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Akamatsu's Dream

Summary: Akamatsu battles Lorana in a dream sequence, with his mechanical crush cheering him on.

Cast: Akamatsu, Lorana Lomasa, Victoria

Air Date: Sunday 24 July - 2653 AD

Setting: Akamatsu's Subconscious

Akamatsu finds his dream taking him to the middle of a grand Colosseum. It rivals even the one of Ancient Rome in it's grandeur and sheer size. The stadium is packed with people probably breaking every firecode ever made. One might notice most of the crowd is human though a few members of alien races are thrown in here and there. Upon looking around one would find a door on the other side that is slowly opening most likely to reveal the ronin's opponent. The arena portion where Akamatsu and his opponent will be is large enough for other people to be there without getting in the way of a fight. From several speakers placed throughout the stadium a voice crackles into life announcing "This battle will be fought until either contender is dead or otherwise unable to continue the battle. Currently in the arena we have Akamatsu! Now exiting the gate to be his opponent we have Lorana!"

Contents: Exits:

Akamatsu looks around at his surroundings not looking the least bit confused after all this is a dream and merely awaits his opponent with swords drawn.

Victoria is here, of course. But not in her typical sweater vest garb, no. For some damn reason, she's in a short, blue pleated skirt, with a white, fitted top. On her notably buxom chest, there is a red bow, and another on the small of her back, and white boots and gloves. Her blond hair is done up in two, long pigtails. She also has pompoms. "In the name of the moon, Akamatsu will punish you!" she cries from the outskirts of the ring.

Out of that door strides Akamatsu's opponent. A woman, decked torso to toe in full-plate armor patterned with flame, armed with no fewer that 7 axes of varying shapes and sizes, about the same height as Akamatsu but somehow MORE meaty under that metallic hide, and wearing the twisted grin of one who takes too much pleasure in combat. Lorana draws a massive two-handed battleaxe from her back and gives it a flourishing spin as she strides forwards towards the Ronin. She stops short to give him a salute of her fist thumping into her chest. "Let's do this." And then she pops on her helmet.

Akamatsu tests his Lightning Reflexes trait. The level is 1. Lorana Lomasa tests her Lightning Reflexes trait. The level is 1.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 8. Akamatsu tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 5. The announcer starts up once more now that Lorana is in the ring "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" The voice is then replaced by the sound of some rather heavy metal music similar to what had been playing at the hoverjoust.

Akamatsu nods and gets into stance looking over his mountain of a woman opponent waiting for her to make the first move.

"GO AKAMATSU! FEEL MY UNDYING LOVE FOR YOU!" Vik yells while doing a few backflips.

And the first move she does make, heels digging as the woman takes off with impossible speed for someone so weighted down. Lorana lets out a wordless battlecry as she heaves that massive, razor-sharp weapon at Akamatsu with every ounce of her formidable strength.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Akamatsu tests his Two-Weapon Defense trait. The level is 1.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

Akamatsu tests his Melee Counter-Strike trait. The level is 1.

The first shot is blocked by the ronin if only just by the smaller of his weapons the wakizashi. He attempts to flick the woman's weapon to the side with the same short sword leaving her open to the slice he's making at her knees with the katana and the stab he's aiming at her stomach.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of +1. The result is 14.

Akamatsu tests his Two-Weapon Melee trait. The level is 1.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

Victoria shakes her pompoms and spins around, pigtails trailing. "Kill that crazy axe-bitch! Slice her up like sushi! Ronin are NUMBER ONE! Moon spiral heart attack!!" She straightens to do the sailor scout salute.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Quick-Draw trait. The level is 1.

The Ronin catches the gap in Lorana's greaves, slicing into flesh even as the solid steel of her breastplate turns the strike for her stomach. Lorana doesn't so much as flinch, chucking her battle axe aside and pulling the two one-handed axes from her belt in a fluid motion that ends in two strikes - one for each of Akamatsu's arms.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Two-Weapon Melee trait. The level is 1.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 14.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 14.

