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[[Category:Logs That Include Vessa]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Kethren]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Aina]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Alesia]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Agata]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Draasaan]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Zu]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Sadie]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Eloa]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Impiruil Baile]]
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! A Strange Affliction !! Information
| Summary || The Danu Chroi Empire has just settled in on their new home planet when disaster strikes! A strange disease befalls the Guardian's people, virulent and frightening. But perhaps it is not as bad as it seems...?
| Cast || [[Vessa]] [[Kethren]] [[Aina]] [[Alesia]] [[Xanya]] [[Agata]] [[Draasaan]] [[Zu]] [[Sadie]] [[Eloa]]
| Setting || The Field [[Impiruil Baile]]
| Set Description ||  Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast.
Kethren is lying in one of the beds in the med tent, not far from a similar bed containing Aina. No longer shivering horribly, but he still doesn't look all that great.
Kethren is lying in one of the beds in the med tent, not far from a similar bed containing Aina. No longer shivering horribly, but he still doesn't look all that great.

Latest revision as of 09:39, 25 November 2013

A Strange Affliction Information
Summary The Danu Chroi Empire has just settled in on their new home planet when disaster strikes! A strange disease befalls the Guardian's people, virulent and frightening. But perhaps it is not as bad as it seems...?
Cast Vessa Kethren Aina Alesia Xanya Agata Draasaan Zu Sadie Eloa
Setting The Field Impiruil Baile
Set Description Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast.

Kethren is lying in one of the beds in the med tent, not far from a similar bed containing Aina. No longer shivering horribly, but he still doesn't look all that great.

Xanya Walks out of the Celeste with a Sort of walking stick in hand. She slowly walks to the tent site and sits down somewhere in the center.

Kethren sits up in his bed, looking bored and still pretty sick. "Kail? Where are ya now?"

Xanya looks up to Kethren, "huh? What was that?"

Still sitting on his bed in the med-tent, blankets clutched around him, Kethren calls out "Kail! I haven't seen him since last night... he probably started chasing some slow moving insect again. Is he out there somewhere?"

Xanya looks around. "’re talking about your penguin bot right?"

Kethren nods, even though he really can't be seen "Yeah... wasn't really uh, in a good position to see where he was getting himself to at the time..."

Xanya she nods a bit and looks further around herself. "Ahm..... KAIL?" She calls out. "You should return to Kethren now. He wants to know where you are." She calls out looking around herself.

Kethren sighs a little "Well, I'm sure Aina can track him later if need be... when we've gotten the okay to get out of here, anyway..."

Xanya sighs a bit. "Ahm.... right... I ... guess so."

Kethren blinks "Uh, you alright out there? You're not sounding too well."

Xanya sighs a bit. "Just a... little flu I think.... I ... will be fine. Don't worry about me."

Kethren sounds worried "Um, you feeling dizzy at all? The world doesn't look like it's going to stay still anytime soon?"

"What was that Keth?!" She says with raised voice. "I can't hear you over the noise of all these penguins."

Kethren sighs a little, and calls over the nearest medical looking person "Hey, it sounds like we've got another case, just outside the tent. Mind getting her in here? Really not up to hauling her in myself." Said medical person heads out of the tent to try and get Xan inside for proper care.

Xanya tries to resist the doctors. "Don’t touch me I don't need any medical attention. I just got a flu. It's not like I'm dying or anything." She says sounding annoyed.

Kethren grumbles at the resistance he's hearing outside the tent "Xan, just get in here with the rest of us. It /may/ not be serious, but I know I was hallucinating, I'm pretty sure I heard you hallucinating... just get in here. The docs need to know what it is we're dealing with."

Kethren sighs "Xan, I don't think it's a flu. But even if it was, Flu's definitely something to worry about. It's claimed the lives of a lot of good people who put off seeking treatment."

Xanya sighs again. "I'm fine. I've handled a flu before and didn't die of it." She says sounding annoyed.

Kethren mutters for a moment, then speaks up "Xan, you were hallucinating penguins. That is /not/ normal!"

Kethren snickers "Xan, the only penguin on this entire planet is Kail. Until Aina tells me otherwise, anyway." Keth's sitting in his bed in the med-tent, Xan's outside the tent refusing to be taken in for treatment despite the hallucinations of penguins.

Xanya sighs a bit more annoyed. She doesn't respond to Kethren though.

Alesia comes from.. well, somewhere. Where exactly was she? Oh, who knows. She wanders up to Xanya with a faint smile. "Hello Xanya. Keth in there? I heard he was hurt or something, but I'm not really clear on what happened.." She says, stopping in front of the girl as people wander in and out of the med tent in lab coats.

Kethren sounds curious "That you, Alesia? Would you help Xan in here, please? She's hallucinating penguins."

Xanya sighs shaking her head. "I wasn't hallucinating. They were here a minute ago."

Alesia chuckles and pats Xanya's shoulder. "Don't worry dear; I'm sure it wasn't as hysterical as my own moment of craziness when I rifted here." She says fondly, and peeks in the tent with a little wave to Kethren. "Hey Keth. What the bloody hell happened to you, eh?" She asks with a teasing smirk. "You look like someone stole your puppy, and then took the life out of you."

Kethren blinks "Oh, darn. And I thought I was getting better. Not really sure though, the docs still haven't told me what they've found. Just know that last night I was sitting outside, snuggling a bit with Aina, and while we were talking with Vessa, I suddenly came over very dizzy... couldn't keep my eyes open, or the world looked like it was spinning and shaking... and after they got me into this bed, and Aina into the next one over, I started having hallucinations... something about hamsters stealing my building plans. And I was very cold. Still am, a bit, but not horribly."

Xanya lies back on the grass looking up to the sky.

Alesia's eyes perk up with slight surprise. "Well, that's pretty intense.. I wonder what it was that put you in this bed. That's a pretty funny hallucination though." She chuckles. "Well, can I get you anything to make you more comfortable?" She asks, before peeking back at Xanya with a raised brow. "Say... Xanya, what are you doing? You feeling alright yourself? Something on your mind; you know, besides penguins and all that." She says with a wink.

Kethren smiles at Alesia "Well, I'm sure some alone time with Aina would cheer me right up, but given that we're kinda stuck in here, that may not happen for awhile. Wouldn't object if you could scrounge up some chicken soup though. Oh, and keep an eye out for Kail, would you?"

Xanya looks to Alesia. I'll be fine. Just feeling like I got the flu or something. I'll get over it." She says and closes her eyes for a bit.

Alesia nods a bit, and sighs. "Sure, Kethren, I can do that." Then looking back at Xanya. "But Xanya, it couldn't hurt to lay in a bed could it? If you think you're getting the flu, the best place to be is with doctors." She tilts her head. "Wouldn't want to get other people sick too, would you?" She smiles. "It wouldn't be pretty, I'm a cranky sick person, you see." She says, then catches a crew member on the shoulder and asks politely if they can bring the requested soup for the poor guy in the tent.

From a blue glowing tent near the outskirts of the camp comes a soft groan, and Agata emerges from the side, holding her head and sighing, muttering something under her breath as she makes her way toward the group.

Xanya shakes her head. "I'll be fine" She says to Alesia. Xanya is lying on the grass with her eyes closed.

The crew members nods impatiently and walks off. Alesia peeks in the tent again with a happy smile. "No problem." She says, and then pulls her head out, looking to where Agata is. "Oh, no. Agata are you feeling alright?" She asks with a mouth that's curved down in a pout. She sighs, looking down at Xanya, then begins to take off her own shoes. "Welp, if you refuse, I'll just have to drag you then. “ She says, and moves over to pick up the rather light lady, beginning to walk towards the tent that Keth is in.

Kethren lies back down in his bed and sighs "What is it with people in this org refusing to see a doctor? Our doctors are nice..."

Agata walks, rather than floats, over to the group and nods to Alesia, saying softly, "I think I used too much energy last night...I went exploring in the forest and I had to lift a few heavy things, and phase through some things...I'm not sure, but I may be suffering from psionic overuse... if that is even possible. But I know I have a headache. It is a new feeling for me, and miserable." Her aura is a weak, pulsing red and her eyes are a little hazier than usual.

Xanya is lying on her back on the grass, her eyes closed and not responding to Alesia's attempts to lift her up. Kethren is in the med tent on a bed and Agata just arrived to the tents.

A rather large shuttle touches down on the landing pad, and from it emerges Draasaan the Drrhaan, his huge rocky form barely able to fit through the doorway. As the shuttle flies away, he makes his way toward the group of people, his footsteps creating large booming noises.

Alesia stares blankly at Xanya with a blink or two, at failing to lift her. She sighs. "Suit yourself then.." She says, glancing at Agata. "Everyone's feeling horrible today, it seems.." She says, wiping her forehead. "I'm even starting to feel a bit down.." The crew member returns with a bowl of soup, and Alesia directs them to Keth's tent, watching them go in. They hand it to Keth with a small nod before leaving to go do whatever it was they were busy with before. "Thank you...” Alesia mentions, though the crew member's too far away to hear. Alesia's eyes wander over to the large Drrhaan, and though she doesn't remember the being, they do seem familiar to her. "Oh my.." She says in a low voice, now sitting on the ground next to Xanya, looking worn out. "Hello there." She says with a wave. "Excuse our rudeness, I think we're all coming down with something dreadful...”Kethren has a bit of his soup "You know, I really will have to insist on a real kitchen being put into the hospital when that's built. This soup's actually good, and that'll never happen again if we let the hospital put in their usual food prep areas."

Agata mentally shuts out the crashing, but looks over to the Drrhaan anyway, waving tiredly. Sighing, she sits down and nods to Alesia, saying with an exhausted murmur, "Well, if you need any help, I can. Just please do not be too loud."

Xanya is lying on her back on the grass, her eyes closed. She is starting to sweat a bit. Kethren is in the med tent on a bed. Agata and Alesia are sitting near Xanya and Draasaan has just arrived as well.

Vessa leads the way from the direction of the Moor, chatting with Thar as they go. Seeing Xan lying down and the groups surrounding her, Vessa heads that way concerned, "Hey, what is happening? Was just coming to see Aina and Keth." She looks back at Thar, "Looks like I might have another one."

Draasaan has his PDA out and translating by the time Alesia finishes, and then nods with a bit of a frown, as much as his rocky features will allow. "I am sorry to hear that," he says in his bass tones, "is there anything I can do to help?"

Alesia makes an attempt to reply, but nothing comes out of her mouth. She seems disoriented, her eyes half closed, looking around with confusion. "I.." She breathes out, but simply lies down next to Xanya with a moan.

Kethren remains in his hospital bed, eating chicken soup, while everyone else is outside doing whatever it is they're doing.

Agata nods to Alesia, extending her hand to Xanya and using what strength she has left to lift Xanya with her telekinesis, bringing her over to the medical tent with her if she is successful. "You do indeed look bad.” she says tiredly.

Vessa looks at Tharsis, "I think people are getting sick left right and center. Want to help me get Alesia into the med tent? Alright the rest of you, let’s get this sorted out while these two are being taken care of, and you okay Agata?"

Sadie walks off the Celeste and is immediately overcome with dizziness. "What the..?" She holds her head, looking at the ground. As she looks around, she sees men with boar heads standing with her friends. "GUYS!" she shouts to them. "WATCH OUT!"

Draasaan shakes his head a little, his eyes crackling a bit. "This planet is...strange. I feel...different, here. It is similar to Drrrn...but different." He looks around, his glowing eyes flickering a bit, "This is strange indeed."

Kethren continues eating his chicken soup in his med tent bed.

Agata nods to Vessa after placing Xanya on a cot in the medical tent, though she certainly doesn't look it. Her aura is weakly pulsing with a dim red colour, her eyes are hazier than usual, and she doesn't float even an inch off the ground as she usually does. She even seems to be more see-through. "Oh my..." she says as Alesia collapses, extending her hand toward her too, attempting to lift her as well, her aura flickering with the effort. She seems to entirely ignore Sadie.

Xanya when placed on the cot in the medical tent she opens her eyes and looks around. "Nooooo." She says almost wining like a cat. "I don't want to play sick person." She says and then looks around seeing Alesia on the ground after that her eyes fall on Sadie and she becomes worried.

"I have no idea, it started yesterday with Kethren and Aina," she doesn't mention herself, "They started getting dizzy and passing out, with Kethren adding hamsters into the mix." she takes hold of Alesia and indicates Sadie, "Want to grab her, we need to get em into the med tent." she looks around, "Man this is weird, you two okay?" to Draa and Agata.

Sadie stares wide-eyed at the gang, who are headed into the med tent. "No! No! That's where they'll get you!" She runs, awkwardly as her head spins, over to them, her arms flailing above her. "Where is Xanya?!" She demands of everyone.

Draasaan looks down at Sadie and shakes his head, saying in calm thrums, "Miss Sadie, I do not believe anyone is in danger. Please calm down." He then looks down to Vessa, smiling a rocky smile and saying as he reaches down to lift Alesia, "There is no need, Guardian Vessa; I shall get her in without any trouble." He shakes his head again and stumbles a little, his eyes flickering again, but he still lifts Alesia with not very much trouble, bringing her over to the medical tent and placing her within, though he cannot see inside to place her very accurately. It is very likely he missed any cots.

Agata rubs her temples at all the shouting, gritting her teeth. "Miss Sadie, please quiet down.” she demands in a rather annoyed tone. She collapses back onto her bum, dirtying her advisor's robes a bit as she pants, her aura flickering even more, "I no longer believe this is from psionic overuse, Miss Vessa...I have never felt this before and I have been around for nearly four years.

Alesia is lifted, unaware of nearly knocking into people, or lab equipment. She's placed safely, if maybe a bit roughly on a cot near Kethren. She mumbles quietly before she shrieks, and shifts in her cot with a whimpers. She's crying in her 'sleep'.

Kethren is just finishing up his chicken soup as Alesia's placed in one of the beds, and winces a bit as he sees how badly the illness-o-mystery has hit her. He then puts the empty bowl on a nearby surface and calls out "Uh, could one of you medical types fetch her a blanket? Why do none of these beds have handy blankets?"

Xanya hear Sadie and calls to her. "Sweety... I'm in here." She says as she is barely able to keep her eyes open.

Vessa blinks as Alesia is lifted from her arms and nods, "Alright then, "She goes to Sadie and tries to help her to the tent too. To Agata she says, "Odd that it is affecting you and Draa as well, I think the science and medical types need to get on this." she tries to speak soothingly to Sadie, "Time for bed sis, careful or I will pick you up." she blinks as yet more of the med tent workers become patients, "Yeese people, all I got was a nap and a bit of dizziness."

Aina grumbles as she rolls onto her left side, both hands lifting up to cover her face, while she curls into a fetal position. Then there's a bunch of commotion in the tent, and she grunts before rolling back over to slowly sit up. Again a hand lifts, the right one, reaching up to make sure Ghost is still clinging to her horn, "Kethren...You ok? What's all that noise?"

Sadie glares at Agata and states, "I wasn't being loud, Agata. I was asking where my fiance was." She looks to Vessa and holds her head, nodding as she sways a bit, but catches herself. "No, I am fine. Let me try to figure this out." She says, walking briskly (and still awkwardly) into the med tent. She looks around at everyone, shaking her head to attempt at getting rid of the dizziness. She hears Kethren and rummages around loudly, finally producing a blanket. She quickly moves to put it on Alesia, rubbing the girl's back softly. She looks up at Xanya, breathing heavily as the dizziness overtakes her once again. She shakes her head, closing her eyes tight, before getting up and walking over to Xanya's cot, where she promptly lays down next to her and begins to cry. "I don't know what's going on.."

Draasaan shakes his head with a bit of a raised eyebrow to Sadie, "Actually, Miss Sadie, you were yelling loudly." Looking to Vessa, he asks, "Is there anything more I can do, Guardian Vessa? I do not seem to be affected by this disease, and though the electromagnetic field of this planet is a bit disconcerting, I should be clear for any duties you give me."

Alesia sits up, wide eyed with an insane look in her eyes. She yelps and gathers up the blankets to her chest, looking around wildly. "DON'T YOU TOUCH IT. IT'S MINE." She barks loudly, cuddling the blanket on her cheek, and whispering nonsense to it. "They can't make you leave me. They CANT." She mutters, before she cringes with tears and whines very loudly, before hitting a fit of moaning whimpers which sound painful.

Kethren ignores the fevered blanket yelling and smiles over at Aina "Glad to see you're finally up. I'm... mostly ok I think. Not freezing anymore, don't see any hamsters trying to steal my stuff, the world's staying put... just resting until they tell me I can go. How're you holding up?" then nods at Vessa "Hey boss. Seems to be something going around."

Agata shakes her head a little and stands up, stumbling a bit but seeming at least a little bit better, "Something is going on here..." Her archaeological mind goes immediately to her favorite subject and suddenly her affliction is forgotten as she says excitedly, "Ahhh! What if it is some sort of ancient technology or some sort of stone or something that was left on this planet a long time ago, and now it's affecting us with a strange disease? That would be so cool!" This burst of energy at first causes her to lift up into the air a few inches, but then she falls back down again, back onto her bum with a soft, 'Ow...' Vessa sighs at Sadie and nods to Draa, "Help me take care of all these sick people if you both would. Time for speculation later." she moves over and rubs Sadie's back gently to calm her and says softly to Alesia, "No one will take it, it is alright."

Aina frowns as she glances around, looking confused, then she focuses on Kethren, "Huh? What...Did I sleep since we first got sick? Geez...What time is it? What day is it? I...Think I'm ok. Just kinda light-headed. And hungry..." She peers at Kethren, then sorta gets up; mostly she just leans forward till she's got ahold of his bed and hauls herself over to sit beside him, "Whatcha got there? And uh...I won't ask about the hamsters..."

Xanya turns her head to looks to Sadie with tired eyes. She stretches her left arm to try and grab Sadie’s hand with her own. She manages to gently grab Sadie’s hand and hold onto it for a few seconds after which she falls asleep and her hand drops to the ground. Her body is shivering visibly and sweating at the same time.

Draasaan stumbles a bit again, but shakes his head and seems to adjust. "As you wish, Guardian...though I cannot see into or fit into the tent, so perhaps I could go gather materials for whoever is overseeing the treatment? That would be more apt a job for me."

Sadie opens her eyes slowly as Xanya's hand drops limp, wiping the tears from her face as she looks up at Xanya. "Xan?" She says, wide eyed. She sits up, feeling Xanya's forehead with her hand, then her temples. Sighing with relief, she gets up dizzily, kissing Xanya's forehead, and walks over to one of the medical shelves, rummaging around.

Kethren leans against Aina a bit "Yeah, you slept... well; you passed out pretty much as soon as they got you into that bed. That was last night. And uh, a few minutes ago it was chicken soup, now it's just an empty bowl. I'm sure there's someone around here who's steady enough to send to the mess tent if you need something though. Glad you're feeling a little better though."

Agata looks to Vessa and nods, standing up with a slight waver, "What do you need me to do, my Guardian? I should be able to help Draasaan lift things, if that is necessary. Would you like me to do that? Hopefully I have enough strength."

Vessa nods to Draa and Agata, "Sure, that would work well, and call up to the ship for some of the med bay workers to suit up and come down to help." she covers Xan with another blanket and glares at Aina, "You sit yerself back down on that bed and let me get you some food, sit, now." she points then turns and heads out of the tent to get some food for the recovering sickies.

Aina blinks and stares at Vessa, "Huh? But...I am sitting...Just...Beside Kethren..." Her nose wrinkles, but she doesn't move, instead she wraps an arm around Kethren, "I just want food. Something to eat. I'm starving. I've never slept that long. Kinda feel even more tired than normal right now."

Draasaan hears the plea for food from inside the tent and says to Vessa, "I will go find some fruit, as I can reach the high trees if need be. I am sure Miss Agata can handle the lifting. I will be back momentarily." With that, he starts to move quickly off toward the forest, considerably fast for his size.

Alesia shoots a glance at Vessa of paranoia, grumbling and turning over with blanket in hand as she whispers to it indefinitely.

Agata sighs as Draasaan leaves and enters the tent, sighing a little and sitting on a cot. She rubs her temples softly and looks over to the two, "Uhm...I do not mean to impose, but...I would suggest following her orders, even if they do not seem fair. She is our Guardian, after all..."

Vessa doesn't see glares or anything else she is in the mess tent getting food, for once without her guards as they two have been laid low by whatever it is affecting people. It doesn't take long for her to return and frowns when she sees Aina still sitting on Kethren's bed, "If you are not going to listen to reason at least lay down, good gracious woman, you passed out, that isn't normal. And I will hold your food hostage till you at the least lay in Keth's bed, sitting up enough to eat is fine."

