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[[Category:Logs That Include Sadie]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Sadie]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Kamsho]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Kamsho]]
[[Category:Logs of Player-Run Events]]
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{{Infobox Log

Latest revision as of 08:48, 25 November 2013

A little exploration

Summary: Xanya arranges a little exploration on the planet Kamsho

Cast: Xanya, Vessa, Kethren, Sadie, .

Air Date: march 30, 2654

Setting: Spaceport Landing Pad - Ope'mot - Kamsho

A spacious platform of quarried black stone, built on the verge of a cliff that overlooks the teardrop-shaped harbor known as Weeping Goddess Bay. The flat surface serves as a landing zone for many commercial starships that are arriving in the Opodian capital city of Ope'mot. Large square doors lead into a rectangular structure that's not much more elaborate than a warehouse: The spaceport terminal.

Contents: Exits:
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Xanya steps out of her ship and looks around the spaceport. "wow nice place they got here."

Vessa exits the Selene and looks around with a yawn, blinking around. "Eh? Hey Xan, what's up?"

Kethren comes out of the Celeste and takes a look around "Interesting. Not sure what to think, really. Nice harbor though."

Xanya smiles and waves to vessa. "hi V, I'm doing fine thanks. how about you." She says and looks back to kethren. "I kinda like the cliffside aspect of this landing pad."

Vessa grins at both and gives a wave before looking around with curiosity, "Uh whose idea was this again? Don't particularly mind, not been here but once and then in the ancient section." she looks around in curiosity. All three have just headed down the ramps of their respective ships with Keth coming with Xan

Kethren finally notices Vessa and waves "Hey, boss."

Xanya raises her hand and waves. "I think I am to blame for that Vessa. And I just picked a planet of the ships list of known places. I hope you don't mind."

Sadie walks out of the Celeste, rubbing her eyes. "Xanya?" She looks around. "I must have fallen asleep in your lady.." She giggles softly. "Where are we?"

Vessa gives a small raise of her shoulder with a half grin in place to Xanya, "Hell Xan I don't mind." the grin widens as she nods to Keth and gets wider still as Sadie comes out. "Hey sis, your on Kamsho."

Kethren grins at Vessa "Eh, I just tagged along, really. Still, chance to see how another world made its buildings."

Xanya looks around and giggles hearing sadie talking about the lady. "Hi sweety. The sleeping mode of the chairs work good then I take it?" She asks to sadie smiling extending her hands for sadie to pick on to talk and walk hand in hand if she wishes. Then Xanya looks around. "so shall we go to the terminal? and see more? or do you all want to stay here?" She asks.

Sadie grabs Xanya's left hand as she grins to Vessa. "Ka..Kamsho? Sounds like Japanese or something." She giggles.

Vessa rubs a hand through her hair and looks around, "Onwards to adventure I suppose, lead on Xan. And it does sound kinda Japanese. Pretty though."

Kethren nods and follows along, taking note of the local construction styles.

Xanya, Sadie, Kethren and Vessa head into Ope'mot Spaceport - Ope'mot.

A little exploration

Summary: Xanya arranges a little exploration on the planet Kamsho

Cast: Xanya, Vessa, Kethren, Sadie, .

Air Date: marhc 30, 2654

Setting: Ope'mot Spaceport - Ope'mot - Kamsho

This austere series of chambers resembles the interior of a holovid soundstage. Rooms without ceilings built in a larger warehouse structure. Some of the rooms are large, providing ample space for luggage processing. Others, such as interstellar flight waiting rooms, are particularly cramped and offer few amenities. In the middle of the terminal, an open area is provided for merchants to peddle food, drinks, and other goods and services to waiting passengers.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Xanya walks into the terminal holding Sadie's hand with her left hand. She looks around at the spaceport. "pretty big in here."

Sadie giggles as she skips along, holding Xanya's left hand. "Wow!" She exclaims as she looks around. "This is big and..echo-y!" She grins.

Vessa follows along looking a tad distracted but looks around in curiosity, "Cool."

Kethren follows as well, looking around "Starport, airport... if I didn't know better I'd think I was at a terminal back on Earth."

Xanya smiles to Sadie tries out the echo of the terminal. then looks to Kethren. "maybe it was designed but someone from earth?"

Sadie nods in agreement to Kethren, "It does remind me of Earth's terminals."

Vessa looks around nodding, "Probably."

Kethren shrugs "Could be. Either that or people who design these places are so concerned with function that they lose all sight of form. Where's the grace and artistry? Where's the statuary, the paintings? Even a patterned carpet would be an improvement!"

