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== FLASH: Terrorist attack on Great Temple! ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-1 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Kamsho '''Reported At:''' Sat Aug 01 15:46:48 3009
KAMSHO - A Llivori pirate vessel launched a suicide attack against the Great Temple of Opodi, killing hundreds and wounding at least 10,000.Damage to the temple proper was greatly reduced by security measures such as an anti-blast field that was installed after the last successful temple bombing nearly a decade ago. However, the nuclear weapon aboard the vessel, identified as the Star Bird (registered to a Llivori named Bilak Tasil), yielded an explosion that devastated several city blocks around the temple and nearly brought down the field.At this time, only five people are reported missing, including the prominent epidemiologist Chel and his wife, Issia.
== Not all Aukami support Zar ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-2 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 02 15:11:28 3009
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - Some Aukami, safely off-planet, out of reach of Zar Hideg Fekretu, and hiding behind the cloak of anonymity, say they're shocked and outraged by his actions.They refuse to acknowledge Fekretu as their rightful leader. They reject the idea of violence against the Nemoni and Falari."The loss of life on both sides is unacceptable," said one Aukami, a minor politician who refuses to publicly use his position to battle the Zar or improve conditions for those harmed in the conflict. "This power grab is pointless. Going to war means neither side will win. Fekretu must stop."Reached for comment on Aukam, Zar Hideg Fekretu told CNB: "It is all well and good for naysayers of the Koltkamir to lob attacks from the shadows. I do what I do in my own name, without hiding. They should do the same."
== Fisk founds fund ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-3 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 02 17:16:44 3009
COMORRO (CNB) -- One of the multiverse's most outspoken religious authorities has condemned a terrorist attack on the Temple to Opodi of Kamsho. And, in a move likely to upset the higher-ranking Toveil of the Hekayti religious order, announced that he will start a relief fund for the victims of what he is predicting may become a far-flung war.Hundreds of people died today," said Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, a renegade Hekayti cleric who has extended his religious responsibilities from the Hekayti mining colony of Bala to the population of the Yaralu known as Comorro. "It is difficult to understand right and wrong in times like these, with atrocities committed in the name of birthright and goddess. But that doesn't mean right and wrong have changed: An attack without regard for innocent lives is an attack without honor. Innocent people, hundreds of them, may have died, and free-thinking and honorable people should condemn this atrocity regardless of its end."In the same announcement, Zeig called for the creation of a Multiverse Relief Fund"Times of strife are coming," the fisk said. "The Multiverse Relief Fund will attempt to support aid and medical missions to innocents on all sides of this conflict -- from the innocent Nemoni injured in the occupation of Nemonus to children and the very old affected by today's events on Kamsho."
== Nemonus Devastated ==
'''Posted By:''' Colchek '''Article:''' AUG09-4 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 02 17:44:24 3009
As Nemoni refugee fleets begin to arrive on worlds not allied with the Zar, the picture of the fate of Nemonus is becoming clear. Civilians and military alike share reports that the Zar carried out his threat, and a systematic bombardment of Nemonus was completed, making the surface of the planet lifeless and uninhabitable for possibly decades.Long range scans of the Nemonus system conducted by Hekayan scientists have confirmed the planet's state, as well as high radiation levels. Census data on the Nemoni is hard to come by, but given the relatively small number of refugee fleets that have been accounted for, the loss of life on Nemonus itself could be in the billions.In response to this turn of events, in an unprecedented show of compassion, the Elyssians have declared all hostilities to be at an end, and have opened their worlds to the Nemoni refugees. In addition, the Elyssian Parliament has issued an edict of their own stating their defiance of the Zar. Prime Minister Tryon was quoted as saying, "Such a loss of life is... indescribable. What issues we may have had with the Nemoni in the past pale in comparison to this tragedy. Therefore our differences must be put aside, and together we will resist the evil that has been unleashed upon us. The small stature that our races share will not be turned against us, and we will not be bullied into submission. Even if only a handful of us remain, we will continue to fight."
== Zar maintains call for peace and order ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-5 '''Reported To:''' VOA '''Reported On:''' Aukam '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 02 23:01:31 3009
MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His superior majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, today reiterated his desire to see a spread of peace and orderly prosperity throughout the worlds of this galaxy."The loss of life on Nemonus and Falar is certainly regrettable, but was ultimately avoidable," the Zar said. "We sought compliance. We met obstinance. The Koltkamir cannot be bothered to countenance such things."As for the disastrous bombing of the Great Temple on Kamsho, the Zar said: "The mad Llivori radicals who orchestrated this attack must be tracked down and eradicated for the safety of all. My sympathies to the victims and their loved ones."
== Relievers require receipts ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-6 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 03 00:04:03 3009
COMORRO (CNB) -- The Multiverse Relief Organization, founded today, is seeking donations to go towards its general relief fund and a fund for aid to victims and survivors of the Nemoni genocide. "Donations towards the general fund will go to relief causes as needed, and to administrative costs," said Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, the Hekayti religious leader who established the organization. "Funding for Nemoni victims will be routed to defray the cost of medical care and to help lost Nemoni find their families. Remember, especially with this cause, a little goes a long way." Zeig said fundraising events and rounds of fundraising for other causes will continue on a rolling basis.(OOC: To donate, +org/deposit MRO=<amount> credits)
