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== A Day at The beach ==
== A Day at The beach ==
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"Oh..." Vicky tilts her head ever so slightly. "Sounds like an unpleasant situation. And... everyone knows Megumi is scary. You do too, surely." To Xanya, she shakes her head, "It's over, for now anyway. Fastheldian creatures, I think. Vessa, you seem to be healing nicely. I hope you've managed to learn something amidst all of the terrible, terrible beating." She smiles at Akamatsu, teasing.
"Oh..." Vicky tilts her head ever so slightly. "Sounds like an unpleasant situation. And... everyone knows Megumi is scary. You do too, surely." To Xanya, she shakes her head, "It's over, for now anyway. Fastheldian creatures, I think. Vessa, you seem to be healing nicely. I hope you've managed to learn something amidst all of the terrible, terrible beating." She smiles at Akamatsu, teasing.
Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies to Vicky "I'll have you know I've only been responsible for one of her more serious injuries and that was an accident....well unless you count the time I smacked her in the face with that war fan you made me." To Xanya he adds "No need at the moment."
Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies to Vicky "I'll have you know I've only been responsible for one of her more serious injuries and that was an accident....well unless you count the time I smacked her in the face with that war fan you made me." To Xanya he adds "No need at the moment."
Vessa smiles to Xanya, "Nah, no need to worry about it Xanya, we are going to be taking out the group of them and there are quite a few. Besides it chewed on my, didn't really beat me." she looks over to Vicky, "Oh I have learned several useful things such as, Aka loves going for the temple for a take out strike, don't take the upper hand in a hand-to-hand spar or he turns to smacking people across the face with war fans, and if you surprise him he will try and headbutt you." she winks at Aka, "Oh and that I have no skill or use for melee weapons, my ribs and collarbones still remember that particular experience."
Vessa smiles to Xanya, "Nah, no need to worry about it Xanya, we are going to be taking out the group of them and there are quite a few. Besides it chewed on my, didn't really beat me." she looks over to Vicky, "Oh I have learned several useful things such as, Aka loves going for the temple for a take out strike, don't take the upper hand in a hand-to-hand spar or he turns to smacking people across the face with war fans, and if you surprise him he will try and headbutt you." she winks at Aka, "Oh and that I have no skill or use for melee weapons, my ribs and collarbones still remember that particular experience."
Xanya shakes her head a bit "some experiance. Hopefully you'll be carefull next time?"
Xanya shakes her head a bit "some experiance. Hopefully you'll be carefull next time?"

Revision as of 10:35, 23 February 2012

A Day at The beach

A log by Xanya

Northeastern Beach - <Eiru, Pyracan>

Stretching for a little under ten miles as it wraps around the northeast edge of the island, this pink sand beach is not the perfectly-combed creation that make Mesomel's beaches famous. Everything from beach glass to shells to washed-up logs to strands of rotting seaweed litter the beach at times, though large swaths of beach near the city are being maintained by the residents. A few small fused sand buildings have been put together just back from the water, with some lived-in, and others just occupied from time to time. Small boats can be seen a little ways out in the warm, teal water for much of the day with Outversers either relaxing or fishing for their suppers. A fused sand path leads southeast to the Outverser settlement, and the beach continues to the west.

Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies "Well you know me. Not a whole lot that'll stop me from doing everything I can to take some Nall out." Then he notices Vicky on her way over and notes "Well there's a sight for sore eyes." The ronin then stands and smiles to the oncoming Phyrrian and says "It's been a long time, Vicky. How've you been?"

Vessa looks over to Vicky and waves, "Hello again Vicky, this particular battle was rather a surprise. To the point I happened to be naked when it started so I would have been surprised if Aka was there at the start. Of course two men I know, one of which the sheriff, showed up before I could get dressed so, maybe I wouldn't have been so surprised after all." Aka is sitting on a chair, Vessa is sitting beside him and Vicky has just walked over. Vessa is now missing the sling btw.

Xanya Xanya walks onto the beach packed with enough stuff for a day at the beach. She makes way to the ocean to pick a spot when she notices Vessa And Akamatsu. She waves to them and then walks over to them.

Vicky pulls Akamatsu into a one-armed embrace when he stands. "Well, ah... It's been interesting, I'll say that. Just been busy on Materi Syna. Where's your scary girlfriend?" When Vessa elaborates, she blinks. "Wait... Why were you naked?" Xanya gets a nod.

Akamatsu smirks a bit at Vicky's words and replies "Scary now, is she? When did we make that decision? Did I miss the meeting?" He chuckles slightly and then raises a brow at Vessa "You left /that/ part of the story out. What the hell were you doing naked?" Xanya gets a nod as well.

Vessa blinks at the two in surprise, "What? It was a camping trip, I went swimming and had to dry off by the fire. There were trees, a lake, and my girlfriend so I didn't think it would be that big a deal. Didn't want to go swimming in my clothes you know." she waves to Xanya with a welcoming smile before returning to the conversation, "Not that I had a whole lot of time for embarrassment when the shit hit the fan, too busy putting rockets into wilding heads."

Xanya arives at the group and hears the story vessa says. "Did someone gave you a suprise attack? DO I need ot go and hurt someone?" Xanya Sais with a serious tone in her voice.

"Oh..." Vicky tilts her head ever so slightly. "Sounds like an unpleasant situation. And... everyone knows Megumi is scary. You do too, surely." To Xanya, she shakes her head, "It's over, for now anyway. Fastheldian creatures, I think. Vessa, you seem to be healing nicely. I hope you've managed to learn something amidst all of the terrible, terrible beating." She smiles at Akamatsu, teasing.

Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies to Vicky "I'll have you know I've only been responsible for one of her more serious injuries and that was an accident....well unless you count the time I smacked her in the face with that war fan you made me." To Xanya he adds "No need at the moment."

Vessa smiles to Xanya, "Nah, no need to worry about it Xanya, we are going to be taking out the group of them and there are quite a few. Besides it chewed on my, didn't really beat me." she looks over to Vicky, "Oh I have learned several useful things such as, Aka loves going for the temple for a take out strike, don't take the upper hand in a hand-to-hand spar or he turns to smacking people across the face with war fans, and if you surprise him he will try and headbutt you." she winks at Aka, "Oh and that I have no skill or use for melee weapons, my ribs and collarbones still remember that particular experience."

Xanya shakes her head a bit "some experiance. Hopefully you'll be carefull next time?"

"Aka, dammit, you're going to kill all of your students!" Vicky chides, frowning. "You do realize not everyone has built-in armor or has survived wars and rifts and the like." She sighs faintly. "Yes, temple... fun."

Akamatsu smirks a bit at vicky and replies "Yes that was a good lesson for the troops wasn't it, Vicky?" He then laughs a bit and adds to Vicky with a thumb pointing to Vessa "And are you kidding? So far I've manned her up so much she actually has a girlfriend."

Vessa is about to answer both Xanya and Vicky when she hears Aka and tilts sideways, catching herself she looks at Aka with a dropped jaw then begins laughing too hard to breath.

Xanya shakes her head and continues to listen, but can't help it giggling when Vessa laughs.

Vicky just... deadpans as everyone giggles. "Well. That's nice. I'm glad for you, Vessa. Everyone seems to be finding a companion of sorts." She eyes Vessa, then adds, "If you don't kill your students with war fans, you'll kill them with your awful jokes." Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies "Dying of laughter, perhaps. Still the same as ever, eh Vicky?" The ronin looks back to Vessa while she is doing her can't breath from laughter routine and adds "You know I really don't want to have to try that CPR thing Alhambra was trying to teach me a while back." Fade arrives from Tesaill Lagoon. Fade has arrived.

Vessa waves her hand weakly as the laughter dies off slowly and finally gets out, "Do..don't you ..d..dare Aka." she takes a few more minutes to regain her breath, "First, Aka only got me with a temple strike and the fan, that really is all he has done. Aukido did the ribs, and a wilding took the bite out of me, I doubt Aka is that good." she blows Aka a kiss and flutters her eyelashes at him, "As for being more careful well, despite what it may seem, I am careful," a pause "when I am working." she shakes her head, "that was a good hit Aka, good hit."

Xanya Smiles to Vessa. "Good to know that your carefull. I'd hate to hear about your death some day." Akamatsu, and Vessa ar sitting on a chair and Vessa and Vicky are standing near them, all chatting together.

Fade isn't swimming in the ocean. Nope, he is walking underwater. For a few moments the only sign of him from the surface is the dim glow of his halo. Then his head breaks the surface of the water, followed by the rest of him. As soon as the riftwalker hits dry land, he lifts a couple of feet off the ground, and levitates himself slowly across to the group, humming to himself as he does. Water runs in little streams down his pale skin and silky clothes, drip dripping in the sand.

Vicky finally sets her bag down to linger a bit. When she moves to sit in the sand, up pops Fade. Her gaze narrows just a bit as he floooats on over. She lifts a brow, "Hello. Hm, riftwalker I'm guessing."

Akamatsu smirks a bit and replies to Vessa "I'm sure I could take a chunk out of your arm if I really wanted to. I just doubt I'd be doing it with my teeth." The ronin just registers that Fade was showed up but doesn't really do anything about it besides nod. After a moment he looks to Xanya and asks "So you can use swords, eh? Ever wanted to try your hand against a real samurai? Well former samurai."

As she heares Akamatsu's question she thinks a bit to herself. then she gets a smile on her face. "Have I ever wanted to try my sword against a samurai? Interesting question." Xanya Sais while looking up thinking of an awsner. "I think i would not mind trying it out. would be a great way to see how I do against a samurai." "That's what they call us," Fade replies to Vicky, his shining blue eyes taking her in, a grin stretched wide across the pale skin of his face. "We also get called Fade, Dreaming Buddy and Stupid!" He declares, a hint of pride in his voice. He eyes the sand for a moment before settling down to sit in it. "We were talking with the fishes. They told us to burn. Burn everything..."

Vicky stares at Fade. And stares. "..." What the hell do you say to that? "Nice to meet you, Fade. I don't know how you're speaking with the fish, but... Don't listen to them, they often lie." There, that should do it. When Aka offers to fight Xanya, Vicky stands. "Hey now, that's not fair... Does she look like a samurai to you? Here, if you're going to spar, let me join. I really need to blow off some steam."

Vessa blinks at Fade, "Hello there Fade, I have heard of you but have not previously gotten to meet, I am Vessa." she looks over to the would-be sparrers, "At least use practice swords please."

Akamatsu smirks to Vicky and replies "Yes because a spar with a being that can't feel pain at the same time as a spar with one that can sounds incredibly fair to me. Alright though. I'll go grab some practice swords be back soon."

Xanya smiles and takes her bag and takes out what seems to be a corset. on closer look one could see that it is actualy light body armour made to look like a corset. "better get some protection on me then."

"They said you'd say that." Fade replies to Vicky, nodding as he does. "They said we would be told not to listen to them, and that they often lie. The fish know." The riftwalker taps his nose conspiratorially. Then he blinks, as if unsure why he did that. "It's nice to meet you, nice human!" He adds to Vicky, as an afterthought, before looking across to Vessa. "Hello there! We haven't heard of you, but it's our pleasure to meet you! You've got... you've got something on your head..." Fade reaches up to try and take Vessa's cap off her head.

"Tch." Vicky scoffs when Akamatsu moves off to get practice swords. "Fair, sure. Mister Undefeated. Don't gimme' that shit," she winks, flexing her fingers. "I can feel pain," she assures to Xanya. "I can simply turn it off, so to speak." Fade gets a few bemused blinks as he attempts to acquire Vessa's cap. "Odd fellow..."

Vessa smiles at Fade and nods, "Yes, I put that on my head because I like it there. Would you like to see it?" she looks over to Vicky and Xanya and grins, "I have to admit that I am looking forward to this spar, and for once I get to watch without being a participant."

Akamatsu returns with two training swords for himself and one for each of his opponents before making a circle in the sand to serve as a ring. The ronin then grabs his swords and takes his stance, indicating that he's ready to go before adding to Vicky since he didn't get a chance to while he walked away "Who's undefeated? Rillitan and that giant mechanical spider both got me. Granted one of those was the size of a car and the other shouldered me in the nuts."

Xanya Takes the sparing sword and steps into the ring. Her face turns from smiling and having fun into serious. She takes on a pose also stating she is ready. "Yes please! We would like to see the fluffy head creature!" Fade replies, making grabby motions towards Vessa's cap. "We're also a little curious about why it keeps your head warm. Is it on fire?" He pauses. "Would it like to be?"

