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This is a continuation of the logg: Talks about robotics and implants

Talks about robotics and implants part 2

Summary: Xanya meets up with some of her friends.

Cast: Xanya, Vessa, Kethren, Leucohyle.

Air Date: February 18, 2654

Setting: Robotics Lab - Comorro Station

Tucked away next to the Biotechnology Lab is the Robotics lab, which is an eclectic mix of mechanical equipment stretching all along the spectrum of time and space: from simple clamps and engines, to sophisticated lathing and three-dimentional printing equipment, to a workbench strewn with parts and tools, to interesting machines that spark or go "ping" at intervals. Racks, cabinets, and coolers line the walls, each and every one meticulously labeled and filled top to bottom with tools, parts, fluids, and spools of wire. It is obsessively organized, and very clean; ceramic, brushed stainless steel, glass, and plastic surfaces all gleam. Air scrubbers hum in harmony with dust collectors and ventilations systems, and a few hinged plexiglass boxes are distributed around the walls. Each has its own label: "In Case of Fire," "In Case of Medical Emergency," "In Case of Uncontrolled Phenomena," and so on. In the rearmost corner is a kitchenette with sink, refrigerator, quick-convection cooking unit, and a coffee machine that's been customized almost into unrecognizability. The kitchenette, and a square area beside it, have been artfully separated from everything else with a wrought-metal fence, the posts resembling strands of DNA. Within the square is a squat, upholstered sofa, a rocking chair, a coffee table, and a round end table, complete with doily. A spiral staircase, also crafted out of wrought metal, rises up to what appears to be a loft apartment above the lab.

Contents: Exits:
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Kethren looks around with wide-eyed interest at all the robotic equipment.

Leucohyle guides everyone carefully through the airlock, somewhat awkwardly, as though she's expecting them to perhaps panic in the presence of all of this 'future' stuff. "S-so, er, yes, do have a a seat in the lounge, w-would anyone like tea?" A few smaller spider-bots, these the size of walnuts, tumble away from the small scientist as she enters the lab, scuttling off with tiny ticktickticking sounds of metallic limbs on the hard floors and other surfaces. The lights, as well as many of the terminals in the lab, turn on as Leu arrives, and one of the printers automatically starts printing out a report.

Xanya looks around in suprise. "wow, this is amazing. It almost feels as if I am entering a new world."

Vessa has seen it before and wanders over to a couch to settle down, "Awesome," she says grinning.

Kethren gets a gleam in his eyes over all the shiny machinery.

Xanya goes to the same couch as vessa and settles down herself but leans forward a bit still looking around. "I bett you'd even be able to make cybernetic .. body parts here."

"All, all right, Miss-Vessa, here is your materials listing for the er, Self-Defensive Assistant," Leu pipes, toting over one sheet of paper that is absolutely -covered- in technoscientific gibberish along with a small list of components at the bottom, sorted by weight, and then average molecular weight. "And I will require twenty-five standard weight units of unrefined Cobalt, twenty standard weight units of unrefined Silicon, and twenty standard weight units of unrefined Titanium, for delivery." After a pause, she repeats, "W-would anyone like some tea? Coffee? Heated cocoa-based beverage? Oh oh no Miss-Xanya the er, Cybernetics laboratory is is next door. I I do not do -anything- biological here." She crinkles her nose.

Vessa looks amused at Leu's response to Xan's observation then nods seriously, "Right, we will get on that and coffee would be great."

Kethren Glances over from looking at all the machinery "I wouldn't turn down some cocoa"

Xanya nods understanding. "oh oke.I understand robots only. if thats the right word to use. oh ahm... some hot chocolate sounds nice if you have it. else coffee will do." She tries to take a piek at the list vessa got if she would let xanya. "so your getting a combat assistant he? sounds your kind of robot." Xanya says with a smile.

Leucohyle nods and meanders into the kitchenette. Her pale, circuit-traced fingers flick across a touch screen on what must be the beverage machine's front. It start whirring, obediently. "Oh yes robots is the the correct terminology to er use, Miss-Xanya, none of my production line has any sapience or self-awareness and are therefore not classifiable as as cybernetic-organisms. I I wouldn't consider it -right- to er, build self-aware robots for the purpose of, well, selling and otherwise distributing them, it it would be dreadfully unfair, and and I would -never- consider remotely connecting to a sapient robotic mind for the purpose of of direct control. Father says that with self-awareness comes the requirement for self-choice."

Vessa lets Xanya look at the list as she looks herself, "This should be easy enough to get. All of it seems rather small in comparison to what I have heard some need." she grins at Xanya, "Yeah well, once I get that implant thingy it will be even more helpful. I figure it would be useful for both protecting the ship and for missions that might be dangerous."

