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(Created page with '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of …')
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14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years.
Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years.
The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats.
The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats.
Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.
Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.
14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)14:24, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
Filikan's search for some food for his bumbler patient has brought him to the docking hub, where he waddles among the ships, looking for any scraps he can get his paws on.
Filikan's search for some food for his bumbler patient has brought him to the docking hub, where he waddles among the ships, looking for any scraps he can get his paws on.

Revision as of 10:25, 24 February 2010

Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years.

The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats.

Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.

Filikan's search for some food for his bumbler patient has brought him to the docking hub, where he waddles among the ships, looking for any scraps he can get his paws on.

"What are you looking for?" Dirionis asks Filikan as he sees him pass, from his spot near the shuttles. "How's that calf doin'?"

Some may tell you that the Baron Seamel recently arrived aboard a recently arrived shuttle. Alas, this is not so, for he is just now leading a palamino charger by the reins, coming from the tradeport.

Anyone with comlinks or PDA devices set to receive distress calls hears a small beeping coming from their devices, moments before the landing bay sirens begin to signal an incoming ship. Flying into Comorro's womb is less of a ship, and more of a collection of other ships, torn apart and put back together into one, and it has obviously seen recent weapons fire. The ship itself is freighter size, over one hundred feet in length, its main engines borrowed from two different ships, a larger one sits above a smaller one towards its rear. The bridge sits, protected by a bubble of glass on top of the freighter, no lights shining from within. The wings of the ship appear to be the wings of smaller ships, torn off and welded to the freighter, thrusters attached to their sides. Metal debris falls from the side of the ship as it enters Comorro's gravity, more than one of its many thrusters appears to be hardly hanging onto its wings. On the ship's side, and barely legible through the scorch marks of energy weapons fire, is the ships name, written in Lotorez, "A Clear Vision."

Filikan looks up to Dirionis. "Mmmmm... the little one is doing fine, but he is getting rather hungry. I was hoping to find some grain or something that he could eat to help with the healing.." he says, then is cut off as the siren begin to wail. "Mmmmm... I say! What..." he exclaims but the arrival of the damaged vessel distracts his attention and he looks it quite curiously. "Mmmmm... it would appear that vessel has seen better days." he comments.

Dirionis nods along as Filikan speaks, though as the ship pulls in, he looks up at it, "Holy shit...That's messed up." As the alarms wail he observes the ship's descent carefully.

Lyddmull's horse whickers, pulling back as the siren sounds. The warhorse calms quickly though under the Seamel's restraining hand. He looks over at the source of the commotion, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "That is quite a piece of refuse," he says before pulling himself up into the saddle.

The ship sets down roughly, one of its wings falling off onto the landing pad. The boarding ramp lowers, and its airlock opens, out of it spills a Lotorian male, scruffy, young, and with half of his left ear missing. The Lotorian holds one of his hands to a chest wound that is bleeding heavily, looks about the landing bay, and breaths two words, "Help me.." before he collapses at the bottom of the landing ramp.

"Mmmmm! I say!" The veterinarian waddles over to the Lotorian who has tumbled out. "Mmmmm.. lie still, you will be tended to!" he says, reaching into his labcoat and pulls out a couple of medical tools he keeps within.

"Damn," Dirionis notes again as he runs over, tearing his sleeve to make a sizeable bandage for the wound. He starts first aid as he eyes the doctor, "You know how to tend to him?"

Lyddmull Seamel frowns a bit as the Lotorian collapses and nudges his mount forward toward the scene of treatment.. "That looks unpleasant," he says, his brow knitting with concern.

And right after Varal comes Tiana, the girl looking less cheerful than she usually would. In fact, quite sombre all said and done. She looks to Varal, a light frown knitting her brow, "...Ya goan hold 'em I-Told-Ya-So's o'er me 'ead ferever, ain't ya?"

Dirionis manages to stabilize the Lotorian, blood stains the fur of its chest, and its hands, and it looks up through glazed eyes at the lunite and the castor, whiskers twitching. "Please.." He rasps, "My sister, the captain, she's inside... help her... Riata..."

Filikan looks to Dirionis. "Mmmm... I have been forced to do cross profession treatments in the past. I can only do my best." he intones, and at the mention of another, he waddles up towards the ship now that Dirionis has the one Lotorian stable.

"Forever and ever," Varal responds with a grin. "Get an inch, take a mile." He frowns as he spots the Lotorian vessel. "That doesn't look good at all."

"'At's really mean... ah don' know if'n m'goan wanna bake ya aught no more." Tia huffs lightly, frowning even deeper. Then even deeper still at the sight of the Lotorian vessle, "Nah... i' don'."

Lyddmull Seamel dismounts as he hears the Lotorian's announcement, looping the reins of his horse around a support strut for the boarding ramp. "Allow me to assist you," he tells the vet whilst following him aboard.

Dirionis nods towards Filikan, "Go help her." He stays with the first Lotorian. "Your gonna be alright."

For those who enter the ship: The airlock opens out onto the main hub of the ship, an area where in its prime the crew would pass many times a day on their way to the other areas of the ship. The lighting is flickering on and off, and in the short flashes of light the scene that greets the travelers is horrific. There is a trail of blood leading to the airlock from the center of the room, at the trail's end a Lotorian lays, hand reaching out. There are more corpses, faces depicting their final moment of horror in the short flashes of light that illuminate them, pools of blood around each of them. The bodies litter the main hub, many of the Lotorian corpses clutch plasma rifles close to them, others died with pistols in their hands, most bear open wounds, some are decapitated by weapons fire. In the corner of the hub it appears a small explosion has occurred, spreading the Lotorian that was there across the room in charred pieces. There are three ladders in the room that lead to different areas of the ship, each has a sign above it in Lotorez to mark where it goes. "Engineering" "Bridge" "Crew Quarters" There is a ship comms unit on the wall by the airlock that buzzes when the group enters and flickers to life. INCOMING MESSAGE, BRIDGE: "Heh, I... I always knew... I would die out here... should've died at home... there are... the engineers, they're trapped down there... barricaded themselves in... Help them..." The message is broken by the panting of the Lotorian who speaks it.

Outside the ship: The Lotorian male smiles weakly up at Dirionis. "No need to lie... doc..." He coughs harshly, back against the ramp. "Just... din't know it'd be like this...")]" Filikan looks around at the various bodies scattered within the ship's central hub. "Mmmmm... oh dear. There has been something.. terrible done aboard this ship!" he says, looking to the ladder that would appear to go to the bridge ladder. "Mmmmm.. I will tend to the captain." he says as he climbs up.

Varal frowns at Tiana. "Well, I will try not to overdo it," he says with a shrug, looking back at the ship. "Think we should help?"

"Uhhh, maybe? Best be figgerin' exactly wot's goin' on first, 'fore we git too involved, eh?" Tia offers back to Varal, the girl taking his arm and tugging him towards the Lotorian that's out in the docking hub already.

The bridge of the Lotorian ship, A Clear Vision, has been taken from that of a Lyiri cruiser, and is wider than it needs to be by far, a small, dark bubble atop the Lotorian ship. The only lighting comes from the consoles that are running on backup power, shipped glass displays sending an eerie red light across the few corpses that lay here. The Lotorians that are dead here appear to have died at their stations, shot in the back, most of them slumped forward onto consoles. At the piloting controls a Lotorian male, short and panting heavily lays across his console, bleeding heavily onto it. The Captain's chair, torn from a luxury cruiser and welded to the spot, is empty.

A lotorian freighter, A Clear Vision, has landed on one of the landing bays of Comorro, in front of its hatch a young Lotorian with half of his left ear missing lay, being tended to by Dirionis. The young Lotorian perks up at more people approaching, apparently not as dying as he thought he was.

Dirionis grabs his PDA and rings the local hospital, "We have an emergency here on the docking hub, need medical attention immediately. Unknown number of wounded, may be a whole ship's crew full." He looks over the Lotorian again.

Filikan looks around the bridge, the darkness posing little problem for his eyes, looks around the bridge before waddling towards the injured pilot. "Mmmmm... very bad." he mutters, ripping a piece off of his lab coat to try and staunch the bleeding. "Mmmmm... easy now...." he says to the pilot.

Varal allows Tia to drag him towards the Lotorian. "You're the boss. It's not like I'm that useful."

Lyddmull Seamel looks about at the signs and messages, all completely unreadable to him. He winces at the sight of the dead but shakes it off, quickly ascending the ladder behind Filikan. "Do you think this is the only other one alive," he asks of the Castori, looking about.

Inside the bridge: The Lotorian pilot coughs, holding the bandage that Filikan made for him tightly about the back wound. He will need more serious medical attention, but the Castori manages to bring him back to consciousness, taking him from the grasp of death. "Who..?" The lotorian coughs, looking back towards Lyddmull and Filikan.

Outside the ship: The half eared Lotorian's whiskers twitch as he lay gently back against the ramp, he winces and coughs. "My sister! I promised... I promised mother... we'd be safe... Why did we have to deal with pirates...?"

"Yer plenty useful, ye is." Tia assures, the girl stopping, and thus enforcing Varal to stop, as they come up beside the Lotorian, "Diri." She greets in a flat tone, eyes drifting down to the Lotorian, "'Ey." She greets the injured Hiverspacer, "Pirates y'say?"

"Mmmm... a friend." Filikan says. "Rest easy, try not to move too much." he suggests, looking back to Lyddmull. "Mmmm... the voice mentioned others in engineering."

"Engineering, right," Lyddmull says, frowning as he looks about at the carnage, "Where is that exactly?"

Dirionis glances over his shoulder towards Tiana, giving a nod, before he looks back towards the Lotorian on the ramp. "Tell us what happened."

Inside the ship: The Lotorian pilot nods slowly and slumps back against the console, the only sound aside from voices, is the dripping of blood that runs off the various consoles and pools by the ground.

Outside the ship: "Pirates... Yes! No... they... they boarded..." He winces and shivers before coughing again, each word uttered between pants for breath. "Please... you've got to help my sister, Riata, they took her... I don't know what I'd do without her... She's inside. She has to be."

Varal grunts. "Pirates. Mudlicker scum growing in every gutter."

Filikan ensures that the Lotorian is safe, at least for the moment, and turns back to the ladder. "Mmmm... typically on a lower deck." he says, climbing back down the hub and choosing another ladder that he thinks should lead to the engineering section.

Tiana Ryoleli nods to the Lotorian, the girl looking up to Varal, "We din' bring our own ship. Don' know 'at we c'n 'elp much."

Lyddmull Seamel moves quickly after the Castori, climbing back down toward the hub. He reaches behind him, drawing a crystalline sword from its scabbard, just in case. Perhaps the amount of blood about is making him nervous. He looks about, finding the engineering section only be virtue of its being lower down than the others and tries the door.

The engineering ladder leads to a very different looking part of the ship, the wall colors change to a dark green, and it looks as though this part of the ship was most certainly salvaged from another vessel than the part that made the hub. The engineering level is a series of tunnels and maintenance shafts that lead to vital components of the ship. This deck was not spared the slaughter either, Lotorian bodies litter the ground heavily, most unarmed, some slumped against the wall still have their hands clasped from where they begged for mercy. Blood is everywhere. There is a pounding coming from behind one of the hatches.

Outside the ship: The Lotorian outside shakes his head, swallowing a large amount of fluids that had built up before speaking again in a rasping voice. "She's inside.. they took her to the captain's quarters.." He clarifies, before sighing softly, eyes lids drooping.

Varal looks at Tia. "This I can help with," he states as he moves to enter the ship.

Filikan looks as if all the death is finally getting to him. "Mmmmm... such.. death. These people died begging for their lives." he says, a bit of fear in his voice. "Mmmmm.. what kind of monster could do such a thing?" he exclaims, looking over towards the hatch, and then looks for a panel or switch to try and open it.

"Tiana, stay with the Lotorian?" Diri queries, starting to head up the ramp. "Medical's on the way." He draws a pistol from beneath his jeans and then moves all the way up the ramp the ship.

"I do not think it will open," Lyddmull says, shaking his head. He sheathes his sword before stepping up before the door. A deep breath and he pulls back and kicks forward into the middle of the door with as much force as he can muster.

"A'right." Tia offers to Varal, merely giving Diri a nod. She moves up closer to the Lotorian, the girl kneeling beside him and offering her hand, "Don' worry, we'll git 'er outta 'ere." Filikan watches as Lyddmull tries to break open the hatchway. "Mmmmm... I hope we can get it open!"

Inside the ship: The hatch with the pounding appeared to be jammed, from behind it two Lotorian voices call out. "Hey! About time someone got here!" And another, softer voice that hisses, "Shut up you idiot! What if it's the medlidikke?!" Lyddmull's bash however seems to knock the hatch wide open, knocking back the two Lotorians who stood behind it. Both Lotorians on their backs squeak with terror, until they notice that their saviors are outversers. "Oh! Having come to rescue poor Judd!" The bigger of the two squeaks, scrambling to his legs, whiskers twitching. The smaller of the two crawls back further away from the outversers, reaching for a wrench that lays nearby.

Outside the ship: The Lotorian looks at Dirionis and Varal as they enter the ship, "In the crew quarters!" He squeaks after them before coughing, blood staining the fur of his chest. He sniffs slowly and takes Tiana's hand. "Please... please don't let her die." He sniffs, tears coming to his eyes. "We've been through so much already.."

Lyddmull Seamel grimaces as he realizes his lack of forethought and moves out of the way to let the Castori through. "I cannot make out a word of what he is saying," he says, "Perhaps you shall fare better than I."

Filikan moves up to the hatchway, and looks to the smaller Lotorian. "Mmmmm.. do not be afraid. We are here to help. Are you injured?" he asks gently.

Once in the ship, a prayer-etched shortsword appears in either of Varal's hands. The Palisadian looks towards Diri with a frown. "You know where the crew quarters are?" he asks, looking for the signs of pirates, or survivors.

Dirionis shakes his head towards Varal as he eyes the bodies that scatter the ship with a grim countenance. "I imagine this trail of bodies might lead us there." He graviates to the right side of the hall, moving slowly, leaving Varal to the left.

Inside the ship: The smaller Lotorian's hand curls around the wrench and he raises it. "I... where are we?" He squeaks, the bigger Lotorian engineer turns around and snarls at the smaller one. "Now /you/ shut up. We're safe. Oh! We're safe!" And with that the bigger Lotorian wraps his arms around Lydd in a tight, happy Lotorian hug.

Where Varal and Dirionis are there are three ladders that lead to various parts of the ship, each named in Lotorez, but since no-one can read it, that's not of much use to anyone. There is a heavy smell of blood wafting from two of the three ladders.

Tiana Ryoleli gives the Lotorian's hand-paw a gentle squeeze, her other hand coming up to lay over top it, "Don' ya worry none, darlin'. 'Ere's medical folk on t'way, an' a bunch a folk combin' yer ship t'find yer sister."

"Mmmmm.. you are aboard Comorro... your friend is correct, you are safe." Filikan says, offering a smile.

Outside the ship: "Thank you... thank you..." Are the half eared Lotorian's final words to Tiana for the moment, he slumps back down onto the boarding ramp of the ship, unconscious. About now a team of doctors and Hekayti race into the landing bay, the doctors see their patient instantly and begin to load him on a stretcher. "What happened here?" One of them asks, a Lotorian."

