times of the day from featured cuisines of many different cultures. To the right is a large staircase that leads to the second floor, the railing carved with a pattern of roses.

Electricity has very subtly been brought into play through the whole tavern and inn, soft and subtle lights hidden high in the ceiling. There is a sign at the door: NO WEAPONS ALLOWED ON PREMISES WITHOUT PERMISSION OF OWNER. Anyone found in violation of this will be banned for life.

Xanya Enters the tavern and talks to the bouncers. she smiles a bit and gives them a blade. she then moves further in the tavern and sits at a free table.

Tei nods as she sits, "I am not sure yet what kind of materials we will need and will give you a list once I see the space you will be using."

~I will prepare the necessary materials as soon as possible, then,~ Acran sends to the two women, dipping his carapaced head, ~Have a pleasant trip.~

Katrin gestures for Tei to follow her as she walks in the direction of the door. "Just a short little trip up on the Devil May Care," she says.

Tei stands as well and follows with a nod.

Katrin heads into Downtown. Katrin has left. Tei heads into Downtown. Tei has left.

Xanya works on her pda while she waits for a waitress to arive and take her order. not long after she has sit down a waitress comes and takes Xanya's order. The waitress then goes back to the make sure the order started on. Vessa arrives from Bull and Hawk Tavern and Inn. Vessa has arrived.

The Mekke goes back to drinking a glass of sugar water through a straw, also tapping away on his datapad. A Pyracani comes in and sits down beside the insectoid and the two begin discussing some business deal or another.

After a little while A waitress comes out and goes to Xanya's table to deliver her order. The meal that is serverd seems to look alot like the earth meal spagheti and a large glass of a purple liquid. Xanya is sitting alone at a table.

Vessa comes down the stairs yawning and rubbing her eyes, looking around she sees two faces she recognizes, she calls over to the Mekke, "Hey Acran, hows ya." before heading over to Xanya's table. "Heya Xan, hows the ribs?"

~I am well,~ the Mekke sends over, his mandibles opening widely before he goes back to his drink.

Xanya looks up from her meal and swollows the last bite she took. "I was doing fine untill you reminded me of it." She sais. After which she starts to take a zip from her drink.

Vessa blinks at the words in her head, "Oh wow that is an odd feeling, good that you are well. How is business?" she turns to Xanya, "Sorry bout that, what's up?" she orders the special and coffee.

~Picking up, actually,~ Acran sends looking down at his PDA as a message comes in. He rises to his feet, leaves some money on the counter and starts to head towards the door. ~Pleasant evening to you both,~ he sends, dipping his head ashe passes.

Xanya nods to the man passing as she eats an other bite from her meal. "good day sir." She sais after she swallowed. She then looks to Vessa. "Not much is up. as I have just started on my meal" Xanya sais smiling and points to her almost full plate."

Vessa waves to Acran, "Good to hear, and good to see you. Hope to see you

Xanya "Tasts pretty good so far." She sais while checking something on her pda.

Vessa gets her own food and coffee and digs in, "Awesome, any plans for the day?"

Xanya shakes her head. "no plans so far." she sais while seemingly distracted by something on her pda. "hmmmm." she sais while thinking.

Vessa peeks over at Xan as she checks out her PDA, "Whatcha lookin at?" she asks as she eats

On xanya's PDA large amounts of text can be seen. words like Engineering, Machanical, Architecture, Electrical, Robotics and Repair can be seen on. along with other things related to those subjects. "Huh? OH sorry." Xanya Sais as see realizes she is probably not being verry social. She turns her pda off. "nothing much, just looking at posible jobs thats all." She takes an other bite from her meal. Francesca arrives from Downtown. Francesca has arrived.

With a rather bewildered look upon her face, Francesca weaves her way past the bouncers and into the tavern and makes way for the booths lining its walls. With a shaky hand she settles there, tugging and unfastening the buckles of her protective plates.

