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From On the Holovid, The holovid blares to life with the fanfare of the ICS theme song, along with the flashy logo.

MacNamara sits at the far end of the bar, a glass of tonic water with a lime twist in it on one side, a bowl of pretzels on the other. As the holovid lights up, he lifts his eyes to the screen. "Okay," he says. "C'mon, girlie, show us something." He claps his hands a few times.

From On the Holovid, The scene shifts to the soundstage with the L-shaped desk where the Llivori commentator waits for his cue. As the music fades, he says, "Welcome to another installment of the Interverse Combat Series artifact combat tournament! Earlier today, we saw Zar Hideg Fekretu's allies even the score with the rebels of Comorro Station. Now, we've got the next to last bout of the first round." From On the Holovid, Now the scene transforms to what appears to be the junction of two corridors in an office building as Kestrel and an Aukami male materialize in twin flashes of blue light. The cambot whirs toward Kestrel and says, "Introduce yourself! Tell us why you're in this competition."

The entrance opens to admit one small Sivadian. Bri bounces her way toward the bar, "Go, Kessy!" she shouts excitedly as she takes up her place on a barstool and settles into watch, eyes practically glued to the screen as her chin rests in her hands, elbows on the bar.

MacNamara glances over. "Hey, Bri," he says, and waves the girl closer. Being a sneaky, oft michievous Martian, with a bit of an obsession with Mack, you can trust Tia to try and play the stealth game with him. Using her small stature to her advantage, the young Captain sneak sneaks through the crowd of largely taller beings, towards Mack;s back.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel tilts her head at the cambot and then pats down a pocket. "Wrote some stuff down," she grouses, then frowns. "...Fergot m'Kari-cursed notes. 'Ey was good, too. Welp, lemme jest sum 'er up for ya 'en." The Later then shrugs and grins sheepishly, shoving her hands into her pockets and rocking back on her heels. "Ol' Fekkie kin kiss my skinny white butt if'n 'e thinks 'e's gittin' 'is grubby paws on 'ese thingers."

Bri looks up and around at the sound of her name being called, "Hey, Mack," she calls brightly as she hops down from her seat to climb up onto one closer to the android man. "How's it going? Come to cheer our girl on?" she scoots the seat a bit closer for better hearing range. She doesn't seem to have noticed any sneaky captains yet.

MacNamara nods. "Yeah," he says. "I wasn't going to watch, but I'd be jumpy and nervous wondering what was going on." He glances to the side. "Hi Tiana," he adds, casually, as if the Martian's behavior wasn't sneaky at all.

From On the Holovid, "I am not entirely sure what she just said, but let's move on," says the commentator via the cambot, which floats over to the Aukami, who says, "I am Lariel, a proud servant of the Zar, honored to represent his interests and those of the Koltkamir." He inclines his head toward Kestrel. "I have great respect for the outversers. You have proven most formidable thus far."

From On the Holovid, "Damn skippy," Kes says, nodding to the Aukami. She actually sketches a (somewhat sloppy) salute in his direction. "An' I aim ta keep it 'at way, no 'fense to yer es-teemed self, chief." A wink follows that as her hands get shoved back into her jacket pockets, the Later looking around idly.

"Awww! Ya ain't sposta notice, Mack." Tia laments with no small degree of dissapointment, the girl slinking up up to stand beside the cyborg. She give him a light shove, ineffective of course, and unlikely to move him /at all/, "Ain't no fair at all, bein' all roboty like 'at."

Bri starts to look back toward the screen, but does a double take when Tia's presence is announced, "Hey, lady," she says with a smile before looking back to the viewer finally, "I think she'll do well," is added as she watches the interview...or at least the end of it.

From On the Holovid, The commentator continues via cambot: "As you see, the pedestal in the middle of the corridor intersection is empty. There is no Hekayti Worthing totem yet. Down each leg of these two corridors, you will find locked doors at all ends. Those locked rooms contain pieces of a teleporter device. Once those pieces are assembled, you can summon the totem to the pedestal. The locks on the four doors can be bypassed by acquiring code sequences. The code sequences are in four of the unlocked rooms along each leg of the corridor. The other four rooms contain various traps and troublesome interruptions."

Dean enters the tavern, moving towards the bar. He finds a spot and sits down. A slight creak of strain from his bench.

"No," Mack agrees with a quiet, wry smile, "it's not fair at all, is it." He reaches for a pretzel, pops it in his mouth, chews noisily. "Pull up a chair, cap'n," he suggests, inclining his chin towards the holoviewer. "This should be good."

From On the Holovid, Kestrel peers down the corridor to the left of her, nodding. "Fair 'nough." She doesn't look back at the cambot, instead looking down each of the passages in turn, as if sizing up the distance down each.

From On the Holovid, "North corridor is yours, Kestrel," the commentator explains. "Lariel will proceed down the east corridor. Once you've acquired the piece of the teleportation device from this leg of the corridor, return to the intersection for further instructions." The hoverbot lingers above the pedestal.

"Well! Ah still like ya, 'spite alla 'at unfairness. So best count yahself lucky." Clearly kidding, the girl leans over to hug Mr. Roboto before she looks across to Bri, "'Allo BriBri! 'Ow yah?" Turn, chair snag. She positions it right beside Mack, and flops down in it to sit, "'At ladyface 'ere's fun. Can't remember 'er name fer t'life ah m', though."

Bri glances over toward Tia again, "doin' good. Came to see Kestrel kick some arse, you know," she replies to the Martian girl. That said, it seems she's decided to use Mack as a pillow, or a leaning post as she leans up against him and settles back to watch the viewer. A lazy wave goes in Deans direction.

Seems there's action in the tavern tonight as the viewer shows the newest round of contestants for the artifact race. Most of the rowdies have actually settled down to watch, including the small group that's gathered at the bar.

From On the Holovid, "A'ight," Kes agrees gamely, nodding. She darts off down the north corridor, looking between the first two doors before she picks the one on the right, marked X1R, and opens it warily.

From On the Holovid, From the now opened office springs a beast that consists of two legs, a bulbous and thickly veined round head, and lots of gnashing fangs. It hurls itself at Kestrel with a brutish fervor.

Dean turns his attention towards Bri's statement, returning a wave as he arches a brow. "..Kestrel?" He turns his attention back to the screen. His face is blank.

From On the Holovid, Meanwhile, in the eastern leg of the corridor, Lariel tugs open the door labeled Y1U. Inside that room, he finds a small card with a sequence of numbers printed upon it. The first of four pieces of the code he must collect.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel springs back with a snarl, the attacker's gnashing fangs closing on air instead of anything of substance. "'Kari's sword," the Later mutters. She promptly hauls back one foot and tries to boot the beast right back into the office.

MacNamara seems a little surprised at this sudden female attention, being hugged and used as pillow. He opens his mouth, but when the action heats up on the holovid, he snaps it shut and sucks air in through his teeth. "That dog doesn't look friendly," he says, reaching for his drink and taking a sip. He eyes the pretzels, but Bri has staked out the side of his body that must be ambulatory in order for him to get them. He glances sidelong at her. What to do. In the end, he just reaches around the schoolgirl to snag his treats. Easy enough when you're enormous and your obstacle is tiny.

From On the Holovid, The critter lunges as Kestrel tries to kick, latching onto her boot with fangs that threaten to crunch through the material and into flesh - but not quite. Still, the pressure hurts.

Volidana walks into the tavern, notes tia and heads in the direction as she takes a first glance at the screen

Oh hey, that's two girls using Mack as a pillow, as Tia snags the cyborg's arm to loop hers around, and leans in to rest her head to his shoulder, "Oohh, is 'at 'er name? Kestrel?" The Cap'n asks across to Bri, "Me an' 'er got 'is lil' teasin' each other game goin' on- oohh.. 'Ah don' think 'at's a dog, Mack."

Bri is easy enough to work around, and she's relaxed enough that any movement doesn't seem to faze her much. She does turn her attention toward Dean though, brow furrowing, "You know Kes," she says with a bit of a frown. Her eyes turn back just in time to catch the beast trying to eat through the little Later's boot, "Bloody hell..." she mutters under her breath, eyes going wide.

From On the Holovid, "Get... OFF," Kes growls, moving her boot back and forth just a bit, as if testing the thing's grip. The Later decides after just a few moments to at least take advantage of the situation, and uses the foot it's got hold of to shove the beast back into the doorway. At that point, she tries to slam the door on its body.

Dean stares at the holoscreen, his arms rested on the top of the bar. His eyes glued to the screen, his fist clenches, and he stands, moving the bench away from the bar, standing behind it. He looks like he's ready to jump at the screen.

From On the Holovid, The beast doesn't seem to have much stamina to it. Once Kestrel lays into it with the slamming door, it goes slack and makes a sick, greasy deflating sound as a cloud of green gas splutters from various orifices.

From On the Holovid, Back in the eastern corridor, Lariel tilts his head as he considers the various doors on either side. He selects the one directly across the hall from the first: Y1D. He opens the door. Inside, he finds the second sequence for the code on the locked door.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel makes a faintly disgusted face, not even bothering to close the door on the gross dead thing. She instead opts to get away from it, proceeding across the hallway to the door marked X1L. She pulls it open, if anything, a little -more- warily this time.

Volidana looks at dean with a smile "That's how I'm gonna be when it's Jazz. I'm fairly sure their friends" She smiles as kes makes work of the creature "So is kes racing him?'

From On the Holovid, Inside the office marked X1L, Kestrel finds the first card bearing a sequence of numbers for her locked door.

MacNamara is chewing a pretzel when Kestrel slams the door on the dog-thing. He stops chewing. He swallows with an expression that suggests maybe that pretzel didn't taste as good as the other ones. Reaching -- around Tiana, now -- he grabs his drink and sips. "Hey!" He exclaims, when Kestrel finds the card. "That's the way!"

From On the Holovid, Lariel opens the door in his corridor marked Y4U. Within, he finds the third card for his lock.

Bri glances over toward Dean, "Calm down, big guy. You can't help her from here and it's against the rules, you know." She glances back up at the screen, hands brought to her lips and she chews on one nail nervously, "Come on, Kes, you can do it," she adds, trying to cheer the Later on.

From On the Holovid, "Ech." Kes says, sparing one last glance for the corpse in the doorway before she proceeds to the next set of doors. This time, she goes for the one marked X2R.

From On the Holovid, Within the office marked X2R, Kestrel locates the second card for her lock.

"Booo Zarfiend!" Tia calls at the screen, making a face at the competitor she dislikes, regardles of the fact that Lariel won't see it, "Kes for the win!"

From On the Holovid, Down the other corridor, Lariel touches a finger to his right temple and then turns slowly to regard the door labeled Y4D. He gives the knob a twist, opens, and reveals the fourth card on the floor. He steps in, takes the card, and smiles.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel purses her lips and moves for the next set of doors, this time opening the one marked X3L.

From On the Holovid, Another correct choice: Inside the office, Kestrel finds the third card out of four.

From On the Holovid, In the other corridor, Lariel taps in the sequence from the four cards he collected. The locked door with the ICS logo shifts its warning panel from red to green. The door hisses open to reveal a small box containing the first of four parts that must be assembled to summon the Worthing totem to the pedestal.

Dean relaxes a little, standing quietly as he observes everything going on.

From On the Holovid, The Later, on the other hand, proceeds to the next set of doorways. Kestrel crosses the hallway yet again, opening the office marked X4R.

From On the Holovid, Nothing freakish leaps out at Kestrel. Nothing explodes. Instead, she finds the fourth card. Together with the rest, she now has the means to unlock the door at the end of her corridor and acquire the second piece of the totem summoning device.

MacNamara frowns. "No fair," says the cyborg. "The Aukami is using telekinesis to precognify where his cards are. MacNamara waves the hand on Bri's side of his body vaguely in the air. "Or something," he adds. A psionics expert, this one.

From On the Holovid, Lariel collects his piece of the device, then strides back to the pedestal to await further instructions. A smug grin itches across his face as he arrives, watching Kestrel complete her work.

Umishi walks in the tavern and sees about finding a place to watch the holovid.

Volidana blinks "Is that not against the rules?

Bri sits up a bit, eyes on the screen and a sneer on her lips, "Go stand next to that bastard!" she yells at the woman on the viewer. "Let him see what cheating gets him!"

From On the Holovid, Kestrel just grins as she spots the last code, grabs it, and darts toward the locked door. She opens her door and looks inside, almost as if expecting something to jump out at her. After a quick check, she retrieves the piece of the device, then heads back toward the pedestal.

From On the Holovid, The commentator, via the cambot, says: "We have two pieces of the device, one for each competitor thus far. Kestrel, you now proceed down the west corridor. Lariel will explore the south corridor."

Dean furrows his brows, his gaze still set competely on the holovid. A pause to glance at the others before his gaze returns to the tournament.

Tiana Ryoleli tenses at the mention of telekinisis, the look on her face slowly ebbing towards murderous, even. What a rare sight! Her jaw clenches, and her grip on Mack's arm tightens - not that he'd be one to notice much. She's not /that/ strong, after all, "Maza cursed being. She mutters, dropping into latin habitually, regardless of the fact that Comm translates.

From On the Holovid, "A'ight," Kes replies, nodding. She scampers off down the west corridor, looking between the first set of doors before she picks the one marked Y1D.

"Kestrel looks like she might take it anyhow," says Mack.

From On the Holovid, Before opening Y1D, Kestrel spies what appears to be a thin monofilament wire of some kind tracing a route from the knob and into the seam of the doorframe.

From On the Holovid, Lariel strolls casually into the southern corridor. He turns toward the door marked X1R. Tugs it open. Walks in and picks up the first card from the floor.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel blinks, her eyes following the near-invisible wire briefly before she turns on her heel and heads across the hallway. Right. That sort of thing is never a good sign. The Later instead opts to open the door marked Y1U.

From On the Holovid, Inside the office marked Y1U, Kestrel finds the first card for the second locked door.

From On the Holovid, In the southern corridor, Lariel opens the door just next to the first one. Inside, not much surprise here, he finds the second card.

Volidana blinks at the holovid "something tells me that is not good...Does anyone actually know if aukami are precogs?" she muses

From On the Holovid, "'Ere we go 'gain," Kes mutters, now proceeding across the hallway again to the door marked Y2D.

From On the Holovid, The door with the Y2D label opens. Inside, Kes finds her second card.

Bri nods to Mack and looks back at the screen. "Don't know about precog..but maybe some kind of sensing or something?" she replies to Dana.

From On the Holovid, Lariel crosses the hall toward X3L. He opens the door. Inside, he finds the third card out of four.

MacNamara shrugs. "Whatever it is, it seems to be working out for him like a charm," Mack says, sounding disinterested.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel also crosses the hall, albeit a different hall. This time she reaches for the door marked Y3U.

From On the Holovid, Inside office Y3U, Kestrel finds the third card. She's one away from completing the sequence needed to open her second locked door.

From On the Holovid, Crossing the hall again, Lariel opens a door marked X4R. Inside, he finds the fourth card waiting for him.

Dean continues to stare silently at the screen, unmoving.

"Bloody bollocks." Tia curses, gently butting her head against Mack - kinda acting like he's an elder sibling, she is, "'At's jus' bloody bullshit."

From On the Holovid, There's sure an awful lot of crossing halls going on here. Kestrel only adds to it as she again crosses hers, this time going for the door named Y4D.

From On the Holovid, The door swings open to reveal a Medlidikke warrior in mismatched combat armor, a notched metal sword clutched in one hand as he howls and leaps into the corridor to confront Kestrel.

From On the Holovid, Lariel arches an eyebrow at the commotion on the other side of the building, but doesn't let that slow him down. He continues tapping in the sequence for the locked door.

Volidana frowns "not one mistake. He could just be damn lucky" though just who she's trying to convince is unclear

Umishi blinks at the holovid.

Dean just keeps still, watching the screen. "Come on, Kes."

"Kick 'is ass!" Tia calls at the Holoviewer, "Bloody 'ell." She reiterates.

MacNamara winces. "Now if only Kestrel can talk that guy into going after her opposition ..."

From On the Holovid, "'Kari's -sword-," Kes squeaks, though she ducks easily as that notched sword sweeps by over her head. One hand darts toward her jacket, getting halfway there before the Later realizes: oh yeah, no guns. Instead, she opts to try to yank the Hekayti's leg out from under him, hopefully sending him toppling back into the room.

From On the Holovid, The Medlidikke is just recovering from his missed swing when the little female suddenly has a grip on his leg, tugs him off balance, and sends him sprawling back into the office.

From On the Holovid, Lariel takes his second piece of the totem summoning device and casually returns to the intersection and pedestal. He tilts his head as he watches Kestrel dealing with the Medlidikke. "She found a friend, I see."

Volidana muses "You gotta wonder how much research and foresight goes into pairing the contestants'

From On the Holovid, Kestrel slams the door shut behind the warrior and tears away from that door as if expecting the Medlidikke to explode out of it at any moment, heading across the hall to the one marked Y4U.

"Looks like a bloody Melidikke t'me, Mack. Ah doubt 'at'd ever 'appen'." Tia offers to the cyborg in a low growl, eyes glued to the holoviewer and her gaze becoming especially pointed with each glance towards Kestrel's opponent Lariel.

"Go, Kes, go..." Dean says quietly, still watching intently.

From On the Holovid, Inside the office labeled Y4U, Kestrel finds the last remaining card containing the sequence for her second locked door. Unfortunately, that other door back across the hall is swinging open again. As expected, the infuriated Medlidikke is coming after the Later.

From On the Holovid, A quick look around the office with the fourth card will reveal that there is an air vent into which Kestrel might be able to squirm. There's also a door that most likely leads to a closet.

Volidana mutters "C'mon Kes. Just run."

From On the Holovid, "...Nothin' ever changes," Kes notes to nobody in particular, darting over to scoot into the air vent. Hey, it seems like a better option than the Medlidikke in the hallway, anyway.

"Eugh," says Mack. "Well, at least she's small."

Umishi 's ear twitch as she watches.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel almost makes it, but the Medlidikke snarls in Hekayan: "Not so fast, twitling." He gives a hard yank by her leg, pulling Kestrel free of the vent and dragging her out onto the floor.

"If she were s'big as you though, one ah 'em Medlidikke prolly wouldn't-ah been no problem at all." Tia points out, looking up to Mack with a faint smile, one hand trying to find a fleshy bit of his side to pinch. Might be on the wrong side of him for that, mind.

From On the Holovid, The pirate has released Kestrel's leg so he can get a better grip on his sword for the killing swing.

The Light singer's aura turns purple "Is he actually allowed to kill her?"

From On the Holovid, "Yer momma's a Kamir," Kes snarls in reply, scrambling to get her feet under her before that sword can come down atop her again. A brief flash of something crosses the Later's face as she looks toward the closet -- recognition, perhaps -- and she darts toward the door, grabbing the knob and yanking it open. Oddly, however, she's keeping the door between herself and the interior of the closet.

It is the wrong side of him to pinch fleshy torso, and anyway, Mack gently bats Tiana's hand away. "Hey," he says. "Don't get fresh." He winces as things get nasty for Kestrel.

Dean seems tensed again. He looks away briefly, again scanning the area, before returning his view on the holoscreen.

From On the Holovid, The Medlidikke turns, brow furrowing as the little woman darts toward the closet. "Just making this last longer," he growls in Hekayan, stomping toward the door to intercept before she can dodge inside. He has overplayed his hand, though. The door opens and she's not going inside. He is. Right as the explosive charge detonates. Unconscious and badly crippled, the pirate comes flopping out in a scorched and tattered mess before thudding onto the office floor.

"Fresh!" Tia replies with a chuckle, gently shoving in against Mack, as ineffective as it might be, "Don' think m'usband'd like m'gettin' fresh wit' no one. Ya like a big brother, you. A /really/ big un'. An' lil' sister's are prone t'be pinchin', 'ey are." Mack briefly gets released as Kestrel asplodes the Medlidikke, the young Martian throwing her hand up with a cheer, "Go Kessers!" Nickname chosen, we'll see if Tia bothers to remember Kestrel's full name now.

From On the Holovid, Back at the intersection, Lariel arches both eyebrows at the sound of the explosion. "I do hope she is not permanently damaged."

Bri stands up on her seat and cheers, "Yeah! That's my girl!" she shouts, fists in the air as she tries to keep balanced on her precarious perch.

From On the Holovid, Kestrel nudges the Medlidikke with a toe as if to make sure he's -really- out of the game this time. "'Ey, m'sorry, sparky. 'At was a right mean thing ta say 'bout yer momma. Even fer me," she says, then dashes off toward her locked door to retrieve her second piece of the teleportation device. Clearly, she's not damaged. Not physically, at least.

MacNamara winces again. "Bang," he says, drinking his drink. "No eyebrows." He steadies Bri's back with one hand and puts down the drink, sliding it towards the bar. He beckons for another. The bartender grudgingly looks from the viewer to the drink, then back again, then starts refilling it. Tonic water, lime twist, no booze.

Volidana winces as her stays it's violet hue "That's disgusting. Cunning and necessary but nonetheless disgusting."

From On the Holovid, As the combatants come together again at the intersection, the commentator speaks via the cambot. "Kestrel has two parts of the summoning device. Lariel has the other two. You must now defeat each other in single combat to claim the parts held by your opponent."

Umishi says, "Clever!"

Dean is seated at the bar, watching the screen intently. He's silent.

Volidana is standing near Tiana who stands leaning against one side of Mack while bri leans on the other near the bar. Dean is at the bar Umishi at a table nearby On screen, Kestrel is about to go toe to toe with an aukami for pieces of a device which summon the worthing totem prize

"Kill 'im!" Tia cries at the screen, a touch of ire present in the little woman's voice. Cue the tense death grip on Mack's arm Gosh it must be nice to be a cyborg.

MacNamara is also at the bar, Bri nuzzled up to him on one side, Tiana on the other. He's got a clear drink in front of him and a bowl of pretzels nearby, and he's watching the fight.

From On the Holovid, Needing no further provocation than that announcement, Kestrel suddenly lunges toward the Aukami, aiming a fist at his midsection. It's not as if she can reach to punch him in the face, after all.

Jaswinder slips into the tavern, looking quietly for a seat to watch the show from. Finding one, he settles in for some holovid entertainment.

"Don't apologize to that creep, Kes!" Bri yells at the screen as she's steadied by Mack's hand, "He was a bastard. His momma probably is a Kamir." She reaches one hand over and pats Mack's head gently, "Thank you," she says before sitting back down again and taking her place, leaning up against the big guy. At the announcement she grins evilly, "That's a girly, Kes!" she calls out as the Later lunges for her opponent.