Lyddmull Seamel grimaces sheepishly as he gets hugged by the Lotorian and shakes his head in bewilderment. "I do not understand a word you are saying," he says, "But come with me." He disengages and beckons the two as he begins to ascend the ladder to the main hub. Without another word to Diri, Varal hops down the ladder well that goes down.

"Good luck," The Lunite speaks in response to Varal, taking the opposite ladder that smells of blood.

"Don' rightly know t'details, but 'e mentioned pirates 'fore 'e passed out, 'e did." Tia offers to the Lotorian medical officer.

Inside the ship: The smaller of the two Lotorians in the engineering bay throws his wrench aside. "You big dopy bastard." He grins to the bigger, who just stopped hugging Lydd. As Lydd moves to ascend the ladder, a Varal jumps down it, nearly landing on top of Lydd.

Dirionis takes a ladder that moves upwards and finds himself in the crew quarters. The crew quarters are in the same state as the hub, with more bodies. The ladder comes out onto a wide corridor, the crew's rooms coming off the sides of the corridor. It would appear that there was a struggle here, and attempt to defend themselves, there is a barricade formed of tables in the middle of the corridor, though the defenses didn't last. The table is burned by plasma fire, and the Lotorians behind it all dead. Blood is smeared all over the walls, messages of hate written in Hekayan. At the end of the corridor there is a door that reads: CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS, in Lotorez. The access keypad beside the door appears to have some sort of device attached to it though.

Outside the ship: "Pirates.." The medical officer hisses before motioning for the paramedics to take the half-eared Lotorian away. The Hekayti stand outside, none of them particularly interested in entering the ship for the moment. "Are there any more in there?" The medical officer asks of Tiana, taking out a PDA to input data.

Lyddmull Seamel blinks as he finds the form hurtling down towards him and leaps back and out of the way. "Would you mind watching where you are going?!?" he asks angrily, but he suddenly pauses as he recognizes the Fastheldian. "Count Mikin?" he asks, "Well, this is a surprise."

Dirionis keeps his breathing quiet, pistol ready, as he tries to stealthily move through the crew quarters, observing the damage done within the room. He moves for the Captains Quarters, towards the keypad and device, keeping an eye on his surroundings.

"Mentioned a sister in t'crew quarters, don' know if'n 'ere's any'un else 'sides 'at." Tia offers to the medical officer, the girl standing up fully.

Varal tilts his head to the side as he looks at Lyddmull. "You're not a Hekayti pirate," he drawls. "And, yes, it's been some time, Lord Seamel. I, uh, am sorry for dropping in on you like this."

Inside the ship: As Dirionis draws closer towards the keypad, it's clear that the device attached to it is a transmitter. The device has been wired into the keypad crudely. The smell of blood floats all around Dirionis, but the crew quarters are unnaturally silent. Nothing stirs, nothing at all.

The two Lotorians beside Lydd jump back as Varal lands in the engineering bay, the younger one immediately taking cover behind an open hatch.

Outside the ship: "I see." The officer notes, glancing towards the Hekayti on standby. "Well... so far as I know it's not in our job to board unknown ships..." He murmurs. "Wait until the survivors come out." The Lotorian signals for the remaining doctors to be on standby.

Lyddmull Seamel chuckles quietly, shaking his head. He glances back at the two Lotorians, wincing as the small one flees once again. "These two are the only ones alive down here, my Lord" he tells Varal, "There's another in the control room that the doctor looked at. Perhaps you might go up and retrieve him whilst I bring these two out."

Dirionis observes the transmitter and glances around, observing its wiring and connection to the keypad. He puts one hand to block his nose for a second, shaking his head at the smell of death.

Varal nods to Lydd. "Sure thing. Just shout if you run into pirates. Might still be some about." With that, he goes to find the control room using luck as his primary means of stumbling upon it.

Inside the ship: Varal manages to find his way to the bridge, after having looped back several times at various cupboards and fresher units. The bridge is how it was left, flickering in the half-light of the red consoles, pilot slumped across his own console.

"Well I know it," Lyddmull grimaces as he follows Varal up the ladder, beckoning the two Lotorians along with him as he makes his way through the hub towards the boarding ramp.

Dirionis wipes away a tiny forming sweatdrop. "Alright...Gotta disarm this sonna'bitch..." He whispers, reaching his fingers towards the wires of the transmitter. "Savin' Riata..." He whispers again to himself.

"Oy! Anyone else in here?" Varal yells, motioning Lyddmull on out with the survivors.

Inside the ship: The two Lotorians from engineering follow hesitantly, well, one more hesitantly than the other, and given that they put together most of the ship are able to guide Lydd to the boarding ramp, and the fresh air of Comorro.

With a small 'beep' the transmitter unit powers down, leaving the keypad free for use without triggering what-ever it was that the transmitter would've triggered.

Where Varal is, the pilot stirs. "I'm here." He coughs, looking up slowly through glazed eyes. "Mother? That can't be you mother..."

Dirionis smiles and lets out a quiet sigh as the transmitter powers down. He reaches for the keypad now to open the Captain's Quarters, pistol at the ready.

Lyddmull Seamel moves down the boarding ramp with the two Lotorians, moving towards his horse and disentangling the beast from the hodge-podge ship.

Assuming the Lotorian is too hurt and out of it to move, Varal puts him/it/her in a fireman's carry. Otherwise, he just helps the creature up. "We're getting out of here," he says.

Inside the ship: The Captain's Quarters appears to have once been lavishly decorated. A spacious double bunk is suspended on one side of the room, all across the floor are once valuable pieces of ceramics of jewelry that have been smashed, or blasted into finely crafted blobs of mixed metals. There is a wide pool of blood towards the back of the room where lays the Lotorian captain, and the half eared Lotorian's sister, Riata. She is slumped against a wall, panting heavily, a multitude of gashes have been left across her flesh where she has been whipped, and yet more wounds are on her person from where she has been tortured. The captain wears a collar, spikes are set into the lining of the collar, a receiver attached to them, waiting for crew member to try and open the room, thereby killing their captain. Given Dirionis managed to disable to transmitter, Riata is still alive, and her collar untriggered, she stirs as the door to her room opens, the lights in the hallway outside are the only thing that illuminates her room.

Varal is able to safely lift the Lotorian pilot up onto his shoulder, the pilot is male, and spouting all manner of gibberish.

Outside the ship: The doctors all leap into action, gathering around the two engineer Lotorians and looking for any kind of wound. There are none on these two. One doctor attempts to look Lydd over for wounds.

Dirionis enters the room, making a sweep for any hiding would-be attackers before going towards the back wall where the Lotorian lay, "Are you alright to move? We have to get you out of here. Medical aid is just outside the ship...Riata? Your brother's okay." Comorro translates his speech so they can understand.

Lyddmull Seamel grimaces as he steps into a medical triage. "I am quite well, thank you," he says, a bit perturbed.

Varal eventually gets out of the ship, carrying the Lotorian. "Far as I know," he states as he puts the alien down gently, "this is hte last of them."

Inside the ship: Riata looks up at Dirionis. "Could you carry me?" she rasps softly. "I'm glad... I'm glad he's alive..." she coughs, holding up her arms to be picked up.

Outside the ship: The doctors around Lydd peer at him a moment before scurrying back to the boarding ramp to wait and see if any more Lotorians come out. They swarm around Varal, a few checking him for wounds, the others lifting the injured Lotorian onto a stretcher and whisking him away to the hospital.

Dirionis reaches over to the Lotorian Captain, "Yeah...Lets get you outta here." He picks up Riata in his arms, moving back through the crews quarters, moving for the ladder to slide down it with his half-cybernetic hand.

Doctors ambush Dirionis too as he leaves the ship, taking Riata from him and placing her on a stretcher before she too is carried off. The Hekayti close the hatch and seal it, posting guards until the ship can be cleared and the dead moved to a more respectful place of rest.