Xanya Sits on one of the tables eating a meal looking alot like spaghetti. She also drinks a purple liquid. and seems to be looking at something on her pda.

After stripping herself of the plates covering her limbs and chest, white bodysuit-clad Francesca settles her face against the table before her and seems to relax considerably. Her clothes are quite messy with grime and burn marks, it would seem. It is only after several minutes of resting that she musters the will to straighten herself again and, calling out to the one occupant she sees, venturing a question. "Um, excuse me... could you tell me -where- I am?"

Xanya Xanya looks up to the lady. : this is the Bull and Hawk Tavern if that is what you mean." She takes a zip from her drink.

Tracing an uncertain path with her fingers upon the table, Francesca shakes her head with a rather energetic gesture. "No, no - well, yes, thank you but rather... -where-... in the galaxy... am I?"

Xanya Xanya looks slightly questioning. "this is the planet Pyracan. Why do you ask. did something happen?"

Francesca stares right across the room to Xanya, mouth agape in wonder. "... Pyracan? I've never heard of it!" Her hands rise to scrub at grimy locks of hair. "... Yes, something did happen, it's just... I don't know what... I just remember leaving Earth, and then... it's all a blur."

Xanya smiles a bit and shakes her head. "Earth huh? well I think I know what happend to you then. But before I tell you let me ask one question. What year is it according to you?"

As though the question would answer itself, Francesca stares at the other human dumbfounded. It takes her quite a few moments to notice it isn't actually a trick and, as though prompted by her need to know she's right, she blurts out: "2744, of course!"

"interesting" Xanya sais. "I knew what happend to you when you mentioned you where from earth." Xanya sais as she starts to try explain it to the new woman. "It happend to me too. I come from earth as well. but unlike you I come from the year 2011. I was helping a professor with one of his new projects when I saw a flash of light. next thing I remembered was that I woke up in this world." She speaks and she thinks she might be telling alot more then the lady wants to hear. "in short. you where, like me... Rifted. Thats what the beings in this galaxy call it. and it is the year 2653." Xanya stops talking to give the lady some time to let it sink in.

"Twenty-six... fifty-three...", Francesca mutters, and your hunch that such information might overwhelm her is noticeably correct. Her shoulders slump as the feeling of helplessness sinks in. "I... I do remember a strange light. We were fighting, and suddenly - suddenly, I was here. But a hundred years past...? I haven't even been born yet." Then she returns her gaze to Xanya. "... And you, you should be long past dead."

"I guess rifting goes trough time and space. So wether should be dead or not aperently has no affect on us." Xanya takes a zip from her drink. "I'm happy for it too. I'd hate to be a walking corps." Xanya sais giggling a bit trying to make a joke to try and lift the new ladies spirit a bit."

The woman is not entirely convinced, or at least such is what's apparent from her expression. She's sunken ever further into the booth, letting reality sink in. "This rift, then... it's brought us across time, across space. Can you...", she pauses, as her eyes rise to look at Xanya with hopeful eyes, "... can you go back?"

Xanya smiles disapears and she looks away for a little bit. she then looks back to the woman. "I ask that same question when I first arived here. They tolled me that people are studying the rift and trying to learn from it. but so far....They have not found a way to bring people back from where they came." Xanya speaks with sadness in her voice as if it effects her still.

Perhaps you can feel the proverbial straw break Francesca's back as she once again surrenders to the table's support. She remains there, limp, for a short and silent spell. Eventually, and prodded by nothing at all, she straightens herself, cups her face between her hands and responds to Xanya: "Could you buy me a drink? I've a feeling they won't take my coin here and I -really- need one."

Xanya Nods and raises her hands to ask for a waitress, she looks to the woman. "I asume you want something with alcohol?" The waitress gets to Xanya. "the same drink as I am having but then a bit stronger for that lady over there please. I think she can use it right about now. And I'll pay for it." The Waitress nods and returns to the bar to make the drink. Mean while Xanya turns to The new woman. "My name is Xanya. what is yours?"

