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Finding the Lost Sheep

Summary: After an interview with one of the natives, Katrin and Vessa go to bring their wayward crewman home.

Cast: Katrin Vessa Majors Wyri

Air Date: January 6, 2654

Setting: Tavros

Cargo Bay - IND Devil May Care

Taking up almost the entire length and breadth of the two hundred fifty foot ship, the cargo bay is truly the belly of the beast. A metal catwalk travels down the center of the bay, with cargo holders lining both walls and the floor. Huge bioflourescent light panels provide light, and every twenty feet, a cargo manifest computer allows the cargo handler to keep inventory and organize the load. An inset in the aft belly has been set in for the cargo mule, and just before it is the cargo ramp, opening forward. A set of no-skid stairs lead up into the personnel section of the ship.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

The native known as Ziad sits patiently in his designated area. A pair of pants and a loose fitted shirt have been provided for the man and he wears them grudgingly. For the time being, he sits cross legged on the floor, eyes closed, frown on his lips.

Vessa sits nearby having given up having much of a conversation with Ziad.

Katrin makes her way into the cargo hold, pausing near Vessa. "Has our guest said anything of interest yet?" she asks, eying Ziad. "I am interested to see just how far this group communication will go, and if it plays a part in what could be happening to them." She frowns, arms crossed over her chest. "Join me while I chat with him?"

Vessa stands and shakes her head at Katrin, "About all he has said is that we are closed and then scowls. He has sat like that for hours." moving over to Katrin she nods, "I would be happy to join the chat.

A frown of her own appears, "Very well," she murmurs. "Good evening," she says, directing it in Ziad's direction. "I am Katrin, and this is my Captain, Vessa." Ziad just stares at them.

Vessa stands beside Katrin and nods to Ziad.

Ziad stares at both Katrin and Vessa. "Your male is problematic," he says simply. "He is attempting to corrupt one voice." He frowns. "All of you seek to corrupt our voice."

Alaria shimmers into sight not far from Vessa, quietly stepping closer as Ziad speaks. "Dear me, still quite distrustful, hm?" she whispers.

Katrin frowns and shakes her head, "None of my people are attempting to corrupt anything," she says quietly. "Majors is many things but he is not evil, or attempting to do harm to anyone."

Vessa considers Ziad a moment, "He isn't trying to corrupt anyone, nor are we. All we want to do is to help find your cure." she smiles a greeting to Alaria before looking back at Ziad.

"...Do you suppose these people have been corrupted before, or something? I suppose I could ask..." Alaria trails off.

Ziad stares at Alaria for a moment and huffs. "We do not like interlopers. You are a negative influence on some of our voices. You cause disfunction."

Katrin eyes Ziad. "If we are so bad, then why have you allowed us to stay on the planet to help with your cure?"

Ziad hesitates. "We are not of one mind in this instance..."

"We do not wish to be interlopers. Perhaps we might be of some assistance with the difficulties you are having with deciding." looking thoughtful Vessa notes, "We wish nothing more then to be of assistance."

Alaria finds a seat on the ground, crossing her legs. "This is a typical reaction. And I don't know how much talking will help sway these people. Tharsis and I are planning to give the planet a once-over, though. Ziad, what exactly do your people hunt or ingest?"

"We forage the jungle floor for vegetation and hunt the animals," Ziad replies. "We are our own people." He focuses in on the three women, frowning. "Soon, we will hunt you."

Katrin frowns, "I do not appreciate my crew being threatened," she says coolly.

Vessa frowns at Ziad, "Hunt us is it? I don't think we would be all that nutritionally sound. You do realize that hunting us means you don't get a cure right? Should I also mention that threatening to hunt us means that we then figure that once you get said cure, that you will attempt to hunt and kills us. This leaves us with the question of why? What possible reason have we given for you to wish to do so?"

Alaria lifts a brow. Then folds her hands, straightening up. "That is mildly concerning. I don't know if we want to heal the people that will attempt to kill us..."

Katrin leans over to Alaria and Vessa, dropping her voice to avoid being heard by Ziad. "Wyri has confirmed for us that it is some form of telepathic communication that allows them to be unified at all times," she murmurs. "What do you suppose introducing a psi-blocker would do for that link? Do you think it could sever it, thus breaking them from the collective?"

