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[[category:Logs That Include Umishi]][[category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[category:Logs That Include Last Orders Tavern]][[category:Logs That Include Frn'Zxk'Fkg]][[category:Logs That Include Jasra]][[category:Logs That Include Alexei]][[category:Logs That Include Ika]][[category:Logs That Include Jakarl]][[category:Logs That Include Rillitan]][[category:Logs That Include Bri]][[category:Logs That Include Beatrice]][[category:Logs That Include Tamila]]
[[category:Logs That Include Umishi]][[category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[category:Logs That Include Last Orders Tavern]][[category:Logs That Include Frn'Zxk'Fkg]][[category:Logs That Include Jasra]][[category:Logs That Include Alexei]][[category:Logs That Include Ika]][[category:Logs That Include Jakarl]][[category:Logs That Include Rillitan]][[category:Logs That Include Bri]][[category:Logs That Include Beatrice]][[category:Logs That Include Tamila]][[category:Logs That Include Combat]][[category:Logs of Staffer-Run Events]]
Last Orders Tavern - Comorro Station
Last Orders Tavern - Comorro Station

Latest revision as of 13:07, 23 February 2012

Last Orders Tavern - Comorro Station

A smoky haze hangs in the air of this shadowy tavern, with chalky white walls of cartilage and tables that look like flat-topped mushrooms surrounded by cushioned metal benches.

The central bar counter is a D-shaped structure of gray-green bone and cartilage, coated in the familiar protective webbing seen elsewhere aboard Comorro.

Holovid projectors display news reports from throughout the worlds of Hiverspace, from Rigor Strand to Hekayt Prime.

From On the Holovid, The holovid buzzes faintly as the array warms up and shows the Interverse Combat Series logo - the letters ICS in chrome against a blood-splattered background. The logo rotates clockwise. A countdown timer flicks on, showing that 25 minutes remain before the event begins.

Umishi ears twitch and she watches the holovid.

From On the Holovid, "It's the first fight in a series of competitions that the entire galaxy will be watching in the coming weeks," proclaims a Llivori commentator as the ICS logo fades to a broadcast studio. The timer, now a graphical bug in the upper right of the holovid transmission, indicates that about 15 minutes remain. "Allies and enemies of Zar Hideg Fekretu, doing their best to acquire the thirteen precious artifacts held in safekeeping by the ICS. The first seven fights of the initial round will specifically pit the Zar's allies and enemies against each other. How the next round shapes up? Well, that depends entirely on the people who advance and what physical condition they're in after this fight."

Frn'Zxk'Fkg remains sitting at his table, apparently engrossed with his sugary drink. The Odarite's antennae sway back and forth absently.

From On the Holovid, The image shifts now to a visual of somewhere in deep space, with a glittering green and yellow nebula for a backdrop. Within a field of debris drifts a badly battered derelict starship that's about a mile long. "The site of the first competition: An ancient Hekayti derelict, held together by good wishes and a few wires. The combatants will have to watch their step - they've got full gravity generator power and limited life support, but the decks are badly deteroriated. One false move and, at the very least, they're in for a great deal of pain." The clock timer now reads 10 minutes.

From On the Holovid, The image shifts again, this time to the interior of the derelict spaceship, in a rough-looking metallic corridor with flickering lights and creaking floor plates. There's a flash of blue light before the first competitor arrives.

From On the Holovid, A spherical camera bot whirs toward Ika. A male voice speaks through the device: "So! Tell us about yourself and why you're here!" The bug in the upper right of the screen reads: 5 minutes.

Jasra strolls quietly into the tavern, she waits a moment to one side of the door, waiting for her sight to grow use to the smoke filled air.

From On the Holovid, Ika grins at the camera, and gives a mental nudge towards her vocaliser, booting it up and boosting its volume, "~I'm Ika, I've done some bad things in the past, and think I might have some fun here. Anything else you wanna know?~"

Umishi sits at the bar watching the holovid.

Alexei hurries in through the doors heading straight toward the bar. He grimaces a bit at the close quarters while making his way through the crowd.

From On the Holovid, "Trying not to get too attached," the cambot voice replies, just before the device spins to catch the arrival of an Opodian. "And who do we have here?"

"Jakarl," the Opodian replies. "Devout soldier of glorious Opodi and warrior for our beloved Zar. I *will* have those artifacts."