A thankful look settles on Francesca's face as the rather welcome sight of a glass of alcohol approaches. "Thank you", she offers up to the waitress before taking hold of the glass and tipping it over, draining its contents in one fell swoop. That should get the buzz going - the sooner the better. "Ahh... I'm sorry." The woman rises from her seat and, with slightly wobbly steps, reaches out to extend a hand to Xanya. "My name is Francesca. My friends call me Fran or Frannie. Very pleased to meet you."

Xanya stands up, takes Frencesca's hand and shakes it. "Nice to meet you. ... There are a few more thinks I think you should know. But I won't tell them unless you think you are ready for it."

Francesca can only mildly anticipate whatever it is Xanya has in store for her next. With a pleading gesture, she motions for the waitress and seems to suggest buying her another drink along with the explanation.

Akamatsu arrives from Downtown. Akamatsu has arrived.

Xanya smiles and motions to the waitress for an other drink for francesca. Xanya then motions to Francesca to sit on her table. "When I learned what happend to me, I needed some time to let it sink into me as well. Although I admit not needing alcohol to help me. Anyway, It didn't take me long to ask if I could go back to earth in this time and ... galaxy. They told me I could not, since there is no earth here." Xanya Sighs a bit. "I'm sorry to be the bringer of such bad news."

As though entranced by the contents of her drink, soon after settling on an empty seat does Francesca begin staring down intently at her glass. The fact that she continues to listen to Xanya is made evident by certain nods at key points in her story, but it's only when she makes her last statement that the newcomer's gaze is once again drawn to the speaker. "What... do you mean, no Earth here? Did... something happen to it? If this is the past... it should be somewhere."

Akamatsu enters the bar in his normal eye catching ronin attire after turning his one-man armory into the nice bouncers and noting Xanya. The ronin approaches their table with a nod to the pair "How are you two doing today?" For some reason he seems to be in a good mood.

Xanya Looks to Francesca and raises her shoulders. "I have no idea what happend to earth. it is quit posible that we are in some other dimention where earth never excisted at all." Xanya looks up to see is talking to them. she smiles a bit when she sees who it is. "I am doing fine. But the lady here is newly rifted. she is having a bad day. to say the least." Francesca listens to further explanations with nothing short of exhaustion. "Oh boy.", she musters before knocking her second glass back in another display of courageous drinking. Once the empty vessel has been settled on the table yet again and her attention wanders towards Akamatsu, she addresses him. "Er... hello there?" The familiarity of his tone seems to have confused her. "Yes. A bad day."

Akamatsu nods to Xanya and replies "Say no more." The ronin proceeds to grab the jug hanging on his hip and hand it to the new riftee and say "Drink up. You'll need it I think. I'll warn you it's some strong booze though. Sake if you're familiar with it. I'm originally from Earth too. Got rifted here from 14th century Japan. You're looking at the only former samurai in this universe."

Xanya xanya smiles. "He is good too. I fought him not to long ago. I can still feel my ribs because of it." She sais smiling to Aka. She then turns to Francesca. "if you have a question just ask. between the two of us I am sure we can awsner it." Xanya sais to her with an encouraging smile.

With a nod in gratitude, Francesca reaches for the jug that Akamatsu presents and proceeds to pour herself a glass of this new brewage. She looks down at it... her expression seems to imply 'how bad can it be?' And so she takes a rather healthy sip from her glass - not all of it, but around half. Her words begin to slur ever so more after this. "Well... y'know, I'm not sure where to shtart! 21st century Xanya and 14th century... umm... samurai fellow...", she stares at him for a moment. "What's your name again? And why are you two so calm about this?"

Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies with an outstretched hand "I'm Akamatsu. You can just call me Aka, most people do. I'm so calm because I've been here for almost two years and I'm used to it now. Personally I like it more here. If you had it like me in my homeland you'd know why."

Xanya Smiles. "And I am calm because it's in my nature. But also because I have been here for a while now. No idea how long. I also had other slightly bigger problems to worry about."

