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[[Category:Xanya's Logs]]
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== Celebrating an exam passed ==
== Celebrating an exam passed ==
''A log by Xanya''
''A log by Xanya''
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Xanya Wobbles and isn't walking in a straight line but eventualy she makes it to the door and goes out.
Xanya Wobbles and isn't walking in a straight line but eventualy she makes it to the door and goes out.
[[Category:OtherSpace Logs]]
[[Category:Xanya's Logs]]

Latest revision as of 10:16, 25 November 2013

Celebrating an exam passed

A log by Xanya

Comorrite Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>

Built within a blue-crimson trunk that bisects two cavernous respiration chambers within what amounts to the Yaralu's "chest," the Comorrite Hub is home to numerous bony nodes that serve as residential modules for the station's inhabitants. Many of them exhale carbon dioxide and other chemicals that the Yaralu can filter and recycle for its own respiratory system.

Maina frowns a bit at Vessa, "There are ways to 'fix' it, Vessa." They are both sitting on a bench outside the cafe.

Vessa looks torn and more then a little desperate, "I had an idea, I don't know if it will help or not but, what if I sent a message everyday, twice a day even to let you know I was okay?"

Xanya walks in from the levimodule. at first she seems to be in a hurry, but when she sees maina and vessa together she stops and stays at a distance.

Maina frowns a little, "That'd help, yes..." she trails off.

Vessa looks somewhat encouraged, "What else? Hell, I will even wear a device where you can monitor everything if you want, from my general health to whatever, dear gods love just let me know and, if I can, I will do it."

Xanya keeps at a distance and just out fo hearing range. but doesn;t want to intrude. Instead she finds a place to sit and way. while reading on her PDA.

Maina shrugs a little, "Well, what are you wanting? To not hurt me? To stay together? To be able to go without worrying about me?"

"What I want is to not hurt you, yes to stay together, and of course I will worry about you, wherever I go, that doesn't just turn off." Vessa frowns, "I want to lessen your worry about me, to help dissipate this idea that one week on this planet apart from you will kill me. I don't want you to feel like you will lose me just from me doing my job."

Maina frowns a bit, "Well, if you go off to other planets without me to fight, that's always going to be a problem. So the only ways to 'fix' this are..." she sighs, "... I dunno..."

Vessa sighs, "Ah love, I am not going anywhere to fight. That isn't the plan or the point of us going anywhere. In fact we are all going to be doing everything we possibly can to not fight and the most fighting I am likely to be doing is kicking Majors in the ass for being an ass."

Maina raises a brow, "Doesn't mean you won't be fighting. Doesn't mean it won't happen again."

Vessa considers this and nods, "That is true, there is the potential for fighting to occur but I would say it is about the same danger level as being here. Judging by the report, these people are not hostile per se, just cautious and wanting a cure, badly." she sits quietly for a moment, "Love, the whole crew will be watching out for each other, we are all going to be trying to keep each other safe, as well as ourselves. With that much caution and a heightened level of observation, even if there is fighting, I don't think it will be a cause for concern. Even still, if you want I would happily make it so you can see even my stress levels if you want."

Maina frowns, "And then what? What if something does happen? Then I get to know it's happening and can't do anything about it."

Vessa runs her hand through her hair looking torn again, "I...I don't know. I can tell you that I will be wearing my armor constantly, that I will be taking every precaution. I don't know if it will help or not but I just found out that I will be leading the crew. If nothing else I do take my responsibilities seriously and I have to be alive and well to fulfill those." she shrugs helplessly, "I don't know what else to do, I mean yeah, perhaps the monitor thingy is a bad idea but the armor and the messages at least will let you know that I will be protected from far more then these people have tech to get through and that I have made it through each day."

Maina sighs a little, "Can't you teach instead, like we talked about? Get work as security for a building instead of a ship? Just... just quit the DMC."

Vessa takes a long while to answer as though putting her thoughts in order, "Teaching is fine as a side job but it isn't enough, there isn't enough to do. Not enough challenge, as for security for a building, the same problem, there is only so much that is required and there is no real difficulty to it." she rubs the back of her neck and sighs, "And I am no longer security for the DMC, as of yesterday I am her Captain."

Maina nods a little, "And... that doesn't help. Now you're even more likely to stay back and risk yourself to save your team."

Vessa winces, "Actually I am more likely to try to not let them get into dangerous situations in the first place. I don't want any of us getting hurt. I don't want fighting at all." shrugging her shoulders she sighs, "I want to give diplomacy a try, see if I can't use words to get my point across rather then force and the crew seems to already respect my lead, they shouldn't feel the need to move without orders, even Majors though he isn't actually a part of the crew, sort of, gah honestly I don't know how he fits into all of this."

Maina sighs a bit, "If you don't want to fight, why do you keep insisting on jobs that are 'challenging' by requiring combat?"

"The DMC doesn't necessarily need combat and last night I quit the REM." Vessa says quietly, "So now there is only the DMC, which I will be doing what I can to avoid combat. Despite what it may seem, I don't go looking for fights."

Maina purses her lips, "So captain isn't a military rank?"

Vessa shakes her head, "Nope, it means I lead the ship and the crew of the ship and not meant to be a military anything."

Maina nods a little, "And what does the DMC do when it isn't going on stupid missions to plague-infested planets?"

Vessa thinks about this, "Well as far as I can see it doesn't do much. So when the ship isn't crewed I make sure it is ready for use, provisioned, that the crew are trained and ready for stupid missions, and of course I keep up with the security of the Tavern as well."

Maina nods a little, "So... why don't you captain your own ship? If you want to lead something, then lead it?"

Vessa looks confused, "Huh? Captain my ship to do what? Lead who where?"

Maina shrugs, "You decide? Trade, maybe? Explore? I don't know."

"But I don't have a place for cargo on the ship and I don't know the first thing about trading. As for exploration, I don't know how to fly further then short hops at the moment, I would probably end up lost somewhere in space with no way to know how to get back. I can try and learn how to do those things while i do this though."

Maina gives a sigh, "Fine, then... but if you are asked to do -anything- dangerous while working for the DMC, I want to be there."

Maina frowns a bit, "I don't think she cares as much as you think. But we'll see."

Xanya still sitting at a distance has forgotten about her suroundings as she is working on her PDA.

Vessa nods again, "Time will tell I suppose." she goes quiet for a long moment, "Can I hug you please?" she asks in a quiet and somewhat desperate voice.

Maina gives a little nod, "Mhmm..."

Vessa moves closer and wraps her arms around Maina her head resting on the other woman's shoulder.

Maina gives a weak little hug in return, sighing.

Vessa seems to be almost shaking as she holds Maina, her breathing erratic but her hold is still gentle.

Maina frowns a little, "You okay?"

Xanya is typing on her PDA. she has a serious look about her. "come one,..." She sais quiatly as she stops typing for a moment. "You know this one." She hits her head a few times. "come one it's in there. ... Right... thats it." Xanya says as she remembers something. and starts typing again.

Vessa takes a breath, then another to calm her breathing before answering, "Been better." she says quietly. "I am doing much better now though."

Maina nods a little, giving a peck to the cheek, "Something else happen?"

Xanya finishes typing on her PDA. "There that should be just about it." She sais as she presses a send button on her PDA. "I hope I got it all done right. Better read the stuff again to see if I come acrose any mistakes I might have made." She types a few things and then goes to reading again.

"Joca is being stalked she thinks, and she is thinking that Raisa isn't really dead. I have to admit she has reason to think that and is wise to take precautions. I am letting her have access to the ship if she needs it while I am gone, at least that will provide one place that is safe if she needs it." Vessa tightens the hug briefly, "Other then that was just being without you and a night of thinking, far too much thinking."

Maina frowns a little, "What kind of thinking?"

