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Latest revision as of 08:50, 25 November 2013

Talking near a falari fountain

Summary: Serveral people meet near a fountain on falar

Cast: Xanya, Wu, newt, Ladek.

Air Date: januari 5th, 2655

Setting: Windplain Square - Falar

The key feature around which the city was built, Windplain Square contains a large fountain built around an artesian well, which also provides the city with most of its water, aside from that pumped from the river below in Talon Canyon.

Contents: Exits:
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Xanya is standing near the fountain and has a camera(2D not holo) in hand. She uses this to try and take some pictures from the fountain. She has her aid mark help out by pointing a hand held flash light at the fountain from different angles.

Completely oblivious to the poor girl trying to take a picture, a Wu enchanted by aliens and alien landscapes rushes up to the fountain to get a better look. But to be fair, even at Xanya's height, she's tiny compared to the the Falari; Wu probably didn't see her. He leans forward with both hands on the edge of the fountain, watching various reflections play about in the churning waters.

Newt's coming in from the street, a backpack? or a device of some sort on his back.

Xanya smiles seeing Wu looking at the reflextions in the water of the fountain. Her aid Mark is about to head over to wu to ask him to stand back a bit but Xanya waves that it is alright. She smiles and heads over to sit near the fountain. she turns her camera to see what she has photografed so far.

Wu, remaining oblivious, admires the fountain, the sunlight playing on the water, on so on a little bit longer. Then he turns, perhaps in search of the next spectacle. His eyes stop briefly when they find Xanya, the other non-Falari, but after a quick, friendly smile should she look back, his gaze moves on. When Wu sees Newt, however, he looks mildly but not terribly surprised, waves, and moves over. "Did you get a flight pack?" he asks curiously, leaning left and then right as though to try and get a better look.

Wu, Newt, Xanya, and Xanya's aide Mark are all in the square, not far from fountain. Newt's got a backpack or device, Xanya has a 2D (as opposed to holo) camera, and Mark has a flash to help out with whatever photos Xanya may decide to take.

Newt looks up at you, having been preoccupied with the straps, and grins, "/Totally/. Best place for em. You gonna get one?" Ladek walks the way of the square with his footsteps gentle upon the ground, his gaze shifting at the variety of people that traverse, his scarf and his jacket billow about with the air, moving towards the area where the others are gathered about. Xanya looks back at wu and smiles too. She is about to ask him something when he looks on again and goes to Wu. Hearing about the flightpack she gives her camera to her Aid mark who stores it in one of the backpacks he has with him. Xanya then moves to Wu and Newt to excamen the flight pack. "Hi there. Mind if I ask where you got it? the flight pack I mean? or is it a jet pack, like I got?"

"Oh," Wu can't help but just grin at the thought. He steps around to get a better look at the backpack as he continues, "I could afford to now." But his expression falters a little and he lets out a long breath. "But I would probably just kill myself with it. Still," he nods to the surrounding Falari that go about their business in the city, "Can you imagine having wings? It must be great."

Wu greets Xanya with a smile and says, "Hi," but then he looks to Newt as she asks her question. Even if Wu might not rent one himself, he still looks curious. Ladek, for the moment, remains unnoticed among the much, much taller avians and with his current involvement in conversation.

Ladek shifts through the square as his feet pick up, the man lifting a hand of greetings when approaching the group, "Well there's some quite familiar friends," he says, where they can likely hear him. Probably looks to be somewhat less than noticable for his stature, though weapons make him slightly a curiousity among the people.

Newt looks over to Xanya, "Heyas. Uh. I dunno. This one has wings that come out and stuff. Does yours?"

Xanya nods smiling. "yes it does. one moment I'll get it." She walks over to her Aid mark and gets her jetpack out. then walks back and shows it to wu and newt, and anyone who might be standing near them. "see this is my jetpack. I actualy make them myself." She says.

Wu grins and waves to Ladek. "You know everyone already?"

"There are some brochures and stuff in the spaceport," Wu supplies, "But I didn't look very closely. And there are probably some stores along the streets here." Wu falls silent as Xanya gets her jetpack out, inspecting it closely and looking impressed.

Newt begins to look it over, "You make em? I hadda rent mine. Hard to find ones the right size." He continues examining, "Where do the wings come out of?"

Ladek looks curiously at the pack, his hand brushing at hair with curiousity, "Kind of," he says, approaching them.

Xanya giggles a bit at newts metioning of wings. "well I'm not a robotic expert or knowladgeble with animals. So i made this with things I know best, which is Starship engine parts. these engines at the side are actualy smaller versions of the thrusters that lift ships off teh ground." She says smiling, loving the interest people show for her work.

Wu just remains quiet for now, listening closely but not contributing anything for the time being.

Ladek moves, standing by Wu, with a yawn, "I wish your people would perform business with me," he says, then looks at Wu, "I bought myself a fighter," he adds, then interjects to Xanya, "I am fair with robotics if you ever have any questions."

Newt ohs looking at those parts, ignoring everything else, "Seriously?"

Xanya nods to newt. "yes seriously I make them myself. I'm owner of the company Stardust Manufacturing. Xanya Harden is my name." She says offering a hand to wu and newt should they wish to accept it. Then she looks to ladek and nods understanding.

Newt looks up at you, still ignoring everyone else, "I'm Newt. Pilot and explorer. Make any in my size?"