Francesca wrinkles her nose as the intensity of the sake kicks in. After offering a hand in greeting to Akamatsu, she continues. "Bigger problems? Than... hell, interdimensional travel? I'd sure like to know what those could be."

Xanya looks a bit sad again and shakes her head. "That, ... would be something I am not ready to tell yet. a select few now about it but I hope they will keep it to themselves." Xanya takes her glas and drinks the last quarter of it. She then motions to the waitress for a stronger version fo what she has been drinking so far. "When I was rifted here people told me I would eventualy need to get used to a new life here." As if it was already entisipated the waitress quickly arives with a new drink for Xanya. "For me that has taken up a whole new meaning."

Akamatsu chuckles a bit at the new life part and replies to the new riftee "Think of it this way. You have a brand new slate. Anything you did where you used to be? That's gone. You can start over. Look at me. I lived in excile as a ronin for seven years with about as much human contact as your average forst animal. Now I'm being offered military positions and am in a relationship with the best woman I've ever met."

Francesca remains quiet and silent for a few moments. It isn't that the words of her two new acquaintances have calmed her apprehension but, rather, that they've given food for thought. "A new life, huh...?", she says, echoing Xanya. Her gaze diverts to the rest of the tavern, eventually, in yet further thought. "Maybe... maybe that's not so bad." She looks up to Akamatsu and offers a slight nod of her head. "I'm Francesca, by the way."

Xanya, Francesca and Akamatsu are sitting at a table. talking to eachother. Francesca has been drinking several glasses of alcahol and Xanya has finished her meal and is drinking a purple liquid of her own. "A new life is an option for all of us rifted people. weather it feels forced upon us or not. IN aka's case it sounds like it turned out for the best, in your case I have no idea and I do not need ot know unless you feel like talking about it. In my case it feels a bit forced upon me, but I am learning to live with it anyway."

Vessa walks down the stairs and seeing Aka walks up behind him using a nearby napkin tries to tickle his ear

Akamatsu nods to Fran and replies "Good to meet you. As for making that new life a reality..." Then he is assaulted by a rogue...napkin. The ronin quickly grabs the wristof the assailant and turns around to see Vessa. The ronin proceeds to pluck the napkin out of her grabbed hand and say "You know if I have something on my face you should just tell me." It's clear he's joking about it and quickly lets Vessa go.

Xanya looks up to vessa and smiles. "Hi girls. how are you?" She wants to ask something but her pda goes of and Xanya Takes a look at it.

Vessa grins at Aka, "Well next time I can just lick the napkin first if you like." she gives Xanya a wave, "So you were saying something about a new way to make money when I got called away."

Akamatsu smirks at that and replies "Fair enough. Next time I can just go for a straight temple strike instead of grabbing your wrist." After a moment he asks with a raises brow "Get rich quick scheme?"

Xanya Shakes her head as she tries to read something on her pda. "no not a quick scheme. as far as I know it's perfectly legal. But then again I have no idea what is legal here and whats not."

Vessa rolls her eyes at Aka, "How would you explain to the Boss that you laid out her security officer over a napkin hmmm?" she looks over to Xanya, "What is your idea?" she takes a seat at the table and orders a coffee.

Akamatsu chuckles a bit to Vessa and replies "S-She scared me! I wasn't expecting it and I threw a punch!" He's clearly no actor. After that he pays a bit of attention to Xanya's scheme.

Xanya Types a few things on her PDA and turning it around to her friends. ON the PDA there is a list of words. some of the words in that list are Engineering, Architecture, Robotics, Mechanical, Repair, Electrical, Enginering permit and some more things. "would that awsner your question?" She askes wondering if her friends can make it out by themselves.

Vessa reads the list and looks at Xanya confused, "Uh you want to take over the world one field at a time?"

Akamatsu raises a brow to Xanya and replies simply "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it has something to do with getting an engineering permit."

