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Walk in the Jungle

Summary: Vessa and Majors take a walk in the Jungle and meet some of the Wildlife.

Cast: Vessa Majors

Air Date: January 12, 2654

Setting: Tavros

Deep Jungle - Tavros - <Tavros>

The trees grow tall, some soaring over seventy-five feet into the air with their trunks thick. Gnarled roots emerge from the ground, speaking of the age of the planet and jungle. Vines and branches hang down, making walking a somewhat dangerous task. The wide leaves of the higher trees make a kaleidoscope effect, shining light down to the floor in broken increments. As such it seems no surprise that the plant life along the ground is somewhat sparse with very few small plants growing.

Whispers and shadows dance through the branches higher up, or behind the fauna that has managed to survive on the surface. The occasional flash of color from a native animal is sometimes seen, though it is hard to identify what the full shape of each would be. In the distance, the sound of water can be heard, the soft crash of a waterfall. In the opposite direction, the jungle seems to be lessening, becoming more sparse before opening to fields.

Contents: Exits:
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Vessa stops just inside the Jungle and rounds on Majors, "Oh grow up man, what is your problem? It isn't like anything wrong is happening and you just need to get a clue. Oh and on a side note, don't touch my undies again."

"There is something very off about the whole damn thing. It would have been far smarter if you kept your bloody mouth shut about the matter. Her as well." Majors replies with a sniff. "It is opening up all sorts of old... As for your underthings, I will not unless you share them with me in the future." He turns his nose up.

Vessa pokes Majors in the chest with each word, "I realize I should have but don't you go adding more stress to her because of my mistake or so help me I will kick your ass up and down this planet every time I see you. It is not your place to make her life harder, you understand? And fuck no I will not share my underthings with you."

It sounds like there is a soft crying of a wounded animal about fifty feet further into the jungle. Not too far, but it would take someone just out of range for help in the clearing. The brush is thick and it's hard to see what exactly is causing the noise.

"Oi, she is bloody well putting me under a good deal of stress as well." Majors makes a move to slap the poking finger away. "You lecture me all you want about thinking about my actions but I want you to do the same." He frowns deeply. At the sound of the crying the Sivadian straightens up. "You! Bloody well stay here." He hisses and creeps low. He tries to make his way towards the animal as quitely as his get up will allow.

"Like hell! Though I will grant you that I should have thought that through more. How is she adding stress to you numbnuts?" Vessa says to him before he starts sneaking off. "If you are not back in two minutes then I am going in after you and I warn you that I cannot sneak to save anything so you had better be quick and report back or the results lay on your head."

The animal continues to whine and cry, unaware of anything's approach. There are shifting branches and leaves all around the pair.

Majors creeps along towards the crying, trying to find a spot not too far from Vessa where he can at least get a glimsp of the creature. The Sivadian frowns, he has nothing to say to Vessa at the moment as he focuses on being a sneaky Sivadian. Vessa notes the rustling and out comes the pistols, "Fuck, Majors don't bother we are surrounded by something. It isn't worth the effort."

The creature that is crying looks like Bambi on steroids. It certainly has the general characteristics of a fawn, the size, four spindly legs, an elongated torso and a trangular head with large ears but it has a dark green fur dappled with brown spots. Each leg ends in a hoof that has razor sharp edges. The muzzle is larger than a fawn's might be and filled with sharp teeth.

The creature gives another whining sound before it advances on Majors slowly before there is a louder shriek, this one sounding much like a command. Four others much like the first, though a tad smaller, appear from the brush, effectively cutting off the way back home.

"Oi.. you clever little bastard. You had best taste like veal." Majors murmurs as he sees the teeth and backs up a pace or two. He turns slightly at sight of the four coming in to block his path and frowns deeply. A moment later the Sivadian's plasma pistol is out and he attempts to take down Bambi, hit or miss the pistol is dropped, taking too long to recycle for another shot. He tries to sling his rifle forward.

Vessa curses quietly and looks around at the newly arrived killer bambi crowd. Pointing at one who seems to want to see what a Vessa tastes like today she squeezes off a shot with both pistols at it, good thing she doesn't have to worry about dropping to reload.