Aina pouts up at Vessa, then turns and pulls her bed over, so it's right up beside Kethren's, then she lies down, "There. Happy? So mean...I feel much better now. Just kinda light-headed. Sitting up doesn't bother me..." Then she pouts and holds out her hands, "Can I have the food, pleeeeeeease?"

Draasaan returns a little while later with a large orange-red fruit in his hand. It looks a bit like a gigantic mango. He reaches into the medical tent and places it near the entrance, saying with a smile, "Will that do, Miss Aina?"

Alesia seems to have passed out again. She twitches every once in a while with a mutter about her blanket.

Kethren chuckles a bit and lies back down close to Aina.

Agata calls soft thanks out to Draasaan and lifts the mango-like fruit with psionics, bringing it over onto a table and materializing a sword in her hand. She cuts it in half with a flourish, slicing a few smaller pieces off and tasting them. "Mmm...sweet..." She then brings another small, juicy piece over to Aina and says, with a soft smile, "Here, try one."

Vessa grins at Aina and is in the process of handing over the soup when the mango shows up, "Er, shouldn't we test the fruits and plants before consuming them, some things might be poisonous." she holds the soup out to Aina.

Aina blinks and looks toward the door, a little smile forming, "Thanks..." Then she watches Agata before nodding to Vessa, "Normally a good idea...I think I'll just go with the soup for now. Last night was enough for me." She accepts the soup from Vessa and sits up again so she can eat.

Draasaan shrugs and says, "Suit yourself.” before going off into the forest again, perhaps to do some exploring. He feels his job here is done.

Kethren sits back up and readjusts his blanket so's it's more convenient.

Agata shrugs and eats the little piece herself, smiling and saying, "Perhaps, though it is quite good..." She sits down on one of the cots, and then decides to lay down, seemingly exhausted, even from that little bit of psionic use, her aura still pulsing a dull red.

Vessa nods to Draa and Agata, "It was a kind thought and appreciated." her attention goes back to Aina and Kethren, "Hmm, you two seem to be getting better so when you feel up to it, you two will need to look after people while I am away, when I return we will be sending a delegation to Tavros. Seems the Caryas Government wishes to extend an invitation to us."

Aina nods to Vessa and eats a bit more soup, "I'll be up in no time, then get to running tests. I'll have everyone up and at am in no time." She nods, then focuses on eating. Somewhere in the distance, a tree can be heard falling down, and the chittering of angry animals soon follows. One can assume what that was.

Kethren nods to Vessa "Alright, I'll do what I can. May slow up the city planning, but I'll try to corner the others long enough to hash out what we can agree on actually needing." he then sighs a little and scoots a touch closer to Aina.

Agata seems to have fallen asleep, recovering from the strain that was put on her 'body'. This is rather rare for a Riftwalker, but she is certainly dormant in one way or another.

Vessa nods with a smile, "Good, take care of yourselves first though." she looks around and sighs, "Man this is not good, I hope it doesn't hit too many as hard as it has some." running a hand through her hair she goes to put another blanket on one of the others in the room and speak softly to another who is muttering and thrashing in her sleep.

Aina nods to Vessa, "Will do, boss." More soup is slurped up, then she glances at Keth with a smile, "How ya feeling?" She reaches out and wraps an arm around him, pulling him close, sharing her body heat.

Kethren holds Aina's arm a little closer and smiles up at her "Well, I'm probably still looking bad enough that we should postpone seeking out that photographer, and a little tired yet, but much better'n yesterday."

Agata shivers a bit in her dormant state, panting a little, though her psionic ability already seems to be recovering a little, her aura flashing a few times, tiny fires breaking out over her skin for a few moments before being extinguished and the shell freezing over for a moment. The blanket over her shifts around of its own accord a few times as well.

Vessa moves back over to Aina and Keth, "Alright you two, I have to go. Be good, take care of yourselves and the kids and call me if you need me." she looks over at Agata worried, "And watch out for her too, I would stay if I could." she sighs and rubs her forehead, "Oh and Keth, Xanya said when I first met her that she was into photography, you may want to ask her." Giving head a pat on the shoulder and a worried look, she waves and turns to leave the tent.

Aina smiles at Kethren and nods, "Can't imagine I look all that great, either...After all that sleeping, I can feel how messed up my hair is." Her nose wrinkles, but she doesn't bother with the hair just yet, but instead focuses on eating some more. Vessa coming back over brings forth a smile as she waves, "Promise, boss. Everyone will be fine by the time ya get back. Don't worry, ok?"

Kethren nods to Vessa "Alright boss, we'll try to keep the planet from exploding, or anything. And I'll keep Xan in mind, next time we're feeling vaguely presentable." he then smiles back at Aina "Ah, there's nothing wrong with a little messed up hair."

The flames and flickering go on for several minutes, and then, suddenly, the aura starts to become blindingly bright. The light continues to grow in strength until it fills the whole room, and then BOOM. Objects all around her are toppled over or, if they're smaller, such as the blanket, they get thrown across the room. The two cots directly next to her are knocked over, the end table is knocked to the ground and slides a few feet, and the cots two over rock slightly. She sits up suddenly, panting, and says softly, "I had the strangest dream..."