Xanya Turns her PDA around and giggles. "no no, I'm not going to take over the world silly." She sais to Vessa. "back home I studied several things all involving something that are on this list. It seems that with some studieing I could make my work from it out here. and perhaps.... make ships. ... some day." Xanya is sitting at a table with Aka and Vessa.

Vessa raises a surprised eyebrow, "Do you have the capitol to start a business like that? I mean go for it, that sounds awesome but that looks like a lot of learning and what about materials and stuff?"

Xanya raises her shoulders. "I have no idea, thats why i am trying to find as much info as posible."

Maina steps in from outside, totally, not from upstairs. Yes. She looks around the tavern with a faint frown.

Vessa stands up and looks around, "Where is that coffee? I know I ordered some, not losing my memory yet." she flags down a server to ask after it and scans the tavern as she does, she sees Maina as she does and waves her over with that special smile before looking back at Xanya, "How far have you gotten with your research?" "I know that there engineering jobs can have a variaty of difficulties. I am trying to find out about what is needed for all of them and then mostly for the entry level ones." She sighs a bit thinking of all she has found so far. she looks up to see what Vessa is waving at and sees maina. She waves to maina smiling. "I should now try to look into learning all I need to know to get started. That might take a while I think."

Maina smiles over at Vessa, making her way that direction, "How're you two?"

Vessa slips an arm around Maina and givers her a welcome kiss before holding her hand out to assist Maina into the booth if she wishes." Very good indeed, You just missed Aka before he had to run off and do Ronin stuff as he put it. Xanya was just telling me about her looking into a new career as an engineer." her coffee finally arrives and she sighs in relief.

"I still have a long way to go." She adds to Vessa's Storry. "and I am doing fine to. how are you?"

Maina slips into the booth, "Doing okay, I suppose."

Vessa slips in next to Maina and fixes up her coffee, taking her first sip she sighs happily, "Ahhhh, now that is worth the wait." looking back up she nods to Xanya, "Good luck on your research." she looks over to Maina, "Anything exciting happen today? I can tell you that I have had breakfast and now coffee. Yay excitement, oh yeah and physical therapy, wooo." she winks to show she is joking.

Xanya Nods to Vessa and then looks to maina waiting to hear what she has to say. Mean while she keeps doing some research on her PDA.

Maina smiles a little at Vessa, "Nothing new so far, no. Sorry I can't add to the excitement."

Vessa chuckles softly and leans against Maina as she curls her hands around her warm cup, "Excitement isn't everything love. I am sure we can make a little excitement of our own, I am thinking another visit to the Hotel would be nice." she gives Maina puppy dog eyes over her cup rim.

Xanya Shakes her head and smiles. "something tels me I am soon becomming a crowd here. So I will leave you two love birds alone." She puts her PDA away and stretches herself and yawns quit a bit along with it. "boy can one get tired from doing research." She stands up and leaves some credits on the table for her meal and drinks that she ordered.

Maina giggles softly over at Vessa, "If you like, honey..."

Vessa nods enthusiastically, "Would like, would like very much yes." she looks over at Xanya, "Have a good one Xan, good hunting." she says with a smile. and takes a drink from her warm cup

Xanya thinks of huggin the girls for a moment but instead she simply waves to the them. "by girls. Have fun." She walks to the door and talks a bit to the bouncers Laughing a bit at one of there attempts at making a joke. Then gets her weapon and leaves the tavern.

Vessa gives Xanya a wave when a server comes to the table and speaks to her quietly, "Scuse me for a sec, problem upstairs be right back." putting down her cup she heads upstairs.

Tei steps in distractedly, she is tapping away at her PDA and muttering to herself, most of it sounds like math of one form or another with some material name thrown in there now and then. She only realize where she is when she nearly runs over a server, who she asks, "Is Miss Katrin here? I need to speak to her about that building project she wants done." when the server shakes her head the woman sighs and looks sadly at her PDA, "But, the project." she says in a sad voice.