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Sorani Zahir

[[Image:|none|240px|Sorani Zahir]]
Species or Race Human
Gender Female
Height 5'5
Weight 130lbs
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color Bistre Brown (dark brown)
Eye Color Gray
Biological Age 18
Date of Birth 2 Bleakdreary, 606 ATA
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence Fanghill
Profession N/A
Employer Zolor Zahir
Character name Sorani Zahir

Birth and Childhood

It can never be said that Sorani Zahir has worked a day in her life at 'honest' labor. Born privileged and entitled, the youth never knew wanting and was lavished upon along with her two siblings, one elder and one younger. But, such comes with a price, a most demanding price. Her education was one that would be highly sought after, granted due to the girl's intellect and the wealth of her family's House. Despite staggering expectations, Sorani proved capable within the realm of learning and readily took what was offered her. Under the careful tutelage of a number of mentors, each specializing in their particular fields, the child's mind and understanding of the world around her grew.

Her education, both formal and informal, continued long into her adolescence, broken only by formal events and the free time with which she spent learning one of her true passions: hawking. Leniency finally came when she turned sixteen, yet not without another price. As a scion of House Zahir, the weight of expectation grew heavier upon her shoulders. Bring pride to her House, and remember that which she represents. But, the youth was not without subtlety, and she watched, waited, gleaned information and learned further, refining her interests and her intent.

Personality and Temperament

An insatiable curiosity buried beneath a veneer of calculated and cunning self-control, Sorani is just old enough to know better, and yet still young enough to be prouder of herself than is wise. Intelligent and conservative, Sorani is a reserved and often aloof young woman, eager to watch and absorb that which goes on around her for purposes she rarely discusses openly.

Despite her seemingly cool demeanor, she is not a cold-hearted woman, rather enjoying intellectual and questionable conversation. Passionate about her various interests, hawking and hunting among others, Sorani Zahir is likely best distrusted. Her competitive nature and desire to rise in her House is an open secret.

Plans and Goals

(Requires further consideration.)

Links and Logs

Log: Circling Vipers

Log: Monstrous Echoes