Xanya's PDA goes of and startles Xanya so much that she jumps up slightly and hits her head against the wall she is sitting on, making a weird hollow noise. "Auch" Xanya says as she rubs her head. "PDA is noisy today. I thought I turned the sounds off." She takes a look at some of the settings of the PDA. "oh thats the reason. I forgot the message alert sounds. silly me." she sais shaking her head. "now why did the thing go of in teh first place." Xanya goes to trough several options on her PDA.

Vessa leans tiredly against Maina and sighs, "A lot of things, worry about you and how you were doing, worry about losing you, worry about going unconscious without anyone there to watch my back, worry about Joca, just....a lot of worry." she says quietly.

Maina nods a little, giving another sigh.

Xanya reads something on her PDA. As she reads her eyes grow wider and even her mouth opens up. "YES!!!" She yells joyfully as she finishes reading. almost inmediatly she covers her mouth and blushes at her sudden outburst. "I can't believe it. I actualy did it." She sais as she starts reading a message again.

Vessa jerks at the yell and looks over her shoulder wide eyed at the noise before relaxing when she sees it is Xanya celebrating something, shaking her head she looks at Maina, "Are you alright love? That is a lot of sighs." she asks concerned.

Maina jumps a bit at Xanya's yelling, then looks back to Vessa. "... no, I'm not alright. But it's fine."

Xanya stands up and walks towards the Cafe Orion. Mean while she types something on her PDA. "Dear,... Friends.... Got ... Something... To ... Celabrate.... Meet ... me .... At... Cafe... Orion..... if .... you ....can. ... Love..... Xanya." She repeats as she types. "Send too..... Maina ... And..." She repaets again while she types. During her typing she has passed The girls but did not notice them. " ...and ... send." She sais just before she enters the cafe.

Vessa looks more concerned, "Is this about what we just talked about? Or is it something else? No, if you are not alright then it isn't fine." she hears Xanya talking and her PDA beeps that there is a new message but for the moment her attention is on Maina.

Maina shrugs, "I don't like fighting. You know that." She glances to the beeping PDA on her robot buddy, frowning a bit. "Looks like Xanya wants to meet us inside..."

Cafe Orion - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>

Above the door hangs a white oval sign in Terran Standard and Hekayan, proclaiming this place to be the Cafe Orion in sweeping round blue neon cursive. Upon entering the Cafe Orion, one might notice that there has been some serious attempt at making it seem far different then the rest of the locations to be found on Comorro Station. The ribs that arch over to serve as the ceiling have been covered up by navy blue fabric with fiberoptic lights running underneath; holes have been punched into it in the pattern of constellations and other space bodies from the Orion Arm, creating the feeling of being upon a planet's surface on a cool evening. They give the place a dark and cozy feel, without being too dim. The walls have been covered by various bits of wood, metal and plastic paneling, but between the gaps one can still make out the grey flesh that is the station. The menu consists of various simple but well-known Orion Arm food and drink items whose components can be substituted with local fare or grown on the ships. The items are delivered by a wait staff clad in black and white. The wall opposite the wide double doors is taken up by a makeshift collection of letters, photographs and all the other various knickknacks that make up a life, but this sober little memorial to those left behind in the Orion Arm does little to pull down the atmosphere of the cafe itself. One length of the wall is taken up by a bar made of gleaming steel and topped by a slab of smooth glass which glows a gentle blue. In the corner across from the bar is a small, raised stage that gives just enough room for performers and their equipment. By day the cafe's floor is filled with round steel tables and matching chairs. At night, when the atmosphere livens up, they're replaced with a few gambling tables and a dance floor. Lively music usually fills the air and drinks flow freely... as long as one has something to barter with.

Xanya is sitting at a table she is smiling and doing something on her PDA. not paying attention to the rest of the cafe.

Maina steps into the cafe, spotting Xanya after a few moments. She approaches, "Hey."

Vessa follows Maina in and gives Xanya a wave, "Hiya Xan."