Akamatsu barely manages to catch these strikes as well but somehow manages it this time using the larger of his blades. He then aims another stab this time for the lungs with the smaller of his swords and trying another hack at the knee he managed to hit earlier apparently trying to sever it.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of +1. The result is 14.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

While all of this epic badassery is going on, Vik launches into a routine, throwing her pompoms in the air. "I'm a ronin from ronin town, and only a ronin can knock me down, if you don't like my apples, don't shake my tree 'cause I'm a ronin, don't mess with me!" She pauses to shout, "PLEASE BED ME TONIGHT, AKAMATSUUUU! You're soooo kawaii!"

Lorana Lomasa tests her Two-Weapon Defense trait. The level is 1.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 15.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee Counter-Strike trait. The level is 1.

Lorana turns both of those incoming blades with her axes, cackling with bloodlust. The armor-clad behemoth takes a step in to crowd the Ronin and brings both of those blades down at Akamatsu's shoulders. "Try harder, little man!"

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of +1. The result is 15.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Akamatsu isn't quite lucky enough to block this shot. He takes a hit right on the shoulder and begins bleeding but isn't quite so bad off as to suffer in combat. He staggers back a bit and comes back again with a stab at the not-so-armoured waist and as a change of pace swings the katana at the neck.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Another cackle, almost mocking, erupts from behind that helmet. Lorana strikes the blade headed for her neck upwards so it swipes right over her head, bringing both axes down then to catch and redirect the waist-shot. An opening is created and promptly taken, both of those blades slashing at Akamatsu's abdomen with every intention of disemboweling the man.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of +1. The result is 10.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Akamatsu blocks these shots with relative ease compared to some of the others and moves to take another swing at the neck this time both swords hve the same target positioned in a manner that one is slightly above the other in case both connect. The ronin comments in a sort of half hearted battly cry "I hope you don't enjoy having your head attached."

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of +1. The result is 8.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 15.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

Lorana tries to get her axes up in time, but the positioning is awkward and one of the swords gets through. There is no decapitation, but the woman lets out a choked cough as she's struck, and blood seeps from where the katana managed to get through her chain coif. Not lethal, but it still sucks. A lot. The medieval tank doesn't relent, however, even as she tries to remember how to breathe. Both axes go for the same shoulder this time, the injured one - removal or bust.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 9.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 10.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Akamatsu tries to block it but is too distracted by the success of his shot to get back in time. He manages to make it a glancing blow at least but it still quite sucks and now his combat skills are beginning to be affected by it. He does however attempt another shot through the pain this time switching targets once more to that injured knee with both weapons. He has to kneel slightly to do so.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 12.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 10.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of -1. The result is 11.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of -1. The result is 9.

This time Lorana lets out a screech of pain, Aka's blades biting into her injured knee. The woman growls, a feral sound that should never come from a human throat, and steels herself momentarily before lunging at the Ronin. Green eyes gleam from within that helmet, filled with vengeance and rage as the woman-turned-steel-beast tries to plant both axes in Aka's chest. "DIE!"

Lorana Lomasa tests her Endurance + Ignore Pain at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Akamatsu tests his Endurance + Ignore Pain at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

Akamatsu takes a glancing blow to the chest. Thank Buddha for that armored shirt he wears otherwise that might have been bad. The ronin retaliates with another two-sworded swing for the neck replying while he does "How about you."

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Another choking gasp as Akamatsu catches the woman on the other side of her neck, but blind rage keeps her going even as she bleeds more from very vital areas. Lorana takes a page from Akamatsu's book and hefts her axes in a scissoring arc to try and remove his head.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Endurance + Ignore Pain at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 8.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Edged at a modifier of -1. The result is 8.

Akamatsu tests his Endurance + Ignore Pain at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blocking at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Akamatsu knows this attempt well and blocks it with ease going for the same neck strike saying "Let me show you the proper technique." Even a smartass in his charming.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of +1. The result is 14.

Akamatsu tests his Melee + Edged at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of -1. The result is 7.

Lorana Lomasa tests her Melee + Blocking at a modifier of -1. The result is 12.

Off with her head! Lorana doesn't have time to retort as that last strike lops her head clean off thanks to no more chain being in the way to stop those blades. Fresh blood surges up from the stump of her neck as her head drops to the ground, losing the helmet to reveal a sick and twisted manic grin as the body follows in a loud clatter of steel.

Akamatsu looks down at the body with satisfaction at his handiwork and sheathes his swords to the thunderous roars of the crowd chanting his name. The ronin reaches down and holds the head high for all to see and the roars grow even louder.