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Rillitan is a Bounty Hunter trying and quite often failing to make his part of the galaxy. Prone to violence, boasting and flawed logic he makes his way around on board the IND Old Daisy (but you don't know that) threatening Ungstiri police and generally trying to annoy anyone who gives him the slightest hint of disrespect. If you meet Rillitan, be careful, he might seem foolish but he's still dangerous! Like a road made of cheese.

Quintessential Description:

Just under seven feet tall, thin and athletic with an animalistic confidence in his movement; Rillitan has the body of a gymnast. More accurately, Rillitan has the body of a martial artist. Although he is bordering on stringy, his muscles are well toned and give no real clue to his true strength. Along his skin are shattered streaks of scars, especially down his one fleshed arm, which seem to have taken their fair share of lashings. His other arm, his right arm, is silvered metallic, as is his left leg; Cybernetics, and not cheap looking ones.

His jaw is sharp and he is clean shaven, the Timonae has a thick scar running across the side of his neck and another similar looking scar running diagonally through his right eyebrow and jumping the gap of his eye to conclude at the top of his cheek. Cobalt grey clouds wisp around much darker browns in his irises. A bright while gleam runs down his right eye also, most likely stemming from the same cut. Rillitan's naturally olive complexion contrasts slightly with his silver, almost white hair that has been cut short. Usual Equipment:

Check out Rillitan's backstory from OtherSpace:
