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[[category:logs_that_include_Zu]] [[category:logs_that_Include_Vessa]] [[category:logs_that_include_Jocaira]] [[category:logs_that_include_Alastair Hall]] [[category:logs_that_include_Kethren]] [[category:logs_that_include_Aina]] [[category:Otherspace_logs]]
[[category:Logs_that_include_Zu]] [[category:Logs_that_Include_Vessa]] [[category:Logs_that_include_Jocaira]] [[category:Logs_that_include_Alastair Hall]] [[category:Logs_that_include_Kethren]] [[category:Logs_that_include_Aina]] [[category:Otherspace_Logs]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Cause For Pregnant Pause
|title = Cause For Pregnant Pause

Revision as of 19:12, 14 October 2012

Cause For Pregnant Pause

Summary: Vessa comes with company to be impregnated without much notice, with varying reactions.

Cast: Vessa, Kethren, Aina, Alastair Hall, Jocaira, Alenya, Zu

Air Date: Oct 13, 2654

Setting: Biotechnology Lab<Comorro>

Through an environmentally sealed decontamination chamber is a long room. Countertops and shelves run along two walls, while a large table occupies the center area. Upon the table is a medical computer system with a high-resolution scanner, a holographic display, and a neural-link interface. The shelves on one side are stocked with chemicals and drugs, and the countertop holds beakers and test tubes along with more advanced equipment for synthisizing new substances. On the other side are containers of various sizes holding microbial cultures, tissues, and organs. On the counter are several desktop cloning vats capable of rapidly producing small samples of biological material. At the far wall are four full-size cloning tanks, each able to produce a much larger and more complex specimen over a longer period of time and spacious enough to hold an adult Hekayti. The first cloning tank holds an embyronic reptilian form, which is labeled in the Naliese language simply as 'Nall.'

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Alastair Hall is in the lab as usual. Today, the good doctor is practicing his new performance-art piece, the working title of which is 'The Incarnation of Sloth.'

Into this artful tranquility comes Vessa, with guards in tow, and an aide, and Joca with /her/ guards in tow, Alenya, and Zu who appears still perched on Vessa's shoulder. The aide immediately goes to the Doctor in his concentration, "Must you send these notifications last minute? We could have been in an important meeting!" Vessa herself just looks uncomfortable.

Zu gives a small nod to the doctor, whom the Tupai is a bit familiar with due to past schemes of his. His eyes then glance down to Vessa, as he asks her, "Something wrong?"

Jocaira dismisses her guards at the door, because it's crowded enough, and then right away goes and rounds on the aide who's heading to the doctor. "Oi!" she snaps. "You do no talk to se Doctair like sis who se 'ell are you?"

Looking horribly out of place, and fanning at her face in an attempt to remove the last bits of ozone odor, a plain-looking, misfit rogue trails the entourage through the lab. Squinting in the light, she assumes a position of rigid posture in a corner before clasping her hands at her stomach and rocking back and forth on her heels.

Alastair Hall peers at the assembly that's making their way into the room, and gives them a disgruntled look. "I'm going to tell you right now." He says firmly. "If this is going to be another one of those 'intervention' things, you can all just turn around and go back the way you came."

As Vessa blinks in something of confusion, the aide sniffs at Joca, "I am simply asking a question, no need to be so rude. And as for who I am, I am the Guardian's aide. I keep her on time and handle the meetings and such. Who might /you/ be?" Vessa and group have just arrived at the office and the good doctor has greeted them in his usual cheerful tone. Vessa pipes up curiously with a, "Didn't they tell you what this was about when they tried to make the appointment?" she eyes her aide, her guards going to posts around the room.

Zu looks at the aide a large sneer gracing his features as she has her back to him, and he looks back to Vessa, "Just what /is/ this about, Vessa? I can't think of too many reasons you'd be bringing us all along to see this guy update the memory on your clone." As he talks to Vessa his sneer goes away, and it's replaced by a very hard, almost stern look.