Ziad just remains passive, watching them.

Vessa speaks equally softly to Katrin and Alaria, "I think it would be a good idea as a last ditch effort if they attack but if we try to sever the link when all they have done is blow hot air then it is likely they will do more then just attack. It is likely that we would become their favorite thing to hunt indeed."

"I must wonder if that bond has anything to do with their illness, though. I'd be reluctant to test it out, however. I-I mean, we don't want to upset them more than we have," Alaria offers.

"What about their cloning?" Katrin asks of Alaria. "Is it possible that it is because they are not natural that they are falling ill and dying?"

Ziad just stares at them and continues to scowl.

Vessa nods at Katrin's words and continues to speak quietly, "It sounds to me like the cloning is the reason they are getting sick and that this group mind or voice of theirs is a byproduct of the cloning. It sounds like they are someone's experiment if I were to guess then left here to fend for themselves."

"Ah, you might have something there, Vessa." Alaria lifts her voice, "Ah Ziad? If you don't mind my asking, how exactly do your people reproduce?"

Katrin ponders and nods, "Is there any way for you to focus your medical tests to see if this is accurate, or a way to counteract it?" she asks.

Ziad gives a confused look to Alaria. "We are one people. We exist as we are. No imperfections. No need to procreate. We were to last forever, until this foreign illness has taken some of our voices."

"Ahhhh" Vessa says nodding in understanding at Ziad then speaks quietly to Alaria and Katrin, "If they were made to live forever why do they have reproductive organs? But that does make me wonder if perhaps they are just reaching the end of their lives. Nothing is meant to last forever and perhaps there is no illness."

"I could try to see if they were, hm, grown from an infantile stage," Alaria replies to Katrin, shrugging lightly. She nods to Vessa, "Another good point. Ziad, do you have any childhood memories?"

"Well, perhaps they just wanted something to look at," Katrin suggests, smiling innocently. "Is it possible for you to tell if their reproductive organs actually work or as just for show?"

Ziad stares at Alaria. "We..." He hesitates. "We remember everything, from the beginning. We have always been as we are. We will always be as we are."

Vessa speaks quietly, "Yeah, I am thinking that they might well be one of those, made in their creator's image type deal, which they have male and female. It also sounds like they woke at the same apparent age as they are now." speaking up to Ziad she asks, "Do you remember how long ago the beginning was? Do you mark time?"

"I believe that he is implying he always looked as he is. But I'll test it just the same. Also, Katrin... I, ah..." Alaria blushes. "There are only a few ways to test th-the functionality." She pauses, looking between the two of them. "Anyone want to volunteer?"

It takes a few beats before the exact meaning of Alaria's statement dawns on Katrin. A light blush appears and she shakes her head. "Oh, no..." she mumbles. She clears her throat. "I believe you are correct, Alaria," she says. "But I would like you and Tharsis to do as many scans and tests as possible to try and back up your ideas."

Ziad just stares blankly at Vessa, the questions apparently confusing him. "The beginning was the beginning. We now exist outside of the beginning."

Vessa looks at Alaria with a bright red face and clears her throat a couple of times before she says, "Er, Alaria can't you, I dunno, take a sample? You know, without a er partner." she ends up trailing off before shaking her head then getting back to the conversation, though still red as she looks at Ziad, "I ...see." sighing she ends up looking back at the other two, "Scans, yeah scans and tests sounds great."

Alaria blinks. "I don't think Ziad will be happy with me if I went anywhere near... that. But yes," she nods, getting to her feet. "I'll get right on those tests, ma'am." With a small wave, she disappears.

"Thank you, Alaria," Katrin says and then goes back to studying Ziad. "I don't know what to do," she admits. "And I am highly concerned about Majors being in their custody. Especially given their negative thoughts towards us."

Ziad just smiles but does not speak for the time being.

Vessa eyes Ziad but speaks quietly to Katrin, "I don't like the fact that Majors is there, I honestly don't know that there could have been much of a worse choice for a hostage." she sighs "I am not certain if there is a way for this to win, particularly with this hunting thing.

"At least Alaria has a working theory on these people," Katrin says quietly. "If it is just their bodies breaking down and dying, then we can simply wait it out. I would prefer to try and help them but not at the risk of my crew." She frowns. "I will give them a day or two more before attempting to make contact with them about the return of my man."

Vessa continues speaking quietly, "I get the feeling we will want some headway made on this cure, if there is such a thing, before we try and make contact with the rest. They seemed quite adamant about that. Either that or they will just dump Majors back due to trying to disrupt the voice too much or something, which I translate into he is being too much of an ass."

"I am more concerned that they will kill him if he attempts to harm their way of life," Katrin replies. She frowns. "He can be quite... persuasive when he wants to be, and charming enough to be seductive. If he tempted one of them... that could be dangerous."

Vessa nods looking more serious, "Very true, that is one of the dangers. I sort of thing that we needn't worry about him being seductive to these people though, you kind of need a sex drive to have seduction actually work. Or at least that is my thought. More I am worried that his attempts to do so will offend them and they will off him for that."

"Who's to say that they don't have sex drives though..." Katrin points out. "Just because they don't procreate... well, sex can be quite fun, even without making babies. Sometimes more fun without that last part."

Vessa starts blushing again, "Uh." clears her throat, "Er yes. I suppose that is true. I guess I was thinking it would have to be put specifically into their genetics to want to do that for fun though."

"With evolution, who is to say what will happen as someone gains awareness of their surroundings," Katrin muses. "It's hard to say."

Ziad suddenly stiffens and hisses from his position. "Amina. Her voice has been taken from us." He levels his dark eyes on both women, growling. "You have taken her from us."

Vessa moves over to stand nearer Katrin and keeping her eyes on Ziad, "Well, as neither of us have done anything but chat to you and each other, I don't see how we did any such thing. Why don't you tell us what happened before her voice was silenced."

"You. Your collective. Your confederacy of dunces," Ziad hisses. "We will come for you. You have been nothing but a nuisance. Amina's judgements proved incorrect regarding outside life."

Katrin frowns. "Vessa, please do me a favor and knock this lunatic out before I have the urge to slit his throat."

Vessa looks over to Katrain, "If you thing that wise then I will do as you ask Katrin, but that might well be exactly what some of them want." she steps closer to Ziad preparing to follow orders, looking at Ziad she shakes her head, "You could have worked with us." she says sadly.

"It seems we may be on the brink of conflict anyway," Katrin murmurs. "I believe we may find ourselves in a rather sticky situation soon. I would prefer to not have their eyes and ears watching over us, transmitting everything back."

Vessa moves to punch Ziad in the temple but misses horribly, "Bloody hell." she sounds extremely confused and looks at Ziad in suspicion, "Uh Boss, you think they can do other things besides just talking to eachother in a hive mind thing?"

Ziad ducks and bobs, avoiding Vessa. With a growl he lunges at the woman, trying to tackle her to the ground.

Katrin stands on the alert, one hand retrieving one of the many throwing blades she keeps on her person but holds back from actually throwing it for the time being.

Vessa blocks the tackle and actually lands a blow to the temple this time, breathing a sigh of relief she picks the unconscious man up and sets him back where he had started. "Well, that was fun." she says as she steps back.

"A preference that you avoid giving me a heart attack," Katrin grumbles, sliding the knife back into its position. "I have a feeling Majors is up to no good here," she murmurs. "Gather anyone you can. He's in trouble and we need to help him."

Vessa sighs and looks at Katrin with a frown, "I am afraid you and I are it Boss. The engineers are busy with the research, and not the type we want to bring on this sort of mission, and the rest are doing in groups exploring the immediate area and too far to come back quickly enough." she looks at Ziad, "I am thinking we should tie this one up before he wakes up."

Katrin nods, "See it done," she says. "And hurry. We need to find him before it's too late."

Vessa is already moving to put action to words and soon Ziad is tied with some strapping material used to secure crates in transport. Coming back over she nods to Katrin, "Right, that is done. Lets go get our resident troublemaker out of trouble."

Landing Clearing - Tavros - <Tavros>

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

"The one advantage is that I don't think they have the same level of technology," Katrin murmurs. "I would think they are on par with my own society."

