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A Night at the Cantina

Summary: A mismatched group of Idarans and Kirvir have fun times at the Cantina

Cast: Xul'Quaras Gevieve Xani'Ulun Xiq'Vuular

Air Date: 17 June, 2654

Setting: Deep Water Cantina - <Idar Prime>

The Deep Water Cantina is a very busy establishment at any hour. Frequented by off worlders, traders, military personnel and ship crews, that Cantina is typically a place to get the latest gossip and occasionally get into a fight. A large bar is setup to serve the patrons of the cantina, while a stage in the far corner is setup for bands and dancers to perform. Hired security watch over the Cantina, throwing out anyone who becomes unruly.

Contents: Exits:
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To say the cantina is lively this time of night would be an understatement. The music is loud, the drinks flow freely, and a pair of Idarans are punching one another into submission in the corner. Certainly it's not place for a noble, and yet a noble of the Kirvir has found herself here. With a couple of muscle-bound Kirvir for guard, Gevieve sits in an expensive looking booth in the corner of the cantina and watches the two Idarans fight, whilst sipping and expensive looking drink.

Xul'Quaras walks into the Cantina with an energetic air about her, smiling brightly and looking around excitedly. Her gaze lingers a bit on the Kirvir but she moves on to bar, ordering a rather strong drink. She doesn't seem at all bothered by the music or amount of people around her, and in fact she greets multiple people with bright smiles as she waits for her drink

Gevieve is draped across a corner booth, she has a few Kirvir for guards, but seems to be enjoying the atmosphere alone for the time being. The vixen-like creature stirs her drink with a long spoon before taking a sip from it, her dark greeny-brown eyes tracking Xul as she enters the Cantina. A pair of Idarans have recently started beating one another up on the far side of the room, but from the looks of it one of them is no longer moving.

Xani'Ulun walks into the Cantina not too far behind Xul. The blue scaled Idaran probably looking rather familiar to Gevieve as he does so. Hardly any attention is payed to the fighting Idarans as he makes his way in, not yet noticing his new noble acquantence.

Xul'Quaras smiles as she gets her drink, a tall glass of something clear-ish but strong looking. She downs it rather quickly, finishing it in a matter of seconds, and orders another as she slams it down on the bar.

Apparently bored in her little corner, Gevieve slides out of her booth delicately, her long, bushy tail curling curiously behind her as she makes her way to the bar. She does indeed recognise Xani, though she doesn't head towards him just yet. Her Kivir guard keep an eye on her, but don't move to follow her. Smoothing the fabric of her dress, the vixen-like creature slides onto a stool by the bar near Xul.

Xani'Ulun is lucky enough to already be heading towards the bar where everybody appears to be gathered, opting to take a seat on the opposite side of Xul. To Gevieve he notes casually "Good evening, my noble friend. Things go well with the Quorum?" A simple nod is offered to the woman he's chosen to sit beside. Xul'Quaras gets her second drink of the night, lifting it up to drink it, but then noticing the two sitting next to her and pauses mid-lift. Setting it down, she raises a hand to the both of them. "Hiya!" She says with an extraordinarily cheerful smile, "Nice night, huh?"

One of the doors to one of the private rooms opens, and out steps Xiq'Vuular with another Idaran. "I'm glad that we came to an agreement. I can see to it that the first shipment of grain arrives in the next week. We can work out the logistics before that though. Thank you again." He says to his fellow Idaran, before turning to the exit. As he turns, he notices his companion from the night before, and the Kirvir 'noble' and heads in that direction

"It is certainly an interesting one." Gevieve replies with a flick of her tail as she orders a drink. It's expensive looking and blue, but she seems to pay it much less attention then she does the rest of the cantina. "I've yet to meet with them. Political movements take time, I'm assured." She sounds bored, more than anything else.

Xani'Ulun blinks a bit at the incredibly cheery female he's chosen to sit adjacent to and replies "Yes, it is a nice night, I suppose. Good enough to have a drink, anyway." To the noble he adds "Yes, I imagine it would. Hope you enjoy your stay, anyway." Xuq recieves a nod as he makes his way over.

Xul'Quaras lets out a little 'psh' at that. "Interesting doesn't scratch the surface! Invigorating!" she furrows her brow as she thinks, biting a nail, "extraordinary! awesome!" she nods her head as she finds the perfect set of words, "This night is invigoratingly, extraordinarily, greatly, super awesome. Yes, that's it!" She picks her glass up, downing that rather quickly as well, though not quite as quickly as before.

Stepping up to the group, Vuular smiles as he pats Xani'Ulun on the back. "Not causing problems tonight too, I can only hope." He says, chuckling. "And you, my Kirvir friend. I trust this world is finding you well tonight? No more run in's with those pesky Imperials?" He asks.