== Koltkamir contributes credits to MRO ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-7 '''Reported To:''' VOA '''Reported On:''' Aukam '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 03 00:16:13 3009
MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His generous majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has contributed 1-million credits to the recently formed Multiverse Relief Organization."We are not savages," the Zar said. "We recognize that many innocent people are suffering as a result of the actions of a treacherous few. Thus, the Koltkamir will do what it can to assist where possible."Further contributions may be forthcoming, the Zar said.
== Ruler's remittance refunded ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-8 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 03 23:22:16 3009
COMORRO STATION - The Multiverse Relief Organization has returned the donation of Koltkamir ruler Zar Hideg Fekretu, made yesterday and processed by MRO today."MRO must remain neutral from belligerent parties," said MRO's executive director, Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil. Zeig, a Hekayti fisk, is also spiritual leader of a small mining colony."Zar Fekretu does owe the Nemoni people remunerations for the indiscriminate genocide he brought against them," he continued. "But MRO is not the appropriate conduit. We cannot and will not accept blood money."
== Another ship attacked ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-9 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 03 23:25:25 3009
RIGOR STRAND - Another abandoned ship has been found drifting along Rigor Strand's spaceways.Just Fate, an independently owned light freighter, was discovered by the crew of the Gambler's Pride, a salvage vessel scouting the area.The freighter was apparently trying to use a little-known shortcut along a major trade route, leading authorities to issue a statement strongly encouraging civilian ships to stay on established trade lanes.One member of the Just Fate's crew, whose information has not yet been released, was found dead aboard the drifting vessel. The rest of the crew is missing, presumably taken prisoner. The ship had been cleared of cargo and most equipment in engineering. The ship itself sustained minor damage to its hull, although shields were inoperable.It remains unclear whether the Medlidikke are behind these attacks.
== Zar offers ransom for fisk's head ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-10 '''Reported To:''' VOA '''Reported On:''' Aukam '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 03 23:28:56 3009
MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His grand and wondrous majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has placed a price on the head of a Hekayti named Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil.Any loyal warrior of the Koltkamir who delivers the head of the heretic Hekayti to the Zar will receive the 1-million credits initially paid to the Multiverse Relief Organization. The Hekayti, a fisk, serves as executive director of the MRO and rebuked the Zar's generous gift."If he doesn't want the money for the MRO, then I am sure someone else can find a use for it," the Zar said.
== ACDC donates to relief fund ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-11 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Tue Aug 04 11:24:16 3009
COMORRO STATION - The Comorrite store Alternative Clothing Designs and Creation has given a small donation to the Multiverse Relief Organization.The store's operator, Zabyra Opo'te, is the daughter of prominent Opodian epidimiologist Chel Opo'te, who has been missing since the recent attack on the Great Temple of Opodi and is believed dead.The store owner said, "The violence in our universe is unforgivable. No matter who, if you willingly kill innocent people, you are committing an unforgivable act."
== Paintedheart resigns ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-12 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Thu Aug 06 00:47:28 3009
COMORRO STATION - Silvereye Paintedheart, Minister for Outverser Affairs aboard Comorro Station, has tendered his resignation.The Demarian told CNB that the resignation comes because he wants to spend more time with his family and that "the community would be better served by another liaison."He added, however, that he was "deeply proud of the work done by individuals within our community. We have proven that we have a contribution to make to Hiverspace, and may serve as an example to its peoples as to what is possible when competent, courageous, and disciplined individuals confront immense hardship. It has been an honor to serve and live among such a fine group."That last quote raised doubts about whether Paintedheart and his family will remain aboard Comorro, but that mystery remains.
== Phyrrians unresponsive ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-13 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 09 14:05:55 3009
COMORRO STATION - Little has been heard from the Outversers known as Phyrrians since their fleet of warships materialized and eventually docked with the Svajone.Several were confirmed inert the day they arrived. However, it was understood that many remained aboard their ships and still survived after learning that one of their own kind - a Phyrrian identified as "Dean" - would lead them.Since docking with the Svajone, however, the Phyrrians have apparently cut off contact with anyone trying to communicate with them. Their leader also appears to be missing.
== Svajone looking at Comorro liaison ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-14 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 09 22:41:41 3009
SVAJONE - With the resignation of Silvereye Paintedheart as Minister of Outverser Affairs aboard Comorro, reports from Svajone Command indicate that the Outverser station is interested in a Svajone citizen filling that role or a similar position in the near future."While the diplomatic corps of the Svajone is small, Svajone Command has made it a priority to exchange representatives with several Hiverspace groups as representing the official Outverser state," a Svajone official said. Currently, the Svajone remains on a synchronous position relative to Comorro. The official declined comment on the state of the Phyrrian vessels last reported to dock with the Svajone.
== Comorro: Not sure about Svajone ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-15 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 09 22:44:29 3009
COMORRO STATION - The Yaralu known as Comorro Station is unwilling to consider a Svajone citizen as Minister of Outverser Affairs until the question of the fate of the Phyrrians has been answered."Rumors abound, but rumors are useless," Comorro said. "If the Phyrrians yet live, allow them to come forward. If they have perished, a satisfactory explanation is all that will allow me to tolerate the continued presence of the Svajone."
== Toveil: Trouble thwarted ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-16 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 10 23:42:18 3009
COMORRO (CNB) -- Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil has confirmed reports of an attempt on his life Monday night in the offices of the Multiverse Relief Organization in Comorro's tradeport. "Thanks to the bravery of Multiverse Relief Organization's own staff and the quick response of Comorro's security forces, this attempt on my life was unsuccessful," said the fisk, who remains the spiritual leader of a small Hekayti mining colony despite having assumed unofficial responsibility to minister to the Hekayti aboard Comorro and becoming director of a pan-galactic nonprofit. "I owe Comorro's security staff, indeed Comorro herself, and the volunteers at MRO my life, and my thanks for the opportunity to continue ministering to those in need."Zeig declined to elaborate on the details of the attack except to say the attacker, whom Comorro has yet to identify, was quickly restrained.Zar Hideg Fekretu placed a 1-million credit bounty on Zeig's head earlier this month after the priest refused a donation of the same size from the Koltkamir leader. Zeig says he has repeatedly been advised to run, hide, or change his appearance, but instead chose to retain a small staff of professional bodyguards working on a volunteer basis, establish offices on Comorro, and continue fundraising.Officials with the Koltkamir government confirm that the bounty stands, regardless of the attempted assassin's failure.Zeig has so far declined to publicly announce MRO's net worth. Sources say that the priest's open defiance of the Zar, the same reason he now carries a 1-million-credit price on his head, contributed in part to a slew of small donations from throughout Comorro. MRO is a faith-based grantmaking organization with the stated mission of providing medical aid and other relief to calamity stricken and war-torn regions of the multiverse.
== Zar offers fee for contributor names ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-17 '''Reported To:''' VOA '''Reported On:''' Aukam '''Reported At:''' Mon Aug 10 23:45:21 3009
MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His Wondrous Majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, is offering a reward of 50,000 Hekayti credits for each contributor's name that is supplied - and confirmed - from the records of the Multiverse Relief Organization."We simply wish to contact these individuals and let them know that the Koltkamir appreciates their generosity to the cause of universal relief in a time of conflict," the Zar said in a written statement.
== Zeig: CNB sources wrong ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-18 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Tue Aug 11 18:45:25 3009
COMORRO STATION - Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil released a statement Monday saying CNB's sources would be "irresponsible" to equate giving to the Multiverse Relief Organization with defiance of the Koltkamir leader, Zar Hideg Fekretu. "While I can certainly say that our donors hope to bring aid and relief to those affected by tragedies the Zar commanded be done in his name, it would be irresponsible and I dare say inaccurate to allege any donations were politically motivated," Zeig said in a prepared statement. "MRO is a faith-based charity organization. Our mission is to bring relief and medical aid to calamity stricken and war-torn regions of the multiverse, independent of any government. Political action is not within the scope of the organization. Records of contributions to MRO will be kept strictly confidential."Officials with the Zar's advisory council scoffed at this, noting that *refusing* to accept the Koltkamir contribution was a political act, thus making any contribution the MRO chooses to accept political by its very nature."If the payments lack a political basis, then the Zar's money should be just as welcome as the next person's," one official said.
== Worship of the Zar blossoms ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-19 '''Reported To:''' VOA '''Reported On:''' Aukam '''Reported At:''' Wed Aug 12 07:54:32 3009
MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His Grand and Majestic Ruler, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has received an abundance of floral bouquets in recent days."The Zar appreciates this outpouring of support," said one official who works for Zar Fekretu. "It's a marked contrast from the negative political agenda pursued by organizations such as the Multiverse Relief Organization."The Zar won't keep the flowers for himself, however. He's having them delivered to memorial sites on Nemonus and Falar instead.
== FLASH: Charity Freighter Attacked! ==
'''Posted By:''' Loki '''Article:''' AUG09-20 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Kamsho '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 16 04:44:09 3009
KAMSHO - Earlier this evening Kamsho Aerospace Security reported an attack on an incoming freighter. The outverser cargo ship designated IND Lucifer's Gamble jumped into Kamsho space only moments before an unmarked inverser ship. Security was dispatched to help the freighter, but all attempts failed. Three security vessels were lost in the foray, all personnel aboard were reported as DOA.This attack is suspected to be related to the attack on the ship IND Just Fate that was found drifting in the Rigor Strand earlier this month. Officials report that at this time the ship is not believed to be Medlidikke. "The mode of attack was unique. I've never before seen a ship attack in such a manner," one security officer reported.Eyewitnesses have stated that the Lucifer's Gamble was harpooned just before the unmarked ship engaged their jump drive and escaped. "It was amazing and scary all at the same time. That poor ship never stood a chance," one witness reported.Lucifer's Gamble is reported to have been carrying cargo charitably donated by a private source for the relief of those who survived the bombing on Kamsho. Authorities are offering a reward of 10,000 Hekayan credits for information leading to the capture of the suspected pirates.
