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Species or Race Aukami
Gender Male
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color
Eye Color
Biological Age
Date of Birth
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Profession N/A
Character name Valkor


At first glance, the one called Valkor doesn't seem like much. Wearing a loose-fitting hooded cloak and and light blast armor most of the time, this Aukami is quite ordinary to the eye. But upon further examination, there is something just slightly odd about him. Perhaps it is the look in his eyes, that gaze filled with weariness that makes him seem so much older than he is, yet serene and at peace just the same. Maybe it is the way he walks, his surefooted strides long and confident. Or it could be the song he hums, sometimes a melancholy tune, sometimes a flowing, peaceful melody. Whatever the cause, Valkor is a very different individual.


It's a work in progress, but here's what I have so far:

It was dark, and misty. The stars were hidden this night, and Kelda didn't like it. The hermit enjoyed watching the points of light dance in the heavens. She decided to climb, to try to get above the fog. As she worked her way up the steep path, a sound of crying could be heard, the noise of a small child in abject terror and sadness. She rushed to him, cradling him in her arms, voice and psi energies flowing out, having a calming effect on the lad. "Shh, now. You're safe with me. What's your name?" she asked. "Valkor," came the small response. "Valkor. I like it. I'm Kelda." She began leading Valkor back down to her home. "How did you get up there?" The small child broke down again. "I... I don't know--they left me! They said I was going someplace fun. Somewhere new and exciting. And then--and then--" He couldn't finish. Kelda was deeply moved. "Your parents? They just left you? That's horrible!" She hugged him close. "Here, you can stay with me for now, until they come back for you." Valkor appeared to be in a state of shock, and merely nodded. He slept well, for having been unceremoniously dumped on a different world.

They never came back.

Mordrek grinned to himself. Another day, another helpless victim to exploit. Today, his target was an Aukami, maybe thirty years old by looking at him, humming to himself, looking in the opposite direction. The Lyiri crouched, preparing to spring. Valkor had been aware of the other's presence for some time, and now he suddenly whirled, locking eyes with Mordrek. For a moment, nothing happened, then the man hummed a slow, melancholy tune, channelling his psychic energies into the song, using it's sadness to incapacitate the would-be assailant. Mordrek gulped, as he felt the full impact of the song in his mind. With a sluggish, gasping sob, the mugger managed to slink away, trying to get the awful bleak grayness to leave him, with only limited success. Suddenly the song changed. It picked up in tempo, and changed to a major key, becoming happier by the moment. The feline was once more immobilized for a moment, but this time by sheer relief and joy. He turned, slowly, looking back at Valkor with a stange look on his face. The Aukami strode forward, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You have joy now," said Valkor, smiling faintly. "Now go and share it with others." He watched as Mordrek raced away, wanting very much to spread this newfound happiness. Chuckling lightly to himself, he continued with his peaceful humming, walking down the street as if nothing had happened.


Valkor can be very different things at different times. When in conversation, he is gentle, though somethimes rather lofty. When afraid, his voice takes on a commanding presence, resonating more than it normally would. He is at peace most of the time, and has even found a way to avoid having to scream at nothing twice a day, thanks to the wisdom of Kelda. She taught him a lot about the path to wisdom, and while he is still learning from his experiences, he's picked up on many things that some twice his age haven't gotten yet. He has a knack for seeing things at their simplest form. Some may think him mad, but he is sane. He's very nonviolent, using an opponent's emotions to turn them into a friend.

Disclaimer: Any and all characters mentioned in this bio are mine. Any similarity to other player's names, past or present, is entirely coincidental.


These logs have Valkor in them: