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From On the Holovid, The ICS logo blazes across the holovid, accompanied by bombastic fanfare. The image shifts to that of the familiar Llivori commentator, sitting behind his desk at the usual soundstage. "Welcome to another installment of the Interverse Combat Series. For those just joining us, the score is currently 3-1 in favor of forces opposed to Zar Hideg Fekretu. The champions of Comorro Station, for the most part, have dominated these games."

From On the Holovid, A cambot zooms across the apocalyptic landscape of the city where Dean materializes in a flash of glittering blue light beneath a sky of roiling greenish-black clouds. "Hi, there," enthuses the announcer through the cambot as it focuses on the newly arrived outverser. "How about telling us your name and why you're participating in the tournament?"

From On the Holovid, Upon materialization, Dean snaps his head back and forth, taking in the enviroment with full sweeps of his head. As the bot starts moving towards him, Dean focuses in on it, tilting his head just slightly. "Dean...I was bored." Another glance around.

From On the Holovid, "Boredom," the voice in the cambot replies. "Splendid. The fate of the universe may be in the hands of someone who shows up to deadly combat tournaments on a whim. Well, try not to die." A flash of blue light signals the arrival of Dean's competitor for this round: A burly Hekayti female in leather and buckled metal armor, her greenish-brown skin puckered and scarred along the right side. The cambot moves toward her. "And what's your name? Why are you here?" the cambot inquires. She replies: "I am Vrigida. Vard Bokren sent me. So I am here."

From On the Holovid, Dean neglects the cambot as green eyes focus in on his competition. He clenches his fists in and out, looking up at the female Heykati. He remains quiet besides that, his face set in some sort of stern, emotionless state.

From On the Holovid, The voice from the cambot swivels from one combatant to the other: "The rules are simple. No killing each other. Accidental death is permitted, but frowned upon. The Hekayti Worthing totem is in the top of the skyscraper with the hovercopter poking out of it." The cambot shifts so it can show the blast-scorched building to the audience. "It's a dangerous trek, but perhaps you'll find some useful gear along the way. Oh, and be mindful of the reapers."

From On the Holovid, Dean gives a short, curt nod towards the bot, and then glances towards the other contestant, and then the enviroment.

Fridhakvin is watching the holovid, and doesn't seem to be sure whose the good guy. The human fighting because he's bored or the obvious medlidikke.

From On the Holovid, The warning given, Vrigida just grunts at the cambot, dismisses Dean with a roll of her eyes, and starts down the street - eyes on her destination: A skyscraper with a hovercopter protruding from one of the highest floors.

Into the crowded tavern comes on tall Aukami. Miklos takes a look around, in his hands once again a deck of cards, which he plays with idly. It only takes him a moment to scan over the crowd before deciding to take a seat at the bar.

Amanda enters the tavern, taking a seat at a barstool

From On the Holovid, Dean takes that moment to start sprinting as fast as his Phyrrian limbs will take him, shoulder coming down to try and bash the female Heykati down along the way. Morals are for the weak.

Fridhakvin decides to cheer for Dean, "Go! Get that bitch!"

From On the Holovid, The Hekayti woman tumbles as the outverser slams into her with unexpected force. She peers at him with keen interest now, getting to her feet, scowling. "What are you?" she snarls.

From On the Holovid, Dean's answer is him fleeting past towards the building with the hovercopter sticking out of it. He sure can keep up a sprint for a while.

Miklos watches on with some interest, his cards shuffled again and one hand is held palm toward the cards as one slowly rises from the top of the deck. "Good strong move. Always best to take a brash approach with one such as her," he comments of the action on the viewer. There's a competition playing out on the viewer as the patrons of the tavern watch on while drinking and being all around rowdy.

From On the Holovid, "All houses blazing," Vrigida curses, eyes widening as she watches Dean accelerate past. "Not a normal human." She runs, desperately trying to close the distance, but it's not much use against a machine. He's almost out of sight beyond more wrecked hovercars when he reaches the entrance to the skyscraper lobby. It is currently blocked by a crowd of savage-looking humanoids with glowing red eyes, flayed skin, and sallow cheeks. They sway back and forth, hissing a chorus in unison.

From On the Holovid, Multiple unidentified beings...

Proceed with caution. Link-Data 3453Hr.

Assumed being: Reapers


Action: Remove from objective.