Vessa sighs and says to Aina, "I always worry," and goes to help right the cots that were knocked over, and help the occupants in the cots back in them. With a final wave and a worried smile she begins to leave saying finally, "Call me, I need to know you are all okay," then she is gone.

Aina blinks and jumps when something goes boom. She watches Vessa pick things up, then stares at Agata and blinks some more, "What the heck was that? Is that what happens when you dream? You explode? Geez...That's insane..." Then she blushes and smiles at Kethren, "Silly." Aina and Kethren are sitting up on their beds, which have been pushed together. Vessa just left, and Agata seems to have just had one heck of an explosive dream, knocking things over and across the room.

Kethren blinks a few times at the explosion "Well, that was different. Still, no one got crushed by giant glowing pillars, so it's a good day." and leans a bit closer to Aina. Eloa floats gracefully off the shuttle, a few inches above the ground. She looks straight in front of her. Her eyes at the moment are their usual amber color as she stops and cocks her head slowly at the tents.

Agata blinks and shakes her head at Aina, "Not...usually...but I feel much better now." She smiles softly, and her aura is a little brighter than before, and only pink instead of red. She stands up and wanders, a bit dazed, out of the tent, after cleaning up her mess, heading in the direction of the forest, presumably to look for Draasaan.

Alesia trembles, half awake, moaning loudly before cringing. She sits up with a light sweat, shivering, her eyes darting all around her. "W-What.." She murmurs, tears streaming down her face from her crying in her sleep.

Zu is flying around in a very erratic pattern, though certainly descending on the group. The first person he catches a good look of is Alesia, whose shoulder he promptly lands on. The bat looks scared. Out of his wits, scared, and for those who look he is also shivering. For now all he does is irrationally give Alesia's face a strange hug of some kind, which is reasonably tight.

Aina nods to Kethren and smiles, then snuggles close to him. She considers Agata for a moment and hums lightly, "Well, at least you feel better. That's always good." When Agata wanders off she blinks again before focusing on Alesia, "Uhhh...I dunno. Agata just kinda popped or something. You ok?" She spots Zu and blinks, "Oh dear...Are you sick too, now? Best get him covered up..."

Kethren blinks a couple times at Zu's precision flying display. "Uh, could one of you medical types fetch a bat blanket? And have some duct tape on standby, in case some hallucinations cause him to try and fly out." he then snuggles in closer to Aina, and nods to Alesia "Don't worry, you'll be ok soon enough. You're a little sick. We all are."

Alesia doesn't hear a word. She jumps with a shriek, staring at Zu with terror in her eyes that would equal his own. She frantically tries to climb out of bed, bumping him around in the air as she screams and falls to the floor. She struggles to stand up, and then runs out of the tent in tears, waving her arms around before she falls in the grass.

Eloa hears Alesia's voice through the tent. "Alesia.." she breathes softly, then begins floating in that direction. As Alesia runs out, she floats over to the woman in the grass. "Alesia. I am hearing and seeing unpleasant things."

Zu remains firmly attached to Alesia and is just coherent enough to say in her ear. "D-D-Don't worry. It’s j-j-just Zu." Then the Tupai delves back into delusional crazy land and clings to the girl's neck looking nearly on the verge of tears, himself.

Eloa looks surprised down at Alesia, her head cocked slightly. "Alesia, who is trying to get you?" she asks softly, her eyes staying on Alesia. She finally looks to Zu, her eyes turning to an ice blue color. "What are you called?" she asks him

Aina nods slowly and leans against Kethren, "I think the soup nearly came back up..." Her nose wrinkles, then she smiles when Kail appears, "Where's he been, following everyone during all this craziness?" She glances toward the exit, trying to see what's going on. Meanwhile, the nurses and doctor try to calm Alesia and Zu, and get both wrapped up in blankets again and brought back inside.

Kethren leans back against Aina "No idea where he's been. Lost track of him last night when everything started spinning and shaking and we started our trip to the tent here. I'd just assumed he found some more insects to follow."

"The BLANKETS! They'll swallow me! I thought they were mine, but they're theirs! They're against me!" She declares with fear, fidgeting, and trying to look around at Zu, causing her to move around in circles on her hands and knees as she feels his little claws on her back. As someone tries to put a blanket on her, she screams, and tries to bat whoever it is away from her. "GET OFF!" She demands, kicking and screaming. Those who are trying to apprehend her are met with struggle, as she must nearly be dragged unless they wish to be hit with a limb.

Eloa looks to the doctors, her pupils turning red. "Alesia has said she does not want that. Stop." She glares at the doctors for what seems like forever, then turns to Alesia to watch her carefully.

Zu resists heavily at the attempts to be prying from Alesia but eventually does give way to be wrapped in the blanket though he keeps shivering madly, and keeps seeming to want to try and go back to the face-hugging of the other hallucinator. Apparently his messed up mind has deemed her neck the safety zone from the crazy.

Aina nods, "Well, at least he came back." A frown forms as she hears all the noise outside the tent, "What's going on out there?" The nurses and doctors consider Eloa, and then the doctor in charge speaks up, "They need to be put inside, in a bed. They are very sick, and cannot be left to wander the planet." Once Zu is wrapped up he's quickly moved inside. Alesia, on the other hand, is beginning to frustrate the nurses, and one of them is talking about tranquilizing the female.