"I'm Jocaira d'Agneau, Capitan of se Red Eclipse Mercenaire, and se usser night I -bit- one of my recruits to make sure 'e know who se boss is. So you best no push me because Mademoiselle Vessa is very good friend of mine and I would bite -you- on 'er be'alf should you forget who -your- boss is," Joca says, flashing her teeth and obviously not self-conscious about getting up in anybody's grill. She pauses, and turns towards the doctor. "C'est quoi ce bordel est une intervention?"

Kethren heads on in with Aina and a penguin in tow, and a calico kitten-ferret on his shoulder, looking rather curious about the goings on.

Aina follows along behind Kethren, a hand lifting to scratch at the base of one of her horns as she glances around.

Alenya, in a very different tack than Joca, suddenly sheds her shy and uncomfortable demeanor and instead strides across the room. The distracted Aide's PDA is siezed and, deftly avoiding the incoming Kethren and Aina, takes the opportunity to fling the device out of the airlock. Turning just her head to face the Aide, the rogue deadpans, "Fetch."

Alastair looks slightly disappointed. "Oh. Appointment. Right." He scans the accruing crowd for a moment. "And /who/ exactly has the appointment?"

The aide is about to answer the Doctor when her PDA is subsequently stolen. She begins to look angry, "Now this is completely uncalled for, I know who is my boss. That would be the people of the Danu Chroi Empire." another sniff, "And honestly, stealing and throwing a piece of important equipment, what if files are lost?" To the doctor she says, "Guardian Vessa is the one with the appointment, she is here for her to gain an heir. Thank you." and out she goes to get her lost PDA. Vessa goes bright red as the aide answers and clears her throat as she answers Zu, "Uh yeah, seems the good people need an heir for some reason so, as I don't have a dude around to provide the er, required material, and I don't feel like fishing for one, here I am." She grins slightly as Joca gives her aide a solid dressing down, and then all out grins as the PDA goes airborn. She gives a wave to Keth and Aina as they arrive.

Zu looks at Vessa just a bit blankly for a moment before he replies to her, his voice going incredibly deep for a Tupai, "You're doing /what/?! The voice he uses is slow, syllable by syllable until that last word is sharp, almost accusatory. His stern face has turned into one of moderate anger, one Vessa wouldn't have ever seen directed at her before, "You're going to go and get yourself pregnant just because that /bitch/ told you to? Have you lost your damned mind?!" He's not speaking incredibly loudly, but he doesn't particularly need to, the tone in his voice conveys his displeasure at this all too well.

Jocaira makes a -face-. A 'if I were a cat, I would so be shaking my paw in disgust right now' face. "You want a -pregnant-? Eeeeeecccch, what you want baby for?" she says, and then pauses, as apparently enough synapses manage to fire at the same time to make -some- kind of connection, and then perks up. Wrong connection. "Well at least you come to right place, Doctair make a -goood- time." She saunters over and goes to laze where the doctor is lazing. "What you sink, mon diable? Epic three-way? Nhee hee hee hee."

Kethren waves at Vessa and tries to restrain the smirk from Joca's antics.

Aina waves to Vessa, then goes wide-eyed and stares at Joca. Even her mouth falls open, an for some reason the green Hek turns a rather dark shade of green in the face.

Alenya, clueless as to the shock and awe behind her, now turns her attentions to the surround ecoutrement of the office. A steel-framed chair, the kind commonly seen in modern century doctor's office, typically placed for those accompanying patients, is grabbed up and shoved into the airlock at an angle, allowing the metal to come into contact with the rotating fins and frame of the door. With all hopes, this would be enough to prevent the pushy Aide from re-entering the office. Again her hands come to be folded demurely, and she takes a position almost directly in front of one of Vessa's guards, as out of the way and off to the side as possible.

"Yes, she certainly did come to the right place." Alastair agrees sensibly. "I can save you the fishing, and I assure you that my genes are immaculate." He hops to his feet and starts un-doing his belt in an exaggerated, showy manner. "And your entourage here, are they just watching, or is everybody going to want in on the festivities?" He offers with a lascivious eyebrow-waggle. "Naturally I don't care one way or the other, but there's a question of logistics, you see."