== Lucifer's Gamble found! ==
'''Posted By:''' Loki '''Article:''' AUG09-21 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Kamsho '''Reported At:''' Sun Aug 16 17:46:39 3009
The freighter ship that was accosted by pirates has been tracked down and found on the outer edges of Star System M257-1D. Three memebers of the crew were still alive, all reaching early stages of hypothermia and suffering from shock. The three have been taken to Kamsho for futher medical and psychological evaluation.CNB was able to get an interview with one of the crew members who varified that this was not a medlidikke attack, but that of a hodge-podge crew of inversers that seemed to be headed by a mechanical B'hiri.Freighters are cautioned to keep to regular trade routes where a security force is being formed to handle this latest threat. Kamsho officials are offering a 50,000 Hekayan credit bounty for the ship and it's crew.
== Cleric's condition critical? ==
'''Posted By:''' Loki '''Article:''' AUG09-22 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Fri Aug 21 23:49:30 3009
COMORRO (CNB) -- A group of do-gooder Outversers thwarted an attempt by a clutch of half-drunk Gankri and Opodians from claiming a 1 million bounty on Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, sources tell CNB.Zeig was admitted to Comorro Station Free Hospital on Wednesday and is expected to be released later today or early tomorrow, sources said. He underwent surgery Wednesday for injuries sustained during the attempt on his life, at the Last Call Tavern in Comorro, and has been held since for observation, multiple sources said. A CSFH spokesman refused to confirm or deny if Zeig had been admitted or was a patient.Eyewitnesses to the Wednesday brawl said a Zangali and two humans came unbidden to Zeig's defense when three Gankri and two Opodians attacked him in the tavern late one night. The priest, who had already survived a recent attempt on his life, was apparently without bodyguards. The event apparently began and ended too swiftly for Comorro security to get involved.When Zar Hideg Fekretu, leader of the Aukami-led Koltkamir government, offered Zeig 1 million credits for his non-profit, the priest called it "blood money" and refused. Zar Fekretu decided instead to spend the money by turning it into a bounty on Zeig's head.The Hekayti was attacked several weeks ago in the offices of his nonprofit, the Multiverse Relief Organization, by a lone Lyiri. In that case, his bodyguards repelled the attack until Comorro security arrived.Zeig is officially the spiritual leader of a small mining colony, but has said he's taken proprietary interest in the spiritual well-being of Comorro Station's inhabitants as well. It's unclear if he has actually been to Bala, the mining colony trusted to his care, in the past several weeks.The Hekayti government has so far remained silent on his activity, neither condoning nor condemning it.
== Pickpocket activity decreases ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-23 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Tue Aug 25 16:48:43 3009
COMORRO STATION - Reports of pickpocketing aboard Comorro Station have decreased in recent weeks. It is unknown what exactly has contributed to the decline, but denizens of the station are warned to remain alert and not to take this change for granted.
== MRO shelter opens ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-24 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Tue Aug 25 21:13:57 3009
COMORRO STATION - Amanda Ramlan, an Outverser recently appointed director of development for the Multiverse Relief Organization, today announced the opening of a new relief shelter in the tradeport of Comorro Station."We see this as a natural extension of our mission of service to others and recognized an immediate need for such a venture," Ramlan said.Those needing services or volunteers wishing to help the MRO should contact Ramlan via PDA.
== Zar offers ransom for MRO dev director's hands ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-25 '''Reported To:''' VOA '''Reported On:''' Aukam '''Reported At:''' Tue Aug 25 22:03:00 3009
COMORRO STATION - Our beloved leader, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has expressed great interest in receiving the hands of Amanda Ramlan.The Outverser, recently appointed as development director for the terrorist organization known as the MRO, has been deemed a threat to the Koltkamir.The reward for the MRO's leader, Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, remains at 1-million credits. The Zar will pay 100,000 credits per hand from Ramlan's body.
== Outverser wins ACDC lottery ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-26 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sat Aug 29 13:38:16 3009
COMORRO STATION - An Outverser named Norran Lomasa won last night's lottery, which was organized and funded by Alternative Clothing Designs and Creation aboard Comorro Station.Proceeds from the auction, along with a contribution from the store's usual profits, are going to the Multiverse Relief Organization.
== Comorro troubled by Phyrrian deaths ==
'''Posted By:''' Brody '''Article:''' AUG09-27 '''Reported To:''' CNB '''Reported On:''' Comorro '''Reported At:''' Sat Aug 29 22:24:50 3009
COMORRO STATION - The sentient starship Comorro is angry and uncertain about future relations with Svajone, upon learning that Mikage - the Outverser in charge of the neighboring station - slaughtered the Phyrrians who materialized shortly after a Medlidikke attack."I have been informed that Mikage opted to eliminate the Phyrrians because it was their wish after they discovered one of their own kind had misled them about being their Overmind," the Yaralu said. "First, a Phyrrian *lied* to them. When the lie was discovered, they became angry. So Mikage killed them. I am deeply troubled by this. It does not bode well at all."Comorro's investigation will continue.
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FLASH: Terrorist attack on Great Temple!

