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Darkmane finishes his wine and heads for the door.  
Darkmane finishes his wine and heads for the door.  
[[category:Roleplaying Logs]][[category:1999]][[category:Arc IV]]
[[category:Roleplaying Logs]][[category:1999]][[category:Arc IV]][[category:OtherSpace Logs]]

Latest revision as of 20:04, 23 February 2011

Medical Department - SCB Citadel

The first thing that you notice of this room is the strong smell of the cleaning solutions used here. Beds line both walls of this room, with a walkway inbetween them. Doctors, Nurses, and orderlies patrol this room, checking on the patients. Several offices are at the far end. Through the glass doors, you see doctors sitting at desks reading over charts.

Darkmane is asleep in a chair by the bed.

Jones walks in, her cane tapping the floor lightly. Very lightly, since she doesn't want to bother the med bay occupants. She studies the room and the unconscious people therein and then nods. Perhaps later.

Jones heads into Corridor.

Jones has left.

Hight shifts in his bed.

Darkmane snores

Hight sits up against the pillows stacked at the head of his bed.

A nurse approaches Hight, tucking an extra pillow in behind his head and checking his intravenous fluid dispensers. Finding them functional, she nods, then goes back to updating charts.

Darkmane oppens an eyelid

Darkmane follows the path of the nurse back to her station with a lazy half-opened eye and then fixes a panoramic glance on the old man in bed.

Darkmane mumbles raspily "so you're proving fate a liar and getting better, are you..."

Hight shakes his head, chuckling. "No...just proving myself stubborn."

Jones arrives from Corridor.

Jones has arrived.

Hight is sitting up against a stack of pillows.

Darkmane says, "Well then, my friend. You are certainly doing things in the right order. How are you feeling?"

Jones walks in, again, not using her cane and moving more slowly, more ackwardly for it.

Hight sighs. "Tired."

Darkmane stands up and works out the kinks in his back and neck then glances down at his tail. "Oh bother, my tail's all out of order again." He takes his tail firmly in hand and begins combing it out and un twisting the knots.

Jones looks at Darkmane and his grooming and smiles, "Good day to you both." She says, taking a seat on a convienent bed.

Hight smiles weakly. "Ah, our journalist has returned."

"Like a bad penny." She agrees. "Besides, Lazarus said I was to have a 'part', right? I must confess I am curious as to how I was identified by him but..."

Hight shrugs. "The Ri'Kammi always have been a mysterious lot."

"Do you get bored here, Mr. Hight?" She asks suddenly, "Or do you have enough people coming to see you that you are alright?"

Darkmane straightens up at hearing another voice. A charming smile crosses his face and he bows deeply and formally. "I do not believe we have met miss. I am Darkmane Tailchaser. Who do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

Hight shakes his head, frowning. "Boredom...I used to dream of excitement and adventure. In recent months...I have had my fill."

Jones inclines her head, "Jones. Dae`sa Jones. And the pleasure is mine as well, I assure you." She continues smiling, her habitual expression. "You do not look military either." She notes, and the curve of her lips increases. She glances back at Hight's response thoughtfully.

Hight scratches his chin with gnarled fingers. "I remember...something..."

Hight furrows his hairless brow. "A map..." he rasps. "Five sides..."

Jones says, "What about a map with five sides?"

Hight glances toward the sound of Jones' voice. "The ruins that contain the Ri'Kammi...they are in a building with five sides..."

Jones nods. "The old pentagon." She says easily.

Hight opens his mouth, rasping air, then nods. "Yes...Pentagon...the sign said..."

Hight says, "It is in there...deep within...I...almost did not make it..."

"You said last night, that you made it in to see the Ri'Kammi. The others died, but you made it in. It spoke to you and then flung you out towards safety before...? What happened to it?" Dae'sa asks.

Hight shakes his head. " is trapped..."

Jones says, "Why did it get you out of there?"

Hight seems to fix his swollen eyes on Jones. "So that others might learn. So that others might come, learn the truth and end its misery."

Jones leans forward a little more. "It wants to die. But how would that be done? And...what truth would it have others learn?"

Hight sighs. "The two carrying the Kamir have the ability to end its suffering. Charles Gunn and his odd companion...Messer, I want to say his name for the truth to be learned...we have spoken of this, in part, already."

Jones takes a pad out of her pocket and scribbles a few notes. "Will they? And when?" This may not be directed to Hight, it is hard to tell.

Darkmane listens attentively to Professor Hight. He sets a paw on his hand. "The Pentagon, you say. "From what I've heard no one can get into the Pentagon without proper clearance, especially now. But they ARE looking for you, Professor."

A musical chiming sounds from somewhere in the depths of Jones' backpack.

Jones blinks, unslings the thing and begins pawing through the contents, "Damn.."

Jones finally pulls out a small device, reads something off the screen. "They said I had til tuesday!" She growls. And she hastily grabs her pack and cane, and leaves the room.

Darkmane looks puzzled and looks from Hight to her, then bows again as she departs, "Until then, madam."

Darkmane turns his attention back to Hight, then frowns. "Oh this shall never do...never do indeed." He moves to Hight and begins adjusting and fluffing up the pillows behind HIght. " one better than a Demarian can give you comfort..."

Hight chuckles. " looking for me?"

Darkmane says, "Why, the Pentagon of course. You were reported missing."

Hight shakes his head. "The Pentagon is nothing but ruins now...ruins infested by mutants..." He tilts his head, quirking his eyebrows. "Mutants in armor..."

Darkmane says, "Armor, eh? So...I see your memory is returning more on the subject...And by Pentagon, I mean the government that runs the pentagon...those Earth people" Darkmane says this with a slight sneer

Hight shakes his head. "No one...really runs the Pentagon...anymore..."

Darkmane chuckles, "Yes, very good, sir."

Hight coughs. "Except the mutants..."

Darkmane sits back down, "Now, then. What we need to do is something we currently cannot do..." He crosses his legs British style and rocks back and forth slightly.

Hight nods weakly. "Yes...accomplish the impossible."

Darkmane chuckles, "Well, yes that obviously...but in attempting the impossible, we must first break it apart into tangential possible tasks...the first of which is getting into Washington...And I believe you, sir, are the key to accomplishing that task."

Hight shakes his head wearily. "I don't...think so..."

Darkmane says, "Oh no sir? DOn't you wish to see this adventure through to its fruition? You said yourself that the Ri'kammi sent you to tell people. Perhaps it is you who must bring us back to it. Perhaps it wil only speak to you."

Hight chuckles dryly. "My friend...wishing and getting...are two very different things. in no condition to try...again."

Darkmane says, "And if the authorities realize that YOU are with us, they'll be more likely to let us through."

