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(Created page with '== New people met and Logics Story == ''A log by Xanya'' Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station> Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any o…')
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[[Category:Logs That Include Logic Shortage]]
[[Category:Logs That Include Xanya]]
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== New people met and Logics Story ==
== New people met and Logics Story ==
''A log by Xanya''
''A log by Xanya''
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Logic grins a bit at Xanya. "We can talk about technical stuff some other time if you like. I'm about due for a rest cycle myself." He says.
Logic grins a bit at Xanya. "We can talk about technical stuff some other time if you like. I'm about due for a rest cycle myself." He says.
[[Category:OtherSpace Logs]]
[[Category:Xanya's Logs]]

Latest revision as of 10:15, 25 November 2013

New people met and Logics Story

A log by Xanya

Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>

Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years. The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats. Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.

It's not long after the human disembarks from the Nocturn, to the bouncing welcome from... well whatever the excitable seeming being is. There's a momentary shimmer near a Hyperion class ship which quickly resolves into a hologram.

"Bang. Boom. Zang. Right," Porter replies wryly to Mert before his PDA pings. He looks at the display. "Okay, looks like the supplier can meet us in about an hour. Stick around, Mert. I might let you push the hoversled."

Mert bounces happily "Oh boy! Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy..." repeats the Gankri ad nauseum while he bounces so much he looks like he's ready to leap to the moon.

The 'tween' that formed over by the Hyperion class ship makes his way over toward Mert and just stands there a moment watching the Gankri bouncing up and down, his head bobbing up and down as he follows the movement. "What are you?" Logic asks, his head still following the bouncing.

"So I took another shot at trying to make the code corss-compatible," Faith remarks mildly to a woman accompanying her from the Tradeport, the brunette fiddling with her PDA as she walks and talks, "Still no love. Dual-booting works, so we can flip back and forth, but it doesn't look like our old software can be reprogrammed to accept the new characters, let alone the coding languages as a whole."

Porter tilts his head as he ponders the newly materialized kid. "I was just wondering the same thing, oddly enough."

Mert looks to Tres and then to Porter. "I'ma Gankri... and so was my mother and my father and my grandpa and...." replies the young Gankri, listing off a freaking coal train's worth of family lineage about, 20 generations worth.

Sharai Dravik looks at Faith with the look of one who doesn't get it. "That is bad right?" she takes out her notepad....made of paper, and her pen. "I usually use this for work, the PDA is a bit odd to me anyway."

Logic just looks at Mert as the Gankri lists off a score of ancesters with just a hint of a head tilt but no sign of boredom, no looking away and not even a blink. "OH! Cool!" The 'tween' beams then looks to Porter, still smiling. "I'm Logic Shortage. Logic for short. I'm a Positronic."

Porter ahs and nods at Logic. "Good to meet you, Shorty." Apparently, he's picked a new nickname for the Positronic. "I'm David Ransom Porter. Your ordinary average human."

"They still make paper?" Faith asks, eyeing Sharai's notepad, "How... archaic. But if it's a method that works for you, then it's good enough. As for your question... it is inconvenient, but not particularly bad. Here, we'll use the new code that I wrote. When we get home, we'll switch back to the old code." Dark eyes look around to determine her surroundings, and ater her initial sweep, they fix on the group gathered around the Captain. "Let's go that way," the former CSI says mildly, "i think I saw someone we meant to approach."

Sharai Dravik grins widely and tucks her notepad away, "It works well unless I need to find someplace, then not so much. Uh sounds good on the code thing, full speed ahead and all that stuff." she nods and follows along to the group looking at each of them then waving to Logic, "Hello again Logic how are you?" she asks with a smile.

Mert offers a jaunty wave to the approaching pair as he continues to bounce happily on his feet. "Hi!"

The human starship captain turns his attention to the women that Mert is now enthusing at. "Mind you don't get too close. He's liable to explode in a burst of confetti and fur."

"I have doubts about the feasability of a confetti-filled lifeform, so I'm going to assume that was an attempt at humor," Faith replies to Porter flatly, "

Logic nods a few times still looking up at Porter for the moment. "Yes. Humans I recognise, and several other races from Normal space." He catches the wave from Sharai and returns it. "Hi Detective." Logic then looks back and forth between Mert and Porter for a moment at the Human Captain's comment he giggles, then 'explodes in a burst of confetti and fur' simply because he's a hologram.

Sharai Dravik blinks at Porter then Mert and then laughs as she watches Logic's display, "How do you do, I will try and keep clear of exploding fur confetti." looking to Mert she smiles warmly, "I am Sharai, I can't explode into anything and don't have fur but it is nice to meet you." this really to both unknown people.

