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Business Deals

Summary: Two old friends stop for a bit of a chat in the Bull and Hawk Tavern on Eiru and end up with a new business arrangement.

Cast: Katrin, Sahna, Everett

Air Date: October 14, 2653

Setting: Eiru, Pyracan

Consisting of four main streets with a combination goverment/law enforcement building in the center, building here has begun to fill in, and is pleasantly landscaped with a great view of the teal sea. Save for the aforementioned government/law enforcement building, a sanitation facility, and a desalination facility, the Outversers have been left to their own devices in creating infrastructure. Fused sand pathways lead west towards the western edge of town and the beach beyond, and east towards the settlement's docks and landing pad.

There are several broken windows and plasma-style scorch marks across half a dozen closely-grouped buildings, as if there was a major firefight.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Sahna is just exiting the government building, a briefcase slung over one silk-garbed shoulder as she makes her way into outdoors Eiru, chin held high.

Katrin is scampering from the outskirts of town toward the downtown area, heading for her tavern. A thick stack of papers are tucked beneath her arm and she looks quite pleased with herself, though a bit saddened at the same time.

Recognition takes a moment to process, but then Sahna slows in her step and offers a raised, lace-gloved hand in greetings to Katrin, a faint smile creasing her sallow features. "Well, well. I haven't seen you in a while, but I hear your tavern is doing well, Dianna." Sahna comments in her crisp contralto, tone one of warmth. "What are you up to these days?"

Katrin twists toward the familiar voice and smiles warmly, "Sahna," she greets brightly. "I am just busy expanding an empire," she says lightly. "And in my free time I am learning all sorts of wonderful skills." She chuckles, "Come have some tea with me and we can speak further on my new business ventures. Perhaps you would like to join me in them."

Brightening at the very thought, Sahna shifts her briefcase and inclines her head, stepping to a closer conversing distance with a faint smirk. "Empires.. Mmh, I miss empires. Not that my current job isn't lovely, and I do get to play around with money to my heart's content, but I'd love to have some tea. Believe me when I say you've my full attention."

Bull and Hawk Tavern - <Eiru, Pyracan>

The large first floor of is home of the Bull and Hawk Tavern, built entirely of dark woods. Walls have been paneled in the same wood as the bar, polished and kept free of dust or grime that could come from daily interactions. High on the walls, near the ceiling are carvings of the hawk in silent flight or the stampeding bull. The designs make their way around the entire border, lending to the establishment's name. A C-shaped bar sits against the back wall with cushioned stools lining the entire length.

A hearth is located on against the right wall, with a large marble mantle carved with six figures - a wildcat, a raven, a mongoose, a horse and rider, a bear and in the center, a rampaging bull. Freestanding tables dot the open the floor, about a dozen in total, some near the hearth. In colder weather, a fire roars there, but during the warmer months, it remains empty, or has decorative baskets lying inside. Hanging above the mantle is a banner of brown silk with a rampaging bull featured prominently. Flying overhead and just slightly smaller is the image of a striking hawk.

Lining both left and right walls are luxurious booths. Each of these booths is more of a cocoon of wooden warmth, lined by velvet cushions of a deep red. Instead of merely just a place to eat a meal and talk, the booths are literally carved from wood, with unique tables settled inbetween two high backed bench-liked structures that curve upwards to the ceiling. The outline of the two seats as they face each other is roughly oval shape, but each booth has its own small variation to create a uniqueness to each spot. To add to this uniqueness, designs have been painted on each of the wood frames, each depicting something different. Some are just flower designs, while others repeat the figures on display along the hearth's mantle. Gauzy red curtains are tied back at each booth, easily released in case the diners prefer a more intimate experience.

On the left side of the bar is a door that leads into the kitchen, succulent smells drifting outwards at all times of the day from featured cuisines of many different cultures. To the right is a large staircase that leads to the second floor, the railing carved with a pattern of roses.

Electricity has very subtly been brought into play through the whole tavern and inn, soft and subtle lights hidden high in the ceiling.

As the pair of former noblewomen enter the tavern, Katrin sweeps off her jacket and hands it to a waiting barmaid. "A pot of my house blend tea," she instructs. "And bring something to nibble on as well. An assortment." She crosses over to a private booth and gestures Sahna to sit opposite her. "First, my old friend, how are you doing? You were correct that it has been quite some time since we last spoke."

"Some wine for me." Sahna instructs, as fond of the grape as ever, and slinks gracefully into her seat. She regards Katrin with a wry smile, shaking her head. "I'm not doing badly, but nor am I climbing mountains, and it begins to rankle me that I've so little to do. I still work with the treasury here in Eiru, and handling money is a balm to the soul.. Just not enough of one to keep me intrigued, really."