Xanya nods agreeing with kethren. "I see what you mean. it's pretty empty despite the people walking around."

Sadie nods, "Maybe we should liven it up!" She giggles excitedly.

Vessa raises a surprised eyebrow, "Uh I don't think they want us mucking about with their spaceport. Why not take the ideas and liven up our own when we build one?"

Kethren laughs "Knowing Sadie, I'm guessing she was planning on dancing around and cheering people up or something. But certainly, I'll keep things in mind for such time as we have need of a port of our own."

Xanya nods agreeign with vessa. "we will need to remember not to make our spaceport feel empty indeed. good idea Vessa."

Sadie smiles and nods to Vessa, "Well, of course! That's what I meant!" She grins.

Looking around, Kethren makes careful note of what is, and more importantly, what is not in this particular terminal, for future reference.

Xanya looks around carefully making her own notes directly onto her pda using her neural interface.

Sadie watches Xanya curiously as she makes notes into her PDA using her brain.

Kethren mutters "Needs a statue here, clock there, ice skating rink maybe..."

"Ice skating?" Xanya asks. "are you serious?"

Sadie giggles, "That sounds like fun!"

Kethren blinks "Oh didn't realize I was talking that loud. But yeah, why not? Good for those long delays that terminals often have. Do people not ice skate in this universe?"

Vessa eyes Kethren, "Why not just make an ice skating rink for the sake of an ice skating rink? Why add it to a spaceport?"

Xanya nods with vessa. "I agree. I'm not sure an ice skating rig would add anything to a space port."

Sadie shrugs, "I dunno, I thought it was a good idea."

Kethren grins "Well, glad one of you's on my side. Anyway though, it doesn't /have/ to be in the port. I was just thinking of how boring it is when you're in one of these places waiting for a loved one's flight to arrive, and then it's been delayed, and delayed again, and the bar's run out of rum..."

Vessa eyes Keth and shakes her head, "Shall we see beyond the spaceport then?"

Xanya Thinks a bit. "I don't mind an ice skating rig on our planet. but in the spaceport it self gives em doubts. just outside of it might be an idea."

Sadie smiles and squeezes Xanya's hand. "I want to see more!"

Kethren smirks "Fine, fine. The rink will go somewhere else. Let's see what else there is out here."

Vessa sticks both hands in her pockets and waits for someone to lead out

Xanya nods and leads the group outside to the exit of the terminal.

Sadie follows Xanya, smiling.

Kethren is following, dreams of ice skating in his head.

Vessa pads along behind just looking tired and taking a gaze around. "Neat."

As they come of the terminal they see a blooming town ahead of them. people are walking around from A to B. mostly opodians. Several buildings greet them right away and a large street that connects the terminal to the rest of the town. Xanya looks around carefully as she walks out.

Sadie continues to hold Xanya's hand, looking around curiously at all of the people and buildings.

Kethren peers around at all the buildings, occasionally tapping a note or three into his pda.

Vessa looks around and then up at the sky and nods, "Nice."

Xanya Nods looking around. "it looks nice indeed."

Sadie smiles before shrugging. "Is there anything else to see?"

Kethren shrugs but keeps looking around with an interested look, occasionally tapping something in his pda.

Vessa watches the little bears run around and spout their religious zeal, "Uh wow, never been somewhere I was one of the tall people."

Xanya giggles and smiles to vessa. "guess how I feel."

Sadie giggles at Xanya, "Tall?"

Kethren blinks "Ok, ladies? Please don't bring Aina here."

Vessa grins briefly and shrugs looking around, "I don't mind not being tall but I envy the better view. You also make a better target if you are tall. It evens out."

Xanya stretches herself and yawns. "Sounds about right Vessa. taller can have it's advantages. but also it's disadvantages."

Sadie shrugs and nods, simply having nothing to add to the conversation.

Kethren is looking around, and idly tapping notes into his pda.

Vessa grins and looks around with a curious eye nodding.

Xanya turns around to the group. "well, not sure about you guys but I'm off. I've seen enough for now. Anyone want to join me on the way back? or will you stay here and go back via other ways?"

Sadie smiles and nods to Xanya, "I'll go back with you, darling." She smiles at Kethren and Vessa. "See y'all later!"

Kethren smirks "Well, I imagine you two would appreciate the time alone, so I'll catch a lift with Vessa, if she's got no objections to that."

Vessa shrugs with a grin, "I don't mind Keth, come on along then." she waves to the other two, "Thanks for the outing."

Xanya nods and leads them back to the landing pad. "glad to have been able to arange this. meaby I will do it again some time. if you don't mind?" She says and she walks back to their ships.