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Here’s a transcript of the February 2011 event, “Opodian Emissary,” which was a follow-up to “Even Stones Yield:”

Docking Hub – Comorro Station

Comorro Station isn’t exactly a station. It doesn’t remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship – incapable of atmospheric flight – that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years.

The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats.

Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel’s nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas – such as the Forgotten Quarter – are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.

The hatch of an Opodian diplomatic shuttle hisses open as a couple of Tupai technicians move a mobile stairway into position for the vessel’s key occupant: An emissary of the Opodian government on Kamsho, wearing the official robes of the Great Temple. He steps onto the upper platform of the stairway and then swivels his snout slowly, perusing the docking hub.

Cygnari stands next to his own freighter nearby, arms crossed as he looks over towards the Opodian, and snorts a bit through his air passages. “Well if it isn’t one of the high and mighty cuddly wuddlies of the universe.” he mutters, crossing his legs to watch.

The Orion Confederacy component of this meeting is somewhat large as well, taking up a whole shuttle. Garviel and a few other higher ranking officers, primarily Admirals, are present, but the person in charge seems to be someone else entirely. A human diplomat seems to be in charge, emerging from the CF shuttle carrying a briefcase.

Jorta gives a snorting grunt before starting his descent down the mobile stairway. The Tupai flutter their leathery wings as they back away from the base of the ladder, giving the emissary a wide berth as his feet settle on the organic floor.

Akamatsu watches all this unfold calmly a bit to calm perhaps for somebody who is on their first day of the job and hasn’t really been told what to do.

Cygnari grabs a berry from a small pack laying nearby, popping it into his beak as he watches the impending meeting, his curiousity peaked a bit.

The Human diplomat begins to advance towards Jorta, stopping a respectful distance away, “I bring greetings from the Orion Confederacy mister…?” he trails, tilting his head slightly.

Jorta bobs his snout at the human diplomat. “Jorta Opo’te,” the emissary from Kamsho replies. “I am the authorized designate of the Opodian delegation with the blessings of the elders in the Great Temple. I wish to personally convey their appreciation for your assistance in diverting the asteroid that threatened our world. Truly, it was a fine boon bestowed upon us by the Goddess and her prophet.”

“Would’ve been better off if it hit.” Cygnari mutters, mostly to himself, eating another berry.

Akamatsu being part of the human diplomats honor guard merely stands watching intently keeping his hand close to his newly gotten rifle in case it should be needed.

“Indeed it was,” the diplomat, who we’ll now call David, replies with a smile. He offers a slight, respectful bow, “We have much to discuss, and I speak for all of the Orion Confederacy when I say that I am pleased that you choose to meet with us,”

“Ah, yes,” Jorta replies, clacking his blunt teeth together. He laces his fingers before saying, “I will hear what you propose, but I can guarantee nothing of consequence. I am here primarily as a courtesy. We have serious doubts as to your capacity to provide any substantial aid to the Opodians.”

Cygnari snorts once again as he eats another berry, listening to the nearby conversation. His gaze is fixed on the Opodian, and it’s not exactly one that conveys fondness. His wings flare a bit as he shifts to get a bit more comfortable, leaning up against a shipping crate.

Akamatsu follows with the rest of the honor guard to stand behind the diplomat David trying to look as threatening as possible without actually causing the Opodians to feel physical threatened unless they don’t behave.

Jorta is alone, aside from the Tupai technicians who now flank the mobile stairway. He doesn’t seem very interested in threatening anyone.

“That’s too bad,” David replies, the smile doesn’t fade from his features however. He reaches into the briefcase, pulling out a few sheafs of paper which are in turn offered to Jorta, “This is a transcript from the comm logs of the CFS United Front, we have the transmissions themselves, confirmed by our two other ships in the area. I’ll have you notice that both your government and that of the Llivori was duely warned that any missiles coming within a set distance of our vessels would be considered an act of war,” he produces another piece of paper, this one a picture. “This is a zoomed in and enhanced picture of one of your missiles impacting an Orion Confederacy shuttle. You declared war on us, Jorta.”

Cygnari widens an eye at this revelation, and can’t help but pull the edges of his beak up in a smirk. “This oughta be good.” he says as he awaits the Opodian’s reply.

Jorta seems unconvinced, huffing. “Images can be adjusted according to the whims of their owner.” A shrug, then, “Regardless, you put yourself in jeopardy by intervening in a matter that was none of your concern. You were warned, repeatedly, that you were taking such a risk. I would say that your people are lucky to have survived.”

Akamatsu looks a bit surprised at the open declaration of war from David but calms himself quickly after hearing the Opodian’s reply thinking it isn’t hostile as of now but he does keep his hand closer to the rifle and keeps looking threatening.

Newt enters the docking hub, carrying a sandwich in hand. One in which he, on occasion, partakes.

