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[[category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[category:Logs That Include Last Orders Tavern]][[catgegory:Logs That Include Markiel]][[catgegory:Logs That Include Umishi]][[catgegory:Logs That Include Kazael]][[catgegory:Logs That Include Haanrik]]
[[category:Logs That Include Comorro]][[category:Logs That Include Last Orders Tavern]][[category:Logs That Include Markiel]][[category:Logs That Include Umishi]][[category:Logs That Include Kazael]][[category:Logs That Include Haanrik]][[category:Logs That Include Combat]][[category:Logs of Staffer-Run Events]]
From On the Holovid, The ICS logo appears on the holovid, accompanied by triumphant fanfare. The Llivori commentator soon appears behind his desk on a soundstage. "Greetings! Welcome to another installment of the Interverse Combat Series artifact tournament. We've currently got a tie between combatants representing Zar Hideg Fekretu and those representing the more independent-minded folks, particularly aboard that ever elusive Yaralu, Comorro Station."
From On the Holovid, The ICS logo appears on the holovid, accompanied by triumphant fanfare. The Llivori commentator soon appears behind his desk on a soundstage. "Greetings! Welcome to another installment of the Interverse Combat Series artifact tournament. We've currently got a tie between combatants representing Zar Hideg Fekretu and those representing the more independent-minded folks, particularly aboard that ever elusive Yaralu, Comorro Station."

Latest revision as of 13:08, 23 February 2012

From On the Holovid, The ICS logo appears on the holovid, accompanied by triumphant fanfare. The Llivori commentator soon appears behind his desk on a soundstage. "Greetings! Welcome to another installment of the Interverse Combat Series artifact tournament. We've currently got a tie between combatants representing Zar Hideg Fekretu and those representing the more independent-minded folks, particularly aboard that ever elusive Yaralu, Comorro Station."

Markiel is sitting in a dark corner of the tavern, idly watching the holovid's news reports and sipping his usual silver drink.

From On the Holovid, The cambot zooms in on Umishi, a Lyiri combatant now standing on what appears to be a slow-rolling comet near a blazing orange sun, with a purple-gray-yellow nebula streaking the starry sky. The fighter's name flashes on the image with the label "Comorro Station." The voice from the cambot says: "Give us your name and tell us a little about why you chose to commit yourself to such a dangerous competition."

From On the Holovid, The Lyiri is taking in her surroundings before looking at the cambot, "I am Umishi, Daughter of Aishi. To be honest I thought this would be a nice test of skill and maybe we can get those artifacts in a really safe place!"

Haanrik steps into the Last Orders, his movements a bit slow but still able, his cane tapping lightly as he finds a good spot to settle in to watch the fight.

In a dark corner, one Armored Aukami can be spotted intently watching the holovid now. His eyes go coppery gold as he mutters "That's my student!"

From On the Holovid, "Excellent! Now let's meet your opponent," cheers the voice from the cambot, just before the device spins around to catch the arrival of someone else in a flash of bright blue light. When the brightness fades, it leaves behind a willowy-looking Aukami female with fiery eyes. Her silver hair is cut short. As the cambot approaches and makes its inquiry, she answers: "I am Kazael. The heretics aboard Comorro Station are a contagion that must be eliminated at any cost." Her gaze focuses on Lyiri. "Under different conditions, I would stop at nothing to kill you. The rules of this competition prohibit such actions. Those same rules do not prohibit maiming or causing a coma. So, you had best keep your distance. Surrender now. I cannot think less of you."

Haanrik looks to the Aukami on the holo-vid, and snorts. "Arrogance... let us hope the young feline can use it to her advantage."

From On the Holovid, Umishi ears flatten slightly "I do not think we are heretics of any sort, I will also have to decline your offer of surrender."

"Indeed." Markiel speaks up, then explains "Most of my species, me included, are arrogant. I can only hope she trained well."

From On the Holovid, "No surrender for the Lyiri," reports the commentator as he reappears on the holovid. "We may have a real fight this evening! Not like the cowardly assassination of Fight One or the hapless flailing about of the outverser human in Fight Two. Everybody strap in! Because there's a twist for this fight. The ICS has located tonight's bout on a comet that is hurtling on a collision course with the sun you see in the background. If the combatants can't acquire the Hekayti Worthing totem in time, both sides lose the artifact and the combatants are plunged into the sun." The cambot shows the Lyiri and the Aukami again for their reactions this news.

Haanrik adjusts his monocle a bit and widens his eyes. "My word... a dangerous situation, to be sure. However I have witnessed the young Lyiri in combat with a vicious beast in danger of her life... she will have no difficulty."

From On the Holovid, Umishi 's ears flatten back more as she crouches down into a bit of a stance, her eyes darting around to take in the enviroment and her flattened ears twitching lightly as if listening, "At least its still cold.."

Markiel shakes his head. "No.. She has not trained completely. If she survives this, I shall put her through an even more intensive training regimen. Provided no broken limbs of course." he says as he sips from the mug.

Haanrik looks to Markiel. "Young man, I have just stated I have watched this one in combat... and she handled it well. One does not need to be a master of an art to be master of one's mind, and she has mastered her fear. That is a powerful weapon."

From On the Holovid, "Cold, but getting warmer," the Aukami growls, watching as whispers of steam waft above the surface. She then raises a hand, palm out, directed at Umishi - concentrating as her eyes flicker a reddish-yellow hue. Drawing upon her psychokinetic abilities, she tries to overheat the Lyiri.

From On the Holovid, The Lyiri rushes out of the steam as she feels the shift in enviroment and rushes toward the Aukami, Umishi leaping up and toward her leg outstretched in a kick.

"I doubt you have the right to call me young, Hekayti." Markiel says, eyes turning a cool reddish green. "I have trained her, and seen her fight. I have lived with her. As a Hekayti you should know the instructor takes pride in their student's accomplishments."

From On the Holovid, Due to the lower gravity, the Lyiri's leaping kick is longer and more dramatic. Despite the extra time to react, Kazael only notices too late that her effort to boil Umishi on the spot has failed. The furred foot catches the Aukami under the chin. She lifts up and back from the ground, tumbling briefly in seeming weightlessness, and struggles to right herself before landing several yards away on her feet. She appears dizzy, shaking her head as she reorients herself.

"And I doubt you have the right to refute what I have seen with my own eyes, Aukami." Haanrik retorts. "Bear that in mind." With that he returns his focus to the holovid.

From On the Holovid, Umishi regathers her footing and runs in another direction from her now disoriented opponent, though not compeletly forgetting her, weaving between the spikes of the comment as cover as she starts searching for the totem or anything that would help her.

From On the Holovid, The Aukami is staggering around, still shaken up by the kick to the head. She looks in a slow circle but can't seem to make out anything useful. So, she does what comes naturally and begins pursuing the Lyiri. Umishi, meanwhile, finds an ICS box affixed to one of the stone spikes jutting from the surface of the comet. Inside the box: A pair of polarizing sunglasses.

From On the Holovid, Umishi takes the sunglasses after climbing to the box on the spike, puts then on then kicks off back to the ground useing the lesser gravity to sail back to the ground into a run, returning to her search for the totem still weaving between the spikes for cover as she can.

Haanrik puts on a bit of a smile. "She is just as adept to her environment as she was against the Vaaxtorban... and resourceful." he says appreciatively, mostly to himself.

Markiel just shakes his head at the Hekaytan and watches his student. eyes flashing copper in pride as she takes to her training.

From On the Holovid, Combining telekinetics, natural athletics, and lighter gravity, Zarael lofts off a sloping spike and arcs through the air - quickly closing the distance between her and the Lyiri. She's just about close enough to strike, but not yet. Umishi would probably hear the footsteps, though.

From On the Holovid, No sign of the totem yet. And no new gadget boxes. But Umishi does notice a crack in the surface about ten feet ahead, accompanied by a growing hiss as gas begins venting from it.

From On the Holovid, Umishi ears twitch and she abruptly shifts her direction...twice..on the second time she climbs up a spike and kicks off it towards the direction of the vent to try and giver herself both a speed and distance boost.

From On the Holovid, Zarael closely mimics the zigzag pattern of the Lyiri and then follows in a graceful arc over the outgassing vent. She comes down just behind Umishi as the crack fully ruptures, sending bits of rock shrapnel spiraling through the air in a glittering haze of gaseous mist. "Trying to kill me?" the Aukami inquires.

"So she tried to separate the Aukami from herself." Markiel's eyes remain copper, as he whispers to himself "Smart girl. Too bad it didn't work."

From On the Holovid, Umishi snarls slightly and sends telepathicly ~I know better, I was trying to disorient you.~, in an rather odd attempt then, she trys to gather up some of the dust and shrapnel int the air togather in a low gravity ball as she rushes toward the Aukami trying to throw said dust ball in her face.

Haanrik adjusts his monocle. "A fine attempt... but it appears she has more in store."