Eloa nods to the doctors. "Yes. I see, but let them go by themselves. It is no use to push them at the moment. They look very scared." Her eyes flash to a deep emerald green as she looks back to Alesia and Zu. "Alesia. I am being told that you need to go to a bed. I would like for you to listen to them, they mean you no harm." She nods once, confidently, at Alesia.

Kethren smiles up at Aina "Yeah, it's good to see him again. Was going to see if you had any kind of tracking system to find him with if he didn't make it back on his own. So how's Ghost doing?"

"NO NO NO, you sods, he's detrimental to the defense of the rebellion! The key to the very survival of humanity, don't you UNDERSTAND?" She gabs on to the doctors as she continues to struggle, gesturing towards the blanketed Zu. She whips around wildly to look at Eloa. "But Goddess! THE BLANKETS!" She pleads with a large pout, as if she's has a toy taken away by a parent.

Zu goes from seeming pretty scared to looking as if he might need a new blanket, eyes bugging out and the whole nine yards as he begins squirming around saying loudly enough but in a low panic stricken tone "No...No, I saw you die! You're dead!"

Eloa slowly moves one of her hands and lays it on Alesia's cheek gingerly. "Alesia. They will not harm you. I swear it." She smiles softly at her friend, looking into her eyes. She suddenly looks to Zu and asks again, her hand still on Alesia's cheek, "What are you called?" She adds, "You are fond of Alesia."

Aina nods to Kethren, "Yea, we can set something up on your PDA. It's easy enough." She smiles, then blinks a Zu is brought in, "Has everyone been like this? Was I like that? Geez...I don't remember anything after moving into the tent last night..." She frowns and sits up a bit straighter, "Hey, careful with him...Where's Alesia? You need to get here in here, too." The nurses outside are beginning to agree on sedating Alesia, one of them even heading back inside to get the syringe.

Kethren looks thoughtful for a moment and rests his head on Aina "Um, I wasn't /this/ bad, no... had a few hallucinations, but those didn't start until I closed my eyes to stop the world spinning. You... honestly, I think you passed out as soon as they got you in your bed. Don't think you really had much chance to have the full range of this fun."

Alesia instantly stops moving at the touch of Eloa, a faint smile appearing as she gazes at her in her glow. "Yes, yes, yes Goddess, yes. You know, you do, you know more than I. I see." She says quickly with a daze. Suddenly she whips her head. "But where did he go? Why did they take him? It isn't fair, he must not be touched, I will not allow it!" She says sternly, but cooperates with the crew if only to get inside the tent to see Zu.

Zu remains scared out of his wits even when Eloa asks him his name and he still goes on, now actually beginning to cry "No. No they killed you! I saw it! I saw them burn the body! You're dead!"

Eloa follows behind Alesia and the doctors as they walk back into the tent, floating a few inches above the ground. She cocks her head at Zu. "Dead? I am sure that I am not dead. I came from the darkness." Her pupils flash black as she talks about the darkness. "But I saw a difference. And that is why I am here." She cocks her head slowly at him.

Aina smiles lightly at Kethren, "Well, guess that's a good thing...Can only imagine what my brain would have come up with..." Again she focuses on the exit as Alesia is brought in, "Put them in the same beds beside each other...Maybe it'll help." The nurses listen, escorting Alesia to a bed beside the one Zu is put into. However, the nurses refuse to let go of Zu just yet, trying to get him to calm down.

Kethren smirks at Aina "Maybe it would've been something nice. Perhaps you'd have seen a dozen crabs to study."

Zu looks to have had another hard dose of hallucination added as the tears begin flowing more heavily and he begins to actually sob "Oh my...Look what they did to her. Look what they did! She doesn't even look like a Tupai anymore. No, no, not again! Please! Don't hurt her anymore!" The poor bat dissolves into incoherent sobbing at his point.

Alesia looks madly at Aina with a grin. "Oh there's one, yes she's lovely." She mutters, and looks at Zu. "Oh no." She tsks, moving near his bed with a blanket around her. She leans next to it, and touches his head with a pet gently. "You hush little thing, lest you speak the secrets. The blankets can hear you." She says with a strange giggle before lying in her own bed. She begins whispering to her blanket with a crazy look in her eyes, giggling every so often as she talks to herself.

Eloa watches Alesia and Zu carefully, staying floating inches above the ground. She looks to Aina and Kethren. "I am Eloa." She states softly before looking back to Alesia with growing concern.

Aina giggles and blushes at Kethren, "Ha ha..." She smiles though and kisses his cheek. Alesia gets an arched eyebrow and a head tilt, "Why's she looking at me like that...That's kinda creepy." With a sigh she watches Zu, a frown forming, "Maybe we should have them sedated or something...Maybe sleeping through it is the best idea? I need to get up soon and look into this..." She finally notices Eloa and blinks, "Hi there...I'm Aina. And the Tupai there is Zu...Sorry you came at a bad time...We all seem to be suffering from something as of unknown right now..."

Kethren nods to Eloa "I'm Kethren." then smiles back at Aina "No clue why she was looking at you like that. Something to do with whatever she's hallucinating, I'd imagine. Them sleeping through it might not be a bad plan though. You seem to've gotten off pretty light doing it that way."

Zu finally regains enough composure to keep the madness going as he continues to cry "Please, she's my only sister, don't take her away again. Please, I'll do anything." He seems to be growing a bit too weak to be quite as loud as he had been but it's still loud enough for those present to hear.

