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'''Participants:''' [ Narai], Grey, Riata, Jaswinder
[[category:Logs That Include Sanctuary]][[category:Logs That Include Narai]][[category:Logs That Include Grey]][[category:Logs That Include Riata]][[category:Logs That Include Jaswinder]][[category:Logs of Staffer-Run Events]]
'''Participants:''' [[Narai]], Grey, Riata, Jaswinder

Latest revision as of 16:13, 23 February 2012

Participants: Narai, Grey, Riata, Jaswinder

Flight Deck <Sanctuary>

The large civilian ship, the Enlightenment, slowly moves onto the Flight Deck - sitting down in the what appaers to be near empty landing area. After a few moments, the main door to the Enlightenment opens, and behind it Viceroy Narai - of the Malencheer Solidarity, stands holding his large plasma rifle, surrounded by a handful of guards. They steps off of the Enlightenment, and Narai turns to his men, "Secure the deck, make sure there are no surpises."

Sharp green eyes move towards Narai and his men. "Tell your men to return to your ship Narai, if the deck is insecure, it's no business of yours." Grey calls out to Viceroy Narai, eyeing the Opodian's plasma rifle. A sharp feline grin splits across his muzzle.

Jaswinder walks into the bay and pauses, PDA in hand, at the unloading of forces. "....Guess it coulda been worse. Coulda been the raccoon kids. There's nothing to worry about. There's nobody here."

"Mister Grey. It has been sometime." Narai says, turning to him, pointing the rifle at the ground as he walks over to him. "My troops remain." He looks to Jaswinder, then back to Grey. "No one here, no one we can see. Doesn't mean there isn't security protocols in place. We must be cautious. I'd think you of all people would rather a security defense system shoot at my guards then you." He snorts. "I was passing through the area, when sensors detected this thing appear. I assume you were nearby as well?"

Jaswinder snorts. "Why would it shoot at me? It's an outverse ship. Well. More like an outverse time capsule. Your best bet for a profit would be to fly this thing over to the Confederacy. You'd probably be able to name your price.

"I say again, tell your men to return to your ship. Whether or not you trip a security system isn't my concern, a handful of Opodian soldiers rummaging around on my new station, is." Grey replies, his grin remaining firmly in place. "It has indeed been a while." His feline eyes shift to Jaswinder. "Is that so? I'll keep that in mind. My ship was the first here, I claim salvage rights."

"No profit here." Narai says to Jaswinder, "We should search the ship from stem to stern, open every door, scan every database." Turning to Grey, the Viceroy scowls, "You claim nothing. This belongs to the Malencheer Solidarity now, and my men will not leave." He motions for his men to come closer. "I am sure we all can come to some sort of mutually agreeable solution, Mister Grey? Hmm? A split of this, whatever it is? No need for bloodshed."

Jaswinder raises one eyebrow at Grey. Then raises his PDA and snaps a photo. "Good on you," he says cheerfully. "When I drop the word to the Confederacy that you're holding the entire cultural heritage of the Orion Arm hostage, I'm sure they'll totally want to cuddle your fuzzy little ass and won't be the least upset. Better to play the hero than the swindler as a general rule, man."

And then takes another snapshot of Narai.

"The Malencheer? Is this your idea of a joke, Narai?" Grey's stance changes subtly, his paws folded across his chest. "I advice you consider your next move very carefully, Opodian. For old time sake I might be willing to push a cut of whatever profit is to be made here your way, but if you tell me that you're taking this station again, well it may just break my little heart."

"Many things have changed, since last we met, Mister Grey." Narai says, as his men get closer. He points to Jaswinder, "Take that PDA and destroy it, and hold him here." He orders some of his men to do. "I have laid claim to five worlds, I have an Emprie to control and answer for. If Dusk and Malencheer joined forces, we would be unstoppable. Give it some thought, Grey. It would be wise to accept, imagine what we could do - with this as a base - a port of commerce, diplomacy, military might. Your corporation, my empire. Unstoppable force in Hiverspace. You can make unimaginable amounts of money, I can continue to expand the Empire."

Jaswinder sighs. "Ten against one. And they wonder why I think this universe has no Light." He puts his PDA away as the mooks approach, shifting to a martial arts stance. "Sorry sweetheart. It kinda has to be over my dead body. This is something any outverser will fight to keep and protect. And they already know about it. I was sending photos to my sweetie of Timon's Heart before you got here."

Sharp green eyes take note of Narai's commands, and his minion's advance on Jaswinder, Grey's grin drawing just a little wider. "I may just accept that offer, Narai. So long as Dusk Corporations remains under my command, and mine alone." His fluffy ears twitch. "We can talk about you giving Dusk Corporations the station as a gesture of good will later, I think your 'security' is causing a problem or two."

"Back off, guards." Narai tells his Opodian crew, who comply. "If he does anything, take him down." He looks back to Grey. "Dusk would remain under your control, and Malencheer under mine. Some sort of, long term alliance? We split control of this station, its resources, its secrets. Do you accept that? No one person, or group, should have complete control of this."