Vicky declines the practice sword, favoring her own hands. "Nuts? Something I ought to aim for then." She grins, palming her fist as she moves into a offensive stance. Fade's adorable antics draw her attention for a moment...

Vessa takes her cap off her head and shakes her head as she hands it over to Fade, "It does not want to be on fire and currently is not. It is my own body heat that my cap holds in, that is what keeps my head warm. It is called a cap."

Megumi arrives from Western Settlement. Megumi has arrived.

Akamatsu grips the hilts of his training blades and just before the spar begins a light breeze catches his coat and makes it flutter just a bit. He then takes the opening shots by attempting to bring his blades down on the left and right shoulder of Vicky.

As Aka starts his attack Xanya goes in for a strike of her own. trying to fend of one of the blades so it won't his Vicky.

Fade is in a world of his own. The start of the sparring might as well be the whisper of the wind for all he cares. Fade has Vessa's cap, after all! Something about it surprises him, as he throws it up in the air with a loud, "Ah!" When it flutters back down, the riftwalker catches it, gets to his feet and starts running towards the ocean with it. As for the rest of the scene, it seems Akamatsu is taking on both Vicky and Xanya. Vessa has given Fade her cap.

Xanya Takes a shot at Aka right as he tries to attack vicky. Hoping to take an advantice out of it. She attackes swingin her blade from low to high.

Vicky is so damn distracted by Fade that she doesn't quite notice Akamatsu lunging forth to bring the practice blade down upon her shoulder until the very last second. She barely has enough time to bring her fore arm up to block it with a -CLANGGG- and hurls a fist straight for his chest.

Vessa watches her cap run off and sighs sadly, "I liked that cap," says a woman who is quite certain she will not see it again. Sad eyes watch Fade run off with it before turning back to the spar.

Megumi drifts over the beach, floating smoothly a few inches above the sand. her mismatched wings fluff some as she takes note of the fight down the beach, smiling warmly and heading over to watch. The monochromatic Riftwalker crosses her arms, silvery eyes drifting over to Fade a few times with a neutral expression.

With barely a spash, Fade and Vessa's cap have disappeared into the ocean. For a few moments nothing more can be seen except the splashing of waves against the beach. After another few moments a rather large (six foot long) fish breaks the water in a spectacular jump, not unlike a dolphin might. Its fishy scales glitter in shades of green and red, snagged on one of its fins is Vessa's cap.

Akamatsu manages to get a sword in front of Vicky's fist to block it a split second before having to try and use both to block Xanya, which he can't quite do. He gets hit and backpedals a bit but isn't down. The ronin replies by attempting the same strike he tried on Vicky on Xanya now.

Vessa watches her cap become a decoration on a giant fish and begins contemplating sushi, "Hey Si Fu, stop playing and go get my cap would you? I feel lick some good sushi tonight."

Vicky's fist gets smacked away, and she waits for Xanya to do her thang before aiming another cybernetically-powered punch for his shoulder. Whether it lands or not, she cannot help but pause and smirk at Vessa's request. "Maybe we ought to help her out..."

"You're making them call you 'Si Fu' now?" Megumi giggles, grinning toward Akamatsu, "You have your fun, honey, I'll get her hat." A small salute to Vessa, and the winged woman takes off and /launches/ towards the hat-stealing fish with little regard for aerodynamic properties.

Xanya tries to defend agianst Aka's counter strike but failes and gets nocked back a bit. she then tries to counter attack him and return the favor. giving a little smile.

Fade is just walking out of the water when he catches sight of Megumi launching herself after the cap thieving fish. The fish itself has dipped underwater, and maybe it senses danger, but it swims away, cap caught on its evil fins!

Vessa is about to pull a gun before the riftwalker she does not yet know but guesses the identity of, goes after the fish, returning her hand to her side she watches with hope in her eyes.

Akamatsu manages to successfully block all the shots directed at him. After all we wouldn't expect any less of a samurai. The ronin replies with a shot to each temple with the training blades, aimed at Vicky, of course. A sword temple strike if you will. The ronin registers somebody say something in his direction but sadly he's a little focused on not getting owned at the moment so it doesn't really register.

