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First Repairs

Summary: A damaged Phyrrian meets up with a repair girl and gets the first replacement parts

Cast: Leucohyle, M9RU-9K

Air Date: 01:10 PM - Sunday 12 February - 2654 AD

Setting: Sinter Junkyard - New Phyrria -- Materi Syna

It's clear there has been measures taken to prevent pollution - even the designated waste dumps are contained and organized, for the most part. This is not to say it's particularly clean - scraps of buildings, vehicles and occasionally ships are scattered in tall, sorted piles. Everything from landing gear to refrigerators, and even Phyrrian parts are lined up for smelting, salvage, recycling or compaction. Phyrrian Taskers roam the large, hexagonal yard which is set upon intricate, metallic tiles fitting together like puzzle pieces. There are drains here and there, meant to collect waste that it may be properly filtered. At each 'point' of the hexagon is something like a forge. Still ever protective of their tech, a visitor must go through the Taskers if they've gleaned a particularly high tech Phyrrian part.

Contents: Exits:

Apparently checking out the many Phyrrian parts being stored here, M9RU-9K is a bit away from the kali storage and most likely will not be immediately spotted. The large robot seems to have made some form of impact on the taskers checking the visitors since it is mostly ignored by them.

Soft, crunching footsteps through the snow, some tiny, fluting murmurs, and the tickticktick of many metallic limbs upon metallic surfaces can be detected long before Leu actually comes into visual range. She pauses to greet every tasker as she passes, and seems very familiar with the area. She is also swaddled in what is most likely an excessive amount of Ungstiri-made cold-weather gear; a large, furry coat, mittens, boots, and a scarf cap. Accompanying her are Omicron, the basketball sized arachnoid robot, and Iota, similar in design but the size of a beach ball. "All, all right," she pipes. "L-let's see what we can find today, hmm?"

This female humanoid appears to be either in her late teens or early twenties, and seems, for lack of a better word, to be the personification of "mathematical human average." She is of average height, that being approximately five feet, five inches tall, and is somewhere in the range of one hundred and twenty pounds.
Despite her very unassuming bearing, her ivory-pale skin is smooth and blemish free, her precisely-trimmed nails are buffed to a natural shine, and her teeth are exceptionally straight and white. Her chestnut-colored hair, while strikingly short, is also well-kept, brushing against the tips of her small ears in glossy, feathery tufts. Slender, somewhat sparse eyebrows sit above clear, hazel eyes, completing her mild-mannered appearance. What is -not- average about her is a complete lack of marks upon her skin; no scars, no moles, and no hair other than her scalp and eyebrows. The delicate tracery of pale blue veins can be seen beneath this expanse of unmarked skin, along with equally delicate patterns of circuitry. A fine, Y-shaped structure of glossy black metal outlines her eyes, along her cheekbones and over her brow ridges.
Presently, she is dressed in a very sensible outfit of black trousers with a faint houndstooth pattern, a pair of nonconductive soled non-skid low boots, and a soft v-necked blouse in heather gray. Over her shoulder is a rugged-looking canvas engineer's bag, unadorned except for a screen print of an orchid on the top flap. A wide variety of tools and assorted pieces of technology poke out of pockets and holsters, and a walnut-sized, multi-limbed robot is perched upon her shoulder. Two or three more similar, albeit smaller robots scuttle to and fro between her hair, shoulders, glasses, and pockets. From a pair of glittering black ports at her temples extends a glossy black wireframe that snaps shut over the bridge of her nose like a pair of half-glasses; however, the lenses themselves are holographic.

[Skill System] M9RU-9K tests its Perception skill at a modifier of 0. The result is 3.

A few clicking sounds escape M9RU-9K as it apparently scans an item that remotely looks like a energy based propulsion unit. The robot moves to another spot, making clanking sounds as the spider-like, heavy duty "legs" move rather quickly and an observer would be surprised at the speed the large mass is moved along the piles of "junk". Whirring softly as it apparently found another spot to check, it stops, an observer with a keen hearing would notice the protesting whine of heavy-duty gyros and inertia dampeners kicking in to keep the large mass from toppling over. If the robot has noticed Leucohyle, it does not make it public.