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-1 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Kamsho Reported At: Sat Aug 01 15:46:48 3009 KAMSHO - A Llivori pirate vessel launched a suicide attack against the Great Temple of Opodi, killing hundreds and wounding at least 10,000.Damage to the temple proper was greatly reduced by security measures such as an anti-blast field that was installed after the last successful temple bombing nearly a decade ago. However, the nuclear weapon aboard the vessel, identified as the Star Bird (registered to a Llivori named Bilak Tasil), yielded an explosion that devastated several city blocks around the temple and nearly brought down the field.At this time, only five people are reported missing, including the prominent epidemiologist Chel and his wife, Issia.

Not all Aukami support Zar

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-2 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Aug 02 15:11:28 3009 UNDISCLOSED LOCATION - Some Aukami, safely off-planet, out of reach of Zar Hideg Fekretu, and hiding behind the cloak of anonymity, say they're shocked and outraged by his actions.They refuse to acknowledge Fekretu as their rightful leader. They reject the idea of violence against the Nemoni and Falari."The loss of life on both sides is unacceptable," said one Aukami, a minor politician who refuses to publicly use his position to battle the Zar or improve conditions for those harmed in the conflict. "This power grab is pointless. Going to war means neither side will win. Fekretu must stop."Reached for comment on Aukam, Zar Hideg Fekretu told CNB: "It is all well and good for naysayers of the Koltkamir to lob attacks from the shadows. I do what I do in my own name, without hiding. They should do the same."

Fisk founds fund

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-3 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Aug 02 17:16:44 3009 COMORRO (CNB) -- One of the multiverse's most outspoken religious authorities has condemned a terrorist attack on the Temple to Opodi of Kamsho. And, in a move likely to upset the higher-ranking Toveil of the Hekayti religious order, announced that he will start a relief fund for the victims of what he is predicting may become a far-flung war.Hundreds of people died today," said Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, a renegade Hekayti cleric who has extended his religious responsibilities from the Hekayti mining colony of Bala to the population of the Yaralu known as Comorro. "It is difficult to understand right and wrong in times like these, with atrocities committed in the name of birthright and goddess. But that doesn't mean right and wrong have changed: An attack without regard for innocent lives is an attack without honor. Innocent people, hundreds of them, may have died, and free-thinking and honorable people should condemn this atrocity regardless of its end."In the same announcement, Zeig called for the creation of a Multiverse Relief Fund"Times of strife are coming," the fisk said. "The Multiverse Relief Fund will attempt to support aid and medical missions to innocents on all sides of this conflict -- from the innocent Nemoni injured in the occupation of Nemonus to children and the very old affected by today's events on Kamsho."

Nemonus Devastated

Posted By: Colchek Article: AUG09-4 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Aug 02 17:44:24 3009 As Nemoni refugee fleets begin to arrive on worlds not allied with the Zar, the picture of the fate of Nemonus is becoming clear. Civilians and military alike share reports that the Zar carried out his threat, and a systematic bombardment of Nemonus was completed, making the surface of the planet lifeless and uninhabitable for possibly decades.Long range scans of the Nemonus system conducted by Hekayan scientists have confirmed the planet's state, as well as high radiation levels. Census data on the Nemoni is hard to come by, but given the relatively small number of refugee fleets that have been accounted for, the loss of life on Nemonus itself could be in the billions.In response to this turn of events, in an unprecedented show of compassion, the Elyssians have declared all hostilities to be at an end, and have opened their worlds to the Nemoni refugees. In addition, the Elyssian Parliament has issued an edict of their own stating their defiance of the Zar. Prime Minister Tryon was quoted as saying, "Such a loss of life is... indescribable. What issues we may have had with the Nemoni in the past pale in comparison to this tragedy. Therefore our differences must be put aside, and together we will resist the evil that has been unleashed upon us. The small stature that our races share will not be turned against us, and we will not be bullied into submission. Even if only a handful of us remain, we will continue to fight."

Zar maintains call for peace and order

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-5 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Sun Aug 02 23:01:31 3009 MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His superior majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, today reiterated his desire to see a spread of peace and orderly prosperity throughout the worlds of this galaxy."The loss of life on Nemonus and Falar is certainly regrettable, but was ultimately avoidable," the Zar said. "We sought compliance. We met obstinance. The Koltkamir cannot be bothered to countenance such things."As for the disastrous bombing of the Great Temple on Kamsho, the Zar said: "The mad Llivori radicals who orchestrated this attack must be tracked down and eradicated for the safety of all. My sympathies to the victims and their loved ones."

