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"The name's Dean," The Phyrrian reminds, standing then. He doesn't look too irritated. "Nice meeting you, Majors."
"The name's Dean," The Phyrrian reminds, standing then. He doesn't look too irritated. "Nice meeting you, Majors."
[[category:Logs That Include Razorback]]

Latest revision as of 12:01, 21 April 2013

United Front Conference

Summary: Members of the Orion Confederacy gather to discuss preparations for Kamsho, an alliance with the MCV Alopex, as well as expansion on Materi Syna.

Cast: Akamatsu, Darian, Dean, Majors, Vadim, Victoria

Air Date: 07:27 PM - Sunday 10 July - 2653 AD

Setting: Conference Room <United Front>

A relatively small room that is dominated by a long conference table. About fifteen people could comfortable sit around this table. The table and the walls themselves are holographic projectors, capable of displaying almost anything required. Dataports at every seat allow for datapads to be hooked up, either to download or upload data. The default image projected from the table is a realtime image of the United Front.

Contents: Exits:
Bridge, Command Deck

Currently standing with his hands held behind his back is one Sivadian in a Captain's uniform. The man has his back turned towards the door and is staring intently at a wall projecting the image of a Zarist Scout Ship.

"Haven't been here for some time," Dean remarks to the group he's walking in with, taking a quick glance around as he enters the conference room. The United Front image projected from the table also gets a look. Then he spots Majors. The Overmind starts his way, glancing behind to make sure everyone's with him. Akamatsu follows closely behind Dean and idly wonders what it is Majors wants. The ronin merely salutes the man upon arrival noticing the captains uniform. Victoria follows Dean, trying not to get too caught up in the new setting. She is turned around and walking backwards when she enters the conference room. "Quite a ship," she notes quietly, looking through schematics on her HUD as she turns to face the fellow near the back of the room. She belatedly salutes.

Majors lets out a lung full of sweet smoke and turns to look at those that have just entered. "Why good afternoon Gentlemen, Lady." He says as he glances the trio over. He returns the salute then slides into a seat at the head of the table. "I am Acting Captain Majors. If you must know I spent three life times fighting Nall." He says idly. "I have heard rumors of more probes into our space." The Sivadian says with a deep frown. "I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter and our current practice of... waiting."

"Name's Dean. Overmind of the New Phyrrian Enclave, nice to meet you." A salute is given from the Phyrrian as he also takes a seat. It creaks a little bit in protest. "Well, if you've spent three lifetimes doing that then this ship is in good hands." His hands fold together on the table as he responds, "I've had similar findings, and waiting...Is not something that we want to be doing. Not with the Nall, nor the Zarists."

Akamatsu takes a seat as well saying to Majors "Well. I think we need to take action. The delay of our mission is most unfortunate. I also however am not sure of how successful such a mission would be without Razor who seems to have gone missing." The ronin idly scratches his chin while saying this.

"Everyone getting along alright in here?" says the voice with the tell-tale Ungstiri accent. The President of Confederacy stands in the hatchway, wearing anything but his usual business suit. It's all spacer gear today, a look of time when he didn't have to care about his outward appearance. "See everyone is meeting with our Kapitan. Heard good things about the people in the Union Fleet. At least, what they were willing to share about the future."

Victoria lifts a brow, looking to Dean before taking a seat nearby. She mimics his posture. Three lifetimes... Declining to comment, she simply studies Majors, adding subtle details to the network. Vadim enters, and she waits to see if the others will get up and salute.

"Hmmm well if you wish to know more, I am willing to share. I am not one of those that thinks we can actively alter the past." Majors replies to Vadim as he enters the room. He rises as he enters and offers him a seat next to him. "Phyrrian ships are not something I am overly familiar with.. Similar to the one man battleships on Sivad I imagine. Could you create a scoutship?" He asks of Dean. Akamatsu gets a glance and a lift of the brow. "We shall not speak like that here. Saying that a mission rests wholly on the shoulders of one man doesn't speak well of him, but rather poorly of you. Are you a defeatist my good man?" He asks as he takes another drag from his cigarette. "If the Presidents approves, we shall be preparing for an offensive shortly."

Dean turns back towards Vadim and gives him a nod in greeting, and then addresses Majors, "Our ships are mostly 3000's era technology, modded with bits from my era in the 4000's. They are fully crewed with Helot-class models capable of boarding actions, engineering, navigation, like any other crew. The Steel Beach also has some organic crew members as well." A nod at the second question, "Yes, I could run through schematics and would be able to make a scoutship class, though what did you have in mind?" The Overmind looks towards Victoria a moment, and then back at the Captain.