Gevieve blinks at Xul, the excitement catching her by surprise. She shifts a little further away on her stool. "For better or worse, I've had no further contact with the Imperials." The Kirvir replies to Vuular, leaning back a little as the man approaches. "And how are you, this fine night on Idar prime? Young and full of energy?" A smile creeps along her muzzle.

Xani'Ulun chuckles a bit to Xiq and replies "No problems, I assure you. As a matter of fact, I was just having a nice talk with our new noble friend." Looking back to the excitable girl he's still sitting near he asks "A little excitable today, are we?"

Xul'Quaras shakes her head, "Nah, this is how I always am! Unless I'm on duty. Then I get my serious face on! Tonight, though, I'm celebrating graduating from the Academy with flying colours!" she beams brightly, "I'm gonna be part of the Guard! And I stayed in the Academy for four years instead of two, so I got to be part of something more special!" Nodding, she orders a third drink, though she's looking slightly tipsy.

"Well all is well, I suppose. Just concluded a business deal for the Mercantile Authority. Should bring in a new revenue stream for the forseeable future." Vuular replies. "If you need help getting an audience with the Quorum, I have some influence with several of the members. I can see if I can push a meeting up on thier list of 'things to do'?" He suggests. He turns slightly, at the sound of someone saying they are with the Imperial Guard. He sighs, and becomes more careful of what he is saying.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'm sure I could find a way of repaying the favour." Gevieve tells Vuular with a very fox-like grin indeed. She smooths out her dress once more, oblivious to any of the undertones that might be going around.

Xani'Ulun nods to the newly appointed guardswoman and replies "It's not too bad of a place. Used to be one, myself. Best advice I can give you is to keep your personality and not become some drone that doesn't even think about the orders they are given." After this he slips a small grin to Xuq.

Xiq'Vuular says, "Well, I will see what I can do." The Mercantile director replies, offering a polite bow of his head. "How should I address you, exactly? I do not want to offend or anything. As I said last night, I am not overly familiar with your people, culture or customs. Rather not walk into some sort of diplomatic incident myself." Vuular lets out abit of a chuckle."

Xul'Quaras smiles brightly at Xani, "Yeah, well, I certainly can't wait!" She looks back to Vuular and says with another smile, "Hiya!" She thinks for a moment, and then snaps her fingers as she remembers something. Standing up from her barstool, she bows to everyone and says, "By the way! I'm Xul'Quaras of Qun'Tilu!"

"Lady, or My Lady will suffice." Gevieve tells Vuular with a little nod, taking a delicate sip from her own drink. After a moment she examines the menu and makes an order for food before turning back to the Idaran. "Your help will be most appreciated. And it never hurts to have good news to bring back to my homeworld." She glances across to Xul, a dark eyebrow rising.

Xani'Ulun chuckles at the slightly drunken woman standing up and says, still laughing "So a fellow Qun'Tilu, then? Good to meet you. I'm Xani'Ulun." He offers a hand to shake as he says this and looks to the barkeep to order a drink for himself. After shaking the outstretched hand with enthusiasm, Xul'Quaras has an absolutely brilliant idea, and says to Xani with a mischievous smile, "Nice ta meetcha, Xani! Wanna have a drinking contest? I bet I could totally beat you!"

"Well, my lady. I hope that I can show you that not all Idarans are barbarians. Despite that many us probably are." Vuular replies, chuckling again. "But, I just wanted to stop by and make sure all was well. I need to get back to my ship and make arrangements for this new business venture. We shall speak again soon, I am sure." He smiles, andn ods to Xani'Ulun, before heading out of the Cantina.

Asking for her meal to be packaged, Gevieve rises from her seat. "Ah, you and your friends have been shining examples for your race." The Kirvir replies, taking her meal. "I should retire to my hotel too. You two have a nice night." She says to the others at the bar, before her and her Kirvir depart.

Xul'Quaras nods with a determined air about her and says, "Aww yeah, I'm ALWAYS ready. Let's do this!" She takes her untouched drink as well and downs it with a few gulps, placing it down with a refreshed, 'ahhh'. She crosses her arms and says, "Your turn!"

Xani'Ulun takes his drink in hand as well and drinks roughly half of it, the rest he tries concealing in his mouth, waving at Xul to go on and drink her next glass so he has time to quickly spit his into a nearby plant.

Xul'Quaras nods and drinks her next glass down, ordering three more as she slams her glass down on the table. She is looking slightly drunk at this point.

Xani'Ulun keeps at the same trick. It worked the first time after all. Should she manage to catch him he'd merely finish swallowing instead of spitting it out, to avoid her proving he's actually cheating.

