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Drrhaan Discovery

Summary: An expedition from Olympus travels aboard Tharsis to investigate a strong magnetic field anomaly. The find it has a curious source...

Cast: Tharsis, Tiana, Reode, Varal

Air Date: Sun Jul 24 7:00 PM

Setting: Drrrn

After a journey from Olympus, Tharsis arrives at a planet that is the source of strong magnetic signatures. What they find on the surface is just what is creating those magnetic signatures: Living creatures made of stone.

Contents: Exits:
None. None.

Rocky Plain

A vast rocky plain situated amongst tall craggy cliffs. Various canyons go off in several directions. The rock appears to be rhyolite, formed from vast lava flows from some volcanoes that are visible on the horizon. Thankfully, they appear to be dormant, but evidence of recent activity is apparent. The cliffs are covered in thick, spongy moss, and the air is very thick and humid, and is filled with sulfurous mists that hang in the air.

Arrrngaaa appears from the canyon beyond, dressed in a woven moss poncho. Over its shoulder is a moss sack, clinking like crystals are within, and some light glowing from within the sack.

"What the HELL is that?" Tharsis says. "I'm sensing... something from it... but it's not like any life I've ever encountered."

"C-can't punch that, no," Reode stammers, instincts telling her to flee! But she simply hides behind Tiana's legs, wagging a gloved thumb. "It's got shinies..."


A huge creature made entirely of stone, measuring 12 feet high. Small rocks have coagualted into a vaguely humanoid shape, with thick arms and legs, a barrel like torso, and a boulder sized head in which is situated a pair of 'eyes' that emit an electric blue glow. The rock it is composed of looks like a dark gray volcanic stone, coarse and almost with a sandy texture.

"Err..." Ti looks way up at the rock creature, one pre-emptive step taken backwards, "Uh, hello?" She tries in Hekayan.

Arrrngaaa tilts its head towards the trio, and then looks at the ship behind him. "Rrrrrnnnn daaaaaa gnnnnn darrrrr naaaaaa." it says, in a voice that sounds like a bass cello. It's obvious it is rather curious, but excited at the same time based on the tempo and tone of the speech.

"That.. has to be the weirdest lingo I've ever heard..." Tharsis says. "I dunno if I can even attempt to translate but I'll give it a shot..."

"Ah ain't got a clue in 'ell wot 'e jus' said." Tia laments to Tharsis and Reode, light shake of her head given. However, since the creature doesn't seem to be intending harm, she pulls her hand away from her sidearm.

Arrrngaaa seems to come to some sort of revelation, and with a rumble, it drops to its knees, shaking the ground as it bows to the trio and the ship. "Rrrrrrrrnnnnndaaaaaaaaa...." it says in a solemn tone.

"Ohhhhhkay.... what the hell is it doing now?" Tharsis says...

"Uh... oh... it.." Tia falters, blinking as she continues to stare at the rock man, "Uh... i' looks like it's either reverin' us or tryin' t'greet us. Ah ain't rightly sure."

Arrrngaaa is currently kneeling before the trio of Reode, Tharsis and Tia, and Tharsis' body beyond, in a position of reverence as its head is bowed. It is giving of a solemn tone. "Rrrrrrrnnnnnnndaaaaaaa.... Rrrrrrrnnnnnnndaaaaaaaa....." It is almost as if it is offering a prayer.

"It's like he's.... praying to us." Tharsis says. "I'm sensing a pattern of sorts in its speech... it's intelligent, at least... but I'm still trying to figure out just what that pattern is."

With nothing much else to do, Tia moves forward though her pace is slow, and unintrusive. When she gets close enough, she'll lean up on her toes(not like that'll help much) and reach out to try to pat the rock man on it's head or shoulder - whatever she can reach.

Varal hops out of the airlock, the commsystem on his environment suit keyed on and the volume jacked up loud enough to make his breathing annoyingly apparent to anyone with their comms on. "I think I got this suit working," he says as he approaches. "We visit the nicest places." He points at the rock-man. "And, what in the Name of the Light is this monstrosity?"

"...Maybe it thinks you're a god?" Reode suggests, teetering uneasily from foot to foot as Tiana walks right up to the rocky being.

"Rrrrrrrnnnnnndaaaaaa... Rrrrrrrnn.." The being stops as Tiana lays a hand upon it, and the glowing eyes focus their intensity upon her. "Faaaaaaahnn drrrrgaaaaaa tnnnnnnnnnyaaaaaa." it says, its head tilting curiously.

"I'm starting to pin down just how it's trying to talk... at least I'm getting a gist." Tharsis says. "It seems to think we were sent by its gods.... 'spirits' it calls them... That's all I have so far..."

"Well, ye were sorta right, Reode. Hn." A glance back to Varal and she offers to him, "Darlin', ye need t'turn down t'volume on yer comms 'ere, ye're a bit loud. An' ah don' rightly know wot i' is, but i' ain't 'ostile." She looks back to the rock man and offers a smile towards him through the helmet of her suit.

"How do I do that?" Varal asks, before adding, "Be careful." He slowly moves towards Tia, the faint glow of a sword-like object slowly springing form each hand.

Reode's attention is torn between the rock being and Varal's glowing blades. She remains a good distance away, poised to... spring and bite, should anything go wrong.

Arrrngaaa rises to its feet as Tiana smiles, and its eyes focus on Tharsis beyond. With rumbling steps it makes its way over to him, and huge hands start to feel along the hull near his engines.