Relievers require receipts

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-6 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Aug 03 00:04:03 3009 COMORRO (CNB) -- The Multiverse Relief Organization, founded today, is seeking donations to go towards its general relief fund and a fund for aid to victims and survivors of the Nemoni genocide. "Donations towards the general fund will go to relief causes as needed, and to administrative costs," said Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, the Hekayti religious leader who established the organization. "Funding for Nemoni victims will be routed to defray the cost of medical care and to help lost Nemoni find their families. Remember, especially with this cause, a little goes a long way." Zeig said fundraising events and rounds of fundraising for other causes will continue on a rolling basis.(OOC: To donate, +org/deposit MRO=<amount> credits)

Koltkamir contributes credits to MRO

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-7 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Mon Aug 03 00:16:13 3009 MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His generous majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has contributed 1-million credits to the recently formed Multiverse Relief Organization."We are not savages," the Zar said. "We recognize that many innocent people are suffering as a result of the actions of a treacherous few. Thus, the Koltkamir will do what it can to assist where possible."Further contributions may be forthcoming, the Zar said.

Ruler's remittance refunded

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-8 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Aug 03 23:22:16 3009 COMORRO STATION - The Multiverse Relief Organization has returned the donation of Koltkamir ruler Zar Hideg Fekretu, made yesterday and processed by MRO today."MRO must remain neutral from belligerent parties," said MRO's executive director, Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil. Zeig, a Hekayti fisk, is also spiritual leader of a small mining colony."Zar Fekretu does owe the Nemoni people remunerations for the indiscriminate genocide he brought against them," he continued. "But MRO is not the appropriate conduit. We cannot and will not accept blood money."

Another ship attacked

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-9 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Aug 03 23:25:25 3009 RIGOR STRAND - Another abandoned ship has been found drifting along Rigor Strand's spaceways.Just Fate, an independently owned light freighter, was discovered by the crew of the Gambler's Pride, a salvage vessel scouting the area.The freighter was apparently trying to use a little-known shortcut along a major trade route, leading authorities to issue a statement strongly encouraging civilian ships to stay on established trade lanes.One member of the Just Fate's crew, whose information has not yet been released, was found dead aboard the drifting vessel. The rest of the crew is missing, presumably taken prisoner. The ship had been cleared of cargo and most equipment in engineering. The ship itself sustained minor damage to its hull, although shields were inoperable.It remains unclear whether the Medlidikke are behind these attacks.

Zar offers ransom for fisk's head

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-10 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Mon Aug 03 23:28:56 3009 MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His grand and wondrous majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has placed a price on the head of a Hekayti named Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil.Any loyal warrior of the Koltkamir who delivers the head of the heretic Hekayti to the Zar will receive the 1-million credits initially paid to the Multiverse Relief Organization. The Hekayti, a fisk, serves as executive director of the MRO and rebuked the Zar's generous gift."If he doesn't want the money for the MRO, then I am sure someone else can find a use for it," the Zar said.

ACDC donates to relief fund

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-11 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Tue Aug 04 11:24:16 3009 COMORRO STATION - The Comorrite store Alternative Clothing Designs and Creation has given a small donation to the Multiverse Relief Organization.The store's operator, Zabyra Opo'te, is the daughter of prominent Opodian epidimiologist Chel Opo'te, who has been missing since the recent attack on the Great Temple of Opodi and is believed dead.The store owner said, "The violence in our universe is unforgivable. No matter who, if you willingly kill innocent people, you are committing an unforgivable act."

Paintedheart resigns

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-12 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Thu Aug 06 00:47:28 3009 COMORRO STATION - Silvereye Paintedheart, Minister for Outverser Affairs aboard Comorro Station, has tendered his resignation.The Demarian told CNB that the resignation comes because he wants to spend more time with his family and that "the community would be better served by another liaison."He added, however, that he was "deeply proud of the work done by individuals within our community. We have proven that we have a contribution to make to Hiverspace, and may serve as an example to its peoples as to what is possible when competent, courageous, and disciplined individuals confront immense hardship. It has been an honor to serve and live among such a fine group."That last quote raised doubts about whether Paintedheart and his family will remain aboard Comorro, but that mystery remains.

Phyrrians unresponsive

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-13 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Aug 09 14:05:55 3009 COMORRO STATION - Little has been heard from the Outversers known as Phyrrians since their fleet of warships materialized and eventually docked with the Svajone.Several were confirmed inert the day they arrived. However, it was understood that many remained aboard their ships and still survived after learning that one of their own kind - a Phyrrian identified as "Dean" - would lead them.Since docking with the Svajone, however, the Phyrrians have apparently cut off contact with anyone trying to communicate with them. Their leader also appears to be missing.

Svajone looking at Comorro liaison

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-14 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Aug 09 22:41:41 3009 SVAJONE - With the resignation of Silvereye Paintedheart as Minister of Outverser Affairs aboard Comorro, reports from Svajone Command indicate that the Outverser station is interested in a Svajone citizen filling that role or a similar position in the near future."While the diplomatic corps of the Svajone is small, Svajone Command has made it a priority to exchange representatives with several Hiverspace groups as representing the official Outverser state," a Svajone official said. Currently, the Svajone remains on a synchronous position relative to Comorro. The official declined comment on the state of the Phyrrian vessels last reported to dock with the Svajone.