"While I admire Kapitan Majors' bravado, when we do attack, I'm hoping it will be a multi-lateral mission." Vadim replies. "For instance. Our plan was to create a distraction above Kamsho while we landed a ship to assist and aid the insurgents. That plan will still happen, it's only a matter of when. Right now, I would like to speak with the Pyracani military. If we could make this a joint-mission on both sides, I feel things would go better in our direction. Not only that, but it would show others that Outverser and Hiverspace governments can work together in a time of need like this." A returned nod goes to Dean, then to Vicky.

(From Dean, to Victoria) "Run through the schematics found on the Phyrrian warships and bring up what we can on their scoutships."

Victoria's lips turn up into a faint smile upon Akamatsu getting schooled, otherwise remaining silent. Eventually she pulls out her PDA and begins taking notes.

Akamatsu salutes to Vadim upon his arrival and replies to Majors "No sir. I just feel that if we would have gone forward with the plan without contacting the Pyracani we'd be worse off for it. I didn't say the mission would definitely fail without him." The ronin notices Vik's smile but decides not to comment.

(From Victoria, to Dean) There is a flashing, pending icon on Dean's HUD, which is soon replaced by impossibly detailed schematics of warships, and a fewer amount of scoutships.

"Hmm a man.. machine.. tinman from my own time. I was thinking something akin to the small scout vessels of your race's fleet. Small, unmanned, and with little need of resupply. I want to know what is out there, and I'd rather not put more people in danger than needed." The Sivadian puffs away. "Talk with the Pyracani would be good for all involved. They have a force larger than ours." Majors comments. "Good. The mission will go forward in any case. We need a victory." The Sivadian glances over at Victoria and frowns deeply. "Is something amusing at the moment? You have been rather silent. I take it you are in Mister Dean's staff?"

"Any word on communication with the Pyracani military?" Dean asks towards Vadim, though his attention goes back to Majors then, "Yes, we have the ability to create such a craft." He eyes Majors a moment, when he hears he's also from the same time period. "We're looking to expand on Materi Syna, and with it, our ability to mass produce models as well as spacecraft." He allows Victoria to make her own introduction.

"One thing, I have wanted to ask." Vadim turns to Dean. "How goes the rebuilding of the Phyrrian Fleet? I haven't wanted to ask this since last time anyone saw a Phyrrian Fleet, well, I suppose it doesn't really matter here. Nyet anyone is going to talk badly about it on New Resilience...considering Phyrrian built most of the buildings there. Anyways. Regardless of how many ships the Mare Tranquillis pumps out for us, we will be at a disadvantage. So joining our fleet to Pyracan, seems to work in the best interests for everyon. But nyet, but I intend to within a few days. I just spent over a month in political talks with Pyracan and the Commonwealth."

Victoria straightens up when Majors addresses her. "Nothing amusing, sir. Yes, Dean's staff. Phyrrian scoutships manned by Helots will be more than adequate. The MCV Alopex is a Caeles-Class Destroyer manned by Commander Rynnkk Caerrikk. A Phyrrian district on Materi Syna would be beneficial," she agrees, nodding to Dean.

Akamatsu grows silent at this point feeling this conversation is slightly out of his league. When Victoria speaks he idly ponders if she'll let a captain know of her race but again says nothing content to merely scratch his chin and listen.

Majors nods his head slightly and puffs some more on his cigarette. "Helots? As in those the Spartains enslaved?" He asks before he taps a finger on the tabletop. "How heavy are the weapons we are planning on giving the insurgents? And might I ask if this mission is going to be anything other than a political and PR move?"

"That's part of the influence of their model name, yes." Dean responds to the Captain, also adding, "And they wouldn't need to be manning the scoutships, I'd have them put to more useful positions." A look towards the Ungstiri, "We've got enough manpower, now we need resources. A resource blitz would surely be enough to kick our fleet into high gear, so that is the current objective. As far as marines and infantry units go, they are in constant production and are of sizable force."

Vadim shakes his head at Majors. "Nyet. On the contrary, we really do intend on liberating Kamsho. From within and without. Razorback was going to lead a team and survive in the jungles where the insurgents against the Zarist regime hide out, train them, and hopefully disrupt enough on planet that we can finish the job." There's a nod to Dean. "Da. Karasho, tovarisch. Just keep producing what you can. We'll need as many as we can."

Darian arrives from Command Deck <United Front>.