As Zu shows clear lack of happy, warm, fuzzy feelings for the situation, Vessa does a rather good imitation of being a kid caught doing something naughty, "Uh, it isn't just her. I mean I have had letters and people talking to me in the street and, well," she mutters quietly, "I mean maybe it is a good idea and," oh yes, this is a great show of being certain of her path. At Joca's suggestion she goes even brighter a red and looks about ready to faint as the good doctor begins undoing his shorts, "Uh I uh, wow um." Seems neurons are not firing quite as they are, "I was sort of hoping for something a little less, uh well you see I don't think something like that would be necessary. Uh isn't there a way to just um, well like a donation type thing or something?" Vessa, for lack of a better word, is as embarrassed as she has ever been. In fact her brain has probably shorted at the idea of an epic 3-way.

If Zu were a bit larger, he might have been threatening to take off heads at the mention of epic three ways and shorts undoing. As it is, he looks back at Vessa, his face showing something a less like anger and a bit more like disgust. His first response is to the pair of Joca and the doctor in the form of a "Would you kindly, shut the hell up, for just a moment?" Yep, his voice is just as unpleasant regarding them , if not moreso. Now it's Vessa's turn once more, "Yes, and I'm sure they wanted you to come to the drug filled doctor here to /fuck/ and get yourself into 9 months of being borderline useless as a leader, when you've already got a clone as an heir if anything happens, what the flying blue-streaked fuck are you thinking?"

Jocaira pauses in her completely inappropriate tittering and encouraging to poke her head out over Alastair's shoulder and just stare at Zu in noncomprehension. ", talking bat is in bad mood," she observes, draping one arm over his other shoulder and of course not shutting up, being apparently caught in the hedonistic feedback quotient that's inexorably produced when the two of them are within ten feet of each other. "Nheee... Need donation? I can get it," she singsongs.

Kethren raises an eyebrow at Zu, but mostly just tries to contain a large smirk spawned by all the shenanigans therein.

Aina somehow has her eyes go even wider. As Alastair begins to remove his pants she lifts her hands, "Woah! You better keep those pants on, mister, or you're gonna get a hoof in the nuts. And I won't hold back. They literally could end up in your throat." She glances at Vessa with a slight frown, "What the hell did you invite us along for? Geez." She turns to the hatch, notices the chair, and lets out a grunt before reaching out to remove it, apparently very intent on getting the hell out of this room and away from the crazy horny people.

Alenya just sighs and shakes her head. With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she nudges the guard directly behind her before whispering, "Go out with the Captain, make sure that the Guardian's Aide doesn't get back in." Having received a tap of understanding and consent between her shoulder blades, the guard then moves to await Aina's retreat, and prevent the bitchy Aide from re-entering.

Alastair shows the composure of a pro poker-player, with nothing in his expression to indicate he's anything other than completely serious. He may or may not, inwardly, find the whole business incredibly hilarious. He sits back down and steeples his fingers in front of him, looking at Vessa with a slight smirk. "/Isn't/ there? You tell me." He glances at the various hangers-on. "That seems like the sort of thing you might want to find out /before/ you bring a dozen people into the lab to bother me, doesn't it?"

Vessa looks like she wants to facepalm at the good Doctor and answers Aina as the other lady begins to leave. "I didn't make the appointment, the aide did and just told me today that it was happening at all. I was thinking it was a consultation or something not an er active insemination." Still blushing madly. To Zu she says, "I don't think I will be useless per se, and I figure there has to be a way to have the kid do most of the growing, uh, not uh attached." and here she looks very uncomfortable. "I guess that most of our citizens don't have any idea what a clone is and don't trust the idea. It is really a just in case measure. I knew there would be certain things that would be expected once I took up this role, just didn't think this would be one of them." The guards all have the look like they are glad their only job is to protect the woman.

Zu gives a sneer in the direction of the missing aide and replies to Vessa, "I believe the correct answer here is to tell that aide of yours to shove the kid up her ass, and have it herself. You have a clone for your just in case measure, and not a soul would be able to tell the difference, and it doesn't involve you blushing like you're on your first date, or getting any instruments," The Tupai glances back to the doctor, "Biological or medical, shoved inside you, like a damned prize breeding rabbit."