Comorro: Not sure about Svajone

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-15 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Aug 09 22:44:29 3009 COMORRO STATION - The Yaralu known as Comorro Station is unwilling to consider a Svajone citizen as Minister of Outverser Affairs until the question of the fate of the Phyrrians has been answered."Rumors abound, but rumors are useless," Comorro said. "If the Phyrrians yet live, allow them to come forward. If they have perished, a satisfactory explanation is all that will allow me to tolerate the continued presence of the Svajone."

Toveil: Trouble thwarted

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-16 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Aug 10 23:42:18 3009 COMORRO (CNB) -- Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil has confirmed reports of an attempt on his life Monday night in the offices of the Multiverse Relief Organization in Comorro's tradeport. "Thanks to the bravery of Multiverse Relief Organization's own staff and the quick response of Comorro's security forces, this attempt on my life was unsuccessful," said the fisk, who remains the spiritual leader of a small Hekayti mining colony despite having assumed unofficial responsibility to minister to the Hekayti aboard Comorro and becoming director of a pan-galactic nonprofit. "I owe Comorro's security staff, indeed Comorro herself, and the volunteers at MRO my life, and my thanks for the opportunity to continue ministering to those in need."Zeig declined to elaborate on the details of the attack except to say the attacker, whom Comorro has yet to identify, was quickly restrained.Zar Hideg Fekretu placed a 1-million credit bounty on Zeig's head earlier this month after the priest refused a donation of the same size from the Koltkamir leader. Zeig says he has repeatedly been advised to run, hide, or change his appearance, but instead chose to retain a small staff of professional bodyguards working on a volunteer basis, establish offices on Comorro, and continue fundraising.Officials with the Koltkamir government confirm that the bounty stands, regardless of the attempted assassin's failure.Zeig has so far declined to publicly announce MRO's net worth. Sources say that the priest's open defiance of the Zar, the same reason he now carries a 1-million-credit price on his head, contributed in part to a slew of small donations from throughout Comorro. MRO is a faith-based grantmaking organization with the stated mission of providing medical aid and other relief to calamity stricken and war-torn regions of the multiverse.

Zar offers fee for contributor names

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-17 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Mon Aug 10 23:45:21 3009 MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His Wondrous Majesty, Zar Hideg Fekretu, is offering a reward of 50,000 Hekayti credits for each contributor's name that is supplied - and confirmed - from the records of the Multiverse Relief Organization."We simply wish to contact these individuals and let them know that the Koltkamir appreciates their generosity to the cause of universal relief in a time of conflict," the Zar said in a written statement.

Zeig: CNB sources wrong

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-18 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Tue Aug 11 18:45:25 3009 COMORRO STATION - Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil released a statement Monday saying CNB's sources would be "irresponsible" to equate giving to the Multiverse Relief Organization with defiance of the Koltkamir leader, Zar Hideg Fekretu. "While I can certainly say that our donors hope to bring aid and relief to those affected by tragedies the Zar commanded be done in his name, it would be irresponsible and I dare say inaccurate to allege any donations were politically motivated," Zeig said in a prepared statement. "MRO is a faith-based charity organization. Our mission is to bring relief and medical aid to calamity stricken and war-torn regions of the multiverse, independent of any government. Political action is not within the scope of the organization. Records of contributions to MRO will be kept strictly confidential."Officials with the Zar's advisory council scoffed at this, noting that *refusing* to accept the Koltkamir contribution was a political act, thus making any contribution the MRO chooses to accept political by its very nature."If the payments lack a political basis, then the Zar's money should be just as welcome as the next person's," one official said.

Worship of the Zar blossoms

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-19 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Wed Aug 12 07:54:32 3009 MULTVAROS, AUKAM - His Grand and Majestic Ruler, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has received an abundance of floral bouquets in recent days."The Zar appreciates this outpouring of support," said one official who works for Zar Fekretu. "It's a marked contrast from the negative political agenda pursued by organizations such as the Multiverse Relief Organization."The Zar won't keep the flowers for himself, however. He's having them delivered to memorial sites on Nemonus and Falar instead.

FLASH: Charity Freighter Attacked!

Posted By: Loki Article: AUG09-20 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Kamsho Reported At: Sun Aug 16 04:44:09 3009 KAMSHO - Earlier this evening Kamsho Aerospace Security reported an attack on an incoming freighter. The outverser cargo ship designated IND Lucifer's Gamble jumped into Kamsho space only moments before an unmarked inverser ship. Security was dispatched to help the freighter, but all attempts failed. Three security vessels were lost in the foray, all personnel aboard were reported as DOA.This attack is suspected to be related to the attack on the ship IND Just Fate that was found drifting in the Rigor Strand earlier this month. Officials report that at this time the ship is not believed to be Medlidikke. "The mode of attack was unique. I've never before seen a ship attack in such a manner," one security officer reported.Eyewitnesses have stated that the Lucifer's Gamble was harpooned just before the unmarked ship engaged their jump drive and escaped. "It was amazing and scary all at the same time. That poor ship never stood a chance," one witness reported.Lucifer's Gamble is reported to have been carrying cargo charitably donated by a private source for the relief of those who survived the bombing on Kamsho. Authorities are offering a reward of 10,000 Hekayan credits for information leading to the capture of the suspected pirates.

