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Relationships and Firearms

Summary: Discussions about relationships as lessons in firearms commence.

Cast: Vessa Xanya Kethren

Air Date: 17 April 2654

Setting: Target Range - <Eiru, Pyracan>

The scrub has been cleared and the sand artificially flattened and packed to make a fifty yard corridor from a painted red line to an eight foot tall wall of sandbags. Broad, scraggly shrubs have been planted in straight lines along either side of the corridor to keep out the fickle winds and shifting sands. Paper targets in varying levels of disintegration or rot are tacked to the wall of sand bags, showing this to be a target range. One can step only a few feet in any direction to be back within the sand dunes.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Vessa steps out of the Selene with a cup of coffee and paperwork. Seeing Xanya she smiles, "Morning," she calls.

Xanya Looks up and waves to vessa. "Heeee, Goodday teach. How are you?" She says cheerfully.

Vessa grins and yawns a bit before taking a drink of coffee, "Eh tired, was a busy night last night. How about yourself? Have you practiced at all?"

Xanya nods excitedly. "I practiced alot yesterday before I went to the party." She says. "I actualy can't wait till I get to go again."

Vessa indicates the way towards the firing range, "Well, I have some time at the moment. Lets see what you learned."

Xanya stands up smiling brightly. she pickes up her stuff and with a short focus of her mind lockes down her ship with her implant. "ready when you are teach."

Vessa is sitting on the Selene's boarding ramp and drinking coffee, seemingly enjoying the day.

Kethren wanders in, tapping unenthusiastically on his pda.

Vessa looks towards the motion of someone arriving and waves, "Hey Keth."

Kethren looks up somewhat wearily at whoever adressed him, and sees Vessa "Oh, hey boss. Doing alright?" and starts to head more in Vessa's direction.

Vessa quirks an eyebrow, "I think that is the question I should be asking you. You haven't seemed overly happy the past few days, I had noticed."

Kethren sits down next to Vessa with a bit of a sigh "Suppose I haven't been, no. I know things ended about as well as possible, but that breakup still hit me a bit harder than I'd expected."

Vessa leans back as she takes a sip of coffee, "Hmmm when Maina first broke up with me I was in a dangerous situation with psionic natives of the planet I was on trying to kill us and trying to lead a crew to keep them alive and things moving. She sent a PDA message saying it was over." she takes another sip, "After not writing for the many weeks I was there."

Through the magic of Otherspace Vessa and Xanya actually went to the target range and Keth met up with them just before they were about to practice shooting with Vessa expressing her concern and Keth stating his lack of joy and things ending. Tada!

Vessa takes a sip of coffee, "Hmmm when Maina first broke up with me I was in a dangerous situation with psionic natives of the planet I was on trying to kill us and trying to lead a crew to keep them alive and things moving. She sent a PDA message saying it was over." she takes another sip, "After not writing for the many weeks I was there."

Kethren blinks in surprise at that "That... seems remarkably inconsiderate."

Xanya gets her toy gun from her backpack and puts the backpack down at a save place. she then starts to potition herself infront of a target like she practised yesterday. She then puts her toy gun in hand and aims for teh target focusing on the job at hand trying to to get destracted by the convertations between keth an vessa. When she feels she is ready she gently squeezes the gun.

Vessa watches Xanya shoot and shakes her head, "Don't anticipate the shot, relax a bit and try again. When you anticipate your grip tightens and the weapon begins moving left. Also the gun will always shoot where you point it, so remember that when you aim." she turns her attention to Kethren, "That relationship was full of problems. She felt that I was inconsiderate but didn't know why, we had fought a lot about my trust in people, like Katrin. She did not like that I went to the planet for work or how long I would be gone. There were a lot of problems that stemmed from that. But we loved each other and even after that it wasn't the worst that happened." she takes another drink of coffee and waits for Xan's next shot.

Kethren reaches over to pat Vessa's shoulder consolingly.

Xanya nods to vessa. "I will try that V. I think I got a bit to distracted by you talking about maina." She says and aims again and focuses her shot and fires.

Vessa shrugs, her right hand in her pocket, occasionally jerking within it's confines. "It is past, things didn't work how we wanted them to. My point Keth, is that the ending hurts but it could be so much worse. What I told you is the mild stuff, the beginning of it all. That is not the worst it got to, and I hope you never have to experience anything like it." she grins at Xan, "Good think I am not training you to be a marine, yeesh."

Kethren nods at Vessa and sighs just a little "Yeah, I know. Things could be far wrose, and I do hope I don't have to deal with the things you have. If I do, I'll cope somehow. But, all the same, I'd rather not. It's just... I dunno. I'm used to being single, really. It's... I was just getting used to not being such." he then finds an empty patch of wall, well behind Xan, and sinks down to the ground.

Xanya giggles and turns around to look at vessa. "I know, I know, I didn't say Ma'am now did I?" She says with little laugh. She then looks to keth for a few seconds with a bit of sadness about her. Then turns again and aims an other shot and gently squeezes the gun to fire it.

Vessa considers Keth for a long moment and nods before sitting beside him, "Yeah, it sucks. It sucks more cause you realize what having not been alone felt like. After Maina broke it off with me she started dating someone else pretty much immediately after but wanted me to still be around. It hurt, a lot. It would hit me at times so strong I didn't know what to do. I spent a lot of time punching trees." she nods as though that made perfect sense and grins at Xan, "Better. Keep it up."

Kethren nods at Vessa and leans against her lightly "Yeah. That's about the size of it. Don't have much desire to punch the local foliage though... incidently, there any wood out in this universe that's a red so dark it's nearly black, but is still red?"

Xanya nods to vessa staying silent because of the convertation. Her eyes focus on the target and a bit angry when she pulls the trigger.

Vessa grins, "I take my frustrations out in special ways Keth, not sure about the wood though. You may need to check around." she nods to Xan with a proud smile, "Now that is much better, you hit the target!"

Kethren smirks at Vessa "Yeah, I can't say as that surprises me. Still, probably better than seeking out the nearest tavern. Not to say I wouldn't enjoy the odd whiskey." then nods "Yarr, I'll ask around. If nothing else I'm sure I can find a stain to do the job. Do want Aina to be comfortable in her apartment, after all." and glances at Xan "Much better, indeed!"

Xanya signs a bit and takes a deep breath to keep her emotions under controll. when she thinks she is ready again she aims at the target again and fires the toy gun.

Vessa winces at the shot and sighs, "Xan, take a break for a sec and let your arm rest. You are likely having some trouble due to that." she smiles and gives Keth's shoulder a gentle bump with her own, "Sounds like a good idea. I will try and poke about to see if I can find the wood or the stain as well but that sort of thing is not my forte."

Xanya she sighs again and puts her toy gun down and puts it away in her backpack. She then joins keth and vessa, staying silent for now. Her face not having her usual happy expresion.

Vessa quirks an eyebrow at Keth, "You do realize that she is likely feeling much the same as you are right? You said you broke up for being too similar? That should give you greater empathy then most people would be able to have for her. I don't mean to push it but don't let those feelings control you. I am saying this from personal experience, I have been where you are." she smiles to Xan, "Hey, you are doing well. Just start practice again after a bit of a break."

Kethren looks at Vessa with a certain amount of surprise "Suppose you've got a point there." he then fishes his pda back out, and starts tapping something in with a thoughtful expression.

Xanya nods to vessa. "I will give it a try once I got my emotions in check as well. The only reason I hit that target back there was....." She sighs a bit again. "... never mind."

Vessa frowns at Xanya with concern and gently shoulder bumps her next, "Uh uh, I got to share a portion of a painful past experience, this is the time to share damn it so spill."

Kethren nods, looking over at Xan for the next story.

Xanya shakes her head. "No painful story here. just reliving my worries for you from when you and Maina broke up."

Vessa blinks in surprise then smiles, "Ah, well no need to worry further. She chose to leave, to find whatever it was she was looking for away from everyone else. I just hope she finds it. I doubt I will still be alive by the time she returns." she shrugs, "Things are moving ahead and maybe at some point I can spend some time with Cadie again. She has been busier then I have been keeping her that is for sure."

Kethren gently bumps shoulders with Vessa agaain "Hope you find some time with her soon."

Xanya smiles again a bit. "right Your and arcadia. I almost forgot."

Vessa smiles, "Yeah me too. Honestly I have been a bit busy too but I miss her a lot." she shrugs with a smile and then grins, "And yeah Xan, it has been so long that I think most people have forgotten. Ah well, this too shall pass right?"

Kethren smiles at Vessa "Just don't forget to take a little time for yourself now and then. Don't forget about the rest of us, of course. But do take some for yourself." then stretches a bit.

Xanya nods agreeing with Keth. "Yes indeed. Good one Keth. Take some time for yourself."

Vessa gives a small shrug, "Eh I did some climbing recently, should go for another dive at some point. Oh and I am planning an exploration trip, maybe this weekend."

Kethren smiles "Exploring where? Sounds fun. So does a good dive, for that matter. Or at least a bit of swimming. Can't say as I've actually tried diving."

Xanya snaps her fingers and looks to vessa. "V, didn't you offer to show me how to dive as well some day?"

Vessa drinks the last of her coffee and smirks, "When you can both swim so that I don't have to worry about you floating away then I will take you for a dive."

Kethren grins "Well, that's certainly a fair condition. Haven't as much as I'd like to, but I do try to get some light swimming in during the morning workouts."

Xanya smiles. "I can swim. Hell I even had some introductions with diving in a swimming pool. So I know some of the basics. I think."

Vessa nods as she listens and grins at Xan, "Not the same kind of diving. I mean deep sea diving, which requires an air tank. You get to see more of the ocean depths that way. A lot of fish and the like."

Kethren smiles "That /does/ sound rather relaxing."