Vessa shakes her head, "That would be great except for one thing, "They have numbers and communication. They have the advantage, we need to be extremely careful."

"But we are two," Katrin points out. "Making it harder for them to notice us. We should move quickly." She heads for the jungle, slipping in without a word.

Deep Jungle - Tavros - <Tavros>

The trees grow tall, some soaring over seventy-five feet into the air with their trunks thick. Gnarled roots emerge from the ground, speaking of the age of the planet and jungle. Vines and branches hang down, making walking a somewhat dangerous task. The wide leaves of the higher trees make a kaleidoscope effect, shining light down to the floor in broken increments. As such it seems no surprise that the plant life along the ground is somewhat sparse with very few small plants growing.

Whispers and shadows dance through the branches higher up, or behind the fauna that has managed to survive on the surface. The occasional flash of color from a native animal is sometimes seen, though it is hard to identify what the full shape of each would be. In the distance, the sound of water can be heard, the soft crash of a waterfall. In the opposite direction, the jungle seems to be lessening, becoming more sparse before opening to fields.

As the pair head out, Katrin plunges ahead, disappearing into the brush. She is quiet, her steps providing only slight giveaways to her presence. Vessa is much louder behind her and the Fastheldian winces for the briefest moment. But the soldier is able to detect where the shadows of natives might be standing, thus giving them at least the slightest advantage.

Vessa follows Katrin as quietly as she can but winces herself at her own loud footsteps. She keeps her eyes and ears open.

Majors creeps along the brush trying to keep close to his naked native guide. The Sivadian goes around a patrol here, goes to ground there, for the most part he keeps out of the way of the other natives about as he moves along. It is probably notable that the Sivadian is clad in the underthings he had under his armor which is lacking as is the rest of his equipment.

Amina has guided Majors away from the worst of the danger, and in the general direction of Katrin and Vessa. The woman is bruised and moves with a certain level of gingerness. In her hands, she clutches a psi-blocker, which seems to be doing strange things to the guards stationed all about and within its range.

Katrin comes to a halt and waits, crouching down. "Something is coming," she whispers. "Be ready for anything, Vessa."

Vessa nods and says equally quietly, "Right." getting her rifle ready for use.

Majors creeps along after Amina and glances over his shoulder and tries to catch a glance of the guards before he moves along deeper into the jungle and closer to freedom.

"We have almost made it back," Amina whispers over her shoulder to Majors as they come closer and closer to Vessa and Katrin. She hastens her step, looking more than a little worried.

Katrin waits patiently, a hand resting on her knives, but she hasn't drawn one yet. Vessa stays still and keeps looking and listening, her weapon ready if needed.

"Good thing luv." Majors murmurs as he follows the woman. He speds up as she does, hoping against hope that this is finally the last leg of the trip.

As the pair go plunging through the brush, they quite literally stumble across Katrin and Vessa who have been patiently waiting. Amina comes skittering to a halt, blinking at the pair of women, and then back to Majors.

The Fastheldian woman half-rises, ready to speak, but instead gestures them onward, back toward the ship.

Vessa moves to take the rear of the group and keeps scanning the area looking and listening for surprises.

Majors blinks once as he sees the two women but keeps is soon enough moving in the direct that Katrin gestures at. He does not say anything just yet.

Landing Clearing - Tavros - <Tavros>

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

The group is safely brought back to the Landing Clearing where other DMCers have set up a perimeter, ensuring that nothing will be following them back. Katrin first looks to Amina who slinks back, almost shyly, and then to Majors. After consideration, she steps in to hug her wayward crewman. "Don't you ever do anything so stupid again," she scolds.

Vessa gently punches Majors in the arm, "Glad you are still alive but why am I not surprised you are not wearing pants?" she moves over to Amina but stops at a respectful distance, "Hello, thank you." she says in honest gratitude.

"Oi... you almost sound as if you missed me." Majors murmurs as he is assaulted with the hug. He tries to untangle himself but not before giving Katrin's backside a firm squeeze. Vessa's punch is met with a smirk. "I will have you know, this was not my choice." The Sivadian says. "Got any fags? Been nearly two days." He murmurs before joining Amina. "This my little birdies is Amina. She is a bit on the lam so I was hoping we could take her in seeing as she helped me escape death and all." He offers the native a gentle smile.

Katrin steps back, swatting at Majors as he squeezes her butt, a smile playing on her lips. "Nothing of the sort, darling," she replies. She looks to Amina, extending a hand. "Thank you, my dear, for returning my crewman to me. We appreciate everything you have done, but of course we must be wary of you, considering your unusual connection with the rest of your kind."

Amina drops her head down, suddenly shy. "I am... my own," she says quietly. "There are no others." She hefts the psi-blocker. "This keeps the other voices at bay."

Vessa nods to Amina, "Ziad did say they had lost her voice, this would make sense as to why." looking at Majors she shakes her head and sighs, "Not your choice, right." looking back at Katrins she speaks very quietly so that Katrin is the only one who should be able to hear her, "I would recommend treating her respectfully though cautiously, that psi-blocker as her new best friend."

"Oh? But I have missed my Confederacy of Dunces so much." Majors replies with a chuckle. The two get a look and a roll of his eyes. "They took my armor and equipment, do you think I was wearing a three piece suit under that bulk?" He asks idly. Amina gets a smile. "I do suppose you are on your own now.. but not completely no, we are about."

Katrin inclines her head to Vessa. "I will speak with Ruin and Wyri to see what they can do for you regarding a more permanent use of a psi-blocker," she promises of Amina. "For now, keep that close. I would prefer your collective not be made aware of what is going on." She frowns, eying Majors. "Firstly, put some pants on," she says. "We don't need to see little Thomas if he wants to come out and play." Her arms cross over her chest. "Vessa, prepare everyone that might be combat inclined. I have a feeling once they realize what has happened, they will be coming for us. I would prefer to settle this peacefully, but... I will also not be caught unprepared. Also, please get this girl some clothes."

Amina looks about her with some level of apprehension at suddenly being around these people but nods, sticking close to Majors. "They will come for you," she whispers. "They do not hesitate to kill when needed."

Vessa nods at Katrin and waves Majors and Amina to the ship, "Lets get you both clothing, and since she likes you for some reason Majors, why don't we all go get you both clothing at the same time. That way we can get you equipped as well Majors." she moves over and speaks quietly with those who are combat trained then looks at Wyri, "Wyri, keep an eye out please and be ready to use what you can for defense please." she then moves back to Majors and Amina

Wyri is drawn outside from his position in the labs, where he had been going through scans of the native brains. A white lab coat is still slung about his shoulders as he limps down the ramp, his cane in hand. "What's going on?" Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth, his blue glowing eyes taking in Majors and the girl with perhaps a hint of amusement. "May your bravery be an inspiration to us all, Majors."

"I recall a time when you loved wee Tom's company and would kiss every chance you got." Majors says with a small chuckle as he moves towards the ship. "Come along dear, nothing to fear but the choice of t-shirts and sweat pants we will find." He says towards Amina. Wyri gets a glance a nod. "Hmm? Well.. I think the real bravery will come soon enough. I have a feeling that these are not the most friendly of natives present birdie excluded." The Sivadian pauses for a moment. "Ready for a fag and a debreif shortly."

Katrin chuckles, "Little Tom just has a habit of showing up when he's not needed," she replies to Majors. Looking to Wyri she gives a grim smile. "We need you inside, actually," she replies. "The others can handle the defense for now. Wyri, I want you to look over Amina. Make sure she is alright." She lightly touches the Aukami's arm as she passes him and heads inside.

Amina bobs her head up and down, shifting back and forth nervously. She looks between Katrin and Majors curiously but for now says nothing, just holds on to her psi-blocker.

Vessa nods then indicates the ship, "Let's go ahead then."

The Aukami simply shakes his head as Majors moves towards the ship. When Katrin touches his arm, Wyri frowns slightly. "If there is chance of a fight, why do we not leave? I don't believe that their culture has progressed so far that they could chase us into orbit, and last I heard we've no reason to want to stay." He looks back out to the trees, as if he wants to stay and see what's coming.

"If that is the case, the do inform me of the right time." Majors says towards Katrin before he offers Amina a smile. "Well.. Welcome to my home for the most part.. you are not too far differnt from Sarah, I am sure I have some of her things still about that might fit you." He offers the native his hand before he makes for the ship.