From On the Holovid, "Oof!" the Aukami coughs out as he's hammered in the stomach by a tiny fist. It hurts, but it doesn't floor him. He turns, trying to make a run for the eastern corridor.

MacNamara pats Bri's head in return, then extricates both hands and leans forward on the bar, one hand clutching the other. "Careful now," he says to the screen. "He knows something you don't know ..."

From On the Holovid, Kestrel all but snarls and tears after Lariel as he tries to flee, trying to repeat the trick she pulled with the Hekayti -- making a grab for his leg and tripping him up.

Umishi blinks, "Well it would be hard to use mental abilities on her."

Dean continues to watch intently, taking his seat once more.

"Gods be damned setup." Tia growls as the Aukami bolts down the eastern corridor, the little Martian rocking forward in her chair in her rowdiness, "KILL HIM!" She reiterates at the screen, for Kes' benefit.

From On the Holovid, Lariel shifts left, avoiding the Later's grasp, and then grabs the door marked Y2U. He pulls that open, revealing another one of those bouncy fang-monsters. It lopes out into the corridor.

From On the Holovid, The Later takes the opportunity presented to her while Lariel is busy opening the door to again try to knock his feet out from under him. This time, a booted foot lashes out toward the backs of his knees. Kestrel notices the bouncy fang-thing without a doubt, but for the moment, chooses to do no more than that with it.

From On the Holovid, The Aukami leaps to avoid the anticipated swing of the woman's foot and comes down in front of the door marked Y3U. He looks at that door, puzzled, then looks across the hall at Y2D. His brow knits as he seems to be trying to remember something. The fang-thing, meanwhile, is lunging at Kes.

Bri bounces a bit in her seat, "You get him, Kes! You can do it!" she shouts, one fist pumping in the air as she does so.

"... fangs ..." Mack mutters anxiously, watching closely.

"Don' be anxious!" Tia encourages to Mack, picking up on his tone, "'At Kessers is a sneaky lil' 'un, jus' like me! She'll git 'at sumbitch, she will!"

In skitters a rather large bug. The tavern is once again graced by the presence of the curious and inquistive B'hiri documentary producer Djikotich. She walks towards the the bar to order whatever drinks B'hiri commonly drink. A glance around the tavern, and her camera moving over to record the going ons, "Yet another gathering of outversers to watch the spectacle on the holovid together. Seemingly many of the outversers participating are known to the outversers living on board the Yaralu."

From On the Holovid, Kestrel, on the other hand, seems to have no such compunctions. She barely notices the bouncing beast's missed lunge as she darts away. The Later rolls right up beside the Aukami, bold as brass, and yanks open the door marked Y2D, again carefully keeping the obstruction between herself and whatever might be inside.

From On the Holovid, Lariel looks damned surprised by the arrival of the tiny woman pulling open the door. He's even more surprised by the concussion of the blast that comes from within, hurling him across the corridor into a heap in the empty office across the hall. The fang-beast shrieks in horror and gallumphs down the corridor toward the cambot, making a sharp right at wherever-the-hell-things-aren't-exploding and perhaps a prudent left at save-my-sorry-skin.

From On the Holovid, "...Aw, Kanter's mercy, 'e better not be dead," Kes groans, wincing. She actually runs over to the Aukami's side, first claiming the two pieces of the teleporting device, of course, but then giving him a brief once-over to make sure he's not in immediate danger of bleeding to death or anything of the sort. Only then does the Later return to the pedestal to assemble the teleportation device and put it to the use it was intended for -- summoning the Worthing totem.

MacNamara sucks air in through his teeth. "That looks serious," he says. "She better win before he dies."

"Nice Job, Kes!" Dean says with a small smile. He looks at the fallen opponent.

Umishi focuses solely on the holovid.

