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[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
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Latest revision as of 08:51, 25 November 2013

Conversations on Fortrain

Summary: Kethren and Xanya talk a bit on fortrain

Cast: Kethren, Xanya.

Air Date: Februari 24, 2655

Setting: Kathryn's Landing - Fortrain

Set upon a rocky mesa surrounded by a slight decline next to a volcano several miles to the north, Kathryn's Landing serves as an easy access landing point with some basic infrastructure added. Currently there is access to the Spaceport, a sensor/comm relay building, and other basic facilities needed to run a spaceport with a trio of dedicated landing pads.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

it's a normal day at the landing pad. Poeple come and go as do shuttle and other ships. Among the poeple there is one with a camera looking around and at times making pictures of the architecture. This white haired woman has two people with her. A human and a Falari.

And from yet another landing shuttle departs an architect, a tiger, and an annoyed looking guard.

Xanya being the white haired woman has seen a section of architecture she finds interesting and takes a position to photograph it. The position she takes gives her direct site of the Volcano in the distance.

Kethren yawns a bit too loudly as he wanders idly, taking in the scenery. The guard still lookg annoyed.

Xanya is bussy with trying to make a photo. Her aid Mark is watching her. but her Falari Guard Thrace is not and there for notices kethren and his company. Thrace waves to kethren and his group. hoping to draw a bit of their atention.

Kethren notices the wave and steers his own group over in their general direction. "Mornin."

Xanya looks up and smiles waving a bit herself. "hi there keth. how are you?" She says and turns to focus on making her first photo. Mark and Thrace each say hello in greeting to kethren's group as well.

Kethren stretches a little, as the guard continues looking like he'd rather be guarding a nice stationary room, rather'n this architect what keeps wandering about. "Oh, decent enough. Just thought I'd get out and stretch the legs a bit."

Xanya smiles. "Same here Althought I am trying to combine it with some photography." She says and makes her first photo.

Kethren nods "Did you check with the local authorities first? Some groups are touchy about pictures."

Xanya shakes her head. "No I haven't but no one has stoped me yet. and besides. it's for personal use only. just as a reminder of where I have been."

Kethren nods "Just be careful to not get military installations or whatever. It's not hard to think some governments are still easily bothered by that."

Xanya nods. "I won't. Well not knowingly anyway."

Kethren stretches "Good, good. This'd be a lousy time to land in jail. Not that there are ever good times."

Xanya nods agreeing and packs her photography equipment in a bag. "So true."

Kethren sighs a little "Well, now that I seem to have killed the joys of photography today... now what?"

Xanya raises her shoulders. "No idea actually. I hardly plan that far a head when having a day off."

Kethren nods with a bit of a yawn. "You could take up sculpture."

Xanya looks questiongly. "sculpture?"

Kethren shrugs "You weren't sure what to do. Sculpting would occupy time."

Xanya shakes her head. "no thanks. It will remind me to much of work."

Kethren nods "Hrm. You could go shopping for new pet toys."

Xanya nods. "that's an option. problem is. not many toys can survive Valkyrie."

Kethren nods "Probably best to stick with a few of those hardened vines, alright."

Xanya nods approving. "They got plenty of those at Sadie's sanctuary."

Kethren smiles "Still, I'm sure they'd enjoy something else now and then. Doesn't have to last long."

Xanya smiles. "I take Valkyrie out every once in a while and go hunting in the woods and such. She likes it."

Kethren nods "I'm sure she does. Do be careful, though. We may have a guest living out there soon."

"A guest?" Xanya Asks. "what do you mean?"

Kethren smiles "New rifter. Joca found him yesterday and brought him down to see our planet. He's uh... from very far back."

Xanya thinks a bit. "I see. How far back? As in cavemen?"

Kethren shakes his head "Not that far, no. Never really got a clear sense of his year, but he referenced Rome, so that does narrow it down a bit."

Xanya nods. "That it does. sounds like around 0 BC. give or take."

Kethren smirks "Well, there was still a city called Rome in our time. And it existed for a fair while before the BC changeover...."

Xanya nods. "ahm... right... good point."

Kethren nods "Quite. Only other place I recall him mentioning was um, Ulaid... apparently he's from there. Wherever that was."

Xanya's eyes go out of focus for a bit. "hmmm...The Ulaid or Ulaidh were a people of early Ireland who gave their name to the modern province of Ulster. The English word Ulster derives from Irish Ulaidh and Old Norse star. meaning place, territory." she says and her eyes go back in focus. "That's what I can find so quickly via my pda. I also found something saying they where a group of people from near the beginning of the Christian Year counting."

Kethren nods "Well, that explains why Joca thought his language looked similar to how we've been naming things."

Xanya nods. "if we are lucky he can in time help us with future names."

Kethren nods "Possibly. For now though, he's got much to learn."

Xanya nods "no doubt. if he is realy from that time. he has alot to learn. way more then either of us had to learn. it won't be easy."

Kethren nods "Not at all. I think he'll manage though. He didn't run away screaming when Aina came along showing off her new ring..."

Xanya smiles. "that's good. both aspects are."

Kethren nods "Although things did get a little sidetracked. Joca and Fish both loved the thing."

Xanya giggles. "I can't blame them. I liked it too."

Kethren grins "That smith did a beautiful job, alright."

Xanya nods agreeing. "She did indeed."

Kethren smiles "Course... it's gonna be really hard coming up with a nicer engagement ring."

Xanya giggles. "no doubt about that. But I'm sure you and einiona can handle that when the time comes."

Kethren nods "Yeah... do you think Aina's getting impatient about that time?"

Xanya raises her shoulders. "no idea. I haven't talked to her enough to know about that."

Kethren smiles "Okay. Just wondering."

Xanya nods and stretches a bit.

Kethren yawns a bit and reaches down to scratch Nuala.

Xanya smiles and kneels down a bit to give Nuala a gentle rubbing on his/her head.

Kethren smiles a bit as Nuala seems to enjoy the attention.

Xanya smiles and keeps rubbing nuala. "can't wait to have my robot animal. it will be so much fun having a big dire polar bear to ride on."

Kethren nods with a bit of a frown "Kinda surprised it's not been finished yet."

Xanya nods. "me too. Could be a lot of things thought. I have been sending Aina alot of idea's for other robots."

Kethren nods "I'll check with her later today. Gotta admit I'm curious what the holdup is. Wanna see it finished, too."

Xanya nods again. "same here." She says as she keeps rubbing nuala.

Kethren yawns a bit. "I think I'm gonna head home now."

Xanya nods and stops petting Nuala. "sounds good. I'll look around for a bit and go home too."

Kethren waves as he heads onto the next conveniantly located public transit shuttle.

Xanya waves as kethren leaves.