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(Post Exploratory Mission Scene #2 - November 29, 2011)
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"Well, stay close to your commlinks. I will request your presences soon to discuss the formation of the government." Narai says, nodding to Xanya. "In the mean time though, I have a meeting I must attend to. I shall be around in a few hours if any of you need me. Good work on getting this information." With one last nod, Narai vashishes from the Cargo Bay.
"Well, stay close to your commlinks. I will request your presences soon to discuss the formation of the government." Narai says, nodding to Xanya. "In the mean time though, I have a meeting I must attend to. I shall be around in a few hours if any of you need me. Good work on getting this information." With one last nod, Narai vashishes from the Cargo Bay.
[[category:OtherSpace Logs]]

Revision as of 22:33, 12 February 2012

Participants: Narai, Aukido, Riata, Xanya

Cargo Bay - IND Enlightenment

A number of engineers and mechanics, and the odd science officer have all been summoned to the Cargo Bay. While the dock workers work to move the large amount of cargo containers containing artifacts to the Science Bay for cataloging, the Explorer Narai is not here for that. Sitting in the middle of the Bay, with engineers crawling all over it, is the small torpedo-like craft used by the assassine of the Hand of Opodi back on Drakon. Narai had it brought aboard for inspection. He simply stares at the ship, as he waits to hear something about if anything is found.

Aukido joins along with the group of engineers, and mechanics, as one of the odd science-like officers, observing the curious ship for a moment, ears flicking.

The Explorer remains standing still for a moment, adjusting the sling on his arm from where he was shot. Taking a few steps closer to the ship, he looks to Aukido, "I have a feeling they won't find anything. No DNA, retinal or dental match to the Opodian you shot either. It appears they are covering their tracks." Narai says, sighing. "That was a nice shot you took though, back on Drakon. We should discuss your future with us, and the Solidarity."

Aukido nods softly to Narai, his ears flicking thoughtfully, "I am glad you seem to be doing better yez?" he asks, then turns to the ship, his tail swishing, "I'd like to discuss such, however, if perhaps I could give some sort of try towards finding more about this machine, beforehand, yez?" the Lyiri asks curiously.

Riata arrives from Technical Quarter - IND Enlightenment.

Riata has arrived.

Nodding, impressed with Aukido's resolve in trying to find something, Narai complies with the request. "As you wish." He nods towards the ship, taking a few steps closer. "If you can find anything, I'd be surprised. They seem to be taking every precaution one would take if they would not want to be found, however."

Aukido moves to gather some tools for careful work, and takes them to the ship, studying it, he begins to analyze details of it, ears flicking with curiousity, his tail swishing, and his paw gripping his PDA, taking the initiative before any dismantling work, to try to inflitrate the system should it have any sort of working Computer accessible onboard.

Riata strides into the cargo bay with her eyes on her PDA, not even looking up she asks Narai, "You rang dear?" nearly colliding with several objects as she walks to him and not seeming to notice.

So focused on the work going on with the ship, and wathcing what Aukido is about to do, Narai does not hear Riata's approach. Even after she speaks, he remains silent for a moment, so focused on what is going on before turning to give her an acknowledging nod. "The last of the items are being moved to the Science Bay. We can bring more up if needed. But I suspect you have alot to do. Maybe hold off on bringing more up?" He says, motioning to the ship. "We are also searching the ship that Opodian brought for clues."

The hacking ability of Aukido is unheard of! The Hand of Opodi have gone to great lengths to hide their plans and who they are. After a few loud beeps, buzzers and red lights flashing, a few lines to text appear on Aukido's PDA. While it appears not to be a lot of information, it is more then they had before. The coordinates of Drakon and Irinnar appear, a name - Hiran, and information about the planning of some sort of attack on Irinnar, but no specifics. Again, more information then they had before, but it seems like the Hand of Opodi tried to minimize the impact of information leaks by providing only simple information to its members.

Listening to the beeps and buzzes from the ship, Narai is momentarily discouraged - not realizing the true extent of Aukido's success. He takes a few steps forward toward the ship, to see what is bring brought up on the display of the small ship. "Anything useful?" He asks.

Aukido moves near to Narai after scanning all of the information, placing it on a secure data chip, and handing it to the Captain, "I think sir, zis is something, that should be given to you only, yez?" he asks, mostly as a statement, nodding firmly to note that it's seriousness, "Useful is hardly the word zat you are looking for."

Aukido moves near to Narai after scanning all of the information, placing it on a secure data chip, and handing it to the Captain, "I think sir, zis is something, that should be given to you only, yez?" he asks, mostly as a statement, nodding firmly to note that it's seriousness, "Useful is hardly the word zat you are looking for."

Riata finally looks up and stops before walking into the two of them, "Certainly we are busy but to be honest things are moving along well. I have a few useful people in charge of organizing the data for my review. There was a meeting that we needed to have, was not not correct Narai dear?" she looks curiously over at the ship, "I would be interested to know what you two have found, but to be honest that ship is too new to be in my area of interest." she finishes with a sniff.