Hight laughs, rasping. " yourself...after what happened the *last* time I went in...General Avocet will see me in my grave first."

LeBeau arrives from Corridor.

LeBeau has arrived.

Darkmane chuckles almost on impulse, "Yes...he and his precious marines..."

Hight frowns at Darkmane's comment. "Must you...take their loss...with such glee!?"

Darkmane is sitting on a chair comfortably next to Professor Hight's bed with his legs crossed chuckling. Hight is sitting up on the bed propped up by pillows.

Hight shakes his head, sighing. "Don't be so...cavalier about this, Darkmane....a Marine unit died trying to get me into that place...remember that, as you preen yourself and amuse yourself with thoughts of their demise, while at...the same time...entertaining your own ambitions of...going in!"

Darkmane straightens up a bit. "Oh I'm sorry sir, I did not mean to upset you. I was referring to how Avocet was carrying on the other day when hhe was here. HE certainly didn't seem to care about them. Did he speak with you?"

Hight focuses on Darkmane as much as he can. "He cared about them enough to search for their remains! He cared enough to refuse to send anyone else in!" His vitals continue to climb. A nurse glances over concerned.

LeBeau enters the med area removeing the glove on his right hand exposeing some bandage wrappings around his palm, and flagging down a nurse. After a brief exchange of words she leaves to gather something and he begins to unravel the badages on his hand himself

Darkmane sighs, "Well then professor, if you are so interested in killing yourSELF as well, you may be succeeding. Please calm yourself."

LeBeau cast a sideways glance over to the two holding there very loud conversation and he recognizes Professor Hight but can't quite see the Demarian since its back is to him

The nurse moves over, injects a sedative into the professor's arm, then scowls at Darkmane. "Do you really need to push him so hard?"

Hight takes deep breaths, then seems to sag into his pillows.

LeBeau holds a few minutes while the bandage on his hand is changed and he tries to listen in on the rest of the conversation. As the nurse finishes he nods and pulls his glove on and drifts towards the others a few steps.

Darkmane says, "My apologies, madam, the old man gets excited quiite easily. I did not mean to excite him." The voice of the Demarian as well as his clothes sound familiar to LeBeau.

Hight murmurs, drifting off to sleep: "Those Marines...died for me...not interested...killing anyone else..."

LeBeau gets a bit closer to the Professeror bed "I heard someting on da news dat da professer had be located, yu know he geds hemself ento mo trouble den any oder professor 've e'er med. He seems to hav dat same curse I do wit trouble jus following hem aroun

Darkmane sits back down revealing his face to LeBeau as Darkmane Tailchaser .

Darkmane's ears perk up as he sees Lebeau. "Ah. And another of our merry band has arrived. Professor Hight, I wonder if you recall Mr. LeBeau."

Hight snores raspily.

Darkmane says, "I see...Well...that's done it. Now then Mr. Lebeau. It has been a little while. What have you found as your next calling in life?"

LeBeau looks down at the sleeping Hight then up to Darkmane "Di yu e'er realize dat yu where dat boring? As fo me I guess dat all depens on wha yu las knew me doing I would guess."

Darkmane hrms and takes this in, "Well, the last I saw you, we were all inside glass coffins."

LeBeau nods "Da Kamir enciddent, had id ben so long? Well since den 've become a privade envestagador wid a license en da Consordium."

Darkmane nods impressed, "Well, good for you, Mr. Lebeau. Has it been lucrative?"

LeBeau says, "Ids been alrigh...ids goo days an bad. I was no expecting id to be a huge money maker anyway, pard o da reason dat 've broadend my areas o work recenedly"

Hight mumbles, "LeBeau...should go...his people...the truth..." Then he fades off again.

LeBeau glances down at Hight "Looks like da nurse gave hem a liddle to much en dat enjection, sounds lke he es having one weird dream if 'm envolved en id"

The nurse snaps her head toward LeBeau, scowling.

Darkmane smiles down at the Professor, "It would seem, Mr. LeBeau, that he does in fact wish you to go along on our little excursion...should it ever get off the ground"

LeBeau looks back to Darkmane "Obviously from da display dat yu two had a bid ealier dat he was very talkative befo, anyidea where he has been an jus wha happen oud dare en DC dat he disappeared?

Darkmane chuckles..."You'd better sit down. This could take awhile. That is...if we continue having all the interruptions we've BEEN having thus far."

LeBeau shakes his head " 'll stand, id does no bodder me dat much

Darkmane says, "Well then, how much of the "Circle of 16" story do you remember?"

LeBeau says, "Mos o id, da Kamir sent oud messages to does dat could recieve id to apoligize fo da Ri'kammi an to warn o some empending danger"

Darkmane says, "For it involves that. One of the Ri'Kammi remains. It is apparently locked and held prisoner underground underneath the Pentagon."

LeBeau raises his brow a bit "A hiv minder still remains, how es dat possible. When we destroyed da core da res where suppose to die wid oud da connection to da core?

LeBeau says, "An if dis es true, den jus who o wha es keeping id down dare, dat entire area en considered no mans land, excep fo da roaming bands o mutants da enhabit da radiation wastelands"

Darkmane says, "Professor Hight and a group of marines went down there, for God knows what reason, and were surprised to see that mutants in armor had taken over the place. The mutants killed them all, except for Hight, who was protected by the Ri'kammi, who told them the truth about the Kamir and how it lied to us all and then beamed him across the galaxy where he was found by a group of soldiers and then brought here. It told him it wants him to spread the truth and help set it's free. Which can be done by Gunn and Messer, two who have part of the Kamir within them."

Darkmane takes a large glass of water and drinks very hastily. "I told you you'd better sit down."

Hight mutters: "And here...I thought...*the reporter*...would misquote me."

Darkmane says, "Well, apparently one survived, now didn't is held in containment. Perhaps that is was let it survive. Now all this has come from this man here"

Hight rolls his head toward the sound of Darkmane's voice, his eyes still swollen shut. "No....I never said the Kamir lied. I never said...the Ri'Kammi be free."

Darkmane sweeps his hand back and indicates Hight. "This one old archeologist who was found on Quaquan with Radiation Poisoning. "

Hight clenches what remain of his teeth and hisses: "I said it wanted to be dead...its imprisonment at an end. It wants to be gone, like its Hive companions..."

Darkmane turns an amused head toward Hight. "Very well, Mr. Hight. Please correct me."

Hight coughs raspily. "Don't words...the Kamir will destroy the Ri'kammi...once the Ri'Kammi reveals the secret..."

Darkmane nods, "That is what I meant by free...sorry. It's a semantics thing."

LeBeau looks towards Hight, "Wha secred, an who es holding da Ri'kammi prisoner?

The nurse glances toward the vital signs monitor. So far, the professor appears relatively calm and stable.

