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An Afternoon Brawl

Summary: A new couple encounters trouble on their way home.

Cast: Xul'Quaras, Xani'Ulun

Air Date: 20 June, 2654

Setting: Western District - <Idar Prime>

The Western District is the furthest part of Dal Sempora towards the desert. Primarily a district used as a residential area, the Western District holds thousands of homes and apartment complexes. As the roads head further west, Dal Sempora ends at the massive wall that surrounds the city. The gate to the city is typically opened, with a customs checkpoint that often searches cargo and travellers. Just beyond the wall is Dal Xelen, a make shift community that set itself up, typically made up of merchants and the lower classes of various Idaran clans.

Contents: Exits:
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Xani'Ulun follows without argument, making idle small talk on the walk home, along with a bit of mushy new couple talk, of course.

As the pair walk along the Western District main road talking cute to each other, a group of scruffily dressed Idaran men walk out of a dark alleyway with a predatory look, their eyes searching the area. There seem to be about 5 of them present, though that doesn't mean that there aren't more.

Xani'Ulun notes the apparent thugs as they step out and stops in the road looking at them for a moment, noting to Xul "Don't suppose it was guys like this you were talking about, was it?" He doesn't really seem overly worried, even though he looks to be unarmed and he has no idea whether or not Xul has anything on her that might help.

Xul'Quaras looks over to the afformentioned group, frowning a bit and saying to Xani with an outstretched hand, "I know them...hold on, let me go talk to them a moment. I'd like to get home without too much trouble." She walks over to the one in front, who seems to be the leader by the way he walks and dresses, his leather armor containing the most spikes.

Xani'Ulun replies simply "Not a chance you're doing it without me. You might be competant, but I'm not letting you get jumped by five guys at once." With that he follows her, though remains silent.

Xul'Quaras frowns, displeased, back at her companion as she walks, but doesn't object. When she gets to the group, she says with as big a smile she can muster, "Hiya boys! What're you guys doing out here so late?" The biggest one smirks in her direction, one of the two flanking the boss, and the boss himself looks her over with a rather crude stare. "I could ask you the same thing, little one. Is that your new boy toy back there?" he says, smirking the whole time. Xani'Ulun merely chuckles a bit as he's called a boy toy, but doesn't actually say a word. He's tall enough that under normal circumstances he'd probably be a bit imposing. Sadly the fact that he's so slim takes a bit away from that.

At a gesture, the two rather huge bodyguards move in front of the leader, blocking Xani off from Xul. At that, Xul senses a bit of danger and says, "Yeah, we'll just be leaving now..." But, as she turns to leave, the boss grabs her around the neck and holds her there, saying, "Not a were always such a bitch to I'll make you pay for that." He draws his knife and puts it to her throat.

Xani'Ulun replies with a "Yeah, no." It's about now that he makes a motion similar to that of a punch but pulling back at the last instant, with each arm to reveal a pair of arm blades, of a very decent size. To the thugs he states simply "Let her go, and this doesn't get messy."

The bodyguards both laugh a bassy laugh at that, drawing long, thick blades from behind their backs and saying, "What, you really think you're gonna beat us with those puny things?" The thugs behind the leader each pull out a small energy pistol and aim in Xani's direction, while Xul raises a finger to him in caution and says to the man restraining her, "I suggest you listen, Varas. I don't want to hurt you or your people, but I will if I have to." At that, the leader laughs a nasty laugh, "Oh, really? You really think you're in the position to say anything like that? You know, I was thinking I might not kill you after I'm done with you, but now I'm starting to reconsider."

Xani'Ulun smiles a bit and replies "Yes, I do actually. Lucky for you, I don't feel like killing you. Unfortunately for you, however, skill trumps size." With that he swings both blades at on of the larger ones that have been pulled on him, aiming to send it flying to the sidelines.

As one of the bodyguards drops his weapon nearby, the other swings his sword without another breath, aiming for the side of Xani's head. As Xul watches, she elbows the Leader in the stomach and pulls his arm most of the way off, but isn't quite there. Luckily, she's escaped being cut, but not quite escaped his grasp just yet.

Xani'Ulun takes a sizeable cut to the cheek, though he certainly talks with some, saying "My precious modelling career." With a sarcastic tone as he aims to disarm this one as well.