"Then listen well," Katrin replies with a cheerful smile. "I am in the process of putting together several business deals that have all been showing great promise. The tavern is doing well enough on its own now that I don't have to worry so much on its day to day care. I have other people that I have hired to do that." She takes a piece of paper from her pile and turns it over to show Sahna. It appears to be a basic map of the known universe. "There is so much unexplored space here. I want to fund operations in order to explore some of it. See what is out there." She hesitates. "Perhaps we will find our own home, perhaps we can find a place where we belong. Eiru is nice, but it's someone else's world that we are borrowing."

Sahna steeples her fingers, regarding Katrin with a passive expression and hooded gaze-- But it's hard to miss the interest in her gaze, all the same. "I may not garner the fortune or resources I used to have, but that's a temporary condition, I do believe. Say I'm interested in helping out. What's in it for me, Dianna?"

A smirk appears on Katrin's lips. "Half of everything. Whatever we find, we're fifty-fifty partners in this." She points to the open space on the map. "If we find a planet, half of it will be yours. If we cultivate our own system, we split everything up. Besides the chance of getting down and dirty, taking whatever we have to for this to work, this is the best way to put yourself back on top."

Sahna raises her chin, eyes alight with unholy glee. "Deal. I won't even try to haggle that. Light, I miss being on top. I miss being someone, having people know my name. I'm in full throttle for this, Di, er, Katrin. Sorry, it still feels odd to call you that name, it's so close to my sister's name."

"Yes, I have been mistaken for her on my occasions," Katrin agrees. She chuckles, "You can still call me Dianna, but very few have that permission." She smiles, this time with affection for Sahna. "You helped me when I was at my lowest and I had nothing to my name but innuendo and jokes. Call this evening the score."

Sahna leans back in her seat, looking amused. "Women have to stick together, Di. Especially if we're going to kick everyone else's arses across the board. You know, I never was very big into the whole 'good deed' bit, but if this is how one turns out, maybe there's something to it after all." She adds, teasingly.

The tea and wine arrive and Katrin pours herself a cup of tea before pouring Sahna some wine. "Not quite to our vintage back home, but a decent blending," she says, hanging off the glass. "I oversaw its production myself." She smiles, "I settle my debts. It has been many years, but I did not forget what you did. You taught me what I know about business and there are times when that is all I've had to stand on."

Sahna swirls a bit of the wine about her palate, and then approvingly takes a decent swig, with a contented sigh. "As much as I miss Fastheld sometimes.. Women have a better lot here. We are not just breeding stock, to be humored or scorned as politics and gossip dictate. And the lovers aren't half bad, either.. There's this Qua fellow I tried out, and he put most Fastheldien men to shame. And the nice thing is not having to hide it, because I'm free. Money and politics are still around, though.. I think they're universal languages, in a way. So, the question becomes.. What do I do first, to get my fingers in this lovely pie?"

"I am in the process of putting a team together to oversee the majority of this," Katrin says slowly. She offers a somewhat saddened smile to Sahna. "Do you remember Tom Majors? I was seeing him for a bit. He took it personally when I took his ship to pay off his debt to me. So now I have a ship at my disposal. I need to put a crew together to actually make use of her."

"Tom Majors.. Yes, I recall, he was a grabby Sivadian. I do imagine he took the loss of his ship rather poorly though, most people would. Reposessing is poison on relationships, I think I did something similar to Thayndor once." Sahna muses, seated at a booth with Katrin and chatting amicably over a glass of wine and tea for Katrin.

Katrin chuckles, "Yes, well I need a ship and his was the easiest to procure," She replies. "As much as I cared for Tom, we'd already been growing apart. He went back into the military and I am busy trying to build an empire." She waves a hand dismissively. "All in the past, but at least now I have a ship. Just need a crew for it now."

Sahna offers a nearly feral smile, gaze filled with sheet malicious amusement. "Oh dear. You've grown far more mercenary than when I last remember you.. I dare say I'll have to keep on my toes. Anyroad, a good crew can be the toughest part.. Do you have anyone in mind yet? And we've still yet to cover what I can do to assist."

Everett heads down from upstairs with a hand-rolled cigarette hanging from his mouth, looking mildly peeved that he's actually still in this wacky new world. Aside from that, not too much to be said about him, other than that he still looks like he stepped out of a cheesy western.

Katrin points a finger to herself and bats her lashes innocently. "Me? Why, Sahna, I have no idea of what you could be speaking," she says lightly. "I am the same, sweet noblewoman from yesteryears who had the Realm turn against her." She seems to be struggling to keep the laughter inside.

Then it clicks. "Ah, yes. Our new guest," she murmurs and then gestures to a barmaid to cut off the cowboy.

The singled out girl crosses over to Everett and bows. "Beggin' your pardon, Master, but my Lady would like a word with you," she says meekly, gesturing in Katrin's direction. "If you please..." And tries to usher the man over to where the two women sit.