"I have doubts about the feasability of a confetti-filled lifeform, so I'm going to assume that was an attempt at humor," Faith replies to Porter flatly, scrolling through the news on her PDA before she finds the article she was looking for. She holds the device up and compares an image to the man, before nodding, "You are Captain Porter of the VES Minerva?" Logic is met with a glance over and a small smirk of amusement as he 'pops', "Hello again."

Porter nods at Faith. He grins. "I'm Porter. But let's not be too quick to doubt confetti-filled lifeforms. I saw a critter form from a glass in the Last Orders Tavern and take a seat next to me once. Anything's possible in Hiverspace, I've found. But you're probably right. Let's get a stick, a rope, and a rafter. We can test the theory on Mert."

"Oh boy!" Mert says happily, blissfully unaware of just what's being discussed. "Sounds like fun!"

Sure enough, Logic reforms - with his shirt on backwards, perhaps a further attempt at humor - and he waves to again though he stays out of the conversation and just observes. Mostly Mert, it would seem.

Sharai Dravik laughs softly at the joke and smiles to Logic but remains quiet for the moment letting Faith handle the talking.

"I would like to hear more about that glass-'critter' sometime when we both have the time," Faith replies, "But I will pass on beating the bouncy one with a stick for the time being. Perhaps later. For now - Captain Porter, my name is Faith Fairbreeze, and my companion has already introduced herself. We are two parts of a trio who are interested in your work on inter-universal travel. Assisting, if we can, and partaking if and when a reliable method is formulated."

Xanya comes from the tranport hatch and looks at something at her PDA. She looks to the ships in the docking hub and points her finger at the ships one by one trying to deside which one to pick. "ini, mini, myni, moe, Cathc a tiger by the toe, I will" Stops with her finger IND Logic Shortage. She walks towards it and writes takes notes on her PDA while she does.

Porter arches his eyebrows as Faith introduces herself. "And why would you be interested in that sort of thing?" He clips the PDA to his belt, then glances from Faith to Sharai. "My guess is you and your companions aren't locals either."

Heidi strolls out of the docking bay smoking one of her black and gold cigarettes. The woman yawns lazily as she moves towards the rows of shuttles.

Sharai Dravik smiles pleasantly, "We rifted here and would very much like to help find a way to go home." seeing Heidi she waves to the woman but keeps her attention on Porter

Mert apparently decides to take an interest in Logic, and hops kangaroo style towards him and begins bouncing around him in a circle, looking him up and down.

"We're newcomers," Faith affirms to the Captain with a nod, "San Angeles, Earth, 2650. We can explain the particulars of our situation in private, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't make much difference. We need to get back, and you are our best lead." Another glance is cast in the direction of Mert and Logic, but the woman seems intent on ignoring them for now.

Logic's head starts to bob again and then he steps around in a circle following Mert as the Gankri bounces around him. Of course, since the 'tween' is a mechanical life-form it's highly un-likely that he could get dizzy. "What do you do?" He asks. "I explore. It's lots of fun."

Xanya gets close to the IND Logic Shortage and starts to examen it, taking notes as she does. "Interesting." She says looking the ship.

Porter smiles at the mention of San Angeles. "Sounds like my kind of place. You're welcome to join us. We can certainly use the help." He jerks a thumb at the Nocturn. "That's our shuttle. I have a meeting in a little while, but if you and your companions find your way aboard, we can talk later on the Minerva about getting home to Earth."

"I fly stuff!" Mert says, sticking his arms out like wings and making engine noises as he bounds around Logic.

"We'll let our third know," Faith nods, "Thank you, Captain. Hopefully we can prove useful." Her gaze turns to Sharai, "Is there anything that is currently slipping my mind? Normally I have an eidetic memory, but lately I've needed double-checking."

Heidi glances over at the wave and offers the woman a smile. The Waldheimer shifts course to meet her and the others around her.

Logic beams out a huge smile when Mert sticks his arms out like wings and coppies the Gankri, sticking his out to his sides as well. "I fly things too. Technically one thing, but I do fly." He points over to the IND Logic Shortage, where Xanya is currently investigating.

Sharai Dravik considers, "At the moment I think just setting up a time all of us can get together to speak in private would be it. I think we have covered the basics." she says to Faith and grins as she watches Mert

Xanya moves around the IND Logic Shortage to studie it some more and make more notes. but as she does she notices the group of people. She recognizes some of then and waves to them. She puts her PDA away and moves over to the group.

Porter nods, then says to Mert, "I'll call when the package is ready for transit. Keep getting to know our new Positronic friend." He chuckles and makes his way toward the tradeport hatch.

"Ok boss!" Mert says as he hops along after Logic, jinking left and right like he's doing maneuvers.

"We'll need Iseul," Faith replies to the Detective with a small nod as she returns to her PDA, "I'll message her so she knows about the invitation. We should be able to get together relatively soon, with luck. She has been rather busy with odd jobs, though." Xanya gets a wave, Mert and Logic get another smirk, and the device gets a bit of a poke. "Sent."