The female Riftwalker follows the fish with reckless abandon, wings spreading in a stabilizing capacity as she shifts her focus to judge exactly when to cast down into the water. Half a moment's focus, and Megumi turns sharply down to plunge into the sea after the fish.

And the evil fish manages to stay ahead by a hair's breadth. It streaks through the water with all the agile beauty and grace that a shiny six foot fish with a cap snagged on its fin can afford.

Fade floats a few feet in the air to get a better look. He shifts his blue gaze back to Vessa and grins, "Look! Did you see that? It had your cap!" He yells, pointing in the direction of Megumi and the fish.

Xanya hopes Aka is destracted by his attacking of vicky like it seemed last time so she tries to attack him again. this time a bit more from behind him.

Vessa watches the fish and the cap and all that is involved with this fishy drama, walking to the edge of the water she thinks a moment and strides in a bit pulling out a bright red scarf she sticks it under the water singing, "Here fishy fishy fishy."

Vicky has no idea what the hell is going on there in the Little Mermaid land. She gets two hits to the metal skull and it's enough to knock out her visual sensors and a bit of processing power for the moment. She slumps to one knee in the sand and makes no other move just yet.

Akamatsu is hit once again but it's just a glancing blow. He looks and sees that Vicky is down, hopefully for the count, and swings both training blades at the ribs od Xanya, one at the upper one at the floating.

The nice thing about being psionic is that you don't have to catch up to your target to hurt it. Megumi streaks through the water after the fish, no need for air and propelled by her mind. Unaware of the impromptu fishing lure being used above, the riftwalker pauses so she can focus on another ability - trying to stop the fish in its 'tracks'.

The nice thing about being psionic is that you don't have to catch up to your target to hurt it. Megumi streaks through the water after the fish, no need for air and propelled by her mind. Unaware of the impromptu fishing lure being used above, the riftwalker pauses so she can focus on another ability - trying to stop the fish in its 'tracks'. <re>

The lure was a nice tough. The fish would be licking its lips (if it had lips) at the thought of tasty old Vessa. Unfortunately for it, regardless of its plans, Megumi's psionic grip closes around it until it feels squished as a tin of sardines (no fishy pun intended). The fish squirms and tries to thrash against the psionic grip immobilising it, to no effect.

Regaining some damn consciousness, Vicky slowly stands and rubs her brow, stepping back out of the ring. Her attention drifts to the crazy fish business instead. "...Um. All this over a cap?"

Xanya tries to block Aka's attack but failes and gets hit in the ribs. she yels in pain and she uses her free arm to cover the spot where she got hit.

Vessa is pleased that she at least provided a distraction, she does not notice that she is standing halfway in the ocean her attention is fully on the immobile fish she considers trying to take a shot at it then thinks better on that with how close Megumi is to the critter. Hearing Vicky's question she looks over with a grin, "I like my cap." Akamatsu backs out of the ring at this point saying simply "That's enough. Sadly I need to be on my way."

Akamatsu has left RP mode. Akamatsu has left. Megumi grins brightly, using limbs and wings to swim carefully over to the fish while her focus is on keeping it still. Her goal is to claim the hat first, and then try to nudge the stilled fish to where the tides can push it up the shore. Or something like that.

Vicky decides to just sit back in the sand and watch all of this fishery unfold. "That better be an awesome cap."

Xanya Gets up holding her ribs. she drops the training blade and goes to sit on the ground outside the ring. And success! Megumi manages to deprive the fish of its new found cap, /and/ start pushing it to shore. The thing squirms and bucks occasionally, its wide eyes pleading 'mercy! Mercy!'.

Back on shore, Fade is making pictures in the sand. Occasionally a wave comes by to wash the picture away, and he mutters and tries again.

Vessa waits until she has a clear shot and pulls out two pistols, one a rocket pistol and the other a slug. Once she knows for certain the fish is on shore and that Megumi would not be hit she takes a shot with each pistol.

The fish chunks and Megumi cringes as the guts fly right through her without sticking. There is a sigh from the woman as though she had been holding her breath - not that she breathes - and then she shakes her head. "That almost sucked," she remarks as she heads over to return the hat, "There you go... where's Katsuo go?"

Still holding her ribs Xanya gets up and walks of the beach to find a hospital. she doesn't say a thing as she walks away.