Xanya Looks up and notices the girls. "Hiiiiiiii Girls" She sais cheerfully. "sit down please."she sais pointing to the free chairs at her table. She then waves to one of the wiatress. "3 glasses and a bottle of your sweetest champaine, please!?" She sais to one of them.

Maina blinks a little, taking a seat, "What's going on?"

Vessa sits as well, "I think I heard your dulcet tones of joy in the hall, something exciting?"

Xanya nods to vessa. "uhuh." The waitress arives with the glasses and bottle. Xanya payes her right away. "Keep the chance, gorgous." Xanya says flirting a bit with the waitress. She then gets the bottle and gets ready to open it. "I just did my 'exam' and the when I made that ourburst, sorry by the way, I recieved my results." She says as she is ready to open the bottle.

Maina tilts her head a little, "Huh? What exam?"

Vessa waves down a server and orders coffee, and to keep it coming then looks over at Xanya, "Your engineering thingy?" she looks over at Maina, "Xanya has been studying to become a ship builder." looks back at Xanya, "Did well then?" she asks with a grin as she indicates the bottle and glasses.

Xanya smiles to maina shaking her head slightly, Then nods to Vessa. "Indeed My engineering thingy. I did an exam. ... and....." She opens the bottle and teh cork comes off with a pop and goes flying. "... I passed." she sais with a big smile and starts to fill the three glasses.

Maina smiles a bit, "Congratulations."

Vessa nods with a smile of her own, "Congrats Xan." her first cup of coffee arrives and she starts in on that before the champagne though she does take a glass. Lifting said glass she grins, "To your success both present and future Xan."

Xanya Raises the glass of sweet champaine too. "Indeed. To success." She moves her glass to cheers it with the other girls glass'.

Maina eyes the glass, then sighs and takes it to raise, as well, "Congratulations, Xanya. Good luck."

Vessa after the toast she drink down the champagne and leans close to Maina's ear to whisper, "You don't have to drink it in a toast, just the raised glass and the like is enough. I can drink it for you if you want." before starting in on her coffee again.

Xanya Takes a zip from her champaine after the toast. her eyes widen after the first tast and then quickly gulps down the rest of the glass. "Hm hm hmmmm, Now thats a good champain. never liked champaine back home but this one is great."she sais putting the glass down and revilling her own glass. "Not to worry girls I think this bottle will get empty, wether I get help or not." she sais smiling.

Maina sets the glass down with a little smile. "Glad to see you so happy."

Vessa nods in agreement, "It is." she says with a smile Xanya's way, still drinking her coffee and leaving the champagne for Xanya's enjoyment.

Xanya smiles. "I was ready for a little joy." She sais drinking her second glass this time she only drink a quarter of it. "So how are you two doing?"

Maina shrugs a little, "Better, I guess."

"Yeah, better." Vessa says as she drinks some more coffee then grins to Xanya, "What is your next step now that you passed your test?"

Xanya smiles hearing the girls are doing better. "Good to hear you two are still together. You make such a cute couple." She looks to vessa and raises her shoulders. "Don't know what I will do next. meaby .....find some easy engineering jobs to get some hands on experiance."

Maina sighs a little, lifting her glass to sip at the champagne.

Vessa looks down and takes another drink of her coffee, "A good idea that, the engineering jobs will definitely help you cement the info I would imagine," she looks up and smiles, "lemme know if I can help at all."

"Indeed. the jobs will help alot. and when I can I will focus on specializing myself too. but I can always do that later when I got more credits to start an other education." She takes her glass and empties it. "I wonder if I am not drinking this to fast." She sais as she puts her second glass down.

Maina swirls her glass a bit, frowning to herself.

Vessa nods quietly as she sits with her coffee, she, Maina, and Xanya are all sitting at a table chatting, a bottle of champagne and glasses sit on the table with Xanya making good headway though the bottle. "Go nuts Xan, it's a celebration." she says with a small smile, her eyes going to Maina for a moment, a look of concern before looking back at the coffee.