[Skill System] Leucohyle tests her Perception + Hearing at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

Leucohyle picks up a bit of metal and turns it over in her mittened hands for a few moments before passing it to Iota, who takes it between its front appendages and stows it in its cargo module. As she crests a pile of scrap she cants her head to the side, and with a faint rustle a few walnut-sized spider bots scuttle out of her hood and take up posts on her shoulders and head. However, their mistress is already looking in the appropriate direction, and spots the larger bot. "Oh!" she pipes. "Good good afternoon, M9RU-9K. I I see you are also s-searching for parts, yes? I I happened to have some of the required lubricant in the shop, and and I do have components for your vocal modulator, but the largest Gravitic Unit available to to me commercially only had a mass neutralization ration of 90.000 Newtons."

With a soft, whirring, sound, M9RU-9K turns the "X"-marked sensoric dome towards Leucohyle while approaching her, the robot stopping quite close to the woman and the by now metallic sounding, female voice is heard, "This unit greets the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall." Pausing for a second, the robot once more balances it's bulk and then adds, "The assessment of the bio-unit is correct. This unit is scanning for usable gravitic units. Currently with no success. It appears that the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall has had more success." Once more, a few soft clicks are heard and then the now high-pitched voice of the robot sounds again, "The parameters of the gravitic unit can maybe be altered. 90000 Newtons are sufficient to give this unit 95% of peak performance. The bio-unit should indicate the compensation needed. This unit is aware that it was noted that no compensation is needed, this is highly unusual in dealings with bio-units though and was coded as what is called 'politeness'. This unit has no concept of that matter."

"You can simply add an addendum to your reference file that I am a highly unusual bio-unit and generally do not operate under standard bio-unit parameters, as most Phyrrians on the the present Enclave network have already been advised," Leu replies, matter-of-factly, not reacting to the closeness of the robot despite the fact that she has been observed reacting poorly to organics being that close. "And and I had the lubricant already on my shelf, y-you can feel free to purchase some later at your convenience to restock it. As as for the gravitic unit, I've already got most of the er, parts, or w-we can order it via Sanctuary, who who has offered to cover the expense. So the end resultant cost would only be time and labor, and and since due to ongoing advances in genetic technology, my lifespan is at present immeasurable, the inherent 'cost' for my time is incalculable. And even if I did I would never charge a Phyrrian. I -like- Phyrrians, as time spent with them has been historically 97% enriching, beneficial, and even -delightful-." With purpose, she and her attendant bots return to searching. "I only need a little bit of Titanium to to finish the vocal modulator."

[Skill System] M9RU-9K tests its Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

M9RU-9K 's sensoric Dome turns to light blue as Leucohyle speaks the robot otherwise motionless. As she has fallen silent, the Phyrrian speaks in a now husky voice, "The adjustment has been made, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. This unit will not require assistance in replacing the vocal unit. The part is modular and accessible by this units manipulators. The lubrication is also automatic as soon as this unit is in possession of the lubricant." With a soft whirr, the top pyramid turns slowly for 360 degrees until it faces Leucohyle again, "This unit has performed a high-resolution scan for titanium. Depending on density, alloy and size, there are several small to large stockpiles in the vicinity." The robot pauses, the domes turning light green as it focuses on Leucohyle again, "This unit does not understand the concept of 'liking' apart from the word itself, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. It is confusing for this unit to incorportate the concepts of 'delight' or 'likes' into it's base programming. It would also not be beneficial to the primary duties of this unit."

Leucohyle's eyes go out of focus for a moment, and Iota the conveyance-bot scuttles over to M9RU-9K. Its forelimbs reach into its cargo compartment, to present the canister of lubricant with as much ceremony as a spherical robot with many jointed limbs can muster. "Errrm," Leu pipes, even now beelining for a possible bit of the necessary metal. "The concept of 'like' can can be given the... quantifiable definition of... 'experiences positive need fulfillment with' or 'beneficial to the operations of'. Oh! Oh excellent," she stops short, having spotten a distinctive multi-hued glint of said needed metal.

One of the bulkheads in the central bulge of M9RU-9K opens up with a soft click, a large, semi-flexible manipulator extending towards the canister, gripping it and holding it to a short stubby antenna that emerges from another spot on the bulge as the appendage moves. A hum can be heard as a soft, blue light bathes the canister and after a few seconds, the canister is attached to the bulge, a gurgling sound indicating that it is drained. The robot returns the canister to the smaller cousin and turns to Leucohyle again, the metallic, female voice high pitched now, "Lubrication complete. This unit believes that bio-units 'thank' each other when such services are rendered. So this unit 'thanks' the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall for aquiring the lubricant and giving it to this unit." It falls silent and follows the woman slowly, the glowing center dome fixed on her.

[Skill System] M9RU-9K tests its Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

"Y-you're welcome!" Leu pipes, working with her attendant bots to unearth a proper sized bit of 'scrap' titanium. Iota takes the empty container, leans back to 'fold' it up with the help of a few more appendages, and drops the bit of trash in a different spot in its cargo compartment. "All right, so so we've got that, and and that, and... oh pardon me." She pads around a patrolling tasker and beelines her way to a workbench, Iota and Omicron following along behind her. Stripping off her mittens, she retrieves a few metalworking tools from the conveyance bot and sets right to work.

[Skill System] M9RU-9K tests its Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

M9RU-9K watches Leucohyle closely as she works, a few of the stubby appendages extending from the central bulge, slightly humming as the woman bares her hands, the robot apparently interested in them as they are bathed in the same, blue light as he lubricant canister before. Whirring softly, the robot withdraws the sensors and the blaring female voice is heard, "This unit has noticed that the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall seems to have a faulty voice modulator itself. Maybe the bio-unit should meet with a repair bio-unit." Falling silent for a second, then adds, "This unit has scanned your appendages, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. It has detected an amount of non-biological circutry in your body. It is clear that the bio-unit seeks to enhance it's performance. Are there any adverse side-effects or damages?"

"Oh, -no-, er. The the stuttering is because my mental processes are operating at a speed beyond the capacity of of my biological processes. It's not damaged, it's just not er, as advanced, as-it-were," Leu replies, bent over the little bit of metal and shaping it into the proper part with the utmost care. "And and -no-, there are no adverse effects related any of my cybernetic modifications, as they were carefully screened for compatibility, quality, and were installed under top sterility parameters by an expert in the field. Also I I was pre-made to be receptive to cybernetic enhancements during my design phase."

The cental, sensoric dome flickers between red and green as Leucohyle speaks, M9RU-9K otherwise not moving. After her explanations are finished, there is a pause when only the sounds of the woman working can be heard until the very high pitched voice of the robot can be heard again, "Noted, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. According to my database entries, the stuttering can also be seen as a failure of social interaction, so this unit computes a high probability of other bio-units getting confused by it." A gurgling sound is heard for a few seconds, then the bottom pyramid moves 360 degrees in near silence. After a second or two, the robot speaks again, "Why did the bio-unit not increase it's resilience to adverse environments? If a large part of these piles would topple on it, this unit computes a high chance of the bio-unit being damaged or destroyed."

"Oh yes I I -rather- confuse other bio-units frequently, even when I am speaking slowly," Leu murmurs, turning the cooling 'part' over rapidly in her hands, examining all sides with the assistance of two of the walnut-sized spider-bots. Text and images scroll rapidly across her holo-specs, observable as measurements, scans, and other analyses. Only after these are finished does she address the question. "Hrm? Oh, er. I I have evasion-based enhancements for damage -avoidance-, as opposed to er, enhancements for damage -mitigation- which would have adverse effects upon mobility and and manual-dexterity. Also I perform regular mnemonic backups; in the er, case of fatal incident, Father would simply re-construct me and er, well it would be -inconvenient- because I'd have to to have all of my enhancements re-done and and reintegrate the mind-body synchronization, but... in in the end I'd be all right."

M9RU-9K extends a few more of the sensoric extensions, this time from the top pyramid and appears to follow the progress of the construction, the robot mostly concentrating the appendages on the hands and arms of Leucohyle rather than on the piece she is working on. A slight humming is heard again and then the screeching, metallic voice that once was pleasantly human, "This unit understands that it is not simple to back up a bio-units characteristics. In case of an extraction, would there be adjustments for the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall's body?" Pausing for a second, the robot then asks something that might appear as strange for a specialized unit, "Has the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall ever experienced deactivation and reinitialization?"