Secondary Action: Terminate.

Dean wastes no time, moving towards one of the hover cars nearby, seeking to lift it above his shoulders and move towards the band of Reapers.

Into the tavern steps a furred creature, his forepaws wringing together as he halts at the entrance to look about the establishment. There's a few sniffs before his whiskers twitch and he sneezes, his left hand rising to brush at his snout with lengthy claw-tipped fingers. Blinking a few times he begins to pad further into the room, the creature's movements brisk, hyperactive as he scurries right up to the Holovid, head tilting in mild curiousity. It's tail flicks to one side as his head turns to the other, looking over the patrons immedeately visable though he says nothing for the time being.

From On the Holovid, As Dean shows off his strength by picking up the hovercar, the ten reapers swarm toward him while Vrigida prowls along the street behind the Phyrrian and his new friends. She tries to keep a low profile.

Amanda blinks at the zombies on the screen "quite a welcoming committee that."

From On the Holovid, All but two of the incoming reapers are crushed by the car as Dean flings it. They start slashing at him with clawed fingers, tearing at the outverser in the hopes of ripping him apart.

Newt makes his way inside, does a quick look around, fails to see anything much in the crowded bar and attempts to squeeze his way through to the holoscreen.

From On the Holovid, Vrigida sees the reapers slashing away at the Phyrrian as he's unable to dodge their blows. A feral grin from the Hekayti woman, then she slips into the lobby and starts toward the stairwell.

From On the Holovid, Dean gets slashed and hacked by the Reaper's, but doesn't even seem to wince at their rather brutal assault. Rather, he neglects the remaining Reapers, charging after the Heykati woman with that tireless sprint.

From On the Holovid, The reapers don't let up. They lope after Dean, leaping, trying to take him down as if they were lions hunting on the savannah.

Fahzook blinks as his nose is directed back toward the screen, the creature leaning forward as though to see better, his tail straightening backward as a counterbalance before his weight shifts back again. Turning his tail sweeps out and smacks Newt in the leg by accident, the creature jumping backward with raised forepaws. "Oh! Sorriezz!" exclaimed before the creature takes a few more steps back, gaze shifting again to take in the dizzying amount of rowdy beings. "Iz.. game?" Asked as he points toward the holovin with his tail. "Lookz like very dangerouz gamez."

At the sneeze Miklos turns his green glowing eyes from the viewer to get a look at the offending creature. "Would you like a closer look, little pet?" he asks, his eyes turning a merry shade of peach as he offers one long fingered hand to the Lotorian.

From On the Holovid, One of the reapers mistimes its leap, falling in a sprawl on the lobby floor. The other, however, manages to tackle Dean. Vrigida has vanished through a door, up a stairwell, and is now hunting for useful gear left behind by the ICS team.

Newt yipes as he gets sideswiped by the lotorians tail. After steadying himself he looks at him and says, "It's cool. Yeah. Inna lotta ways." and turns back to the viewer.

From On the Holovid, Dean stands back up, moving to take the predatory Reaper and hurl it up through the window of where he assumes the Heykati woman is. Not a certain window, just one of the floors. Following this, failure or success, he moves to run up that stairwell as well.

From On the Holovid, The reaper is still flailing haplessly as it goes hurling through the air and through the shattered remnants of a third floor window. Meanwhile, the other has regained its footing and lurches at the Phyrrian.

Fahzook's ears perk a bit at one sound above the others in the rowdy bar and his nose turns toward Miklos as the Aukami speaks. Immedeately the creature takes several steps backward backing into a table which causes the glasses atop it to wobble but at least none tip over. His ears shift back a bit and whiskers fold backward along his snout. "No!" Exclaimed suddenly, slightly fearful, the creature spinning quickly and shooting beneath the table, head popping up at the other side, his forepaws clasping the edge of it as he peeks over the top at Miklos, to make sure he isnt giving chase. "Stay away."

From On the Holovid, Dean continues charging through the lobby to the stairs, smashing the other Reaper out of his way in doing so. The Phyrrian races up the stairs, three at a time, calculating each step perfectly. He keeps his eyes open for any gear he may find on his ascent.

From On the Holovid, The immediate ascent doesn't yield anything but a crate that's already been opened and emptied. Vrigida is waiting on a platform near the third floor as Dean rounds the bend. She's holding a bulky-looking rifle with a fat-barreled mouth and a side-slung cartridge tank. With the squeeze of a trigger, a blast of freezing cold gas sprays down the stairs at the Phyrrian.