The second bodyguard gets his weapon disarmed as well as the other runs to pick his back up and swings at Xani's ribs, still ducking a bit from trying to pick the blade up. Now, the peons have started shooting, aiming for Xani, and Xul is still struggling with Varas, having almost pulled his arms away.

Xani'Ulun smacks the fist away with his sword and simply side steps the gunfire. He grumbles a bit as he notes they aren't about to stop and now switches to using the more blunt end of the sword to just knock these guys out, first going for the one who was just recently disarmed.

The attacked bodyguard catches Xani's arm as he tries to hit him, and the other throws another punch at his chest, using the momentum. The peons keep firing, and Xul keeps struggling, though she's seemingly not getting very far. She decides to switch her tactics up as Varas is clearly stronger than her, letting go of his arm. As she lets go, Varas' knife goes straight for her stomach, which she deflects with her free hand, avoiding the cut.

Xani'Ulun is like a flurry of dodging and blocking as he ducks and sidesteps shots while deflecting another punch, replying to the punch by swinging the weapons, blunt side facing his attacker, straight at his face, once more going for the knock them out route.

The bodyguard who's being attacked goes down as the blunt edge hits him directly in the nose, but the other, having regained his weapon, swings his sword at Xani's side, the peons continuing to fire. Meanwhile, Xul has finally broken free with a hard elbow to the ribs, turning around and giving a swift round kick to his side, which seems to impede him a bit, but he says with anger in his voice, "You...bitch. You'll pay for that!" and he rushes at her with the knife in hand. However, Xul sidesteps him and does a judo-like move that sends him flat on his face.

Xani'Ulun is once again not hit by a thing thrown at him. His sights now are set upon the man who's regained his weapon. Now aiming for his head with the blunt edges, this time aiming at the jaw, one blunt side of a blade coming in from each side.

The second bodyguard goes down at Xani's hit with an unhealthy sounding crunch, his sword completely missing Xani's side. While Varas gets up, Xul turns around and screams out, quite frighteningly, "STOP SHOOTING AT MY BOYFRIEND!" and pulls out both her pistols, firing at one of the peons and hitting him directly between the eyes with her discharge pistol, which fires what looks like a blue bolt of lightning. The other bodyguard struggles to get up, rubbing his face with one hand and pushing himself up with the other.

Xani'Ulun says to the one starting to get up without even looking "Stay down." With that he's lunging at Peon number 2 with the blunt end of his blade, hoping to end the fight.

Xani is a bit off. Meanwhile, Varas, having gotten up, tries to lunge at Xul. Xul, however, turns around and says with rage in her eyes, "You, stay down!" and knocks his knife away with her pulse pistol, her discharge pistol sending hundreds of volts of electricity straight into his midsection, rendering him quite imobile. The bodyguard gets up, but is leaning against the wall, making a 'strategic retreat' into the nearest alleyway.

Xani'Ulun is simply persistent and aims for the Peon once more, this time hopefully a bit more accurately.

The peon goes down quick, and Xul kicks Varas in the side as he goes down, saying, "That's what you get, you asshole." She seems rather angered, and gives the peon a shot herself as Xani knocks him down, sending electricity coursing through his nervous system.

Xani'Ulun mutters a few curses as he wipes some blood from his cheek saying to Xul "Well, come on. Let's go get this cleaned up. I don't think they'll be forgetting an as kicking that thorough."

Xul'Quaras shakes her head at that, pulling a radio from her belt and calling in a guard squad for pickup. After that, she walks back over to him, and says with concerned eyes, "Are you okay? I'm sorry bout that."

Xani'Ulun nods and replies "I'll be fine. Just a scratch. My poor modeling career will have to go on hold for a bit now, however." He sheathes the blades that are still sticking from his armlets by pulling back with some force before abruptly switching directions and locking it in.

Xul'Quaras raises a brow a bit and says, "Well, either way...we should get home, now. The Guard should be here soon. We can talk more when we get back." She takes his hand in hers and continues on the way back to her house, though a little more briskly.

Xani'Ulun doesn't seem nearly as frazzled. Most likely because he just took on four people at once and came out with a scratch, and is feeling quite cocky. Though he follows her just the same.