It doesn't really take all that much to get Logic 'zooming' around the Landing bay with his arms out like wings and the Gankri hopping along behind. The jinking is matched by the 'tween' darting left and right himself as he moves toward Xanya and 'loops' around her. "Hiii." He chimes by as he passes by.

"hi everyone." Xanya says as she arives to the group. "How are you all doing." She also notices logic and mert interact and smiles at it.

"Allo allo." Heidi finally manages. Seems the woman was far more intent on her cigarette than any one should be.

Mert hops up next to Heidi. "Ooh... you've got smoke coming out of your nose. Do you breathe fire?" he asks, bouncing on his feet.

Xanya looks to mert. "what are you?" She asks him axamening him up and down.

Logic hops right up beside Mert and grins goofily at the Gankri's question then turns his head slightly and well, 'It was put out there', he 'breathes' a gout of 'fire' - though there's no heat - complete with a 'Dragon' like roar! The 'tween' then looks to Xanya, "He's a Gankri."

"Nein..." Heidi says to the hopping creature. Logic gets a lift of her brow as he shoots out fire and a small smile creeps across her face. "Have laser eyes as well?" She asks.

"Uh huh.. I'ma Gankri!" Mert says, thankfully skipping the long list of generations of Gankri ancestors, but looks disappointed that Heidi doesn't breathe fire. "Aww..."

"This gathering has grown too whimsical for my taste," Faith remarks to nobody in particular, "Good day." With that, the brunette just... strides off. Just like that.

Logic grins at Heidi but then shakes his head. "Nooo... but I do have..." The 'tween' looks over toward the IND Logic Shortage for a moment. A small port opens under the nose of the ship and a small nub pops out, swivels and then a crate nearby is hoisted off the deck. Some kind of tractor beam, perhaps.

"Ja.." Heidi seems to be a bit impressed by the display. Mert gets one glance then a shrug. "Am sure can get attachment of some sort in future to let me ja?" She offers.

"Oooh... I think I can find one!" Mert says, bounding off towards the tradeport hatchway to go find a flamethrower attachment for Heidi.

Xanya examens the Ship as Logic opens a port. She quickly gets her pda and makes some notes. "So a Gankri he. Your the first I have seen so far. or noticed. it's one or the other."

"He's the first I've seen," Logic comments of Mert as the Gankri hops away apparently in search of a flame thrower. "So, what are you up to today?" He asks Xanya.

Heidi watches the Gankri hop off and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Let us hope his search will be fruitless ja?" she murmurs mostly to herself.

Xanya looks to heidi and smiles at her comment then she looks to Logic. "today I was planing on examening some of the ships here to see how they are build and everything."

Logic looks over to Xanya and tilts his head slightly. "Well, I can show you heaps more... well not everything. Some things are private."

Heidi glances over at the two and watches them for a time. "Hmmm.. far out of my knowledge base." She murmurs before she sucks down some more smoke.

Xanya Smiles to logic. "I would love to see more of you. and if you want to keep your private parts private. thats fine with me." She sais with a playfull wink.

Logic grins a bit at Heidi, "I kinda have to know this stuff because well..." The 'tween' just shrugs and points over to the IND Logic Shortage then turns to Xanya and points at her PDA. "I can send you some of my schematics."

"You live there? Hmm you are riftwalker or living ship?" Heidi asks as she glances over at Logic (the ship) then back towards Logic (the boy)

Xanya She smiles and nods to Logic. "A readout of your schematics would be a great starts. althought I would also love to actualy look at you some time." She turns to Heidi. "He is a not a riftwalker nor just a living ship, he is of the positronic race. The base as far as I know from my studies of a positronic is their positronic brain. This is typically a sphere 3 meters in diameter that contains their neural net which consists of the positronic pathways. This single piece of hardware is for all intents and purposes the being itself. It can be incorporated into many different types of mechanical devices which results in the potential for a wide variety of body shapes and sizes. Positronics are usually incorporated into a spacecraft which acts as their body." She speaks as if reading something from a book. "or in other words he is a mechanical life form that has the potential of being as smart if not smarter then us humans."

Logic looks over at Xanya for a moment, kind of just staring really. "Where did you read that?" He asks after blinking a few times then he looks to Heidi and nods a few times. "Anyway, yes, that's what I am. A Mechanical Life form, shaped like a ship."

Sharai Dravik steps out of the Tradeport and heads back over, "Terribly sorry about that, I seem to have missed several departures in my own absense."

"Sounds like living ship.. not like Comorro. Friend introduced me to one." Heidi says with a slow nod of her head. "So.. is AI. Very.. Phyrrian. But hopefully not evil ja?" She finds a smile.