Darkmane turns to LeBeau, "Well it seems to be Washington, is that not true, Professor?"

Hight shakes his head. "No one...really...not has been there since...before the Zangali bombed the city."

LeBeau says, "Den how come id di no die wit da oder Ri'kammi when da Hive core was wha secred es id holding dat da Kamir would kill to keep quide?"

Darkmane says, "That my dear detective, is what we must find out."

Hight shakes his head, hissing, "Why do you...fools...think the Kamir...are conspiring in this *very* human endeavor???"

The vitals on Hight's monitor blip up a tad.

LeBeau says, "Yer da on dat said said da Kamir would destroy da Ri'kammi once id revealed some secred"

Hight nods. "That's release the Ri'Kammi from its horrific isolation..."

Hight says, "But the Kamir don't want to stop the secret's revelation..."

LeBeau says, "Ok, do yu know wha da secred es?"

Hight shakes his head...""

LeBeau drops his head a bit "So someone has to go back en dare to meed wit da Ri'kammi to release id an discover dis secred wha e'er id es?

Darkmane says, "That, I assume, is why we must go to Washington and destroy that it will tell us the secret...and finally be put to rest. Correct, Professor?"

Hight nods slowly, the vital signs dropping back to normal on his monitor.

LeBeau looks over to Darkmane "Well wit Avocet revoking all passes to da area only military personal will be able to ged en dare. A WE as yu say id es going to be a bid tough to ged clearence en dare wit any sord o suppord agains any mutant attacks

Sondrix has arrived.

Darkmane nods again, getting more excited! "Yes Exactly! Mr. LeBeau, I congratulate you on catching on to this plight so quick. It has been exasperating over the last few days talking to others."

Hight is propped against a stack of pillows on his medical bed. The old man's flesh is burned and patchy, his eyes are swollen shut, and he appears to have lost several teeth and much of his wiry silver hair.

Darkmane says, "You certainly have chosen the right profession."

A light, if firm step sounds from the corridor. Captain Sondrix, distinctive in her height and silver hair, strides into Medical, a datapad under one arm. Without much ado, she glances around the bay and, seeing Hight, goes straight over, concern clear on her face.

Darkmane says, "So all that's left is a) how do we get into Washington, b) what do we do about the mutants, and c) how do we kill the Ri'Kammi?...and by the way. Avocet seemed to be restricting access to EVERYONE, military personnel included"

Hight rasps, "The Kamir will handle "c" for you..."

LeBeau says, "So we hav one o two choices to go on, one we fin someone dat da General would lisen to an try to convice hem dat dis es worthy o clearence an a securidy detachmend escord whoe'er goes en......o...we fin anoder way en dat does no envolve da clearence dat a small group o people will no hav"

Darkmane nods, "Ah...I wasn't sure if the two "Kamir" carriers involved had to do anything specific or not.

Hight nods toward Darkmane. "They must carry the Kamir into the site..."

Sondrix is, by this time, within earshot of Hight's bed. Her mercurial light violet eyes appraise first the strange Demarian, then LeBeau, whom she acknowledges with a quiet smile and a , "Mr. LeBeau." Towards Hight she arches a brow. "Professor. You should be resting."

Darkmane nods, "I understand--Er. Sorry about my comments earlier."

Hight glances around at the sound of Sondrix's voice. "Ah, Terestin, shall get more than enough of that soon enough."

Sondrix's eyes narrow sharply and a mask-like stiffness seems to fall over her face as she makes her way to the battered archaeologist's bedside. "'re strong, Professor. You will recover."

LeBeau glances over his shoulder at Sondrix and gives a slight nod with a grin "Capitan"

Hight shakes his head, sighs, and looks blindly past Sondrix. "Child, my body does not lie. Neither do the doctors here. My grim. My exposure to radiation...fatal."

Darkmane turns to the newest member of the room, he looks her over briefly, then bows with a smile, "Madam, Darkmane Tailchaser, at your service"

The nurse walks over to the medical supply cabinet and begins working on an inventory of supplies.

Sondrix glances up at Darkmane's introduction, a faint smile quirking her lips. "Captain Terestin-Kavennis Sondrix-Warrick at yours, sir." Her attention goes directly back to Hight however as she perches herself on the bedside. "Fatal...Sky Mother preserve, no please..." she murmurs. Is there sudden fear that flickers in the depths of her strange eyes?

After checking the supplies, the nurse takes a fresh IV bag full of clear fluid and walks back over to Hight's bed. She replaces the nearly empty bag with the new one. The nurse nods sadly at Sondrix.

The nurse walks back to her station, fills out a form, then steps out into the corridor.

LeBeau leans down a bit closer to Hight "Professer do yu tink yu could make id long enough fo anoder trip to da area o es yer body to weak to e'en try?

Hight shakes his head. "Very...weak..." His head sags a bit.

Hight frowns. "Wait...something...I remember something...something about those mutants..."

Sondrix's eyes flare as she twists around to LeBeau. "Another trip? No, Mr. LeBeau. That is out of the question." She eyes Darkmane and LeBeau levelly ofr a moment before saying calmly, "Now, if someone could please update me on what it is that's going on...?"

LeBeau nods "Do yu tink yu could give adaquied directions to da side o da Ri'kammi fo a small group to follow

Hight furrows his brow, shakes his head as if trying to clear away cobwebs. "Yes...I...think so..."

LeBeau nods "An wha aboud da mutants?

Darkmane taps Lebeau on the shoulder, "He did say he recalled a map of the maze..."

Hight glances toward the sound of LeBeau's voice. "Mutants?" he asks weakly. "Oh, yes...something about them..."

Darkmane says, "They had...armor you said earlier..."

The archeologist's chin drops to his chest just as his vital signs suddenly plummet.

Sondrix inhales deeply for a moment, looking down at Hight. Despite the rather strained serenity, there is sadness - almost fear that hovers there. "Professor...!" She pushes herself off the bed, fumbling for something in her labcoat pocket.

The monitor alarm sounds, and Hight's face goes slack, his arms falling to the side.

Darkmane puts a gentle paw on Hight's hand. "Now now professor. We'll have none of that."

LeBeau looks down as Hight goes into somesort of arrest "Doctor, we need someoen here now"

Darkmane frowns, then springs out into the hallway to fetch the nurse.

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

You head into Medical Department.

Medical Department

- SCB Citadel

The first thing that you notice of this room is the strong smell of the cleaning solutions used here. Beds line both walls of this room, with a walkway inbetween them. Doctors, Nurses, and orderlies patrol this room, checking on the patients. Several offices are at the far end. Through the glass doors, you see doctors sitting at desks reading over charts.

Darkmane returns pushing the nurse in front of him.

