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The Unexpected Nap

Vessa, Dirionis, and Jocaira are in the cave with a mystic (their client) in a corner. Vessa is awake and keeping watch next to a fire with the Diri and Joca asleep by the fire. The mystic has just suggested Vessa rest with her retort of if she rests who would keep watch.

She'd get a last look at him as he steps down a winding and extremely

narrow corridor, his faint response as he turns to catch Vessa's gaze

before disappearing, "There is nothing to fear until you go deeper into

this cave....Sleeeeep," As he speaks the last word, reality distorts

just slightly as the Mystic makes an attempt to telepathically put the

wary woman into slumber.

Dirionis doesn't need much help in that department. One hand travels

up the leg, faintly making a reloading motion and one hand sliding up

and down it to chamber a bullet. Joca's leg is his boomstick.

Jocaira -might- have been waking up with all of the conversation going

on, soft as it is, but the siren song broadsides her unsuspecting

brain and out she goes again, tittering softly as she stretches her

limbs. "Arreter de jouer..." She sighs, "Trop de vetements."

Vessa Harden tries to fight the overwhelming urge to sleep but for

some reason cannot, she seems about to get up to follow the mystic

before his command and after realizing he is the reason for the

fatigue, gives him a dirty look before tilting sideways and falling


Time passes and passes, and the fire has been reduced to a low

flicking flame that barely clings to life, but still illuminates the

room just a touch. Diri's eyes open, fall...Open....The merc feels

around in the dark. Who's leg is...? Then he pushes himself up in a

push up position, still groggy. "Agh...Fuck." He mutters quietly,

rolling aside off of whoever it is he ended up near and lying on his

back. Slowly he sits up and peers at the fire, "Fuck," he repeats

quietly, moving to rise to his feet and step towards the wall of the

cave. A few feet away and he can no longer be seen. Scratch scratch,

swipe. Sounds coming from his direction.

Jocaira groans softly in her sleep, eyes squeezing a little tighter.

"Nnnn," she murmurs, giggling, "Quelle est l'urgence?" It takes a

little bit longer for her to shake off the telepathy than the merc

boss does, so by the time she wakes up he is gone. Squinting into the

dark, she murmurs, "Merde," and adjusts herself into a crouch, facing

away from the fire to get a better sense of what is out there in the


Vessa Harden is completely passed out, not even a twitch comes from

the woman. This might be due to already being tired before being hit

by the telepathic command, or maybe just because she was more

susceptible to it. Whatever the reason, she still lay sideways, her

pistol still in hand.

"Joca?" Diri's voice is half whispered from afar, though he can't

really be seen. "You up?" He says quietly. Scritch. Scratch. Swipe. A

few footsteps. "What times is it? How long we been out for?" He

continues in his soft voice.

"I up," Joca murmurs in response, edging closer to the wall, "No know

se time. Fire is dying, sough. Se client, 'e is gone. Whair you go, is


Vessa Harden continues to breath softly on the floor motionless.

Dirionis steps back towards them, coming back with more fungi and cave

scrapings which he tosses on the fire, igniting it further. It lights

up the room. Sure enough, Mystic is gone. "What the fuck?" Diri says,

eyeing the corner and stepping towards it. He crouches there, one

finger running against the ground. "Where'd he go?" His helmet goes

down over his head and he motions towards Vessa, "Mind wakin' her up?"

Then he steps down a few paces to look down that narrow corridor

through his HUD.

Jocaira squints as the fire flares up, facing away and rising from her

half-crouch. Obediently, she heads over to Vessa with a small yawn,

and nudges the other woman gently with her boot. "Allo? Allooo? Get

up, sil vous plait..."

Vessa Harden rocks a bit with the nudging and after a few times groans

and puts her gun free hand to her head. Sudden realization that she is

on the floor and that she had not intended to be there has her jumping

to her feet. After a moment of vertigo you can almost see her take

stock of her surroundings and review the memories, "That crazy fuck."

she growls and glares down the corridor. "Diri, since when do clients

sabotage their security detail?"

"The hell do you mean?" Diri asks back towards Vessa, moving back to

them and then looking at the doors they first came in that lead

outside. He dares venturing towards them, one hand moving towards the

handle...And pausing.

Jocaira digs around in her bulky winter gear to retrieve her

communicator, connecting it to her PDA, setting it in her ear, and

looking expectantly at Dirionis. "...esabotage?" She inquires, moving

to put her back to the nearest wall, posture tense and wary.

Vessa Harden spits out a couple of curses as she points the way she

last saw the Mystic go, "I was keeping watch when he gets up and tells

me that it is safe until you go deeper then tells me to sleep and

wanders off. I would have followed him except when he told me to

sleep, I did. I don't know what kinda shit he can pull but I don't

like not being able to do my job cause the fucking client prevents


The sharp hiss of wind is heard as Diri cracks the door open and peers

outside. He closes it just as soon as he opened it. "Okay..." He

breathes, turning back towards them. "We're not goin' that way." He

looks to Vessa, "Try to calm down. We're gonna figure this out. Get up

and ready, we're movin' out." The Lunite moves to throw a few more

chunks of fungi into the fire, eyeing the narrow corridor, "That's

where we're headed. Both of you. Stay close to me. Its near pitch

black and we have no clue what the fuck's down there."

Announcement: Brody shouts, "Regarding the forums: If you want me to

add your worlds, ships, etc., as subforums, please let me know."

Jocaira squints down the dark, narrow corridor, and then looks between

Dirionis and Vessa. "Se client say is no safe, you are certain,

Mastair Diri?" Regardless of whether or not it's a good idea to move

forward, being left behind is a worse one, so she moves to get closer

to the merc boss.

"Positive. You don't want to see what's on the other side of that

door." Diri says, pointing to how they entered the cave. He unhooks

his rifle and exhales lightly, raising it up onto his shoulder in a

prepared position as he approaches the narrow corridor, looking

through his HUD. "A lot of curves and such. We can -not- get

seperated." A look back to see if they're ready to proceed.

Jocaira continues to try and keep her back to one of the walls of the

narrow corridor, staying just far enough behind Dirionis so that she

is not in range of any elbows or rifle butts. She pulls both hands

deeper into the sleeves of her bulky jacket, and exhales a frosty,