Wu looks briefly confused at the mention of business, but then just asks Ladek curiously, "A fighter? What for?" Unfamiliar with both ship parts /and/ robotics, Wu simply listens - interested, but probably not knowing the different between small ship thrusters and whatever else would be used. He takes Xanya's hand and shakes. "I'm Wu Hei." He smiles, "Nice to meet you."

Ladek rubs his chin with curiousity, "What do they make?" he asks with curiousity, adding for Wu, "Oh for combat, if I ever have to fight again."

Xanya nods to newt. "I can make them in any size, actualy." She says and looks to ladek. "Stardust Manufacturing is my company and I make Starships, Space stations, Aircraft and even Hover vehicles. I even got plans on making Sea worthy Vehicles."

Newt /finally/ looks away from Xanya and her jetpack and at everyone else, stopping at Ladek aaaand moving on back to Xanya, "Cool. How much and stuff?"

Wu gives Ladek a quizzical look. "But for a cargo company?" Wu looks a little skeptical.

Hands in his pockets, Wu follows the conversation between Xanya and Newt. To the former, he asks after Newt, "Oh, uhm, if you're in that field, do you know anyone that manufactures nonlethal weapons?"

Ladek looks at the Xanya with curiousity, "Or armour, also if you are willing for business I have things I need, then again, I dunno who ya company is situated with as far as government," towards Wu, "I like soldiering for when the multiverse finds itself needing a hero," he says, "Or ya know, I really like looking cool." Xanya smiles and newts question. "well as for these jetpacks it will set you back about 1000 Hekayti credits. and delivery should be no longer then about 1 or 2 weeks." She then looks to Wu. "As for weapons I also make those since I tend to have to make ships that need weapons as well. and nonlethal weapons is actualy one I like to make the most. mostly because of there not being able to kill poeple." She then looks to ladek. "Armor is something I do not do. I always go to a friend of mine for that. as for the goverment Stardust Manufacturing works Under.... It's Danu Chroi."

Ladek audibly facepalms.

Newt ohs. "1000? Really?" He sounds a bit disappointed and gets lost in thought... almost. On the mention of Danu he perks up, "Hey. I work for the gov there." He grins as cutely as possible, "Getta discount?"

Wu gives Ladek a kind of funny but good humored look, and just nods. But he turns back to Xanya - when she mentions she makes weapons, he stands up to his full height (which still isn't much, but he /is/ taller than Newt and Ladek) with renewed attention. "I would like to buy one," Wu says, cheerfully resolute. He should probably have asked for a price and feigned a bit more hesitant, but haggling is apparently not one of the young man's strong points.

But for all his enthusiasm, Newt's comment draws Wu's eyes over and he can't help but stare for a good long moment. Not a bad kind of stare, though.

Ladek rubs at his chin with that thoughtful look, as if sizing up Xanya, "They ever say what it is they want me to do so I can come back?" he asks curiously, "I had a rescue mission that was kind of shitty because they were worried about giving me PTB for assistance," he says, then leans towards Wu with a whisper, nudging him, trying to be as quiet as can be about asking him to buy him some stuff. Wink wink nudge nudge? Xanya smiles to Newt. "I thought I recognized you. where do you work? I myself am on the danu chroi counsil." She says and looks to Wu smiling at his cheerfullness. "I'm willing to help you get one of those weapons but I need to check what options you have. ahm out of my head you got dart pistols and dart riffle's. also shock weapons and probabbly some more. But I never considered selling any of those weapons." She then looks to ladek sighing a bit. "I have no idea ladek. from what I recall the counsil wanted you to come up with that yourself and present your idea to the counsil." She then thinks a bit but is interupted by her PDA going off. her eyes got out of focus and she shakes her head. "Darn it. can't they do anything without me?" She says and stands up motioning her aid Mark to start packing things up, wich he does as qucikly as he can. "Alright you three I have to leave sadly. if you wish to buy anything from me send me a message." She says and hands out her Business card with contact information, to all 3 inculding ladek. To Ladek she adds. "As Stardust Manufacturing I'm willing to do business with you. but only on neutral grounds. as in not on any place owned or governed by Danu Chroi. Also considering our history I might limit the items I sell to you. But send me a message and I'll let you know what I can do."

Newt takes the card, looking it over, "I'm a pilot over there. It's cool and stuff."

Wu might not have figured out the whole bad blood thing yet, so Ladek gets another one of those kind of funny looks but Wu starts to nod, although Xanya leaving suddenly suddenly pulls back his attention. He takes the card with both hands, nods and a quiet "Ok," but looks between Xanya and Ladek with no small amount of interest and open curiosity at the bits about him and DC.

Ladek lifts up a brow with an honest curiousity at the willingness for business, nodding politely, "Of course," offers the man, smiling at Xanya, "I guess I will come up with a way," he adds, "Also if you can relay to counsel that I am giving it thought," then a thought, glancing at Xanya as before she moves, "Whats the status with the New Lotorians with their Leader killed?" he asks, whatever the answer, a polite nod is given, turning to Wu, "I will explain it later."

Xanya nods to newt and smiles. "Pilot he? right I remember now. I hope we can talk again soon." She then looks to Wu and smiles kindly to him. "I hope to hear from you again." She then raises her shoulders at ladeks question. "I have no idea bout the lotorians and all." She says and as her Aid Mark is done she walks away and waves to all. "good bey fokes. till we meet again." She says as she walsk into the direction of the spaceport.