Xul'Quaras slams down another of her tall drinks, placing the empty glass back on the table. She doesn't look a whole lot more drunk than after her last drink. "Ready to give up yet?" She asks with a grin.

Xani'Ulun chuckles a bit and hardly looks like he's had anything to drink as he replies "You'll need to try a little harder than that." With that he goes again for another drink, third verse same as the first.

Xul'Quaras drinks another and continues to retain an air of barely-drunkness, "Yeah? Well, how's that for ya?" She grins and beckons for more drinks to be given to the both of them.

Xani'Ulun chuckles just a bit more at that and replies by saying "You won't last a whole lot longer, I'm willing to bet." With that he looks to down his next drink.

Xul'Quaras drinks down another, and then sighs as she says, "You know, I really shouldn't get too drunk. I have to wake up early tomorrow, ya know, and I dun wanna be all dead." She says with another sigh, "I concede victory."

Xani'Ulun laughs a bit at that and replies "Least you got a good head on your shoulders, then, eh? I warned you I was no light weight." The blue scaled man hardly even seems tipsy after that little drinking bout. Must have a supernatural constitution.

Xul'Quaras peers at Xani, saying suspiciously, "Yeahhh, I can see that. Hm. Well, whatever, we'll try again next time, yeah?" Feeling spontaneous, she orders a fruit drink and says, raising her glass cheerily, "To new beginnings!"

Xani'Ulun smirks a bit at that and replies "New beginnings indeed. So tell me, what brings a short little thing like yourself to the guards?" The tone he uses while saying short little thing sounds far more like an endearing term than an insult.

Xul'Quaras pouts up at him, saying with feigned offense, "I am NOT short! I'm fun sized!" though she digresses quickly, saying with a rather more cheery air, "Well, ya see, I was kinda a bad kid, so I was really not going anywhere in life. I did a bunch of naughty stuff all the time, so the Guard was not only my only option, but a very viable one! My dad trained me in energy weapon usage from a real young age! He was a decorated officer, ya see. And now I'm an Imperial Guard Special Forces Sniper." She nods proudly at that, giggling a little.

Xani'Ulun smirks a bit at that and replies "Fun sized, eh? Well I suppose it's accurate at least. You are quite fun." His smirk gorws into a nearly full smile as he adds "Dare I ask what you mean by 'doing naughty things'?"

Xul'Quaras nods with a satsified giggle at Xani's admission, but when the second question comes up, her face scales turn a little pink and she bites her bottom lip, "You know...teenager things. Defacing public property, wearing 'inappropriate' clothing, getting in bad relationships. My dad didn't really help the situation, ya know. He was all strict and stuff, so he yelled a lot."

Xani'Ulun chuckles a bit at that and replies "Oh, yes, you were hardcore. I suppose next you'll tell me you jaywalked on occasion too?"

Xul'Quaras shakes her head, "I did worse stuff, I just don't really know you, so I don't wanna go into it. Anyway, let's talk about something happier, yeah?" She looks up at him with a little frown, her eyes rather pleading.

Xani'Ulun smirks some more at that and replies "Well, I don't exactly have too many stories about rainbows, to tell the truth. I'd tell you what I did as a teenager, but then you'd be asleep and I'd have to carry you back to your place. Which would be a real pain considering I've got no idea where it's at."

Xul'Quaras giggles and says, "Yeah, well, I'll show you to where I live sometime, yeah? Maybe we could hang out on days when I'm off duty! I have a nice little place in the Residential District. I've got tons of fun stuff to do there. Well, at least I find it fun. My neighbors don't like the sound of gunshots."

Xani'Ulun chuckles a bit at that and replies "I can imagine. Speaking of which, I could use a place to crash while I'm on planet. That ship's quarters are awful. I've slept on more comfortable floors than those beds."

Xul'Quaras beams brightly, jumping at an opportunity to help, "You can come over whenever you like! You can even use my bed if you'd like! It's not SUPER comfortable, and if you get wary or whatever at the sight of weaponry you won't want to go in my room, but it's nice enough. We can go there now if you'd like! I was tempted to go join that brawl over there, show them what an Imperial Guard can do, but I'm a little too tipsy for that."

Xani'Ulun blinks a bit at the sudden onslaught of quickly said words and replies "Um, sure, sounds good." Looking over to the brawlers he adds "I wouldn't much be able to, myself. I'm more or less useless when I'm not armed. And if I am, well, I'm not exactly in a bar-room brawl."

Xul’Quaras beams at that, saying, “Great! Follow meeeee!” She takes him by the hand and leads him out, weaving between people every now and again.

Xani’Ulun lets himself be led away by the hand as to not look like a reluctant dog on a leash, which draws a few looks and even a ‘bro nod’ from another Idaran as he passes.