Xanya nods "I know about tanks sweety. The introductions where with tanks on my back and a rebreather or whatever it's called in English. we just didn't do it in an ocean just in the safety of a swimming pool."

Vessa listens to Xan and shrugs, "So you know about the hand signals, and about needing to watch your air, make sure you don't dive to fast nor resurface too quickly. Use knees and don't stand on the sand or the reefs?" she doesn't seem offended just curious as to what Xan does know.

Kethren listens with a certain amount of interest, but not looking at all like he understands.

Xanya she thinks a bit. "Hand signals...lets see." She makes an O with her thumb and the finger next to it." this means okay. "She makes her hand flat and wiggles it left to right like a swing. "this means unsure or... I don't know. something like that." She then puts the same flat hand near her neck and waves it across as if cutting her head off. "this means stop or I need to get back up." She then thinks some more. "for the air you have a dial, never used it before though. So would need some explanation as what to watch out for. As for the fast diving and resurfacing I know that only from tv and movies. There was never a need to learn it in the pool as you could not go deep enough there, and uhmm... good point on the knee thing. I shall remember it."

Vessa nods as she listens and gives the sign for okay, "Well done. I can teach you the rest but that is a good start and more than most have. You won't need the hand signals for most of our dives but for safety reasons I want anyone who dives with me to know them. If the mic cuts out then you are left with no idea what to do and if you give me a thumbs up then I will take you up. For the moving up or down too quickly you can go into shock and that will cause you to need to spend hours in a tank to get the toxins out. Or some shit anyway. Just don't do it." she smirks then stands, "Stay back here, I feel like making things explode and it is safe here." she draws her rocket pistol and aims before pulling the trigger.

Kethren blinks "Well, that was an interesting non-sequitor."

Xanya shakes her head. "When do you think I am ready to make things go boom like that Vessa?"

Vessa shrugs to Keth, "It helps to release emotions I prefer not to take out on other people safely and I like the Boom." she grins at Xanya, "When you can hit the target each and every time. If you shoot like you did today there is a chance you would hit someone and /they/ would go boom."

Kethren glances at Vessa with a certain amount of concern "She still just has the sticky bullets, right?"

Xanya giggles and looks to Keth. "No of course not silly she gave me sticky bombs to shoot with didn't you see tha targets explode when I shot?" She says sarcastically then turns to Vessa. "I thought you would say something like that. but any idea on how fast I can progress?"

Vessa looks amused at Keth then shrugs to Xanya, "That is up to you. If you are smart about it and if you practice then you will get the hang of it. You just need to be careful, don't be over eager and you will get there. There isn't any rush, or shouldn't be."

Kethren nods sagely

Xanya nods smiling. "Of course. I understand that Vessa."

Vessa nods then sighs as she tucks the pistol away again, "I need to go hunting at some point, damn." She mutters.

Kethren raises an eyebrow "Miranda's freezer getting close to empty?"

Xanya looks questioningly to Vessa and Keth.

Vessa shrugs again, "Dunno, though I know she feeds some of the families around here who need it. I do it also for the joy of the hunt. Old habits die hard and it has been a while since I did anything of the like, not since we found the horses anyway."

Kethren chuckles "She does seem determined to take care of everybody, alright."

Xanya nods and listens to the conversation.

Vessa nods to Keth then looks at Xan, "So how are you and Sadie doing? Everything going well?"

Kethren turns to listen to Xan.

Xanya nods to Vessa. "As far as I know we are doing alright. We just haven't had much time for each other though."

"Eh, being busy is normal and isn't something that people can get away from. The important thing is to take the time that you do get and spend it together." Vessa says thoughtfully as she goes to settle back where she was, "Time will come just take advantage of it. Just remember not to force it, that will just cause it to fall apart."

Kethren settles back and sighs just a bit wistfully.

Xanya nods "I will remember that."

Vessa quirks an eyebrow at Kethren and Xanya, "Yeesh, you two are a font of endless conversation, tired?"

Kethren stretches "Ohh, a little, I suppose. More drained than anything, really."

Xanya nods to Vessa. "Yes I am sorry. Mind if I get some sleep?" She says and gets ready to leave as if expecting them to not mind her leaving.

Vessa truly doesn't mind the leaving, "Ah well, I am going to be heading back up to the ship so I don't mind at all. Keth you want to follow along? I am thinking Conner will be up and about fairly soon, probably hung over with the amount of booze she was drinking last night."

Kethren stands up "Yeah, think I could stand a trip back up there. Thought 'he' was the operative pronoun though. Hope we've got some good space aspirin up there all the same. Conner's gonna need it."

Xanya has her stuff packed and leaves the shooting range. "see you two an other time." She says as she leaves.

Vessa grins and shrugs, "To be honest until it is made clear one way or another, particularly as he sometimes seems fine with she, I go with what appears obvious. Geh, ah well. We can work on some business while we wait." and moves to head off to the landing pad.