From On the Holovid, There's a flash of blue light that consumes the unconscious Aukami, teleporting him away from the combat site just before Kestrel summons in the totem. Then she too is teleported away, victorious. The scene shifts back to the soundstage with the Llivori commentator: "The tie is broken. Comorrites now hold a 4-3 advantage over allies of the Koltkamir. We have one bout left in the first round. Can the Zar's people pull it together and force a tie going into the second round? That remains to be seen. See you next time." The ICS logo flashes across the screen and then the holovid goes dark.

Bri practically glomps Mack, "She did it!" she calls out brightly, "That's our Kes!" and with that she hops down off her chair, "Gotta go set up some kinda victory party...or something," she says almost breathlessly.

"Aye... 'Ey don't take kindly tcontestants killin' each other, do 'ey?" Tia inquires, eyes darting back to the screen just after Kes and her opponent are teleported away, "Ohh! Yay Kessers!"

Stamping sounds can be heard from the boots of an annoyed outverser. "Why the /hell/ wasn't I informed of this bloody tournament?" The pirate captain stamps in and heads to the bar, "Booze!"

MacNamara applauds. "Hey!" he says, and chants, tauntingly, "Look at 'em take their lumps, the Zar's boys are stupid chumps!"

Jaswinder smiles wryly. "No pressure," he says quietly. "Ah, Lady, Lady..."

Umishi moves from her place near the holovid and moves for the exit.

Tiana Ryoleli hops off her chair, arms wrapped around Mack's arm and trying to tug him along with her, "Victory dance wit' me, Mack!"

MacNamara waves off. "Oh no," he says. "Josh MacNamara does not dance." He lifts his drink in toast and takes a sip, extricating his arm from Tiana's. "Have fun though."

Dean stands from his seat as Kestrel is teleported. A smile is planted on his face.

Kestrel comes tearing into the tavern as if Lady Akari's own blade was whickering at her very heels. She all but skids to a stop, blinking at the holoviewers blankly. "...Aw. I was hopin' if'n I ran fast 'nough, I could catch th'end'a it." Either she's joking, or she really has -no- idea about how a live broadcast works.

"But Mack!" Tia protests, frowning and reaching for Mack's arm again, "Ain't no fun by m'self. C'moooon, can't sneak up on ya, ya won't dance. How m'ah sposta be 'avin' fun if'n aught c'n be done wit' ya? Ah challenge ya! Ah win, ya gotta dance wit' m'jus t'once." Oh yes, she's serious.

MacNamara smiles. "No," He says, firmly.

Dean turns towards Kestrel and quickly moves towards her. He circles her, eyeing each part of her body, probably for wounds. "Kestrel, you did great!"

The spider's camera moves towards Jaswinder, the B'hiri itself skitter soon after. "It seems we have found a rebellious teenage Aukami who sympathises with outversers." A friendly nod from Djikotich to note that, yes, she is referring to the Timonae in front of her, "Young man, please tell us what you think of the current state of affairs?" The camera automatically zooms in on the face of Jasswinder, to allow the response to taped easily, "Don't be shy."

Jaswinder blinks a few times at this peculiar address, then grins with perfect innocence up at the B'hiri. "I think it's a sad day to be in a good bar and short a good beer. Willing to treat me?"

"But!" Tia further protests, jabbing her finger gently at Mack's fleshy cheek, "Not even one lil' fight?" To be perfectly frank, she actually seems more interested in a spar, than dancing, "Jus' once?" Cue the cute eyes, yo.

MacNamara does not appear amused, especially at the poke. "Tiana," he says, "no means no." He turns to his drink. Maybe this is a sore subject.

"Dunno, 'at Medlidikke had me right scared fer a few," Kes admits, watching Dean. She raises a brow at him. "M'fine, chief. Only thing what got me was 'at weird ugly... dog thinger." The Later eyes her boot critically, then wrinkles her nose. "It smelt awful, Dean. Jest -awful-."