It is a different nurse, however.

Darkmane says, "Our friend is having a bit of difficulty..."

Several other nurses and medics rush to the professor's medical bed.

Sondrix's face is taut Not a word as she springs to a counter off to the side. "I think it's too late..." she murmurs, stiff and tight as she pulls electrodes from a cupboard.

LeBeau steps away from the bed as the area suddenly filsl with medical personal

Darkmane looks down at the bed, purring. "Goodbye, my friend."

The medical team tries resuscitative measures, but nothing seems to shake the flatline.

Sondrix returns to the bedside at a loping run. The first thing she makes for is the IV bag that Hight is hooked up to, eyes staring at it intently as she reaches to check the label on it.

Yama arrives from Corridor.

Yama has arrived.

A medical team has surrounded Dr. Hight's bed, an alarm sounding monotonously, while Sondrix checks the IV bag.

Messer arrives from Corridor.

Messer has arrived.

Darkmane turns as Yama enters...he motions to Professor Hight who is again unconscious surrounded by many medical personnel who are attempting to breing him back to life.

Messer pokes his head in through the door, peering about.

LeBeau uses the distraction and heads to a small locker area where personal items of the patients are kept while they are here and he begins to look for the stuff belonging to the Professor

Sondrix's eyes flash as she growls out a low, "T'sagoi!" as she whirls around. "Nurse. Get me a fresh pack ofsaline and one of distilled water, now.!"

Yama stands, watching from the side of the doorway.

Darkmane growls and heads for the door again he darts outside.

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

You head into Medical Department.

Medical Department

- SCB Citadel

The first thing that you notice of this room is the strong smell of the cleaning solutions used here. Beds line both walls of this room, with a walkway inbetween them. Doctors, Nurses, and orderlies patrol this room, checking on the patients. Several offices are at the far end. Through the glass doors, you see doctors sitting at desks reading over charts.

Darkmane says, "Yama follow me...look for that nurse!"

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

Yama arrives from Medical Department.

Yama has arrived.

Yama says, "Who are we looking for?"

Darkmane says, "That nurse...she's just killed the Professor..."

Yama says, "What?"

Yama says, "Fagin again-lets' see if anyone saw where she went to, quick!"

Yama darts his head around, bewilderment showing on his face.

Darkmane says, "You go that way, I'll go this way"


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

You head into Security Checkpoint.

Security Checkpoint

- SCB Citadel

All the doors and hatches in this section of the station are well reinforced, to prevent intruders from moving onward. Brighter than anywhere else in the station, lights shine into every shadow of cold grey steel supports and deck platform. Security Guards are constantly on station, and watch you with a careful eye.

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

Qunila arrives from Promenade <SCB Citadel>.

Qunila has arrived.

Yama has left.

Qunila heads into Docking Arm - Citadel.

Qunila has left.

You head into Docking Arm - Citadel.

Docking Arm - Citadel

The docking arm swarms with activity, as numerous beings attempt to move through the crowded area. The far wall of the arm consists of a bank of evenly-spaced airlocks, each occasionally parting to allow someone to pass. A cargo tram travels slowly through the room, stopping to retrieve cargo from waiting vessels before inching its way through the crowd. Most of the wall space is adorned with advertisements, posters and monitors, each attempting to capture your attention. A well-illuminated archway leads into the launch bay, through which military officers and civilians alike travel in an almost constant stream. Opposite the airlocks, the arm opens into a corridor admitting arrivals onto the station, under the watchful gaze of several security officers stationed nearby.

A shuttle launches from the bay, whisking off through the docking bay doors.

Yama arrives from Corridor.

Yama has arrived.

Yama runs his eyes across the vast bay, skimming over the metal hulks.

Yama heads into Launch Bay <SCB Citadel>.

Yama has left.

Docking Arm - Citadel

The docking arm swarms with activity, as numerous beings attempt to move through the crowded area. The far wall of the arm consists of a bank of evenly-spaced airlocks, each occasionally parting to allow someone to pass. A cargo tram travels slowly through the room, stopping to retrieve cargo from waiting vessels before inching its way through the crowd. Most of the wall space is adorned with advertisements, posters and monitors, each attempting to capture your attention. A well-illuminated archway leads into the launch bay, through which military officers and civilians alike travel in an almost constant stream. Opposite the airlocks, the arm opens into a corridor admitting arrivals onto the station, under the watchful gaze of several security officers stationed nearby.

You head into Launch Bay <SCB Citadel>.

Launch Bay <SCB Citadel>

This massive room is circular in design. Built with the artificial gravity generators along the outer rim of the room, this inventive design allows for much more space to park small ships. The curviture of the gravity field also supports several larger capital ships, each held firmly in place by the apposing gravity fields. Your view upward is obscured by the hulls of these large ships, though the occasional glimpse of a person walking above you on the opposite edge of the room can be seen. Several private shuttles, as well as an entire StarFighter Squadron are stored here. Two large doors allow for the ships to enter and leave the bay through the atmosphere-containing forcefield.

Darkmane says, "A shuttle just launched! You have a ship>?"

Yama heads into Docking Arm - Citadel.

Yama has left.

You head into Docking Arm - Citadel.

Docking Arm - Citadel

The docking arm swarms with activity, as numerous beings attempt to move through the crowded area. The far wall of the arm consists of a bank of evenly-spaced airlocks, each occasionally parting to allow someone to pass. A cargo tram travels slowly through the room, stopping to retrieve cargo from waiting vessels before inching its way through the crowd. Most of the wall space is adorned with advertisements, posters and monitors, each attempting to capture your attention. A well-illuminated archway leads into the launch bay, through which military officers and civilians alike travel in an almost constant stream. Opposite the airlocks, the arm opens into a corridor admitting arrivals onto the station, under the watchful gaze of several security officers stationed nearby.

Yama heads into Launch Bay <SCB Citadel>.

Yama has left.

Yama arrives from Launch Bay <SCB Citadel>.

Yama has arrived.

Yama says, "LeBeau does-i'lll get him"

Yama heads into Corridor.

Yama has left.

You see a Centauran. He looks like a Earth jellyfish,and it looks as if it is made out of glass. The upper half of its body is large and looks almost like an umbrella, there are many eyes around it. Something comes out of the top of its body that goes into eight tentacles at one point. Those tentacles appear to be itshand, or at least act as them. They also look like they could be used as feet. Between the type of umbrella and the part that becomes a sort of tentacles, thereis a mechanical device, it appears that it might be used as a type of life support system. You can almost see right through the body.


Consortium ID - 6246

Darkmane runs over to Qunila..."You have a ship?"