"Not as of yet!" Leu chirps, "I I am merely one hundred eighty days, twenty two hours, fifty six minutes, and thirty four thirty five thirty six seconds old, and and I do not take unnecessary risks as many other organics are are prone to do. But then again most organics lack the mental processes necessary to calculate sufficient risk versus reward equations prior to taking an action." She shrugs, pleasantly, and then cants her head to the side again. "Hmm. No, I I believe it would be the the same body as the er, original decanting. Father did not fail to include any of the appropriate genetic enhancements. Although, should -additional- enhancements become available in the intervening time, I am one hundred percent certain that he would add them." She falls quiet for a few more moments, withdrawing the partially completed vocalizer unit from Iota's storage compartment and starting to install the new part within.

M9RU-9K moves the spider-like legs slightly to redistribute the weight again, the noise of this having been reduced greatly after the lubricant has been applied. The robot still points a few of the sensor extensions towards Leucohyle, it's voice modulation slowly failing more and more, "This unit has added this information to it's databases." The central sensoric dome flickers a little and then it adds, "The bio-unit Leucohyle Hall is proficient in constructing parts. Just as unit ZO2-352 has communicated. ZO2-352 has noted that the bio-unit belongs to it's circle of trust. Unfortunately, this unit cannot yet include the bio-unit as well, since unit ZO2-352 currently servers another overmind." After a short pause, it continues, "Should the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall wish to assist this unit in repairs, it will have to accept constant, high-level scanning by this unit."

Leucohyle blinks a few times as she processes the information, beaming a wobbly little smile at the confirmation that she is in Vicky's circle of trust. "Oh th-that's -fine-," she pipes, without hesitating. "I am quite familiar with the organic observable behaviour of providing false data. While I I am opposed to the practice myself, as such a thing prevents the proper completion of interactions and equations, I I completely understand that others of my kind," she crinkles her nose slightly at this, "Are still too primitive to maintain conversations and relationships without false information. You may scan me, my systems, my Limbics, my tools, and anything else under my purview as much as is required according to your parameters." *click* "Ah! There we are." She plugs the vocalizer into something in the depths of her coat - a simple diagnostic transmitter connecting to her neural implant - and starts running diagnostics.

The center dome of M9RU-9K turns a shade of crimson and this time it replies almost immediately, "The bio-unit Leucohyle Hall appears to change itself to become more of a robotic unit. This unit computes a high probability that the falsifying of information would no longer be part of a cybernetically enhanced bio-unit if it is constructed properly." Falling silent for a few seconds, the robot appears to scan the surroundings for a few seconds, then adds, "Does the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall think about increasing the amount of implants in to the bio-structures? It would further enhance it's performance, speed and data processing abilities. This unit assumes that even a high powered sensor array could be integrated into the endoskeleton of this bio-unit."

"Oh, yes," Leu replies, eyes out of focus as images and data flood across her holo-specs. "I frequently peruse available catalogs for the latest in cybernetic enhancements. With the er, caveat that at present my current cybernetic installer is is opposed to the replacement of functioning organic parts, so er. Well it has applied a minor limitation upon my available selections. But! I am at present pleased with the current distribution of cybernetic to organic functions, as my organic functions are also enhanced beyond general organic specifications." *chime* "Oh! Lovely. My diagnostics are complete. Here you are. You you may of course run your own prior to installation, I I will not take offense." She presents the part in cupped hands.

[Skill System] M9RU-9K tests its Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

M9RU-9K turns toward Leucohyle once more as she speaks, the robot extending two highly flexible appendages from the central bulge, along with a larger, stubby appendage which -- as before -- bathes the presented part in a blueish light, then the machine takes it gently with one of the appendages. A deep hum is heard and with a soft click and the hiss of escaping gases a small hatch is opening on the upper pyramid, the hatch being heavily armored. A close observer will notice several microboards exposed and one of the appendages moves up and removes one, putting it to rest on the center bulge, then the robot places the replacement part into the hatch, closing it and with a soft click, it is no longer seen on the surface. The robot turns to Leucohyle once more and the voice emitting now is pleasant and well modulated, "This unit's vocal modulator is now working within acceptable parameters, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. Thank you for your assistance." A slight clank is heard as the robot drops the board into a small bulkhead in the center, and it adds, "Now only the gravitic unit is missing. As i have understood the bio-unit, it can be commercially purchased but a unit called Sanctuary will cover the costs?"

