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Xanya's first date with Sadie

Summary: Xanya and Sadie go on there first date together.

Cast: Xanya and Sadie.

Air Date: February 11, 2654

Setting: Eiru Landing Pad - Eiru, Pyracan

Set about thirty feet above sea level, this pure white, brand new landing pad is approximately a thousand feet per side, with lime green parking tape dividing it up into landing spots, and overlooking the balmy blue-green sea of Eiru. Tiny brown feathered lizards fly about and cling to ships acrobatically, chattering amongst themselves. A small wood and glass booth near the northeastern corner sports what looks to be sensor gear on the roof, and seems to be for the pad coordinator. A broad plascrete path leads downhill towards the settlement.

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Xanya is standing near the edge of the landing platform looking over the sea. She is wearing her good outfit with velvet Punk jacket and Long fishtail skirt.

Sadie looks up from her PDA as she spots Xanya and walks up beside her, touching her hand to Xanya's if she lets her. "Hey you!" She is wearing her wavy hair in a pony tail and a white lace sundress.

Xanya lets sadie touch her hand and Xanya turns her head to look to sadie. She smiles and takes sadies hand and holds it gently. She looks to sadie from top to bottem and back up again. "Hello there pretty lady." She says with a smile.

Sadie grins and moves to kiss Xanya's cheek. "What are you doing out here alone?"

Xanya smiles brightly getting kissed on her cheek. "I've been waiting."

Sadie tilts her head, smiling. "Waiting for what?" She giggles.

Xanya Smiles shaking her head. "waiting for pretty lady with blond hair, one green eye like grass on a sunny day, and one blue eye like the clear blue skies. and she listens to the name Sadie. Have you seen her around?" She says smiling.

Sadie blushes as Xanya speaks, then nods as she moves closer to Xanya. "I think I've seen her around." She giggles, biting her lip.

Xanya turns to face sadie and looks into her eyes. "Mind telling me where I can find her?"

Sadie smiles and wraps her arms around Xanya's neck. "I think she's right here." She giggles as she leans in for Xanya to kiss her lips.

Xanya Smiles brightly and leans in too to kiss Sadie on her lips. As they kiss Xanya wraps her arms around Sadie gently.

Sadie closes her eyes and smiles as Xanya wraps her arms around her. "Now, did you want to go on a date or something?" She giggles.

"yes, on a dinner date. I have been told of a good restaurant we can go to." Xanya says as she gently strokes Sadies back. "Would you like to come?" Xanya says biting her lips Slightly worried and wondering what the awsner will be.

Sadie giggles and nods excitedly, "Yes, I would love to come!"

Xanya smiles happely. "We would need to make a little trip with the Puddle jumper. when your ready."

Sadie looks around, her eyes falling on Xanya. "I'm ready right now!"

Xanya Nods still smiling. "great, Follow me then." She takes Sadies hand if she would let xanya and then goes towards the Puddle jumper.

Xanya's first date with Sadie - Second setting

Summary: Xanya and Sadie go on there first date together.

Cast: Xanya and Sadie.

Air Date: February 11, 2654

Setting: Saveur - Nu Auberge - Pyracan

Built out of white granite, Saveur's decor seems more Roman than anything else. A long white marble bar with black leather barstools lines one wall with an impressive array of Outverser liquors, given the circumstances. Round, black wood tables of differing sizes are peppered about the space, with a crackling fire in the fireplaces on three of the four walls. Servers dress in form-fitting black turtlenecks and slacks, and offer a distinctly fusion menu of mockups of French, Japanese, Mexican and German cuisines. A marble arch leads back to the lobby.

Contents: Exits:
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As they get into the town from the puddle jumper, Xanya guides Sadie trough the town holding her hand the entire time. As they walked it could have felt as if they took the long way around to reach there destination. When they have finaly arived Xanya smiles and opens the door to let Sadie in the hotel first. after that she hurries to the door of the restaurant and opens it to let sadie in the restaurant. Once in the restaurant she looks around to take in the style of the restaurant.

Sadie smiles as she is led around town and into the hotel. "This is so pretty!" She exclaims as she enters the restaurant. She looks back to Xanya and rubs the arm of Xanya's hand she is holding.

Xanya smiles to Sadie. "It does look good. But you look prettier."She says and she gives sadie a kiss on her cheek. As she does a Server comes to them and speaks to them. "can I do anything fo you?" He says. Xanya looks to the man. "Yes please. I would like a table for too. In a romantic spot please?" Xanya says to the man. "of course follow me, please. I got just the right place for you two." the man says and walks away towards a spot.

Sadie giggles as they are led to a romantic spot. As she sits down, she smiles. "I would just love a glass of wine!" She giggles as she opens the menu to look at it.