Docking Arm - Citadel

The docking arm swarms with activity, as numerous beings attempt to move through the crowded area. The far wall of the arm consists of a bank of evenly-spaced airlocks, each occasionally parting to allow someone to pass. A cargo tram travels slowly through the room, stopping to retrieve cargo from waiting vessels before inching its way through the crowd. Most of the wall space is adorned with advertisements, posters and monitors, each attempting to capture your attention. A well-illuminated archway leads into the launch bay, through which military officers and civilians alike travel in an almost constant stream. Opposite the airlocks, the arm opens into a corridor admitting arrivals onto the station, under the watchful gaze of several security officers stationed nearby.

Qunila nods, 'I do..The Majestic.' He point to it, 'Why?'

Darkmane says, "You know how to drive it?"

Qunila nods, 'Yes...'

Darkmane says, "Then you're my only hope. There's been an assassination and the shuttle that just launched has the assassin. If we don't leave now we'll lose her. Do you understand?"

Qunila thinks, 'But, I have been instructed not to leave after the attack on my ship..I do understand...Get onboard..'

Qunila boards the Majestic.

Qunila has left.

You board the Majestic.

Shuttle Bay

- Deck 3 - Majestic -

A large room with large door at the far end, big enough for a shuttle to pass through. There are also some reference lines painted on the floor for 3 shuttles.

Qunila steps out of the room into the main deck.

Qunila has left.

Darkmane says, "Take off..."

Qunila arrives from the main deck.

Qunila has arrived.

Qunila steps out of the room into the main deck.

Qunila has left.

You feel a sudden lift as the Majestic glides forth from the docking bay.

Shuttle Bay

- Deck 3 - Majestic -

A Large room with large door at the far end, big enough for a shuttle to pass through. There are also some reference lines painted on the floor for 3 shuttles.

You step out of the room into the main deck.

Main Deck

- Deck 3 - Majestic -

You step into a long hallway with doors leading off in different directions. There are display panels and alert panels near all of the doors. There is also a hatch leading to the outside near the back wall.

You step into the Lift.

Lift <Phoenix II>

- Majestic -

A cylindical room with a control panel near the door.

You step out of the room into the main deck.

Main Deck

- Deck 1 - Majestic -

You step into a long hallway with doors leading off in different directions. There are display panels and alert panels near all of the doors.

You step into the Main Bridge.

Main Bridge

- Deck 1 - Majestic -

A large oval shaped room with a command chair in the center and consoles around the outer walls. There is a large viewscreen that takes up the whole front wall of the room. There is also a door off to the left leading to the captain's office, and a second door to the main deck. The room is painted black and the lights give of a slightly red tint.

The lights are on.

Darkmane waves

Qunila looks to Darkmane, 'I cant leave...A cloaked ship is right outside and has just fired at us!'

Darkmane looks incredulous at Qunila, "You don't understand you've GOT to!"

Darkmane looks at the radar, "What ship?"

Qunila shakes his head, 'We are not leaving..Hull intergrety is down to 30 percent...'

Darkmane says, "You don't understand...a man's life is at stake..."

Qunila shakes his head, 'No..We are not leaving..If you want to die..Find another ship.'

Darkmane says, "then get an ID on that ship that's firing upon us now."

Qunila nods, 'The Kensington, again..'

Darkmane says, "and who is in it?"

Qunila shakes his head, 'I do not know.'

Darkmane says, "did they follow you here or is this the first time you've seen them"

Qunila shakes his head again, 'I do not know...They were here when I first arrived and they attacked me then.'

Darkmane picks up the communications control and speaks into it. "This is Darkmane Tailchaser , Consul of Demaria. Ceasefire and identify yourselves!"

Darkmane turns to Qunila, "that's our nurse..."

Qunila tilts to a side, 'What?'

Darkmane swithces frequencies, "SOS SOS, Attention all Vanguard frequncies, this is an emergency. An armed vessel, the Kensington is firing at us at the Citadel Base. It is believed to have onboard an assassin of Professor Hight. Please asssist! Over"

The response comes back: "Sensors confirm the Kensington...and she's gone again. That damned cloak. There was a shuttle jumped to OtherSpace, heading out toward the Fringe."

Darkmane says over his shoulder to Qunila, "It's a long story. That ship is the reason I'm here. Someone disguised as a nurse just killed Professor Hight."

Qunila looks to Darkmane, 'We can chase the shuttle.'

Darkmane says, "then let's do it!"

Darkmane radios back, "Confirmed. Attempting to follow the shuttle. Request assistance."

The response comes back: "Negative, Majestic. Not in that hunk of junk you don't. We'll dispatch a Vanguard ship when one is available."

Qunila shakes his head, 'When...How reassuring..'

Darkmane shouts back, "Damn and blast you, Vanguard. We don't have TIME for this!"

The response comes back: "We have alerted our border patrols to watch for the shuttle and the Kensington. Majestic is in no condition to pursue. Our sensors show your hull at 19 percent. Critical."

Darkmane radios back "Then see to it then...and keep me informed. Darkmane Tailchaser out."

Darkmane sighs..."That poor old man. Damn. We were so close."

Qunila nods.

Darkmane says, "Come on you...what's your name?"

Qunila looks at Darkmane, 'Me?'

Darkmane says, "Yes have a name, don't you?"

Qunila nods 'I do..I am Scientist Qunila..A former Councillor on the Consortium Council.'

Darkmane says, "Well Darkmane Tailchaser, Consul of Demaria at your service *bows with a flourish VERY quickly* Now then, come, let us get back and report to the others at the the meantime the mechanics can repair your ship."

Main Bridge - Deck 1 - Majestic -

A large oval shaped room with a command chair in the center and consoles around the outer walls. There is a large viewscreen that takes up the whole front wall of the room. There is also a door off to the left leading to the captain's office, and a second door to the main deck. The room is painted black and the lights give of a slightly red tint.

The lights are on.

Darkmane rushes toward the ship's exit

You step out of the room into the main deck.

Main Deck

- Deck 1 - Majestic -

You step into a long hallway with doors leading off in different directions. There are display panels and alert panels near all of the doors.

Qunila arrives from the Main Bridge

Qunila has arrived.

Qunila steps into the Lift.

Qunila has left.

You step into the Lift.

Lift <Phoenix II>

- Majestic -

A cylindical room with a control panel near the door.

You feel the lift move then stop.

Qunila steps out of the room into the main deck.

Qunila has left.

You step out of the room into the main deck.

Main Deck

- Deck 3 - Majestic -

You step into a long hallway with doors leading off in different directions. There are display panels and alert panels near all of the doors. There is also a hatch leading to the outside near the back wall.

Qunila steps into the Shuttle Bay.

Qunila has left.

You step into the Shuttle Bay.

