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Established in May of 2645, The Caryas Government is the ruling body for the Caryas Empire. Lead by the Archon - a position appointed by the High Council - it has remained fairly neutral in interstellar politics, focusing more on its own internal growth.

Government Positions


The first Archon appointed by a unanimous vote was the founder of Caryas, Katrin Lomasa. The Archon is both the political leader of the government with having several veto powers in place, but checked by the High Council.

At Council meetings, the Archon's vote is worth two.

High Council

The High Council is the personal advisory board of the Archon and with a unanimous vote, is able to overturn any decision made by the Archon if they have valid reason. The Council is made up of six seats - two of which are appointed by the Archon and four others that are voted upon by the people.

Appointed Positions

  • Councillor of Science - NPC - open for PC role if interested
  • Councillor of Defense - NPC - open for PC role if interested

Elected Positions

  • Councillor of Agriculture - NPC - open for PC role if interested
  • Councillor of Economy - NPC - open for PC role if interested
  • Councillor of Labor - NPC - open for PC role if interested
  • Councillor of Health - NPC - open for PC role if interested

At Council meetings, each member of the High Council is offered one vote.

Judicial System

Within the court systems, every person is guaranteed a fair trial by their peers. Any person is allowed to waive this right and request a summary judgment if preferred.

An additional function of the courts is to ensure that the Archon and High Council's rulings are just and fair to the people. If they believe that something is outside of their power or places unnecessary strain on the people, they may call for a vote from the people. If it passes by 70%, it will be repealed.


OOC Note: Please be aware that these are only a sampling of the laws for Tavros. If you have any questions of a law that is not stated here, contact Katrin before taking any further steps.

The Constitution signed by the founding Archon and High Council took effect in May of 2654. A series of laws were put forth to ensure the safety and well-being of the people on the planet of Tavros.

Each citizens of Tavros is guaranteed freedom of speech, freedom of religion and protection against wrongful incarceration. Any person that is a suspect in a crime will be read their rights and a full listing of the charges against them.

On Tavros, the subject of murder is tricky as life is revered above all else. It was passed down that any person found guilty of murder would be executed though to be found guilty, there must be indisputable scientific evidence linking the accused tot he crime.

On the matter of self-defense resulting in death or manslaughter, it will result in heavy reparations to the family and time served in prison or in hard labor.

Theft is not accepted on Tavros and anyone found guilty of stealing will face time in jail and heavy fines.