"Hmm.. I hope they are as effective in combat as reports from the Phyrrian War hint at." Majors replies thoughtfully. "We have the basic bits of a plan hashed out. Anyone have anything they wish to add?"

Victoria continues her notes, attempting to calculate how long a resource blitz would take. To the captain, she merely shakes her head.

Akamatsu shakes his head in unison with Vicky and adds to his "No sir."

The group is seated around a conference table discussing war tactics apparently. Victoria having a PDA out taking notes and Majors puffing away at a cigarette.

"I do," Dean says after a moment, "Something we've got to keep an eye out for." He looks towards the Captain, and Vadim. "There are normalspace Phyrrians here in the hiververse now. And their allegiance is not to me. In fact, quite the opposite. How many and what their motives are is still unknown." He looks for the reaction of the Captain, "It's something we will have to keep tabs on."

Striding into the room where war plans are being discussed, Darian takes out his porta-computer, which is bigger and more advanced than a laptop, but not quite as big as a desktop. He says, "Hey, sorry if I'm a bit late." He takes a seat at an empty chair and listens to the conversation a bit before talking.

"A two front war?" Majors frowns deeply over at Dean. "Do we have any idea where they are?" He asks as he steeples his hands. "We have had no contact with them?"

Victoria looks up. "We've gleaned a chip, sir. But we cannot trace them."

Akamatsu nods to Victoria and adds "Didn't they hack Dean? Something about throwing a guy into a wall?" The ronin really is trying to add to the conversation but alas doesn't have much to add.

Darian's ears perk up. "What's that about hacking? Need a counterattack?"

"I'm not sure if it's that serious." Dean replies, eying the newcomer with a nod before shifting attention back to Majors, "Akamatsu saw them. They have been spotted on Comorro, asking the occupants there if they know or have seen me...It could just be a small contingent gone rogue. If there in mass, then I would wonder how they maintained their connection with the normalspace Overmind."

"Hack is a strong word," Victoria murmurs, eying Darian with no small amount of suspicion. "A worm was planted."

Akamatsu nods to Dean and replies "I would suggest having a bodyguard on hand most of the time by the way Dean. In case you get a worm planted again." To Victoria he sees her eying Darian with suspicion and says simply "He's Confederacy, you can trust him."

"So.. these things are not confirmed then?" Majors replies with a small upturn of his lips. "Do put out any feelers you can of course. But we do not another major distraction at the time." He states. "A body guard would not stop a worm." He adds absently. "Do we have an officer's club on this ship?"

Dean nods towards Majors, "Of course. I'll be keeping an eye on it. I've upgraded anti-viral software and the like, a second worm file is highly unlikely." A look towards the Aukami who just sat down, "You good with that computer? Could use someone like you to track down where they might be."

Victoria eventually pulls her gaze from Darian and looks back to Akamatsu. "There are defenses in place to prevent another internal attack," she intones, apparently not too concerned about her identity within this ship. "You could carry an EMP weapon, if that would make you feel better, Akamatsu." She looks to Dean, stylus tapping. "We can start building on Materi Syna almost immediately, Overmind."

"Finally," says Darian. "I can probably do that, if I could get the original file. Or at least whatever attempts of a trace you've already run on it."

"I would rather not have people carrying EMPs on my ship." Majors says with a small frown. "No, I trust enough in his firewalls and the skills of security forces here." He states. "Hmmm.. so no officers club?"

Akamatsu grows silent once more seeing as hacking isn't his strong point and waits for the next topic to come up. Hopefully one about swords and guns. Those he knows about.

"Wouldn't know, this ain't my ship," Dean responds to Majors, "And we don't have any of those on our cruisers." A shrug, "Wouldn't be opposed to going planetside." To Victoria, "Good. Make preparations. I'll send out a signal indicating the construction." Then to the hacker. "You need to go to Comorro Station, the tradeport, and run scans on the local network there. That's where the worm file was, so I'm assuming you might be able to trace and ghost something."

Victoria slides the keyboard to her PDA shut and stands. "Yes sir. Will that be all?" She looks to Dean, then Majors.

Darian looks to Dean, acknowledging his order with a nod. "I'll get right on that. I'll hopefully have the results of my attempt to you within a few days."

"Very well. Since business is over. I think I need to have a drink and stare at a woman's arse." Majors states as he stands up. "You tall and skinny, get started tracing that worm. Tinman, Tinwoman, build more killbots. Mister Samurai.... Something." He states as he starts to collect his things.

"The name's Dean," The Phyrrian reminds, standing then. He doesn't look too irritated. "Nice meeting you, Majors."