Xanya smiles as they are led to the spot. as they get there Xanya makes sure to help sadie sit down like a gentleman would. after that she sits down herself. "I think I will take a wine as well." She sais smiling and looks at the menu. "I think I will go for the taco's. What about you sweety?" She asks sadie.

Sadie pus her menu down as she giggles. "Tacos sound great!" She continues to stare at Xanya.

Xanya puts her menu down too and orders taco's for two. She then look into Sadies eyes. "so ... how have you been since we last saw each other?"

Sadie sighs heavily. "Really busy. Trying to save some horses who rifted in sick. We saved one, but found out four are pregnant. So now we have that to worry about." She smiles weakly as she looks at Xanya. "It's been a lot of work." She shakes her head, "What have you been up to, love?"

Xanya Smiles to sadie. "saving lives sounds like rewarding work in the end. I have been bussy preparing for a large order I got. I need to make a Small Stellar Armada. So thats alot of ships. 15 in total to be exact in 3 different sizes."

Sadie nods as she listens to Xanya. "That sounds like hard work!"

Xanya nods. "it is. first step is to know what kind of materials I need and how much. and then I will need to go gather it all. once I got them I can build the ships."

Sadie laughs. "All of that would give me a headache! But I'm glad you like it so much." She smiles.

Xanya Smiles back. "the best part of being a ships building will be when I finaly get to build my own first ship and it will be a beauty."

Sadie nods, smiling. "Yes, that will be awesome!" She smiles and sips her wine as the server comes over with their tacos. "Ooh! Our tacos!" She giggles and nods to the server, "Thank you!"

Xanya nods to the server too. "many thanks sir." She smiles looking at the tacos and then looks to Sadie. "Bon apptit, sweety."

Sadie grins as she digs into her tacos, giggling. "I love tacos!" She smiles as she finishes the tacos, giggling as she looks at Xanya.

Xanya enjoyes her taco's too. She smiles happely as Sadie giggles and enjoyes her meal. "Then I'm glad I made a good choice. and remember, we can even have dessert after this."

Sadie she looks wide eyed at Xanya. "Desert? Mmm!"

Xanya nods. "yes, one of my favorite ones is ice cream." She says after taking in a last bite of taco's. "What kind of desserts do you like?"

Sadie giggles as she sits back in her chair. "I love brownies with ice cream!"

Xanya Looks to sadie with a curious look. "Brownies with Ice cream?" She thinks on it for a moment. then raises her hand and waves a server over. "I would like to order two Brownies with icecream please." She says as the server arives. The server nods leaves to get the order made. Xanya then takes her glass of wine and drinks a bit from it looking into sadies eyes as she does.

Sadie smiles as Xanya orders. "I like that you order for me." She giggles and takes a sip from her wine as she lays one of her hands in the middle of the table.

Xanya smiles to sadie and lays one of her hands to the middle of the table to take and gently hold sadies hand. "it is a desert that you like. So I ordered it for you. I want you to enjoy this date."

Sadie smiling, she nods slowly. "I am enjoying this date, love." She smiles as she looks at Xanya.

Xanya smiles look into sadies eyes. "I'm glad. I'm enjoying this date too, love." The dessert arives and xanya smiles. "Your favorite has arived my love."

Sadie giggles as she begins eating the brownie. "Ahhh this is so good!" She looks at Xanya as she teasingly scoops some ice cream into her mouth, giggling.

Xanya starts with the brownie as well and as she eats it she watches sadie enjoy her dessert. As Sadie giggles she giggles to. Xanya finishes her brownie slowly, But the ice cream goes in fast. So fast even that Xanya holds her head as she gets a brain freeze. "Oooh, to fast." She says giggling

Sadie giggles at Xanya. "Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth! It helps!"

Xanya does as sadie suggests and after a little while her brain freeze goes away. "thank you sweety, that helped indeed." Xanya say and looks into sadies eyes.

Sadie smiles warmly as she finishes her brownie. "Well that was yummy, thank you!"

Xanya Smiles happily. "Your most welcome sweety. I could tell you enjoyed it."

Sadie nods slowly, smiling. "Anything else in mind?"

Xanya stands up and walks to sadie's side and overs her a hand to help her up. "I was about to ask you the same thing. I know of a few things we can do. but I wanted to give you a chance to come up with someting first."

Sadie shakes her head as Xanya helps her stand up. "It doesn't matter to me, love."

Xanya Smiles and offers her hand to Sadie, to be able to guide her again. "I got a few idea's. One means we will go into a certain tidal pool we know. The other one is where we will stay to spend the night here in this hotel. I was thinking of a night in the hotel. What about you love?" Xanya says as she walks the both to the bar of the restaurant to pay for there meal.