Jasra is working her way up towards the bar and a better view of the holovid through the tavern haze.

From On the Holovid, Ika looks at the Opodian, grinning. "~You'll be lucky if you can leave the ship standing up.~"

Umishi is watching the holovid from the bar...frn is also at the bar but he is either watching the holovid or enjoying his fruit drink WAYYY to much.

From On the Holovid, "Time to fight!" the voice of the cambot proclaims. "Weapons and defensive gear are stowed throughout the derelict. The first of you to reach the command center and the old Hekayti Worthing totem will be the victor. Violence is permitted and encouraged. However, we're not looking to get anyone killed! So try to be civil while you're beating each other senseless. May the best sentient win!"

From On the Holovid, Ika heads immediately towards the Opodian, aiming to throw it at a weak section of floor.

From On the Holovid, The Opodian growls at Ika. "Death would be too good for you." He does his level best to stand his ground, bracing himself against the incoming attack.

From On the Holovid, The Opodian, Jakarl, tries to return the intended favor, aiming to fling Ika to a weakened plate on the deck. He is unable to do so, as the spry Lyiri is able to flip herself up through the air, practically walking along the ceiling while her hapless opponent watches with a gaping jaw.

Jasra orders nothing from the bar. She moves into a position out of the way but with perfect view of the holovid which she watches with some interest.

From On the Holovid, While jumping back of the ceiling, the Lyiri sends of a mental blast towards her enemy, at full force.

Alexei makes it to the bar just as the action starts. His attention is focused on the holovid so much that for a moment he doesn't notice as the bartender asks for his order. The human points towards another patron's drink in reply and slides some credits across the counter without turning away from the feed.

From On the Holovid, Jakarl winces as he's struck by the Lyiri's mental assault. He staggers, drops to a knee, and flops over on his side. The plate beneath him creaks and collapses, dumping him to the deck below. He slams onto a more secure plate mere inches from a gaping chasm that's about thirty feet deep.

From On the Holovid, Ika ignores the Opodian for now, starting to run around looking for the totem.

Jasra pulls together the opening of her trenchcoat, folding her arms across her chest as if suddenly cold.

Umishi ears flatting out, "She shouldn't turn her back on her opponent like that.."

Rillitan moves through the main doors of the tavern with a low grunt, glancing across to the evenings entertainment and looking somewhat annoyed in reaction, possibly due to it having already started. He moves through towards the bar in silence.

From On the Holovid, Ika's initial pass through the starting corridor leads mostly to dead ends. Jakarl, on the other hand, does what he can to shake off the psionic attack. As he does so, he notices a gleaming holographic ICS logo above a hatchway in his current deck corridor. Between him and the hatch: Six precariously arranged deck plates that he must safely navigate to proceed.

From On the Holovid, Ika continues searching for her target, sending a psionic message to her opponent in case he's still walking, ~Just give up, mindless Kamirslave.~

"Well struck!" Alexei cheers at the Opodian's tumble. He takes a sip of his drink, a purple bubbling beverage, and winces at the taste. "This looks to be interesting."

From On the Holovid, It is apparent, looking all over the deck where the conflict began, that the Worthing totem is not to be found here. Jakarl doesn't respond to the Lyiri's psionic jibe. He's too busy trying to make the move from the secure deck plate to the first of six above the chasm leading to the ICS logo.

From On the Holovid, Ika goes to find a weapon before going on to a different deck.

Jasra glances over at the noisy human, then back to the vid screen.

From On the Holovid, No weapon or defensive gear to be found for the Lyiri. Jakarl, meanwhile, has made it - albeit shakily - onto the first of six deck plates on his way to the hatch and, presumably, the next phase of tracking down the Worthing totem.

From On the Holovid, Ika damns it, and moves to a different deck, the one the Opodian fell down to.

From On the Holovid, Ika makes it safely to the corridor where Jakarl has just completed a diagonal jump to the second of six deck plates between him and a hatchway marked by the ICS logo.

From On the Holovid, Ika heads towards the deckplates, and sends another psychic wave at the Opodian, full force again.

From On the Holovid, Jakarl is preparing to jump to the third deckplate when Ika's psionic attack strikes him like a lumberjack's hatchet into the trunk of a tree. He's so much dead weight when he slams chest first into the plate, flipping it up so that it tumbles after him. He drapes over a cross-beam spanning the abyss, about ten feet below the Lyiri. The falling deckplate whistles past him and then clangs on metal below. Ika is left with only five plates to navigate, with a rather large gap between the second and third.

From On the Holovid, Ika attempts to jumo on the first none the less, that way was the obvious way, after all. She barely pays any attention to the Opodian.

From On the Holovid, Ika barely makes it to the first plate - but she DOES make it. Jakarl, meanwhile, takes a look around for anything that might be useful to him.

Umishi exits the tavern for a brief moment.

From On the Holovid, Ika waits for a bit, and decides to attempt to make Jakarl see several blots and whirls dancing around him.

Jasra moves out of the way of the patron leaving the bar & moves in to take their place, green gaze always on the action on the screen.

From On the Holovid, Beneath the metal beam, Jakarl finds a box bearing the ICS logo - affixed with tiny magnets. Unfazed by the Lyiri's attempt to bedazzle him, the Opodian opens the box and removes a small harpoon gun that's got a cable and hook. He fires the grappling device toward a gap next to the hatchway on Ika's deck, aiming to retake the lead.

From On the Holovid, Ika jumps again, aiming for the second platform, deciding to deal with the Opodian later.

From On the Holovid, The harpoon SNIKTs! through the gap next to the final deckplate ahead of Ika, securing itself and allowing Jakarl to buzz up after it.

Umishi wanders back into the bar and tries to find a plave back at the bar.

Jasra has taken Umishi's place at the bar, filling it as soon as he walked out.

From On the Holovid, Ika makes it to the second deckplate. Only three to go. The next one will be tougher to reach, however, and Jakarl is now moving through the hatchway. He's abandoning the grappler gun, though. Might slow him down too much?

Alexei takes another sip of his drink, grimaces again, then clears his throat. "Very violent game isn't it and a bit one sided so far. But it looks like the the fanatic is still in contention. Anyone care to wager on the outcome?" he asks, slowly scanning the crowd at the bar to watch for indications of interest.

From On the Holovid, Ika attempts to get to the next plate, it's a difficult jump, but she thinks she can do it.

From On the Holovid, Ika makes it safely to the third plate, nimbly landing without issue. Only two plates to go! Meanwhile, Jakarl has found himself another ICS box. This one contains a tangler pistol. A wicked smile steals across his face, whiskers flaring, and he starts back toward the hatchway.

From On the Holovid, Ika is unaware of that fact, and jumps to the next platform.

"Wager what?" Jasra injects, "Only got enough for one more flight." she leans on the bar & glances towards Alexei with an elevator slide from top down taking in his rumpled look.

Umishi ears flatten again, "She really does need to pay attention to the oppenent.

From On the Holovid, Jakarl checks the weapon as he stands with his back to the left side of the hatchway, listening as Ika thumps unsteadily onto the next to last deckplate. One cartridge. Two cartridges. Three cartridges. One ought to be enough, but it's good to have insurance. "Opodi guide my hand and let this strike true," he prays, waiting for the next sound that will serve as his cue.

From On the Holovid, Ika heads towards the next plate, its not much farther that she needs to head, after all.

From On the Holovid, With confidence and grace, Ika lands upon the final deckplate - just in time for Jakarl, on cue, to spin out into the hatchway. He aims the tangler pistol, now set on full spread. "Taste defeat, infidel!"

Seeing that only one being responded, Alexei directs his statement to her alone. "Nothing too much. I'd like to wager 10 credits on the outcome of this contest," he says with a smile and casual gesture with his drink. "Just something to make it interesting and not bankrupt us both."

Jasra frowns, "If I lose I'm stuck on this station without fuel. I think not. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush they say."

From On the Holovid, Ika gently evades the attack, landing on the plate, and sends another wave of mental energy at the Opodian, ~Die Already~ is sent along.

From On the Holovid, Jakarl is squeezing off a second shot as Ika's mental attack strikes. The contents of the second cartridge explode over the Lyiri's left shoulder before the Opodian drops the tangler. It goes clattering along a deckplate and then falls into the chasm below. Jakarl staggers back into the corridor, clutching his head with both hands.

Umishi whiskers twitch slightly as she watches.

From On the Holovid, Ika jumps into the corridor, hoping to finally leave this first obstacle behind.