The first creature comes at Majors with hunger in its eyes but finds itself shot in the face by the upswung pistol. It's dead before it hits the ground.

The smaller version of Bambi is inching toward Vessa, hoping to get a bite out of the woman before it can be noticed. Too bad for it that the Captain is well aware of his presence. Too bad for her that he moves much faster than one might expect of such an awkward looking creature. It bares its teeth, lunging forward for an attack, legs splayed like it wants to both tackle and hug her.

There is a faint but growing smile on the Sivadian's face as Bambi goes down. Majors turns to look over how Vessa fairs with her own and that smile turns down just a notch. The Sivadian forgets his rifle for now and from his lower back he pulls a saber and tries to jump the creature and cut its throat and if not its head if possible.

Vessa grunts as she gets hugged by the killer deer and moves her hands to either side of it and fires again.

The creature seems distracted, caught between wanting to munch on Vessa's face and try to taste Majors' leg. It manages to avoid getting skewered by the Sivadian's blade but in that same moment, Vessa manages to plug it with a shot into its side that leaves it bleeding and dying to the side. The three remaining seem a bit lost and move with less cohesion, but with the intent of a hungry animal. They rush the group, two for Majors, one at Vessa.

No time to change weapons at this point it would seem! Majors yanks his blade free and takes a few steps back and falls into a classical fencing stance. Boarding school had best pay off though his free hand does go to hover near one of his pistols. The Sivadian then takes a step forward makes a sweeping attack.

Vessa breathes a sigh of relief and aims both pistols at the one who has her in it's sights. She squeezes off a shot per pistol and preys it hits.

The waving over the sword does little to stop the beasts. They snarl and then lunge at Majors in a group effort, trying to bring the man down. The other beast does something similar with Vessa, baring its teeth and trying to swipe at her throat while also trying to force her to the ground.

Majors tries to pry the one going for his throat one handed as he tumbles to the ground his blade tumbling away with the fall. The Sivadian's free hand goes for a tactical knife on his chest and he attempt to plung it away into the side of the beast at his throat. The other one? He can chew away for now, this bloke has priorties. "Come you wankers, come on... just a bit more and you can be the forth to kill me." He eggs the beasts on, not sounding particularly sane at the moment.

Vessa once more brings up her pistols and aims at her attacking bambi, she does not feel the need to verbally attack the creature, feeling instead that her pistols say all she needs to.

One creature keeps on chewing at Majors' leg, trying to break through the suit. The other manages to avoid getting stabbed and goes at his face.

Vessa's shot just barely nicks the third creature, just passing through the thick fur. It seems ready to attack again when suddenly it yelps and falls over, a crudely made arrow sticking from its side. Two more arrows finish off the two trying to eat Majors.

Majors pushes the dead animals off him and frowns deeply. "Oi..." He murmurs as he spots the arrows. "Thanks mates." He adds before he rises to his feet. His eyes scanning for the source of the arrows.

Vessa puts her weapons down and looks around as well. "Thank you." she gives a small bow in the direction the arrows came from.

"For the tall one," a voice says and one of the natives emerges from the thicket. "We feel his concern for your kind, so we ensured no harm came to you. This one. Do not be so foolish next time. The Renkitch are dangerous and wise. They outwit you single-minders easily."

"Hmm.. well thanks none the less." Majors replies as he moves about trying to collect his various disguarded weapons. "Mind if I ask if these bastards are tasty?" He asks. Vessa holsters her weapons and nods, "It was foolish to have gone so far into the jungle with only the two of us, we shall not repeat the mistake. My thanks for your assistance, is Wyri well? I would love to learn more about your world and yourselves if I could."

The native seems to have no desire to speak with them further and just turns to walk back into the jungle.

Majors watches him go and shrugs. "I shall grab a couple if you will." The Sivadian comments as he grabs two of the dead beasts. "Might as well take them in for testing.. if nothing else I can mount and stuff one and eat the other."

Vessa sighs looking a bit sad before nodding and taking the other two, "Majors, one more thing. Don't bother her about what we talked about. You want to punish someone for it, then do that to me, don't go throwing a fit at her for it." she then moves off carrying the two dead beasts.

Majors strolls over and plucks up the one he shot in the head as well, collecting them all. "Hmm.. mean little buggers."