From On the Holovid, Zarael tries, but fails, to dodge the incoming cloud of dust and shrapnel. It doesn't exactly hit hard, but it really doesn't have to. Surprised and staggered, the Aukami is left waving her slender hands about her head, trying to free herself from the annoying debris.

From On the Holovid, Umishi takes the opportinuity to sweep at Zarael's legs to further disorinet her before she continues running to serach for the totem.

"Good, but stop wasting time on the enemy.." Markiel mutters to himself as Umishi launches yet another attack. He continues, "The sun is the real enemy.."

From On the Holovid, Zarael is able to dodge the Lyiri's kick this time. And as Umishi runs away, the Aukami gathers her wits about her, using weapons the Lyiri gave her: The cloud of shrapnel. With telekinetics, she hurtles the projectiles at accelerated speed in the direction of Umishi's back.

From On the Holovid, Umishi hears the whistling of sharpnel behind her as she runs, jumping off to the side and onto a spike again kicking off for a boost of distance.

From On the Holovid, Zarael is too flustered at the moment to make out any useful ICS crates sitting around. But as she watches the manic flight of the Lyiri, her eyes narrow in thought. She raises a hand once more, focusing her will. Her attention seems to be to an area ahead of Umishi and to the left.

"That's it young one, keep one step ahead of her." Haanrik says with a raising of a fist.

From On the Holovid, Umishi sees, off to her left, a pillar of rock with a bright light shining upon it. Within the shaft of light: A Hekayti Worthing totem.

"There!" Markiel shouts, as if he was actually present. Yep, apparently someone has too much pride in his student's capabilities.

From On the Holovid, Umishi runs toward the rock pillar with the light.

From On the Holovid, While Umishi runs toward the illusion of the Hekayti Worthing totem, Zarael moves around the curve of a horn-like spike that forms the rim of a small caldera. Within that caldera is a rough carved alcove with the Hekayti Worthing totem resting on a stone pedestal. A predatory grin steals across her face as she moves to claim her prize.

Haanrik frowns. "Blast it all... a mirage!"

From On the Holovid, Umishi climbs to the top of the pillar and her ears twitch as her hands pass right the totem, she makes a growling noise and spins around on the pillar to look for where Zarael went.

Markiel just falls silent for a moment. "Is she far enough ahead?" he asks nobody in particular.

From On the Holovid, Zarael left behind a glittering cloud of dust as she loped toward the caldera, so it is easy enough for Umishi to track the Aukami to the site of the real Worthing totem. Within just a few feet of clutching the totem and a second victory for Zar Hideg Fekretu, she turns upon hearing the Lyiri approach. "You and those who side with you are an abomination," she proclaims. "In the Zar's name, I claim my prize!" Zarael turns to snatch the totem, but she's interrupted by another rupture in the surface of the comet, just before her feet. Scalding gas vents upward, searing the flesh of her arms and sending her tumbling up through the force of its expulsion. Her body spins and passes through the sheet of boiling gas again and again.

"Fortune has smiled... " Haanrik notes, leaning forward to observe.

Markiel mutters to himself "She definitly needs to focus on her mental powers, and her observative capabilities."

From On the Holovid, Umishi steps back a few steps and takes a bounding leap towards the gas, notably where the Auk is spinning in it both in an attempt to knock her out of the gas AND use her as a shield against it.

From On the Holovid, It's not pretty, but Umishi just barely manages to leap through the air and use the scorched Aukami to screen herself from the horrific venting so that she can land on the other side, next to the pedestal with the genuine totem teetering upon it. The rumbling from the crack in the surface suggests that it's only getting worse. This sense is magnified by the growing orb of the sun. Zarael lands in a blistered pile, resting against one of the spikes.

From On the Holovid, Umishi forces herself grab for the totem, after having taken a bit of the gas but not all of it wincing slightly.

From On the Holovid, There's a flash of blue light that engulfs Umishi before she reappears aboard Comorro Station...

Haanrik leans back, a look of satisfaction on his face. "As I suspected, she has prevailed."

"Good. Now to train her more." Markiel grunts, then gets up to leave.

From On the Holovid, The scene shifts back to the Llivori commentator, back in the ICS studio. "Quite an amazing fight, wasn't it folks? The anti-Zar movement scores a win to break the tie! A shame about Zarael, but Umishi now advances to the second round! Stay tuned until the next exciting installment of the Interverse Combat Series!"

Haanrik smirks a bit. "From what I have seen on the hunt and here, there is little training left."