Xanya looks to Logic with a smile. "I just finished my engineering studie. It's there that I learned about it. I passed my final exam a few days ago, actualy." Looks to Sharai with a Smile. "no need to be sorry, sweety. things like that can happen."

Logic makes that typical 'Oh!' face and nods to Xanya. "That makes sense." Then he looks to Heidi. "Not 'very phyrrian', maybe a little but not very. Most Phyrrians are more like... well a hive. Us Positronics. We're all individuals with unique personalities."

Sharai Dravik looks surprised at the conversation, "What have I walked into?"

"I am not sure myself." Heidi murmurs with a small smirk. "So.. why were you built and given life?" She asks with a lifted brow.

Logic tilts his head at Heidi, "Well... that's a REALY," the 'tween' flings his arms out to both sides in a typically childish manner when describing 'large' things, "long story." He lets his hands drop to his sides and tilts his head the other way. "You might actually wanna find somewhere to sit down if you want the whole thing."

Sharai Dravik raises an eyebrow at the question, which notches higher at the answer, "Dear me." she murmurs, "I think this sounds like an interesting story."

Heidi studies Logic for a time and then shrugs. "I think you might have one or two here that might want to hear."

Xanya Looks around for a place to sit. "as soon as I found a place to sit I will let you know logic."

Logic utilises the tractorbeam he demonstrated earlier, to move crates over for the three women and gives them a moment to sit down before he starts. "The first positronic was a large space cruiser built by the Ultunimans of Delta Ultunimus III as part of Project Galactix. Designated GX-100A, he was to become the prototype for a fleet of positronic vessels, all of which received designations GX-101 through GX-135. GX-100A, often called Galactix due to the project which spawned him, was used as a testbed vessel for new innovations and technologies to be employed by the other ships. For about 50 years these ships exceeded all expectations." He pauses a moment.

Sharai Dravik nods as she listens, making herself comfortable on the crate.

Hmmm.." Heidi murmurs as she finds a seat near Sharai

Xanya sits down as well near the girls. and listens intently to Logic.

Since Logic doesn't need to breathe he just pauses at appropriate moments to make the story easier for the three women to follow. "It was about then that a ruthless enemy, to this day unknown as to nature or appearance, invaded the Ultuniman homeworld. Entire cities were decimated, plunging the once peaceful Ultunimans into the first war ever known in their collective memory. Quickly the Galactix vessels were converted into battlecruisers and equipped with the most advanced weapons the scientists of their world could develop. During the course of the war, Galactix was used once again as a test bed for new weapons and defense technology development. It was during one of these tests for a new internal defense weapons system that the enemy invaded him, slaughtered his crew, and tried to reprogram him into a slave for their purposes. Unfortunately their efforts resulted in his Spindrive malfunctioning and releasing toxic gas that killed the invaders. Once started, the drive built to overload and hurled him across the galaxy. Travelling for many thousands of years alone, he finally reached the Tomin Nebula and planned to crash himself into the star of Tomin, distraught over his loneliness and lack of purpose. Fortunately some denizens from the nearby asteroid of Tomin Kora found him, and persuaded him that all was not lost."

"TeeKay? This poor creature must have been lonely if he thought stopping off on TeeKay was a good idea." Heidi says with a lift of her brow.

"poor thing wondering alone for so long. it would drive me crazy." She says a bit sad.

Logic nods slightly, his head moving slowly. "Yes. Now this next bit might get a bit wonkey for some of you but... anyway..." he leans to one side as he drags that word out for a moment then rocks back to both feet once more. "When the Kretonian invasion of 2652 occured, Galactix was caught unawares and heavily damaged by them. His body was too far gone to repair, and thus his positronic brain was re-implanted into the newly constructed Sanctuary. Thus when Sanctuary escaped from the Kretonians, Galactix went with them, acting as the station's main computer. Following its return to Normalspace in 3000, the Ultunimans, having rebuilt themselves over the centuries, arrived and presented him with a new body." Logic takes a moment here and looks between the three women. "Now, fiiiiinally I can more directly answer your question because we're getting kinda close to when I was built, in 3020. I was built after the Ultunimans had really had a chance to rebuild, restablish and rebuild the Galactix program and even devlop new techniques. To give you your answer," he looks to Heidi, "we are built for all kinds of purposes, just like the ships other races make but with some cross over as well. Me, for example, I'm supposed to be a scientific or exploration ship, maybe even a colony ship like Sanctuary some day."

"That is a bit... complex." Heidi says after a moment's thought. "Never met a Ultuniman before." The Waldheimer muses.

Xanya takes a deep breath. "wow that is quit the storry." Stretches herself and yawns a bit. "oh boy been up to long again I think."

Logic grins a bit at Xanya. "We can talk about technical stuff some other time if you like. I'm about due for a rest cycle myself." He says.