Katrin retracts her hand from Wyri's arm and shakes her head. "Turning and running is not the answer. Not yet, anyway," she replies. "I still have hopes of a successful negotiation or helping them to avoid being wiped off the face of this planet. But if they go poorly then we will leave."

Amina just bobs her head up and down, looking over to Majors. She is quiet for the moment.

Crew Quarters - IND Devil May Care

This long, thin room is efficient, but carries a few luxuries. Four sets of of bunk beds are against the port wall, and every bed is allocated a small computer and dresser that sit on each end of the bunks. A circular table has been bolted down in the center, and is equipped with a holodisplay in the center. Near the aft is a refresher set, including a toilet and sink. A sturdy-looking portal sits in the port wall and leads out to the corridor.

Vessa follows Majors and Amina in and starts looking for clothing for Amina, finding a shirt and trousers as well as some underwear for the woman. A spare pair of tennis shoes comes next and she shows the woman how to wear the items.

Wryi follows the others, if reluctantly. He makes a stop in the lab to get some general medical equipment. A couple of syringes and the like, the hand that's not holding his cane, gripping the handle of a bright red bag with a white cross on it. "I hope negotiations go well." The Aukami's voice is like the thunder that rumbles up from the ground during an earthquake. "How little desire I have to see a sentient race destroyed... for any reason... I cannot express." He leans on his cane.

Majors follows along and stops at the Captains quarters to collect a suit and a pack of cigarettes. He lights up then starts to get dressed.

"I ask that you trust me, Wyri," Katrin says quietly and shakes her head. "Vessa, please see that Amina has a place to stay tonight. I will speak with her in the morning." With a nod, she turns to leave the room.

Amina dresses herself, though does not seem comfortable at being restricted in what she wears.

Vessa nods to Katrin, "Righto, Amina how would you like to sleep in the crew quarters? It is tight but comfortable. We can take a bunk in rotation or I can find another place to bunk." she says with a smile, her eyes flashing to Wyri then back as she indicates the bunks in the room.

"You have my trust." Wyri replies simply, his glowing blue eyes following Katrin from the room. Without further comment he deposits his medibag on one of the beds and starts rummaging through it for a syringe. It's neither as big, nor as pointy looking as the ones seen back on 21 st centuary earth, but will do the job alright. "A proper shame, and here I was thinking she'd sleep in my room." The Sivadian sucks in smoke as he looks to Wyri and Vessa. "I was to be killed because I talked too much to Miss Amina, she wanted free of the collective mind they have. What have you lot learned"

"You, talk to much... it is not possible," Katrin notes to Majors with a roll of her eyes. "For the time being, you keep your hands to yourself, Tom." She looks at the Aukami. "Wyri, also check out Majors. He was with them so perhaps there is an environmental factor we have not picked up yet."

Amina wrinkles her nose but stays quiet, smoothing her hands over her new clothes and giving a small yawn.

Vessa nods in agreement to Katrin's words and indicates a bunk for Amina, "Go ahead and get some sleep once Wyri is finished with the medical exam." looking at Majors she turns serious, "No touchie while on the mission Majors. Please be good, I think you can abstain for a little while longer."

A silver eyebrow raises slowly as Majors speaks. "Your failure is less then amusing at this point, Majors. All you had to do was keep your mouth shut, and your pants on." Wyri shakes his head. "What-ever the connection between them, we know it's of course psionic in nature. Probably telepathic. No real way of knowing without a telepath about. We needed time to analyse the data collected, and you robbed us of that, so don't you dare ask us what we've learned. You'd do well to sit in the corner, and think about what you've done." With that, and a twirl of his syringe, he sticks Amina quick enough the poor woman hopefully doesn't know what got her. Pulling back he limps across to the medibag and sticks the sample in a small PDA form analyser.

Amina yelps and whimpers at the jab, biting on her lower lip which even trembles a little.

"My failure? Well...." Majors lifts a brow and in time shrugs. Nothing is far more important than the cigarette for a time. "Hmm? Yes yes, me and Miss Amina had a good laugh about it all earlier." He says absently. "It is but a small prick luv, nothing to worry about." Majors says towards the native.