"Well! They offered, so so I most -certainly- have no qualms about allowing them to er, do so. I think it will have a positive effect upon robot-organic interactions." Leu pipes, flipping the tops of her mittens back over her fingers and setting down a trio of quarter-sized arachno-bots. They immediately start cleaning up the workspace as she files the borrowed tools away and tucks her own tools back into Iota's storage compartment. "And and then, when the er, part arrives, we can install it at whatever appropriate venue you find most suitable to your safety and security needs. Here, the the Civilian Flight Deck aboard Sanctuary, or or my laboratory on Comorro."

M9RU-9K whirring slightly as it's position is adjusted, the robot replies after a short pause, "This unit accepts the need to improve the interactions between bio-units and us. It has been fired upon during a rescue mission due to misinterpretation of it's actions." The Phyrrian's sensor dome turns whiteish-grey as it adds, "This unit will conduct a more thorough check of the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall's trustworthiness. If this search does not reveal facts that forbid it, this unit would simply let the bio-unit choose where to assist it in the repairs. Also since the lubrication of this unit is complete, this unit can now move in auxiliary mode for an indefinite amount of time until the bio-unit has another time-slot." With this, the robot falls silent, still focused on the woman before it though.

"Oh -certainly-," Leu pipes, genuinely agreeable. "Do you do you require any read-access keys to files? I I do not have many physical files, as as the majority of my data is stored, well..." She taps her head. "Locally. But I I do have receipts and reports and inventories and manifests and what-all, as well as a node on Synapse."

The pleasant, female voice of M9RU-9K speaks almost softly after Leucohyle falls silent, "Negative, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. This unit will interface with the local data nets to perform the search. Since other units have already vouched for the bio-unit, this search is more about the integrity of the other units and the local overmind, less about the bio-unit." After a short pause, it continues, "Does the bio-unit have means to fuse it's mind with a standard data node?"

Leucohyle nods a bit, catching sight of a possibly salvageable piece of 'junk' and sending Iota to retrieve it, mid-conversation. "Oh, er, yes, I have full neural interfacing, it's it's how I connect to Synapse and also I am directly networked to all of my Limbics for input, data sharing, and remote control. They are not self-aware." She fiddles her fingers together. "I er, haven't directly networked with anything sapient."

The central sensoric dome turns light green, M9RU-9K does not answer for quite a while after Leucohyle has fallen silent, then replies, "This unit considers it fortunate. Should the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall accept, this unit will interface with the bio-unit during the more demanding repairs. That way, any trust problems are no longer existent due to the near impossibilty of the bio-unit breaching any security protocols." The robot falls silent and with a soft whirr, it sinks down a little lower and shifts it's weight again.

Leucohyle ponders this for a bit, expression and posturing not entirely unlike someone who's just been asked out to dinner and 'coffee'. "Errm. Well. I'm I'm going to have to -consider- that, as I have not yet experienced a direct connection with... well. -Any- self-aware unit. Organic or or otherwise."

M9RU-9K 's top pyramid turns 360 degrees once more as the robot scans it's surroundings for no apparent reason, then focuses on Leucohyle and speaks again, "This unit computes a very small probability of any possible damage for the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. The bio-unit will be fenced from the more advanced circuitry of this unit, so there will be no problem of data overload." After a second of silence, it adds, "Experience is a positive addition to any attempted action, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall, but it has consider that experience can not be obtained without attempting the action at least once." A small click is heard and a small plate appears close to Leucohyle in the central bulge and a small code chip is seen on it, "The bio-unit can use this comunication encoder to directly call this unit should it consider the offer."

Leucohyle offers up a wobbly smile. "Oh er, no, I'm I'm not worried about -damage-; I I have significant data-processing capacity. I just need to consider it, yes, not in terms of trust, but but in terms that I want to be certain that I will be able to er, interact properly." She flips up her mittens to take the communication chip, and passes over a comm chip from her own PDA in exchange. "I do need to er, to get back to the lab, but I'll put in the order and and contact you as soon as it is available for installation."

M9RU-9K takes the comm chip of the woman and places it in the same receptacle, then replies, "Understood, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. Should this unit not be able to interact properly with the bio-unit, the connection can be severed at any time without any chance of side effects. At our next meeting, this unit will have created a proper protocol based on the scans of the bio-unit." With that, the robot falls silent and turns, walking off towards the kali storage with impressive speed.