Xanya Raises her shoulder slightly. "ahmm... Oke... I'll go nuts. Shouldn;t be to difficult right?" She fills her glass again for the 3rd time.

Maina sips a bit more champagne, staying silent.

Vessa smiles briefly to Xanya before leaning back and finishing off her coffee, waving over a server she asks for a refill and leans her head back while she waits. "Good, celebrations are far too rare, should enjoy them when you get em." she says quietly.

Xanya nods as she starts drinking her third glass of champaine. "I will let you both know if I ever need help with constructiun stuff." She says mostly to Vessa. Then thinks and turns to Maina. "What kind of work you fro... do you do." She says correcting herself.

Maina raises a brow, "Mm? Geneticist. Sometimes I do side jobs as a doctor. I also do politics, apparently."

Vessa nods again at Xanya's statement and, as her next cup of coffee arrives, she takes another drink as she listens.

"Genetifist? nice one. what kind of shield,... ahm Field." She sais and she drinks a bit more from her glass. "and ... Why policics.... politics?" She says Questiongly.

Maina makes a face, "... mostly plants and animals. And politics because Eiru needed people to take the job."

Vessa keeps drinking her coffee and listening though she watches Xanya to make sure she doesn't go overboard and slides the bottle out of immediate reach.

Xanya Looks to maina. "If you need me ...go find plants or creatures.... let me know?" She watches as Vessa Moves the bottle out fo her reach she pouts at it, but doesn't say a thing.

Maina nods a little at Xanya, "Sure thing..."

Vessa grins briefly at Xanya, "Enjoy the champagne but not quite that nuts Xan, if you drink it too fast you will end up with one hell of a hangover later." she waves over a server, "Some water for my friend here please and whatever she wants to eat, bill me please." she then looks at Xanya, "I would recommend something with bread, help soak up some of the alcohol then I will slide the bottle back kay?"

Xanya Pouts and nods to vessa. "Yes, mommy." She sais with a smiles. As the waitress arives she thinks for a bit. "Two hamburgers Pwease." She sais while raising 4 fingers.

Maina raises a brow over at Xanya.

Vessa chuckles lightly and leans back with the coffee, leaning her head back again, eyes closed for the moment. The waitress arives and brings the hamburgers Xanya ordered. She decided to give Xanya 3 hamburgers. Xanya sees the burgers and licks her lips and starts eating the first one.

Maina fidgets a bit, starting to scowl.

Vessa opens her eyes and pays the server when she brings the food with a quiet, "Thanks." seeing the unhappy look Maina's way she leans over to ask quietly, "What's wrong?"

being to light headed for the moment Xanay simply eats her hamburgers 1 by one.

Maina glances to Vessa, only answering with a shrug.

Vessa looks sad briefly then leans her head back again continuing to drink her coffee every now and then.

Xanya Finishes her last hamburger and waves to the waitress. "Something to plug the bittle of champaine, please. So me can take ... b bottle with me, for tomorrow meaby."

Maina idly fiddles with her dress, frowning to herself.

Vessa finishes off her coffee once more and orders another, when the server returns she corks the bottle, which Vessa then slides back to Xanya. Fixing her coffee she starts in on this cup as well, her eyes tend to travel every now and then to Maina before considering the depths of her cup. Looking up she smiles, "Hey, if you wanted to have a look at my ship to see what that model looks like, engineering wise, lemme know. Uh but when you are sober."

Xanya nods to Vessa. "Will do." She stands up and grabs the bottle the first attempt she misses the bottle but with the second she gets a hold of it. "Me going to find bed to sleep. See you next time sexy's." She sais as she starts making an attempt for the door of the tavern.

Maina watches Xanya leave with a little frown, "Sleep well."

Vessa watches Xanya somewhat concerned but as she seems mostly coherent, she nods, waves, says, "Take care of yourself Xan." then goes back to her coffee.

Xanya Wobbles and isn't walking in a straight line but eventualy she makes it to the door and goes out.