Lucifer's Gamble found!

Posted By: Loki Article: AUG09-21 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Kamsho Reported At: Sun Aug 16 17:46:39 3009 The freighter ship that was accosted by pirates has been tracked down and found on the outer edges of Star System M257-1D. Three memebers of the crew were still alive, all reaching early stages of hypothermia and suffering from shock. The three have been taken to Kamsho for futher medical and psychological evaluation.CNB was able to get an interview with one of the crew members who varified that this was not a medlidikke attack, but that of a hodge-podge crew of inversers that seemed to be headed by a mechanical B'hiri.Freighters are cautioned to keep to regular trade routes where a security force is being formed to handle this latest threat. Kamsho officials are offering a 50,000 Hekayan credit bounty for the ship and it's crew.

Cleric's condition critical?

Posted By: Loki Article: AUG09-22 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Fri Aug 21 23:49:30 3009 COMORRO (CNB) -- A group of do-gooder Outversers thwarted an attempt by a clutch of half-drunk Gankri and Opodians from claiming a 1 million bounty on Fisk Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, sources tell CNB.Zeig was admitted to Comorro Station Free Hospital on Wednesday and is expected to be released later today or early tomorrow, sources said. He underwent surgery Wednesday for injuries sustained during the attempt on his life, at the Last Call Tavern in Comorro, and has been held since for observation, multiple sources said. A CSFH spokesman refused to confirm or deny if Zeig had been admitted or was a patient.Eyewitnesses to the Wednesday brawl said a Zangali and two humans came unbidden to Zeig's defense when three Gankri and two Opodians attacked him in the tavern late one night. The priest, who had already survived a recent attempt on his life, was apparently without bodyguards. The event apparently began and ended too swiftly for Comorro security to get involved.When Zar Hideg Fekretu, leader of the Aukami-led Koltkamir government, offered Zeig 1 million credits for his non-profit, the priest called it "blood money" and refused. Zar Fekretu decided instead to spend the money by turning it into a bounty on Zeig's head.The Hekayti was attacked several weeks ago in the offices of his nonprofit, the Multiverse Relief Organization, by a lone Lyiri. In that case, his bodyguards repelled the attack until Comorro security arrived.Zeig is officially the spiritual leader of a small mining colony, but has said he's taken proprietary interest in the spiritual well-being of Comorro Station's inhabitants as well. It's unclear if he has actually been to Bala, the mining colony trusted to his care, in the past several weeks.The Hekayti government has so far remained silent on his activity, neither condoning nor condemning it.

Pickpocket activity decreases

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-23 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Tue Aug 25 16:48:43 3009 COMORRO STATION - Reports of pickpocketing aboard Comorro Station have decreased in recent weeks. It is unknown what exactly has contributed to the decline, but denizens of the station are warned to remain alert and not to take this change for granted.

MRO shelter opens

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-24 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Tue Aug 25 21:13:57 3009 COMORRO STATION - Amanda Ramlan, an Outverser recently appointed director of development for the Multiverse Relief Organization, today announced the opening of a new relief shelter in the tradeport of Comorro Station."We see this as a natural extension of our mission of service to others and recognized an immediate need for such a venture," Ramlan said.Those needing services or volunteers wishing to help the MRO should contact Ramlan via PDA.

Zar offers ransom for MRO dev director's hands

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-25 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Tue Aug 25 22:03:00 3009 COMORRO STATION - Our beloved leader, Zar Hideg Fekretu, has expressed great interest in receiving the hands of Amanda Ramlan.The Outverser, recently appointed as development director for the terrorist organization known as the MRO, has been deemed a threat to the Koltkamir.The reward for the MRO's leader, Zeig Urtigorbalatoveil, remains at 1-million credits. The Zar will pay 100,000 credits per hand from Ramlan's body.

Outverser wins ACDC lottery

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-26 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sat Aug 29 13:38:16 3009 COMORRO STATION - An Outverser named Norran Lomasa won last night's lottery, which was organized and funded by Alternative Clothing Designs and Creation aboard Comorro Station.Proceeds from the auction, along with a contribution from the store's usual profits, are going to the Multiverse Relief Organization.

Comorro troubled by Phyrrian deaths

Posted By: Brody Article: AUG09-27 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sat Aug 29 22:24:50 3009 COMORRO STATION - The sentient starship Comorro is angry and uncertain about future relations with Svajone, upon learning that Mikage - the Outverser in charge of the neighboring station - slaughtered the Phyrrians who materialized shortly after a Medlidikke attack."I have been informed that Mikage opted to eliminate the Phyrrians because it was their wish after they discovered one of their own kind had misled them about being their Overmind," the Yaralu said. "First, a Phyrrian *lied* to them. When the lie was discovered, they became angry. So Mikage killed them. I am deeply troubled by this. It does not bode well at all."Comorro's investigation will continue.

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