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~25,000,000 BCE - The Yaralu Comorro is born.

22,000,000 BCE - The empire of the Thul, known as The Crawl, rules over the Ancient Expanse for over 10,000 years.

20,000,000 BCE - Djeraki invade the Ancient Expanse and are eventually repulsed by a combination of Hekayti and Kamir forces. During the conflict, the Homestalk, the progenitor of Yaralu, disappears.

17,000,000 BCE – Kamir explorer Il’ri Kamm’s team discovers the planet Elakamia, and soon after, explorer Opodi Talhem discovers the planet Kamm Shohob. Both have species suitable for uplifting into sentience, but the Circle chooses Il'ri Kamm's project, forcing Talhem to wait 2 million years before beginning her project. Il'ri Kamm begins uplifting a unique species that exists across multiple realities, and survives on psionic energy.

15,000,000 BCE - Opodi Talhem begins uplifting the four races of Kamm Shohob - the Gankri, Tupai, Llivori and Opodians.

9,000,000 BCE - The Circle decides that Il'ri Kamm's tests have gone too far, and sends warriors to Elakamia to halt Kamm's experiments. The explorer destroys them easily, utilizing the Hive Mind’s reality-shifting abilities. Eventually, the Kamir accept the new creation, and begin using them as a servant race.

4,000,000 BCE - The Il'Ri'Kamm Hive Mind achieves full sentience, revolts against the Kamir and begins systematically exterminating their masters in a four million year conflict simply known as the Hiver war. Twelve of the most powerful Kamir develop a machine that allows them to escape to another dimension at the expense of their corporeal bodies. Eleven escape while Opodi Talhem stays behind, slaying Il’ri Kamm as he comes to kill the twelve. She is swept up in the resulting spacial/temporal flux, and is reduced to a tendril of consciousness.

1249 BCE - The Aukami, descendants of the Kamir who have lost much of their psionic abilities, enslave a colony of Lotorians, breeding them and using them for medical experiments.

592 CE – Hekayti forces liberate Aukami-enslaved Lotorians in an event called the Unshackling.

1843 CE - The B'hiri Dowelaritch and Opodian Taya Opo’te successfully reform Opodi Talhem aboard Comorro, tasking her with the total destruction of the Hivers.

1895 CE - Dowelaritch perishes at the Battle of Kovess Plain on Kamsho.

1923 CE - Azavatitch, child of Dowelaritch, leads a bloody B'hiri assault on Elakamia under Opodi Talhem's direction. Their forces steal the Hivers' four psionic amplification stones. They hide three of the stones in the Ancient Expanse, while Talhem translates to a world in another dimension to hide the fourth before dying. This ends up being just off the Korean coast on Earth.

2311 CE - A Hekayti medical frigate known as the Father's Horn is caught in the crossfire between Hiver-controlled mercenaries and a B’hiri relief caravan at the Plosa Nebula, causing the Hekayti to join the Hiver War.

2340 CE - Pyracan is ‘discovered’ by a Hekayti probe occupied by the body of Hiver war heroine Einkap Astr Angbarskfruktledelkrig. A manned scout is sent soon after with an exploratory party.

2597 CE – Hivers begin grabbing humans as proxy fighters to serve on their ships against the B'hiri.

2650 CE – The Hiver War ends when a group of Normalspace refugees and B'hiri take over the Hiver vessel Harrower and destroy the Hive Core on Sagittarius with a psionic bomb.