From On the Holovid, Dean is able to dodge much of the blast by flattening himself against the wall of the stairwell, but it's not entirely fast enough to protect his left side, which is now effectively paralyzed.

Miklos doesn't move from where he is, although a slightly amused expression plays upon his face. "I was simply offering help," he replies. "If you choose not to take it..." he shrugs at this. "Perhaps I can show you that I'm harmless?" he offers in a soft, possibly meant to be soothing tone. He glances for a moment at Newt, "Pardon the skittishness of the Lotorians. They really can't help themselves," he says by way of explanation.

Newt watches Fahzook and Miklos interact, frowning. He looks up at Miklos and just shakes his head, turning back to the viewer.

Fahzook watches Miklos with what could be described as fear, agitation, caution. "Evilz!" He squeaks. "Enslaverz!" Before he turns and bounds off through the crowds, dissapearing soon enough among the patrons in the bar, his sleek tail shifting and bobbing with his bounding steps acting as counterbalance for his rather agile escape.

From On the Holovid, Dean keeps heading up the stairs, his right leg leading his paralyzed left side. He removes his plasma pistol, moving to fire it at the Heykati's feet. He's very cautious about this, however, aiming towards the conservative, should be miss, he would likely be coming up short.

From On the Holovid, Vrigida just has to back up a step to avoid the blast from the plasma pistol. She then unloads another blast of the gas cannon at Dean.

Miklos watches the Lotorian bound away, a smirk gracing his lips before he turns back toward the viewer again, "His loss, I suppose," he says with a shrug to nobody in particular. The card which has fallen back to the top of the deck at this point, begins to hover again, floating just above the others. "Bartender, I would like one of your brain benders. And milk for the children, please," he orders.

From On the Holovid, This time, Dean takes the full brunt of the chilling gas cloud. He's rendered functionally inert for now. He remains conscious and aware, but immobilized. "Not so tough as you seemed," Vrigida says, grinning wickedly. She turns, starts passing the third-floor door to resume climbing the stairs, but then the door swings open and slams into her. She staggers sideways as the reaper busts through and lunges after her.

From On the Holovid, Vrigida manages to fend off the attack from the reaper, giving it a brutal shove that sends it stumbling back, sprawling in the doorway. While it's down, she can't help but notice how the creature's neck is conveniently resting against the door frame. She grabs the door and starts slamming it shut, over and over again, until the twitching creature moves no more.

Newt's gaze is focused on the holovid. He cringes as the door slams into Vrigida but otherwise does not move. Then, of course, comes the door slamming which causes Newt to grimace in sympathetic pain.

From On the Holovid, Dean's skin tissue is now a chilly blue. He tries to continually push up from the ground, but his systems are too locked up, apparently. He's persistant however.

From On the Holovid, While Dean remains immobilized, Vrigida starts loping up the stairs again, focused on acquiring that Worthing totem. "For the Zar!" she bellows. The cambot zooms after her.

Miklos leans back in his seat, setting in to watch the viewer again. "This will be..interesting," he says. The drinks are brought. The purplish colored one set before the Aukami and two milks, one for the small Ungstiri and the other for the young Hekayti. All three are still at the bar, watching the sport on the viewer.

From On the Holovid, The Hekayti woman is rounding the stairs to the sixth floor when she finds they end abruptly where a huge chunk of the building got ripped away. Vrigida looks around once again for useful gear.

From On the Holovid, Behind the stairs, Vrigida finds an ICS box that contains a rapelling hook and cable. She tosses aside her freeze cannon, grabs the new device, and then peers up through the shaft of the stairwell. She's likely gauging the best location to fire the hook.

Newt ignores the milk for now, glued to the viewer as his attantion is.

Fahzook apparently didnt actually leave the establishment, he was just hiding among the other patrons. Those at the bar may spot him sneaking around the edge of the room accross from the bar, attempting to get a better look at the holovid. His attention quickly shoots to the bar and the Aukami to see if he's been spotted, then back to the viewer. Finding a seat he slides into it turning the chair to side sideways accross it so his tail can sway unimpeded from one side to the other, before it curls around one of the chair's legs. One paw rests on the tabletop, elongated fingers scratching at it, his small claws barely making a scraping sound as he does so.

From On the Holovid, Systems currently restoring...

Computer status: Rebooted

Physical systems status: Rebooted

Re-engaging priorites. Dean gets up, shaking off the chill as he makes his way up the stairs after the Heykati. From his throat, comes the voice of the cambot-announcer, projecting up the stairwell, hopefully loud and accurate enough to fool the Heykati, "Vrigida! Oh, Vrigida! The next door is locked, and the key is on the -fifth- floor. I suggest getting -that- first!"

From On the Holovid, "I'm not exactly sure where the 'shit' floor is," Vrigida calls down the shaft in response as the silent cambot bobs next to her. "But that's a neat trick!" She aims up the shaft, fires the rapelling hook, and then whirs up after it.

From On the Holovid, Dean doesn't seem angry or upset, or even worried. The Phyrrian moves after her with tireless movement, perhaps the only advantage he has at the moment, bounding up the stairs.

From On the Holovid, Once she's at the top, Vrigida clambers over the railing onto the platform and then opens the door. A smoke-stenched wind whips through, tearing at her clothes and the short hair on her spiked scalp. Ahead of her: the wreckage of a hovercopter, half in and half out of the skyscraper. Sitting in the open cargo bay, illuminated by a spotlight, is the Hekayti Worthing totem.

Fahzook's subtle re-entrance makes no dent in Newts absorption in the holovid. He grins and gives a soft "Yeah!" as Dean recovers.

Fahzook's gaze shoots immediately to Newt, the creature hunkering down as though getting ready for movement at the sound before slowly he seems to relax a little, head tilting to the side a bit, whiskers splaying out to either side of his muzzle. His left paw lifts and idly scratches at the side of his neck. "Are rooting for that onez?" Asked of him curiously. "Whyz?"

From On the Holovid, Dean bursts as fast as he possibly can as he reaches the sixth floor, rushing towards the gap and moving to press forth all the cybernetic might his legs will muster, sailing, sailing through the air. He readies his hands to try and catch himself should he not make that jump...

From On the Holovid, "All houses blazing, that is NOT possible," the once smiling Hekayti grumbles as Dean manages to hurl himself up the shaft with enough velocity to surmount the railing and topple over onto the platform. Vrigida doesn't waste any more time. She starts running for the totem, arms outstretched to take it first.

Newt looks at Fahzook for the briefest of moments, "Coz I know 'em." and then straightens at the jump, "Wow! Massive!"

Fahzook's whiskers twitch once before his gaze darts to the holovid agian. "Know him? Howz?" His gaze shifts back to Newt. "Am from ship, did not leave ship unless to fix shipz, family said is dangerouzzz.. but want to see new thingz."

From On the Holovid, Dean races after her, long strides setting himself up for that final stretch to tackle her down and claim the totem for himself. His face set in grim determination, he yells, "Touch that totem and i'll take you RIGHT. OUT. THAT. WINDOW." The Phyrrian threatens, those final words coming out more meaner than his normal voice. He leaps after her, both of them nearing the totem...

From On the Holovid, Vrigida succeeds in reaching the totem first, touching it just before Dean can slam into her. They tumble into the cargo bay of the hovercopter, causing it to shift with a groan. The cambot whirs in after the pair. "Victory to the Zar's representative, Vrigida," the commentator states. The Hekayti brushes a strand of hair out of her eye, smiling ferally at Dean. The smile vanishes, though, as the old vehicle falls from the side of the building and starts tumbling toward the street below. "Initiating emergency extraction procedures," the cambot announces.

From On the Holovid, The Hekayti woman vanishes in a flash of blue light. Dean, meanwhile, remains in the hull of the wrecked helicopter as it tumbles. "Recharging," the cambot explains.

Newt's eyes widen as the tension goes up. Absentmindedly he replies to Fahzook, "Yeah, me too." as he remains glued to the tube. The, as Dean misses the mark and fails to get to the item first, he deflates, "Awww."

From On the Holovid, A flash of blue light, then Dean vanishes from the copter, just before the craft slams into the pavement.

From On the Holovid, The image shifts back to the Llivori in the ICS studio. "A victory for the Zar in this latest bout, although the outverser certainly put on quite a show! Vrigida proceeds to the second round, however. Be sure to tune in for the next Interverse Combat Series bout on this holoviewer station!"