Amanda comes walking from the direction of the tradeport and pauses at the sight of the delegation, taking a spot near Cygnari to watch carefully.

“This is true, if you hadn’t had the sense to deactive your missiles my people would be dead. Which is why we’re having this talk. Although, my people were given a twenty four hour time frame when they went in, which in turn was violated as /soon/ as you learned that our Captain on the ground was a Llivori, also present in our commlogs. Racism leading to an act of war, my government takes that very seriously. And, as you are no doubt aware, you used all of your chief orbital defenses in that act of war, leaving you open and defenseless. We’re giving you this oportuninty to redeem yourselves in our eyes, and the eyes of the galactic public, so that perhaps some nation less forgiving than ours doesn’t exploit your weakened state.” David replies.

Cygnari shakes his head a bit. “Yup.. should have let it hit ‘em.” he says, grabbing another berry from the bag laying on the crate beside him.

Akamatsu stands listening intently waiting for the sign that this will turn violent while hoping that it doesn’t.

Jorta tilts his head, a faint smile creeping across his snout as his eyes narrow. “Outversers. You invite us to this conference under the guise of fair trade, but that’s just deceit to cover for your true purpose: Trying to chastise and belittle the children of Opodi. You operate under a false assumption. You think we are defenseless. Yes, we exhausted our ground-based thermonuclear arsenal. However, we are not alone and we are not powerless. The Zarist Supremacy is strong, outverser, and growing stronger. We do not want your aid. We do not *need* your aid.” He lifts his snout, baring the two sharp fangs that he has. “I will convey your concerns to my superiors.”

Newt spots Garviel and the others and begins to head over, nibbiling upon his sandwich as he approchaes. Once close he remains silent, sensing and this isn’t an informal happy-go-lucky moment.

“Very well,” David states. He turns to one of the members of his envoy, speaking distinctly loud enough for Jorta to overhear, “Get me in contact with the Llivori government. Perhaps they will listen to reason and we’ll only have to fight one war. They might be useful allies if the Opodian government continues to not listen. Figured they’d be happy that we came to them first, but I guess not.”

Amanda blinks and watches body tensing somewhat.

Jorta smirks, shaking his head. “I think you will find that the Llivori do not take kindly to your efforts to play one of us against the other. Remember, sir, that *you* are strangers in this realm. You showed up a few short years ago. You may disappear just as suddenly. Yet the Llivori and Opodians have shared the same world for millennia. It hasn’t always been pleasant, but it is a shared experience and an intertwined destiny. We may not like each other, but we certainly recognize that threats beyond our atmosphere are more dangerous than we are to each other.” He lets his paws fall to the side. “I wish you luck, no matter which path you choose to pursue in the coming days. May Opodi bless and keep you in her heart.”

Akamatsu hears all this and begins to think perhaps this won’t resort to violence but still keeps his hand close to the new rifle just in case.

Cygnari nods towards Amanda, and snorts. “Zarist Supremacy. Figures one group of religious nuts would adore another religious nut.” he mutters.

David turns back to regard Jorta, smiling slightly, “And you as well. Do contact us if you decide to change your minds. Meanwhile, I have to speak with the Llivori. I’ll let them make their own decisions,”

Newt just stands there, head bouncing between the two as if watching tennis, sandwich left to fend for itself in his hand.

Amanda nods “i’m just wondering exactly what the Confederacy stands to gain by going to war with a bunch of religious nuts. Moral rectitude nonwithstanding, doesn’t make much sense.”

“Would that I could be a Tupai clinging to the bulkhead during *that* discussion,” the Opodian emissary replies, chortling. He turns and starts back up the mobile stairway toward the hatch of the shuttle. He pauses at the top, turning to regard David once more. “Do contact *us* when all these manipulations do nothing but further alienate your people in a universe where you can ill afford to struggle onward alone. We may take your apology into consideration.”

Akamatsu although he doesn’t like the sound of how this war is going to happen he is glad that at least for now violence was averted but whispering to himself “Things are about to get a bit messy.”

“We’ve been doing just fine so far.” David states with a nod and a pleasant smile to Jorta. He even offers a wave.

Jorta inclines his head, then steps into the airlock as the hatch closes behind him with a hiss and clunk. Meeting at an end, it would seem. The shuttle’s engines begin to thrum as systems are powering up for departure.

Newt watches Jorta walk off and turns to Garviel, “Did that go good or bad?”

Amanda hms as the Opodians leave.

Akamatsu Asks David when the Opodians left “So I can’t tell was that how things were supposed to go or were they supposed to agree?”

“Badly, verry badly,” Garvi replies to Newt, his ears drooping a bit.

David pauses at the Marine’s question, “Not now, I’m busy, talk to him,” he states, pointing to Garvi. David then heads towards the shuttle, followed by most of his group, talking quickly, although not frantically, about getting in contact with the Llivori and the PR department.