"HEy... what the hell?" Tharsis says as the creature starts exploring his hull. "He's zeroed in on something..."

Tiana Ryoleli turns to follow the path of the creature, visually at least, though her attention ends up drawn a bit more by the /glowing blades/ Varal has somehow manifested. Eyes a bit wide, she stammers, "V-Varaly, 'ow... 'ow..."

"Tharsis, you give me the word, and I will try to tear it limb from limb," Varal says, slowly moving to flank the rock-monster. He flashes an innocent grin at Tiana. "The Light has found me even in this place, and imbued me with its Holy Glow. I am capable of working miracles when needed."

Reode cautiously creeps after the creature, flailing her wings, "He's feelin' up our ship! Fly away, Tharsis!" Varal's explanation only gets a flick of an ear for now.

Arrrngaaa takes firm hold of the sack in its left hand, and the right hand is placed flat against Tharsis' hull. Then, suddenly, it is roiling in electrical energy as it begins to draw power directly from Tharsis.

"OW! Holy shit, he's drawing some serious amps!" Tharsis shouts. "That feels... freakin' weird... but... it's not too bad once you get used to it."

Tiana Ryoleli isn't quite convinced by this explination - after all, she's a woman of science. With a low whine, the Martian mutters about needing her pills for a moment before speaking up, "I' ain't... i' ain't. Ye promise, righ'? Ye promise ye na'er goan aught t'me, righ'? Righ' Varaly?"

"As long as I'm working for you, you have nothing to worry about," Varal replies, slowly stalking towards the rock. "Reode, when something is our ride, you do not tell it to fly away. That is moronic. Think, instead of fluttering around like an idiot." Tactful, the Fastheldian, and not prone to violence given the way he's eyeing Arrrngaaa (sarcasm intended). "Tharsis, confirm that you don't need it killed."

"Nothing good can come of this," Reode mumbles, shoulders drooping. "Oi, Tiana! Varal's real pretty but... hey!" She scowls at the Fastheldian and shakes a wing at him. "I take that back, he's an ass. If Tharsis were to /get away/ then we wouldn't have rockman here sapping him of power! No power, no flight! /Now/ we're screwed! Gonna' fix that with your Lightmagics or whatever?"

Arrrngaaa draws power for a few more moments, and then it stops, and sets the sack down upon the ground. Reaching in, it pulls out a glowing orb about the size of the classic crystal ball. It is glowing brightly. "Rrrrrtyaaaaaa.... urrrrrn!" it says, obviously quite happy.

"It's... it's ok... he didn't draw much... but he's one happy camper... saying something about 'charged' and 'lifestones'...." Tharsis says. "I'm getting close to being able to duplicate his lingo..."

Tia takes a deep breath, steeling herself. Varal's never done anything but protect her(and put up with her weirdness) so there's that. Just focus on that, Ti. One more breath then she moves over to stand beside Varal, though there's still a lingering and unintentional skittishness, "Lifestone?"

Varal grunts towards Reode, and backs away slowly. That being said, he still has his glowsticks ready. "Hrmph. So, what now?"

Reode just falls still, segmented eyes widening. "It's chargin' it's batteries or something."

Arrrngaaa puts the lifestone back into the sack and heaves it over his shoulder. "Rrrrrrdnnnnaaaaa.... hrrrrrgyyyyaaaaa." it says, bowing deeply. "Knnnnnnnlllllaaaaa. Rrrrrfrrrrn gllllllnnnnaaaaa."

"I think I've got it.... I think it said that it appreciates this gift of power from the Spirits... and that it wishes to come with us... to see the source of such power and asks if we can bring more to its people..." Tharsis says.

"C'n... Ye ain't goan be over yer weight limit 'er somm't are ye? Ah don' mind bringin' a few ah 'em, but we need t'be able t'communicate too. Can't go 'avin' 'em drain power willy nilly from everythin'..." Tia offers, canting her head to look up to the rock man once more, "'Ave ye got it's language down enough t'tell it 'at?"

Varal lets the swords fade. "Your the ship, so it happens to be your decision, Tharsis." He pauses, slowly moving towards the airlock. "But, my opinion, for what it is worth, would be to leave well alone."

Arrrngaaa tilts its head curiously as it watches the trio communicate.... almost as if it can hear their communications.

"Well... I can try. I don't see much wrong with it... my cargo bay should be able to carry him..." Tharsis says. He then sounds a serious of tones like the creature has been speaking. "I'm telling it that we'll be happy to oblige, but that it can't go willy nilly drawing power from anything it finds, as others might not take it too kindly."

"Wonderful. Er... tell i' we'll come git some ah 'is people later, too, eh? Think it's best we only deal wit' one ah 'em until we unnerstand 'em better." Tia adds.

Varal mutters, "Take them apart, see how they tick," under his breath, moving to flank Tia.

Reode looks mildly suspicious, but the creature seems friendly enough. Not cute, not meaty, not particularly shiny, but it does /have/ shinies. She shrugs, mostly to herself.

Arrrngaaa bows again. "Gnnnnyaaaa...." and it steps forward, shaking the ground as it does.

"It's agreed... I'll open the cargo bay for him to get in... I need to get out of this rain soon before it starts eating away at something important." Tharsis says, as his cargo bay doors open, and he sends tones to explain to the creature what the plan is.

Tiana Ryoleli offers Varal a faint smile, "'At's part ah explorin' an' studyin', aye." One hand is raised to pat at his shoulder before she turns to head back to Tharsis' ramp and his innards, "Let's git on 'en."