Shuttle Bay

- Deck 3 - Majestic -

A large room with large door at the far end, big enough for a shuttle to pass through. There are also some reference lines painted on the floor for 3 shuttles.

Qunila disembarks from the ship.

Qunila has left.

You disembark from the Majestic.

Darkmane disembarks from the ship.

Docking Arm - Citadel

- SCB Citadel

The docking arm swarms with activity, as numerous beings attempt to move through the crowded area. The far wall of the arm consists of a bank of evenly-spaced airlocks, each occasionally parting to allow someone to pass. A cargo tram travels slowly through the room, stopping to retrieve cargo from waiting vessels before inching its way through the crowd. Most of the wall space is adorned with advertisements, posters and monitors, each attempting to capture your attention. A well-illuminated archway leads into the launch bay, through which military officers and civilians alike travel in an almost constant stream. Opposite the airlocks, the arm opens into a corridor admitting arrivals onto the station, under the watchful gaze of several security officers stationed nearby.

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

Darkmane sees Messer and Gunn, "You two...DON'T MOVE!"

Qunila arrives from Docking Arm - Citadel.

Qunila has arrived.

You head into Medical Department.

Medical Department

- SCB Citadel

The first thing that you notice of this room is the strong smell of the cleaning solutions used here. Beds line both walls of this room, with a walkway inbetween them. Doctors, Nurses, and orderlies patrol this room, checking on the patients. Several offices are at the far end. Through the glass doors, you see doctors sitting at desks reading over charts.

Sondrix picks up the tray of gory instruments and silently moves into the inner area to clean them, as well as her hands. "Mr. LeBeau. I will speak with you later I hope." Her voice is cold, clear, quiet.

Qunila arrives from Corridor.

Qunila has arrived.

Darkmane rushes in out of breath very excited and agitated

Stephen points towards LeBeau, "Please stay here, Mr. LeBeau..I need to speak with you as will the General I should say.."

Darkmane says, "They *huff*...they *puff* got away...two ships...The Kensington and a shuttle"

Qunila floats in behind Darkmane.

The tall silvery-haired Captain disappears into another room for a while.

Yama arrives from Corridor.

Yama has arrived.

Darkmane says, "They were headed towards the Fringe"

Stephen frowns, "Consul..Mr. Lebeau..Could you tell me exactly what happened? Did you actually see the act of poisoning being committed?

LeBeau looks up to Darkmane "Any specif system?

Darkmane nods, "Yes."

LeBeau says, "Which one?"

Darkmane says, "that so-called nurse took whatever that bag was and put his IV in it"

Darkmane turns to LeBeau, "No I'm afraid I do not know exactly, we never made it out of hte docks."

Stephen sighs slightly, "Would it be too much to ask of you two to remain on the station for the next day or so. You will need to be interviewed by the CO and security.."

Darkmane says, "Our Centauran friend here was letting me use its ship for pursuit but he was unfortunately fired upon. I radioed the Vanguard. They are keeping their border patrols alert."

LeBeau nods and looks back to Stephen "Da Consul can tell yu wha yu wan to know, an if da General wishes to speak wit me he knows where to fin me

Stephen nods, "Understood.."

LeBeau heads into Corridor.

LeBeau has left.

Darkmane nods to Stephen, "I am able to remain, yes"

Stephen nods, "Yes.."

Darkmane steps further towards the group, calming down a little. "That captain...She is a doctor?"

Stephen nods slightly, "Yes..she is.."

Darkmane nods, "She's good. Very competent to have on staff. I like her."

Stephen chuckles, "She's not on staff..she has her own ship..The Gettysburg.."

Darkmane drifts his eyes down to Hight. "Is ...he...? You know..."

Stephen nods, "Yes.."

Darkmane grits his teeth and looks down sighing. "I'm sorry..." He takes Hight's hand and pats it and places it on Hight's chest.

Stephen shakes his head, "There was nothing you could have done.."

Darkmane growls slightly. "Well of COURSE there was something I could have done. I was HERE wasn't I?!?"

Darkmane storms out of the room.

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

Messer stands, arms crossed, silver-plated slugthrower in his hand. He glares at the Demarian. "What the /devil/... /WHO/ the devil do you think you are?"

Darkmane looks very angry and upset as he storms out from the Medical bay. He sees Messer and Gunna and plods toward them. "Good day. You are misters Messer and Gunn. I am PLEASED to make your acquaintance. Your services shall be needed QUITE shortly sirs."

Gunn is fuming. "To do what? When is some one going to tell me what happened?

Messer uncrosses his arms, the gun waggling in the direction of Darkmane's snout. "Shut up and answer me. What the /hell/ are you talking about?"

Darkmane says, "I am Darkmane Tailchaser, Consul of Demaria. But that's not important right now. You both are the key to this Ri'Kammi business and you shall be needed to carry out a very urgent mission. If you both have a few moments I shall buy you both a drink and explain it to you."

Messer rolls his eyes. "Ya-huh, why would I want to accept a drink from /anyone/ after seeing what happened to the Professor?"

Gunn says, "Well if you're going to tell me what's happened, I'll go with you to the garbage dump, so I don't have any objections to the bar.""

Darkmane says, "Because it was what the professor knows that directly affects you. I'll meet you there. Let me fetch my associate."


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

You head into Medical Department.

Medical Department

- SCB Citadel

The first thing that you notice of this room is the strong smell of the cleaning solutions used here. Beds line both walls of this room, with a walkway inbetween them. Doctors, Nurses, and orderlies patrol this room, checking on the patients. Several offices are at the far end. Through the glass doors, you see doctors sitting at desks reading over charts.

Darkmane pops back inside. "Mr. Yama, may I have a word?"

You head into Corridor.


- SCB Citadel

This massive corridor is indeed a very busy place. People mill around taking care of whatever tasks may be at hand. Along the cold steel walls are advertisements and Vangard recruitment posters. A tram carries cargo through the massive round spoked door leading to the Docking Arm.

Promenade <SCB Citadel>

This circular Promenade houses the many shops on the outside of its hub. People stroll in and out of them as they go about their shopping. A large neon sign points to the Lamplighter, the premiere cantina of the station.

Darkmane heads into The Lamplighter <Citadel>.

The Lamplighter <Citadel>

This dark, smokey bar plays host to many of the bases malcontents. Music plays from a juke box in a corner, and the crud on the floor is at least an inch deep. The tables, although free of glasses and mugs, look as if they could use a good once-over with a damp cloth.

Messer stands by the bar, his weapon tucked into his waistband.

Darkmane says, "Mr. Bartender, sir...a Demarian Wine and 2 Beers"

Darkmane says, "There you are, 2 Timonae Ale's"

Darkmane takes a seat away from the door.

Messer takes the beer in hand, following Darkmane over. "So."