Kethren looks over the lables and asks Leu "What's in the box for Uncontrolled Phenomena?"

Xanya smiles looking at the list. "your right V. But then again, Space ships are often bigger then robots. But you knew that already." She says with a smile. "Having a robot, or should I say robotic assistant sounds usefull actualy. I might save up for one of my own some day. Mayby one for spying on people." She says jokingly and with a playfull wink to vessa.

"Emergency activation circuits for the deployment of psionic dampening fields," Leu replies to Kethren, retrieving four mugs from the beverage machine as it chimes. Unfolding a tray on top of Iota, the beach-ball sized conveyance robot, she sets the mugs down. He scuttles carefully into the lounge area, and idles next to the couch, multiple jointed limbs flexing one at a time as he keeps the tray steady. "Oh well excellent," Leu pipes, following along behind, retrieving her own mug (which smells of chai), and sitting in the rocking chair. "So er, yes, I I am more than willing to pay standard market value for the materials, and will forego the labor charges as discussed to to cover your own time in retrieving them and bringing them to me." She blinks at Xanya. "The Observational Limbic," she pipes, matter-of-factly, gesturing at one of the walnut-sized bots that is busily scuttling around the lab, "Is fully capable of handling small scale surveillance and security needs. Hall Research Laboratories takes no responsibility for actions taken using its technology, however, so so I would not recommend spying." Somebody obviously doesn't get the joke.

Vessa raises an eyebrow at Xanya and grins, "Dude, you spy anywhere near my room and I use it for target practice." She laughs then nods to Leu, "Sure thing."

Kethren nods and continues to look over the machinery lost in thought.

Xanya Smiles and looks to the robot indicated as she listens to leu's explenation. "nice, verry nice." She says and looks to vessa "Not to worry. I will never try to do anything that could get you angry with me." She says with a giggle. "besides if I am to get an assistant then it's probably something to could either help me remember things or help with with engineering."

Leucohyle sips at her tea, obviously not having any sort of proficiency in small talk. "Errr, so," she says, in her little fluting voice, "D-does anyone have any more questions for me?"

Vessa drinks her coffee as she looks at the list, "How often will you need supplies? We can set up a delivery schedule if you wish, where we will supply a certain amount on a weekly cycle, that sort of thing."

Xanya thinks a bit. "well. I am getting more curious. I won't be buying anything soon but... if I where to want to have an assistant some day. what would my options be? and is it also posible to have a custome design or do you only work with standard robotic asistants?"

"W-well if there is nothing within my production line when you are able to afford a personal robot, then I would not be averse to creating something within the er, well the limits of my abilities and resources," Leu pipes. Everyone is sitting in the lounge area, talking and drinking tea or coffee or hot cocoa. There are a few spidery robots, some walnut-sized, one basketball-sized, and another beach-ball sized, scuttling around the lab. She blinks at Vessa. "Oh order-only, I er, well my workflow needs vary -considerably- depending upon projects, so predictive logistics would be p-prohibitive at this point."

Vessa nods as she listens, "Righto, that works well enough for me. I don't think I have any more questions at the moment. When you lot are ready we can head off to pick this stuff up and get back to her with her items." She smiles widely, quite pleased it seems and takes another drink, "So you have a lot of orders then Leu?"

Kethren finishes up his cocoa "Thanks for the drink, Leu. Very tasty", and turns to Vessa "I'm ready anytime"

Xanya Shakes her head. "I have no more questions right now. when I have more time and some resources. and of course seen and heard vessa's experiances..." SHe gives a gentle nudge to vessa with a smile. ".. I will come back to you and we can talk then. "She says and she finishes her cup of choco, licking her lips as she finishes it.

"Oh er, yes, at present I I will be supplying Sanctuary Station with er, security assistance, it's-rather-exciting, and there are always things to repair, of of course. I like fixing things," Leu replies to Vessa, between sips of tea. "I sincerely look forward to your delivery, I do so enjoy building robots as well. Everyone is sitting in the lounge area, talking and drinking tea or coffee or hot cocoa. There are a few spidery robots, some walnut-sized, one basketball-sized, and another beach-ball sized, scuttling around the lab. It looks like folks are finishing up and getting ready to go out and be productive.

Vessa finishes up her coffee and grins to Leu, "Awesome, seems that there is a lot going on with Sanc, I think I need to learn more about the place soon."She stands and gets ready to head out. "Alright you two, lets get to work. We will take my ship I think."