Jocaira utters a squeak as Alastair moves to sit down, considering she's presently behind him, but is undeterred in her own unsubtle amusement regardless. She drapes her legs around either side of the doc and continues tittering. "Hee hee hee," she says, maturely. "Right up 'er ass," she chimes in. Snigger giggle snort.

Kethren just rolls his eyes at the profound maturity on display in the labs this evening. Kail somehow manages to look even more confused than normal.

Aina snorts as she stomps on out of the room, pausing only to glare at the aide that's outside, "Idiot..." Then she's off, heading who knows where, since she gets lost rather easily.

Alenya is impressed as the guard oh so subtly distracts the Aide, a flirtation offered to the normally single-sighted female chihuahua that proves to be most effective. Relaxing a little, the thief turns her attention back to the conversation at hand, though she's unsure of what alternative methods are being discussed. For now, she chooses to remain quiet and observe, as the bat unknowingly has already spoken what she was thinking.

Alastair Hall flashes a slight grin back at Zu, evidently finding the whole thing highly amusing. He doesn't say anything to disagree with the Tupai, however. Instead he looks thoughtful. "You know... I should probably be billing you for multiple appointments, considering how many people you brought along. Let's call it..." He makes a show of counting on his fingers. "...twelve? I am counting the penguin, of course." He offers a very serious nod to Kail.

Vessa clears her throat and sighs, "Honestly I don't mind the uh well the needing to have an heir. I er I am a bit surprised at how fast it all moved from when I found out, namely earlier this evening, to the appointment, namely now." She shrugs, "I am thinking that there needn't be an audience for the actual thing happening." she looks a bit uncomfortable but seems to be pulling herself together, "I kind of think it would be nice, I mean the part after the kid arrives, not in the mean time." and back to looking uncomfortable. To the doc she shrugs, "The only thing you would be charging for was for them being here, the only work being done is for me right?" Joca gets a knowing grin. Vessa slides a quick look at Alenya, consideration in her expression before her attention goes back to the Doc, "Uh can we get this done soon though? What are the options I have, and uh privacy would be necessary of course." blush is back.

Zu sneers some more this time at Vessa, "For fuck's sake woman, grow a damned back-bone. It's like the aide is the one leading the damned empire not you. At least take the time to, I don't know, hold a council meeting before you let her make life-altering decisions for you. And when decisions alter your life, they alter mine, Aina's, Kethren's, Sadie's, Xanya's, and every person you preside over. You've already got your clone. I say you go update it's memory, so it knows how unneeded this plan is, and then go home, kick your aide in the stomach, and take your very much deserved sleep for the night."

"Artificial Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization, Parthenogenesis, Genome Fabrication, Clinical Gestation, and a bunch of other technical words which I don't have the patience to explain for you tonight." Alastair waves a hand dismissively towards the door. "I'll have my secretary send you a menu. And don't worry, she's just a holographic interface on my computer, so she doesn't make stupid decisions like scheduling spur-of-the-moment field trips based on half-baked ideas. Which is to say, do give them a kick for me while you're at it."

Vessa sighs and lays a hand on Zu's shoulder, "I am doing this for me mostly Zu. Trust me that there is more to this decision then that woman. She already has me doing far too much. I wouldn't be doing this all on her say so." A briefly sad look comes over her face before her usual expression returns, "I do think I shall update my memories for my clone, and Keth can you see if it is possible to get something started to bring that tech in house?" With that she nods to everyone there and then walks into the indicated room, door shutting firmly behind her.

Zu frowns in the driection of Vessa as he is forced off his perch and makes a motion to the guards and the general crowd to follow him taking a perch up on a guard and moving into the hallway, to approach the aide. To her he pronounces "Mary Gearheart, you are hearby under arrest under the charge of treason against Danu Chroi by attempting to bypass our council. Anything you say can and will be used against you in my court of law..." And the Miranda rights are listed as the guards cuff her and lead her to the shuttles.