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The Price

Summary: Wyri is permitted to return to the DMC with the aid of a Native to heal Katrin from the psionic attack she suffered.

Cast: Katrin Wyri Vessa Akamatsu

Air Date: January 8, 2654

Setting: Tavros

Landing Clearing - Tavros

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

Contents: Exits:
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Vessa starts to speak and stops then starts again and stops, still looking furious. "Akamatsu let me make something exceedingly clear here. These are other peoples lives we are dealing with. That cure is their only chance at continuing to live and yes, the morality is my first objection. Think me an idiot if you wish, I don't give a fuck. You want to know how to win their trust back that isn't immoral, cause it's really easy. You don't give them further cause to distrust. Simple as that."

Akamatsu sighs and replies "Just not making them dislike us more won't do a thing. WE need to give them a reason to actually like us more again. However, if you'll excuse me I need to go and wash the idiocy Majors left on me when he fired that shot." With that the ronin heads back to the ship, shaking his head at the whole situation.

Two figures emerge from the jungle. One of them is Wyri, tall and limping. The other is the previously fired upon male leader of the native tribe. No words pass between the two men but there seems to be a strong understanding and connection between them as they turn in unison to walk toward the Devil May Care. "We greet you, single minders," the native says politely to those present.

Vessa is about to reply to Aka when the two come back she puts her hands far away from her weapons and moves as close as is safe her face one of hope and regret, "I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for the way things went, the member of the crew who fired upon you will be spoken to about that situation. Wyri, are you okay?" she tries not to be the least bit threatening in any motion she makes.

For his part, Wyri remains silent as the leader greets them. He looks tense, ready to throw a shield up if need be. "No one is to harm this man. He's here to reverse what has happened to Katrin." He adds, glowing blue eyes shifting to Vessa. "I am well... better then well, Vessa."

The native clears his throat and smiles to Vessa. "You may call me Hadi," he says. A moment to consider before he tacks on: "What occurred tonight was Majors fault, Vessa. We understand the situation to be an accident and miscommunication though we are grieved that he felt he had to fire upon us." A smile. "Please lead me to Katrin so I may attend her."

Vessa looks at Wyri as though he has said something stupid then looks back to Hadi, "Of course, I would be happy to lead you and will protect you myself should anyone be stupid enough to try and harm you. As for better then well, might I assume that Wyri is now a Voice?" she looks slightly pained as she asks this question. "I would also like to say that while I wish you no harm, Katrin's safety is my utmost concern and that should any harm befall her, I will not allow you to leave the ship." she sounds regretful for having to say this.

Not for the first time tonight, Wyri seems to have trouble expressing exactly what it is that he wants to say. After a moment he levels his glowing eyes on Vessa and says with utmost seriousness, "We do what we have to, don't we, Captain? For Katrin." That's about all he has to say on the matter, he starts to limp for the boarding ramp to the DMC.

Common Room - IND Devil May Care

This room is set up with a triple purpose: as a mess hall, recreation area, and medical station. Near the fore is a kitchen with refrigeration and heating units, a long term food storage unit, and cabinets for dishes and such. Near the kitchen is a long, bolted-down table and several chairs. Towards the center is the recreation area, with three fold-out exercise machines, two couches and several chairs facing a low, broad square table in the center, and two holoviewers pointing from two different directions. In the very aft section, a corner has been set up with two fold-out medical beds and basic diagnostic equipment. A sterile, opaque curtain can be pulled around a track to separate this area for privacy or quarantine purposes. A sturdy-looking portal leads out into the main corridor.

Katrin has been set up in the small medical area, hooked up to equipment to ensure that she is still breathing and alive. Her pulse is steady but slow. By all looks, she is in a coma.

Vessa moves to stand guard by the door to keep out potential interruptions, her hands on her weapons.

Wyri moves across to where Katrin is set up on a medical bed, he kneels down beside her, laying his cane down as he takes one of her hands. "Katrin?" The Aukami's voice is unusually soft, he speaks as if trying to wake someone up from a sleep. When she doesn't wake, he looks at Hadi.

Hadi rests a reassuring hand on Wyri's shoulder for a moment before sitting down on the edge of the bed, cupping the woman's face in his hands gently. His eyes close as he begins to focus, entering back into her mind to heal the damage that was caused to her in the attack.

It seems like forever passes by but there is a slight twitch in Katrin's hand before her eyes slowly open. "Wyri?" she asks softly. "What happened?"

Vessa looks briefly over at Katrin, a look of relief on her face before she gives Hadi a grateful look the caution enters her gaze as she looks at Wyri, "What concerns me more is the price," she says softly before returning her attention to guarding the door.

The Aukami squeezes Katrin's hand tightly as she wakes, his smile splitting into a grin that nearly goes ear to ear. "Katrin! It's alright... nothing happened... took a little hit to the head after that native stabbed Amina." Wyri reaches forward to push hair from Katrin's face and run two fingers down her cheek affectionately. "Vessa can fill you in on the details later, but now you must rest..." The Aukami continues, his voice a touch firmer then before. He ignores Vessa. Hell, at the moment he'd ignore a cyclone.

