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Vessa Harden takes a deep breath and nods to Diri, "Don't worry, I

will do the job without emotions in the way but he is not my favorite

person right now, doesn't mean I will not save his sorry ass if I need

to." she steps close and continues the constant scan that her sudden

nap had interrupted earlier.

"Ain't worried about him as much right now if he just ditched us,"

Diri replies, starting to step down the dark corridor, one arm

outstretched behind him to feel their presence. "Stay close," He

reminds. The merc slowly pads step by step. The walls are really

close, to the point where it's almost uncomfortable, and to add to

that even the HUD can only illuminate the darkness so much. As they

step along, there's a shaking that rumbles across them. As if there's

movement through the ground somewhere near. "This is Diri to HQ," Diri

can be heard saying, "Calling backup to B'hira, coordinates are

sent....Yeah. Yeah, bring her. I want heavy weapons on the shuttle.

Alright." There's light a far ways off down the corridor. "Everyone

okay?" Diri whispers.

Jocaira inches along, still buried in her cold-weather gear. She

stiffens a bit at the rumble, but doesn't stop moving. "Nnhnn. Okay,"

she whispers.

Vessa Harden nods sharply at Diri, "I am fine." she continues to keep

an eye out, and an ear for that matter. "I should also mention that I

really don't like this, this stinks of a setup to me."

As they near the light, closer and closer, it's apparent that it leads

outside, a large gap in the cave. "Perfect," Diri says through his

comm, "We'll wait out here until the big guns arrive...I don't wanna

fuck with that giant spider again." After some waiting, Diri speaks

into the comm, "ETA on back up...Can you read me?" A large high

pitched squeal of a roar is heard far off, causing Diri to peer around

off the icy cliff edge that circles around the area. Notably, a

larger, less cramped corridor continues into the cave way only fifty

feet ahead. The group is standing on medium sized flat rock and snow

foundation that feeds into what looks to be a break in a winding cave.

"Spider may want diffairent," Joca murmurs into the comm, pressing

herself more closely against the wall and pulling her hood a bit


A shuttle streaks into view through the icy wind. Snow kicks up as it

settles inches above the snowy rocky surface. Two red armored mercs

sit on the open hatchways, some type of rocket launcher mounted over

their shoulders. "Get out, we'll circle the sky," One merc says

through comms. Dirionis waves a red armored arm in a waving motion to

indicate their position. "Over here," he says through the comms. His

helmeted head turns to Vessa and Joca, "We're going back into the

cave, finding out friend, and findin' whatever he came lookin' for."

A heavily gloved hand claps one armored shoulder in acknowledgement

before Raisa hops out of the shuttle. "We'll give a shout when we need

lifted out," she shouts in one ear. A quick check of her equipment -

though there isn't a lot weighing down the Lunite woman, just one

pistol holstered on each hip. "Going to throttle that man," she

mutters, her voice a bit quieter. "Course he takes a job on the most

frigid piece of ice in this universe and needs his ass saved." Oops,

was her comm still transmitting? Why yes, I believe it is.

"Love you too," Diri comments sarcastically, eyeing the cave entrance

and motioning for the group to move on. "Lets get out of the cold. He

can't have gotten -too- far." The merc steadies his rifle, eye visors

glowing a soft blue a moment as he looks over the entrance back into

the cave, then back at the shuttle as it lifts off and starts circling

the air. Another high pitched roar far off, echoing. "Keep an eye on

that," Diri says through comms.

"...back into se cave, sen," Joca murmurs, looking between the frigid

wastes and the dark, creepy cave. Well, one of these things

-definitely- has a giant ticked off spider in it. Sigh. "Onward, sen."

Vessa Harden gives a wave to the new member of the team and continues

to keep a look out, giving a smirk at Raisa's words and a grin at

Joca's, not that it can be seen behind the helmet. "Well, at the least

we should see something interesting. That Mystic was in a flaming

hurry once he bothered to move. At least so it seemed to me as I, you

know, passed out."

The wool hat that now perches on top of Raisa's head gets pulled down

lower to better cover her ears. She makes a kissy face in Diri's

direction as she joins the group, nodding in greeting. "So what the

hell have you gotten yourself into now, Diri?" she grumbles out. "And

when do we get off of this frozen wasteland?"

The giant spider almost looks like the better option for the moment.

Joca shakes some snow from her cold-weather gear and heads into the

rest of the cave.

Vessa Harden shrugs and moves into position, "Eh, giant spider or

pissy mystic. Lets just get either the bastard or the shit he was

after and try not to get killed along the way."

"Well, mission went sour when the spider thats currently roarin' right

now chased us into a cave and blocked off our escape. We gotta find

our client and see what the hell's goin' on." The merc boss steps back

into the corridor, "And keep your weapon ready." The next corridor

isn't as pitch black as the one before, due to smaller holes in the

ceiling that allow light to creep through. A minute or so of walking

and...That wide corridor becomes a thin, one person pathway over a

twenty foot drop. The 'bridge' is about thirty feet long. "Alright,"

Diri says with a sigh. "One at a time...And be careful." He peers down

over the side. "Hard to tell if that's snow or....A thin layer of snow

on rock."

"Great..." Raisa mutters to herself, falling into line somewhere

behind Diri. She rests one hand on the butt of a pistol, stepping

forward with caution. "Coulda been laying on a beach and drinking, but

this is almost as good."

Jocaira takes a step backwards, allowing Raisa to step behind Diri and

in front of the dark-skinned Frenchwoman. "Affairmatif," she murmurs

into the comm, eyeing the 'bridge'. "Nnh."

Vessa Harden moves into the last position to take up the rear and

keeps an eye behind. As she walks she attempts to listen behind her as

well as taking the occasional look as well.

"Okay," Diri breathes, eyeing them. "I'll go first." The merc starts

stepping across slowly, carefully, arms spread out some as he holsters

his rifle. Halfway across he motions one hand. "Next. Lets go." The

ground around them shakes, causing Diri to buckle and lose his

footing. He makes a grab for the natural bridge, and it catches a

moment, his grip slipping some as he scrambles to hold on. Another

shake of the rocky walls. A sudden explosion of rock from the wall

below the fall of the bridge. An ice worm passes down beneath Diri,

and the way it moves through the surface confirms that the fall would

be headed into snow, not rock...But There's an ice worm down there.

"S..Shit!" Diri says, attempting to pull himself up. "We gotta get

across here. Go, go." A grunt.