Eloa nods to Aina. "That is ok. I had not seen Alesia in a while. I was hoping she was here, as she was nowhere else." She turns to Alesia and watches her, then looks to Zu. "Where did they take your sister?" Her eyes flash dark blue as she watches him curiously.

Aina nods to Kethren, then turns to the others, "I think it would be best if we sedated them...At least for a while. I don't want them to get hysterical and hurt themselves, or try to run away and get hurt in the wilderness." She listens to Zu, a sad frown forming, and she hugs Kethren close.

Alesia tilts hear head at Zu as nibbles on her finger with her blanket close. "You'll hear none from me, you can have her." She says with a smile forming on her lips. "I don't need nothin' little thing, she's of no use to the blankets."

Kethren gets pulled a little closer to Aina and looks up at her curiously. "You alright?"

Zu can't seem to really hear Alesia, though Eloa is replied to, with teary, now bloodshot eyes and he says still nearly sobbing "They. They killed her. Not. Not until they did horrible things, though. Unspeakable things! I saw them, but I could do nothing." As the sobbing recedes Zu's talking slowly begins to take on a tone of spite and malice in extreme proportions.

Eloa puts a hand up at Aina's words. "No, I will not allow that. I will watch them, as I do not have a need for sleep. I will make sure nothing happens." She nods at her words confidently. She looks to Zu, her pupils turning a light grey color. "I am sorry. That sounds very unpleasant." Her tone is that of discomfort, but she stands stall as a statue.

Aina blinks and looks at Kethren, "Huh? Oh, yeah...I'm fine...Zu just sounds so sad...He's having a bad hallucination..." She blinks at Eloa, a brow arching, "I don't know...Zu looks like he's getting pretty upset...We may have to sedate him eventually, though." Then she snuggles up against Kethren and yawns, eyelids seeming to get heavy, "How can I possibly be tired..."

Kethren pushes Aina gently back to the bed, staying against her "Lie down, I'm here with you. Of course we're tired, we're still a bit sick. Hopefully we're ok tomorrow..."

Alesia twitches as she watches Zu, and sits up with her blanket cuddled in her arms. She looks at Zu with a pout and climbs out of her own bed, and into his. She cuddles around him with her blanket, and speaks softly. "No." She says softly, and touches him gently. "Shhhh. See the blanket? It's warm and happy, it has plans. Safe ones. No killing. Just soft." She says quietly.

Zu looks to Eloa with something resembling rage filling his eyes and apparently he's received his second wind as he begins yelling "Unpleasant?! Thei...Their. No, not again! I can't go through it again! I won't be able to take it. I barely made it through the first time." As the hallucinations keep happening the rage goes away quickly to be replaced with the fear and sadness that had permeated him before.

Eloa looks to Zu, raising a hand to his tiny head, patting it softly. "You will not go through that here." She pets his head softly before moving the hand to Alesia's cheek. "I will wait outside to keep you safe, Alesia. Take care of this little one." She smiles softly before turning and vanishing into the side of the tent.

Aina blinks slowly as she's pushed down onto the bed, but doesn't resist. Both arms remain around Kethren, hugging him close, "Hope we can sleep with all that noise...But given that I slept during everything else, somehow I don't doubt I will again..." She blinks and quickly reaches up to her right horn, then sighs softly, "He's still there...Night, Kethren..." Then she's asleep, just like that, arms loosening from around Kethren in case he wants to get up rather than sleep.

Kethren smiles warmly at her, lying down next to her. "Nite, Aina. Sleep well." then kisses her cheek softly before curling up with her to try and get some rest.

Alesia pouts first at Zu, and then Eloa. She stares at Zu for a moment, before petting him too, and pulling him closer into a cuddle without a word.

Zu seems to be immediately relieved as he wraps wings around Alesia and calming down with a deep breath. All the bat can manage to utter is "Thank you." He shivers in the sheer relief at the disappearance of the horrible visions and once again goes back to hanging on for dear life.

Alesia nods with her head, her hair rubbing against the Tupai, as she pets him repeatedly behind the ears. She giggles sweetly.

Zu continues to calm himself down having found his safe zone his general sanity is beginning to return. Before long he realizes he's being cuddled with, but remembers what had happened when he hadn't been doing this so merely keeps going on with it, though slackening his grip slightly.

Alesia shifts to look at Zu with a smile; much less mad-hatter-like than before. "Better?" She says softly, with almost a cheery tone.

Eloa hears Alesia's cheerful tone and comes back through the tent wall. "Alesia. You look better." she states, smiling softly.

Zu lets out a sigh very indicative of a person finally calming down after a very long and hard cry to reply quite softly "Much better. Thank you."

Alesia looks up at Eloa with a grin and a giggle. "Mhm! Much, much better!" She says to Eloa, almost echoing Zu's words, as she continues to pet him. "Goddess, isn't he so cute?" She says in a naive tone, with a happy expression.

Zu doesn't seem to mind the cute comment considering how thankful he is right now for the reprieve from the hallucinations he's gotten. The bat rests his head on the girl's shoulders and simply says "I, I think I'm going to sleep now."

Alesia looks down at Zu and nuzzles him. "Mkay!" She says, and cuddles up for sleep too, not another word about it.