Accepting the PDA for a moment to look the information over, Narai is silent. He takes his PDA then transfers the data over, handing Aukido's device back to him, then looking at his own. "I trust you both, so the data in here can be shared. Not outside of us though... For now." He grumbles abit, "I do not know of a 'Hiran', but I shall have the name run through several databases. What scares me the most is that they know the location of Irinnar and are planning some sort of attack. But we don't know when." He sighs, "Putting security on high alert and bringing in extra forces will cost alot. I need to consider this carefully. This could cause issues if we wanted to begin showing off the world soon."

Aukido flicks his ears thoughtfully, and looks towards the ship again, nodding firmly, "Yez, well, perhaps there iz some sort of other information accessible on this ship," he turns to Narai, "I think ze girl from the Tavern I know is already upset about me being involved with any sort of violence, but protection is sometimez needed yez?" the Lyiri sighs thoughtfully, "Would you like me to do anymore to thiz ship, or should we attempt some sort of salvage yez? And then perhaps a reverse-engineering of the materials?"

Riata listens carefully to the words and nods every now and then, for the moment keeping quiet as she has nothing to say.

"No, I shall dispose of the ship. I don't want this flith near us. It will remind those of the loses incurred on Drakon." Narai says, looking down at the data padd, then back at the ship, then to Riata. "And yes, we do need to have a discussion on this, but perhaps another time." He looks back to Aukido, "If violence is something you are not looking for, then I can find something else for you. And what woman at the Tavern are you referring?"

Aukido flicks his ears thoughtfully, and thinks for a moment, "Iz Rose, Lyiri, not many of them around for me to speak with," he says, sighing a bit, "And yez, I was actually going to speak to you about more equipment for labratory research," he transfers some files to Narai about some such things, "Iz also wondering about strategy, yez," he says thoughtfully, more to himself now, curling his muzzle into a smile, "We show Outverser holovids of animated cartoon animals when we establish worlds perhapz?" he asks.

Riata raises an eyebrow at the reference to the woman but then turns to Narai, "Of course dear, whenever works out is fine. As for the ship, I would suggest taking anything that would be of use to us then getting rid of the rest. Better to not waste useful equipment, no matter how distasteful the source."

Shrugging at the name, Narai does not know this person, but moves on. But before he can he gets caught off guard by Aukido's last comment. "Holovids of.. animated cartoon animals? What?" He tries not to laugh. "I'm not running a daycare of outverser children. We can discuss that particular item at a later time. As for equipment, I will see what I can do. I have ordered construction of both a science and medical facility on the colonies. You both will be happy with that I trust?" He turns to Riata and nods, "We will see what we can salvage."

Aukido nods thoughtfully at the conversation, flicking his ears a bit, before speaking, "Yez, whom would you like to do ze salvage, I am able to do such to an extent if you want," the Lyiri offers his services once again.

Riata nods at Narai's words, "That will be most satisfactory," she makes a bit of a face, "The doctor has been quite irritated at me for taking over the entire science facility on ship. He can be quite annoying."

Shaking his head, Narai says, "No no, You have more useful things you can be doing other then dismantling a ship. I will have our engineers do it." He turns back to Riata, "Ignore the doctor for now. The facilities on Irinnar and the other worlds I'm dumping money into will be first class. If you all require anything built submit a request and I'll see what I can do. I have dozens of crews working around the clock to be prepared."

Aukido flicks his ears and nods thoughtfully, swishing his tail about for a bit, "So then, for now, what is ze plan?" the Lyiri asks curiously, "Surely we cannot zimply do everything, we have to have ze people's priorities set," he nods firmly.

Riata nods in satisfaction at Narai's words, "Wonderful dear, as for the doctor, I have been keeping him busy. He is just irritating, I am sure your message box is full of complaints about the overtaking of /his/ space as he puts it." she says with an eye roll, "I look forward to seeing these facilities."

"For now, we are in a holding pattern. You are free to assist in the cataloguing and research of what we brought up from Drakon. Until I get word that construction is complete on Irinnar, we remain on Comorro. You are all free to do as you please until then. We will, however, need to have a serious discussion in the coming days on how to form the government, and specific details on the Solidarity." Narai says, without taking a breath in that long sentence. "Again, if there is anything you need let me know."

Xanya arrives from Technical Quarter - IND Enlightenment.

Xanya has arrived.

Aukido nods softly, flicking his ears gently, and curling his muzzle into a smile, speaking to Narai, "Yez, I mixed ze chemical for Riata, that will assist in making documents and perhaps other sorts of materials more legable," the Lyiri's tail swishing about.

Xanya steps down into the cargo bay and looks around. "Wow, lots of stuff here.

Riata smiles at Narai and Aukido, "Oh there is plenty to keep us busy, I am looking forward to our discussion on the governmental plans though. And Aukido's chemical seems to work quite well, we are currently employing it on the less legible papers that we recovered." noting Xanya she gives a small wave over.

"Well, stay close to your commlinks. I will request your presences soon to discuss the formation of the government." Narai says, nodding to Xanya. "In the mean time though, I have a meeting I must attend to. I shall be around in a few hours if any of you need me. Good work on getting this information." With one last nod, Narai vashishes from the Cargo Bay.