From On the Holovid, Safely into the corridor, which includes a 4-way junction, Ika doesn't immediately get a sense of where to go next.

From On the Holovid, Ika heads into one of the corridors at a random guess, looking around for her target and weaponry.

From On the Holovid, Jakarl breaks out of the stunned agony and spies the direction Ika went. While she's busy hunting for clues, he's got claws breaking free of their sheathes.

From On the Holovid, While Jakarl sneaks up behind her, Ika happens upon another hatchway bearing an ICS holo-logo. It's open, with steps leading down into what appears to be the ship's command center. So close! The Opodian's eyes glitter in the darkness of the corridor between flashes of flickering lights.

From On the Holovid, Ika doesn't notice the Opodian sneaking up on her, and rushes inside the command center, looking in all directions for another clue.

The tavern is busy tonight, packed with a multitude of beings here to watch the contest. Alexei, Jasra, Umishi, and Rillitan are at the bar while Frn'Zxk'Fkg is sitting at a table nearby. Alexei nods to Jasra then glances back at the holofeed. "How about this then? I'm betting the fanatic will win, they tend to be tougher than people give them credit for," he remarks with a bit of a grin. "If he doesn't I'll pay you 75 credits. If he does win I'll still pay you the 75 credits but you'll have to take me with you next time you leave port."

From On the Holovid, The Opodian's claws slice through Ika's armor and into her furred flesh before she can make it through the hatchway. She makes her entrance in a tumbling fall, blood gushing from her side. Jakarl lopes after her, heavy feet thumping on the metal steps.

From On the Holovid, Ika glares up at the angry Opodian, and tries to make his brain hurt even more.

Bri bounces her way into the tavern and up to the bar, eyes glittering with excitement as she glues eyes to the holoviewer. "Mmmm..I bet she wins anyway," she says to nobody in particular.

Beatrice heads into the tavern, and notices the bloody spectacle on the holoviewer, "Why're they fighting?"

Tamila makes her way into the tavern a few moments after Bri, catching sight of the screen as the Lyiri takes a blow on the holoviewer. The woman in white grins wickedly, not answering the Sivadian's remark.

From On the Holovid, The Opodian is unfazed by the psionic attack this time. Enraged, he hurls himself at Ika, pouncing upon her fallen form in a flurry of clawed fists and fangs. "In Opodi's name!" he cries.

From On the Holovid, Ika winces, and tries to push the being off her.

From On the Holovid, Jakarl tumbles aside, bumping against a column that stands in the middle of the command center. Atop the column, which is about twenty feet high, is a squat blue-green totem illuminated by a pale spotlight. Handholds lead up the column. "For her glory!" the Opodian proclaims. Not waiting for Ika's next move, Jakarl starts a scramble up the column.

From On the Holovid, Ika glaring at the Opodian, Ika sends another psionic wave as she moves to climb the column herself. She is angry now, and the wave is sent with intent to kill.

Alexei slowly runs his thumb and forefinger along the front brim of his top hat then gives it a flick. "Seems they're close to the end now," he states while half turning towards the newest human to approach the bar. "And I wouldn't count the giant Panda out yet. Fanatics rarely stop until they're dead."

From On the Holovid, The psionic blow strikes the unprepared Opodian with full force. His furred fingers are inches away from the totem, his eyes glazing over with zealous fervor, when all that which is essentially *him* inside his mind is shattered like a hall of mirrors. He goes slack and tumbles, dead, to the deck. The cambot moves to focus on Jakarl, scanning the body until it is confirmed that the Opodian has died. The cambot then rotates to face Ika. "You have violated the no-killing rule of this competition. Victory goes to the Zar. A replacement will be appointed to proceed in the next round on Jakarl's behalf. *You* are disqualified." A flash of blue light and Ika is gone from the derelict.

"Come on!" Tamila yells at the screen. "'Bout time somethin' interestin' happened!" She loosely folds her arms across her stomach and stares at the display through narrowed eyes, grumbling when the no killing remark is made, "No killin'? Got all excited for nothin'."

From On the Holovid, The image shifts back to the broadcast studio and the Llivori commentator. "And there you have it! The first fight goes to Zar Hideg Fekretu's allies because of the Lyiri's violation of the strict no-killing rule of the competition. Who will take Jakarl's place in the coming weeks? That remains to be seen! We've still got seven more matches before moving on to the second round. So, stay tuned!"