Darkmane says, "Now then...I shall try and explain some things first but first I need to know how much you know."

Messer chuckles quietly. "I know about the Kamir, and the Hiver, and about DC. What do you know?"

Darkmane says, "and just WHAT do you KNOW about DC?"

Messer shakes his head. "You tell me what you need to tell me, then /maybe/ I'll tell you."

Yama arrives from Promenade <SCB Citadel>.

Yama has arrived.

Yama sighs. "What is it now, Darkmane?"

Darkmane says, "I am informing our these two gentlemen here their little role in all this, please join us Mr. Yama"

Yama nods.

Messer rolls his eyes. "You're not informing yet, just asking /us/ questions."

Darkmane says, "Now then. The Ri'kammi is a prisoner in DC. It wants and needs to be put an end to. Only then will it reveal its secret to us. And only two individuals have the power to put an end to it."

Darkmane says, "According to Professor Hight, THAT is you two"

Yama stands, arms crossed.

Messer sighs. "What 'secret'?"

Darkmane says, "THAT, my dear boy, is what we have to find out."

Messer rolls his eyes. "If we don't /know/ the secret, then how do we know he /has/ a secret?"

Darkmane says, "The Professor said that the Ri'kammi is in a containment unit underneath the Pentagon. The Pentagon is now in ruins, courteousy of our friends, the mutants. And the Ri'Kamma remins beneath."

Messer sets his beer down, unopened, on the table. "And we have to find it and kill it, right?"

Darkmane says, "According to the Professor, once it is released or rather when is put to rest, it will reveal it."

Darkmane nods, yes. "Now, I'll ask YOU something. What do you know about the Kamir?"

Messer shrugs. "Kamir. Good guys. Got one inside of me right now."

Gunn says, "Not a lot. Beyond the ability to occupy someone's else's body, not a whole lot."

Yama frowns. "Sez you."

Darkmane nods, "Very you KNOW about the Kamir inside of you."

Messer glares at Yama. "Careful, or you'll be joining that prissy little nurse and Mr. Congestion."

Darkmane says, "Well I'll let you in on something further then. *he leans in* Once you find the Ri'kammi, the Kamir inside of you will be the ones to destroy it."

Yama nods. "At least the threats are in the open."

Messer looks down to Darkmane. "Well, I certainly hadn't expected to kill the all-powerful, invisible things myself to begin with."

Darkmane says, "As the Professor says, you both are the carriers of the Kamir and you two are the ones that must guide the Kamir to the Ra'kammi"

Darkmane nods and chuckles, "Yes Yes you won't have to do a thing except show up. The Kamir will take care of the rest."

Messer smirks. "Now for the hard part - getting there and finding them."

Gunn snorts. "Showing up may be a bit of a problem though."

Darkmane says, "Now yes finding them was about to become easy ...Hight was about to tell LeBeau and I the way in..when he was killed..."

Messer uh-huhs. "Right. Even if we knew the way in, though, how do we get into DC?"

Darkmane says, "and the additional problem of Acovet's orders...we need to sneak into DC somehow and then find the way to it"

Yama mulls this over. "Cubana seems to sympathize with us. But even she thinks there's no way in."

Gunn says, "Damn Cubana. If she had believed me when I first came to her, none of this would have happened. Messer says he can get us in if we can get access to the network."

Darkmane turns to Yama..."I think Mr. LeBeau has a few ideas of his own...and Professor HIght seemed to think it would be in his best interest to go"

Messer shakes his head. "I said I /might/ be able to get us in. Strong possibility, but, with Vannie tech, I'm not positive."

Yama says, "Heh. Need any help? I think I might be able to wrangle a netboy by name of Vampire."

Gunn says, "Me and Messer can handle a lot, and I think I can get at least two other CCE people with combat experience to come along."

Yama says, "Hm-hmm. I'll give Sharpeye a ring."

Messer chuckles. "Vampire. Nice name," he quips. "I've got my rifle on the ship, and I could contact some... associates. But I don't know how willing to help they'd be."

Yama smiles. "Heh, I can provide the necessary provisions. Cept I don't have any radsuits.Yama says, "Maybe Cubana will be of help with those."

Gunn says, "If it comes down to hiring mercs, Mr. Haldon will put in some money. He was planning his own trip."

Yama says, "We're going to need everyone that we can muster."

Messer nods. "Like I said, I'll check with my pals."

Darkmane growls..."yes...Cubana."

Gunn says, "What about her?"

Sondrix arrives from Promenade <SCB Citadel>.

Sondrix has arrived.

Messer stands by a table off in the corner, where Darkmane and others are seated and standing. The glint of a silver-plated slugthrower can be seen from his waistband.

Cubana arrives from Promenade <SCB Citadel>.

Cubana has arrived.

Messer stands by a table off in the corner, where Darkmane and others are seated and standing. The glint of a silver-plated slugthrower can be seen from his waistband.

Through the grubbiness and dinginess of the bar, a tall, silvery-haired figure in gore splattered lab coat wends past the slatternly tables and chairs and goes straight to a quiet place at the bar. It's Captain Sondrix, and she looks distinctly distant, despite her serene face.

Cubana steps into the room rigidly, a stern look upon her face as she scans the bar, immediately heading towards Gunn and the others.

Cubana steps towards their table slowly bur purposely, her eyes moving towards Gunn, "Mr. Gunn.."

Yama regards Sondrix with disdain as he leans against a crossbeam, his coat giving him an amorphous appearance.

Gunn looks grimly at Cubana. "YEs?"

Cubana says, "I wanted to apologize for what happened to Professor Hight, and to give you my strictest assurances that the person responsible will be brought to trial."

If the silvery-haired Captain notices Yama's glance, she ignores it with what it deserves. Settling her tall form into a barstool some distance away from the table of gathered audience, she orders a scotch neat. As Cubana comes in, she pushes herself up and comes to calm salute. "Colonel m'aam." There's a bit of an edge to her voice.

Gunn nods. "Thank you. But I don't think that you can touch the person ultimately responsible."

Messer crams his hands into his pockets. "Who /is/ responsible anywho?"

Yama says, "Fagin, Graeber, et. al."

Messer snorts, his brow furrowing. "Oh really? And how would you know?"

Cubana glances towards Yama then back at Messer, "All attempts will be made to bring all those responsible to justice. If its any consolation..that nurse may have saved the Professor quite a bit of pain."

Yama looks dryly at Messer. "Spare me the 'tude, Kamiboy. You know as well as I do that Graeber knew about the Ri'Kammi in Washington, too. They don't want anyone else getting at it."

Messer lets out a sarcastic, "HA!" "Hell of a time to save the guy pain, ya know. Right when we need to talk to him."