Hadi leans back and moves to stand next to Vessa to offer the two a moment alone but there is a time limit by the look on his face.

Katrin looks up at Wyri, her fingers returning the tight hold. "Are you alright, love?" she asks tiredly, sitting up enough to get a better look at the Aukami man. "I should have listened to you and we should have just left. I'm sorry."

Vessa looks over at Hadi and says with quiet sincerity, "Thank you Hadi." she pauses then adds, "He is going back with you isn't he?" her voice is quiet enough that it should not carry to where the other two are easily.

Wyri's grin fades to a sympathetic smile and he nods. "Probably," The Aukami concedes, one hand holding hers, the other touching her cheek lightly. He's aware of the time limit. Couldn't he have just a moment longer... just to be here... "It's not your fault. We had a chance to do something here... and all is not lost. I will return with Hadi, uh, one of the natives, shortly to finish the cure. We can still save these people." There's a slight pause, he looks as if he wants to say more, but he doesn't.

Hadi nods. "Yes, he no longer belongs amongst your kind," he says simply. "We regret having to separate them. We saw the same deep devotion in the woman that we see in him."

Katrin tightens her hand on Wyri's, shaking her head, which makes her look a little queasy. "No. No, you can't go with them," she says. "It's too dangerous for you to go anywhere on your own. Besides, we need you here. I won't let you."

Vessa sighs sadly and nods before looking at Katrin, "He is safer with them right now Kat, he has to go. This is the price of what happened out there today and his going will be the safest for all involved." she looks at Wyri with anger mixed with understanding before speaking to Kat again, "As he said, he has to return to work on the cure, they need him desperately as he is their only hope right now, and he is now one of theirs, they will not hurt him."

With a smile, Wyri tells Katrin, "This isn't the last time we'll meet." His eyes have turned a milky rose colour. "How could I stay away for long? But I have to go. He brings her hand to his lips and lowers a gentle kiss on to it. Then he's standing again, his ticking cane at his side. His eyes flash back to their usual dark blue and he looks at Vessa. "/Nothing/ happened today that Katrin need worry about." He tells the captain, shooting a meaningful look at her. "My place is by Katrin. I /will/ return soon."

"We will watch over him," Hadi promises. "He has sworn his dedication to find us a cure. If he secures this, we will be able to discuss other things. He will prove that your kind can be trusted."

The words mean little to Katrin. She looks panicked by the idea and seems to be growing more distressed with each passing second. "No, Wyri, you can't go," she says earnestly. "Please. Please don't go. Don't leave me."

Vessa looks Wyri in the eye, her own showing anger, though still with understanding, and leans close to whisper in his ear, "I will do what I can as her friend but my advice to you would be to make sure she can contact you. This will cause her a great deal of pain, just so that you know the price of /your/ decision. I hold you responsible for repairing that pain, and I know you are now tied to this planet and these people. I wonder if you know what that means yet." she then leans back and moves over to Katrin, "He needs to go work Kat. He has a job to do remember, don't worry, he will be fine and he will be back soon."

Wyri grips Vessa's shoulder with his free hand as she talks to him, his own pain at Katrin's words rolling across his eyes before he can conceal it. "I know the price." He tells her simply, his fingers digging slightly before he lets go. He is a man haunted as he limps across to Hadi. "Is there... no way she can accompany me?" Wyri asks after a moment, turning to look back at Katrin, eyes so blue they might as well be black.

Hadi shakes his head. "She is not one of us," he replies. "We sensed great purpose in her that extends beyond this one moment in time," he says. "She will move on and be just fine. Give her time. But our time is limited so we should return. Be certain to take what you will need to allow you to finish your work."

Katrin clings to Vessa, watching Wyri go with a stricken expression. "Vessa, don't let him leave," she whispers. "Please... don't let him go out there. He'll be hurt or killed."

Vessa nods to Wyri and looks between him and Hadi with sadness before swallowing hard and turning her sad gaze to Katrin and holds her, speaking softly she says, "He will not be hurt or killed Kat, I swear to you that if he is then they will have more then an illness to fear. But there is no danger to him at all. He will be fine, better then fine in fact, and I cannot stop him without hurting him, and us. He cannot stay, there is no choice in the matter."

"Great purpose..." Wyri repeats. He nods again, swallowing any other words in his throat as he moves to collect his notes and equipment in a briefcase to bring with them. "Well... you know what they say..." The Aukami murmurs, holding the briefcase in one hand, and his cane in the other. He doesn't finish the sentence, he only walks out, tears stinging his in his eyes as he does.

"Yes, we know," Hadi agrees as he follows Wyri out. He passes a glance over to Katrin and then departs.

The young Fastheldian woman is left looking absolutely crushed. "He isn't coming back, is he?" she asks softly.

Vessa continues to hold Katrin and answers the deeper meaning of the question, "No, he is theirs now Kat. He made that choice for us and them and there is no going back from it." she clears her throat and sighs sadly. "He will return to continue the work but that is as much as he will be able to do. His actions mean success these people but that is the only good thing I can offer you from this."