Cubana nods to Messer, "I am not saying it should have happened, simply that for his sake..she may have done him a favor."

Cubana turns, glancing over her shoulder towards Sondrix, "Now..if you'll excuse me I have a few other things to attend to." and as rigidly as she came, she turns, heading towards the bar.

Darkmane says, "Well, the unfortunate thing about it was that he was JUST about to give Mr. LeBeau and I directions right to the Ri'Kammi"

Messer sighs, turning to look at Yama. "You want my help in this or not?"

Yama says, "We need one of you two. Can't yer boss up in the noggin find the hiver?"

Cubana steps towards Sondrix, moving to her left, "Mind if i join you, Captain?"

Darkmane says, "Oh I'm sure we can still FIND the Hi--er--the Ri'Kammi, but now it will be that much more difficult."

Messer clenches his teeth. "One, he ain't my boss. Two, apparently not. Three, shut up."

Sondrix's eyes, frosty and unrelenting, rake the bickering group in the corner before she glances to Cubana, still rigidly at attention. "If you wish, m'aam," she returns quietly enough, gesturing to an empty stool by her.

Cubana nods and takes a seat, glancing at the glass behind the bar and then towards Sondrix, "Rough day, Doctor." she states, more a fact then a question.

Yama leans over, and taps Darkmane on the shoulder.

Yama whispers, "We need to talk to Cubana about maps and radsuits."

Darkmane sighs and finishes off his wine and stands.

Darkmane whispers, "Right..." to Yama.

Cubana adds, "Pay no mind to them..they were close to the Professor and have some things on their minds."

Sondrix picks up her glass and turns her attention to its yellowish-amber contents. "He was my friend too, General," she states with quiet certitude. "An old acquaintance. And a good friend." Down goes the entire glass in one swallow.

Messer shakes his head. "If you guys need me, I'll be on my ship," he mutters, and heads for the door.

Yama nudges Darkmane.

Cubana nods slowly, "He was a great man, Captain...sometimes civilians forget that all members of the military aren't necessarily removed from everyone in civilian life. Sometimes its jsut a need to have someone to blame."

Darkmane say, "...and I shall be freshening up in my hotel room.---Ouch!"

Darkmane glares at Yama

Messer heads into Promenade <SCB Citadel>.

Messer has left.

Yama hisses. "Now."

Darkmane glances over at Cubana then back to Yama..."Well...take care of it then..."

Yama walks over to Cubana's table, stepping on Darkmane's left footpaw.

Darkmane grits his teeth and downs the rest of his wine.

Sondrix toys with the empty glass. Her fingers, reddened by the harsh disinfectants used in the medical bay, trace patterns on the surface of the vessel with random abandon. Her eyes, frosty and hard, flicker to Yama's approach. No give, no yield as she looks at him with serene, stony silence.

Yama faces Cubana as he pulls a wooden chair from an adjoining table, the groans of the legs fighting the floor audible throughout the room.

The Lamplighter <Citadel>

This dark, smokey bar plays host to many of the bases malcontents. Music plays from a juke box in a corner, and the crud on the floor is at least an inch deep. The tables, although free of glasses and mugs, look as if they could use a good once-over with a damp cloth.

Yama graces the General with a smile as he begins to speak. "As you can see, Graeber does /not/ want anyone but himself getting access to the Ri'Kammi."

Darkmane approaches the bar and stands next to Sondrix facing the barman "Pardon me, Sir. Another Demarian Wine if you would. Thank you."

Darkmane sets his money on the bar and receives another drink.

Cubana glances over at him from where she sits, then towards Sondrix, her eyes finnaly come back to rest on Yama, listening silently.

Yama says, "Not that I'd want to involve you in any insubordination. Does the Vanguard have any radsuits available through surplus? How about the cartographic division? Any publicly available maps of DC?"

Darkmane turns to Sondrix, "Can I offer you a drink is the least I can do."

Darkmane turns to the barman, "Mr. barman another Demarian Wine for the lady here."

Cubana shakes her head slowly to Yama, "Consul..i'll meet with all of you in my quarters in 10 minutes. But what your asking isn't possible."

Darkmane sets more money down on the bar. The barman places a goblet of wine in front of Sondrix.

Sondrix's eyes flicker towards Darkmane. "It is all right," she says in her clipped British accent, a faint quirk tugging at the corner of her lips. A slanted glance over towards Yama as she says, quite calmly, "I suggest, sir, that you talk with Mr. LeBeau. Perhaps he will know best how to deal with the Ri'Kammi, having been involved in an encounter with them."

Darkmane turns toward Cubana, "We'll see about that...nothing is truly impossible"

Cubana glances at her timepiece, "See you there in 10 minutes Consul?" she asks, eyes moving up once again to meet his. The tone in her voice is that of a conversation that has ended.

Cubana adds, "And please..feel free to bring any friends."

Darkmane turns back to Sondrix. "I do want to thank you and applaud your efforts your your quick actions with the professor. It was most impressive. Alas, I gave chase to the miscrient, but he escaped in a shuttle and had someone to cover his escape."

Yama rolls his eyes with a sign, turning to condescend to Sondrix. "Miss," as he accentuates this with his hands. "We know /how/ to deal with the Ri'Kammi. We ust don't know how to get /there/."

Jones arrives from Promenade <SCB Citadel>.

Jones has arrived.

Sondrix's eyes flash as she levelly eyes this insubordinate humanoid. "Mister. I am not a child, nor am I ignorant of things as you seem to think. The professor was dear to me, and no matter *what* you say or what you do, he is gone and I will miss him. Now please kindly do me the favor of taking that tone off your voice and thinking that everyone but you has the answer to everything." She hasn't raised her voice at all, but oh, the sting in it.

Jones walks in, cane her usual consistent counterpoint of sound. She catches sound of Sondrix's voice and frowns. She heads over to the Captain directly.

Cubana is seated at the bar next to Sondrix, her attentino flirting between Yama and Sondrix. Her face is a stone mask, her body rigid in its attention, "Captain.." she says warningly and shakes her head.

Cubana glances towards Yama, "And Counsel, please watch your tones when addressing officers on this base. This is after all a military installation and if i find the need to remove you i will do so, regardless of current events."

Yama blinks. "Thats' very nice of you to share. I'm busy trying to get things accomplished." He perfunctorily returns to Cubana, nodding to her. "I'll see you in ten imuntes then."

Darkmane turns back to Cubana, "Miss Cubana, I am going back to my quarters now. Mister Yama can explain everything to you. Once you have decided to join us, then you may. In the meantime, Yama, when everything and everyone are ready please come and get me."

Yama says, "If we're done mourning the dead, i'll happily discuss the fate of the living now."

Darkmane finishes his wine and heads for the door.