Jaswinder blinks, shrugs, and takes out his PDA again, typing. Quickly.

"Very well. An equal share in the station." Grey emphasises the word equal. "For old time's sake. And we'd better see if this thing can still move. Don't want any other outversers nosing about until proper security measures have been put in place."

"Yes, we should move it. We can move it to the Solidarity, where we can easily protect it." Narai suggests. "And of course, you are free to move some personel on board, for monitoring and security reasons." He looks around the mostly empty deck, "We should locate a command or operations center, should we not? And get this thing moved, and our new found alliance underway."

Jaswinder taps a final key and lowers his PDA. "Mind if I walk around, sweeties?"

"I shouldn't move it to Solidarity-" Grey pauses around the word, "Space. Not with that on board." The felinoid motions towards Jaswinder. "No offence intended." He adds as an afterthought. "It'll run back to the confederacy soon as it leaves the ship. We should have it ejected, and then decide on a location."

"Indeed, I like how you think." Narai says, looking to Jaswinder then back at Grey. "I have not released the location of Irinnar, our homeworld. We will be safe there. And Dusk can have access to all the resource of the Solidarity once we are there." He smiles, then turns to Jaswinder, "So, good sir, it is up to you how it goes. Die here, die somewhere else? Or how do we keep you quiet? Money? Power?... Women?" Narai asks, making suggestions, hoping that Jaswinder will name his terms, or face death.

Jaswinder just laughs. Laughs long and hard. "Oh, my cute little's already too late. The word has gone out. They know, and they know it's *you two* holding their history from them. I don't give a rat's what you do now. I've done my little duty to Home. We can dance or whatever the hell you want."

"Ah... can you smell that? Can you?" It's unclear who exactly Grey is talking to, but he takes a deep breath all the same, before levelling his gaze at Jaswinder. "Then thank you, for doing our job for us. We may well give them their history. After all, people pay a lot for antiques."

Narai chuckles at Grey, then turns to Jaswinder. He points at his ship. "Leave, now. And pray you never run into us again. For there are much worse things then death, and I can think of a dozen ways to prolong the suffering which will befall upon you if you or your 'allies' come." Turning back to Grey, the Viceroy continues, "We should get up to the Operations center. Move this thing." He then calls for one of his guards to bring out engineers and scientists to help with the taking of the ship.

Jaswinder shakes his head at Gray, still laughing quietly. "I don't care what they decide to do about it. It's their history. They'll decide its value. I got to be here and see it for myself, so I'm good. I just didn't want it to vanish without the people that *might* care ever knowing." Narai just gets a grin. "Stop it, sweetheart. Just...stop it. I've lived too many lives for threats like that to be anything but a joke." But he's willing to head to his ship. "Enjoy your time as the villains, my fuzzy little friends. There's no point in the life if you don't enjoy your work."

"Finally a man who understands me." Grey says in reply to Jaswinder, he offers a fuzzy little wave. "I do hope we meet again, this has been exciting!" To Narai, the felinoid nods. "Agreed, after you." He motions with a single paw, before clasping it behind his back again, grinning from ear to ear.

"I guess you will one day find out." Narai says to Jaswinder, then turns to Grey. "We must work fast to move this thing to Irinnar. Troops, move out. Some stay behidn to see our guest off."

Jaswinder has left.

Riata exits the ship looking around uncertainly, seeing Narai she heads over, "What is happening dear?"

The IND Lin's Blade fires its ascent thrusters and lifts off as it heads out of the hangar bay into the blackness of space.

Grey watches Jaswinder until the outverser boards his ship before shifting his sharp green eyes to Riata. "Well, hello there." He greets the other Opodian, voice like honey. "You the pilot?"

Hearing Riata coming off the Enlightenment, Narai turns. "We were travelling through space, when this thing rifted in. I took the ship in for a closer look, Mister Grey beat us here." Narai says, motioning at Grey. "The Solidarity and Dusk will join forces, and share this ship. But we must move it to a secure location. Irinnar is still hidden, a good place to keep it for now." Turning to Grey, he says, "This is Riata, another member of the Solidarity. She is experienced in scientific areas, she may be of help here. But let us go, we must move fast to get this thing out of here."

Command Quarter <Sanctuary>

Narai, along with his Riata and a few others from his ship make their way onto the Command Quarter. The Viceroy walks upto the closed door, pressing the button to try and access the Command Center behind it and is met with a BEEP every time he presses the button. "Great." He says, motioning for one of his crew to look at it. After a few minutes of fiddling with it, cursing under their breath, the Opodian cheers and the door opens. "That was easy." Narai says, and walks into the Command Center.

Command Center <Sanctuary>

Entering the command center for the massive ship, Narai looks around to take everything in. He looks at the crew and Riata that are behind him. "Find some consoles, let's get this thing out of here." He says, moving to the nearest console to examine it.

Riata follows the Viceroy into the command center in the middle of the group as she looks around in curiosity. "Well done dear, a very interesting ship." she nods satisfied and sees to overseeing the workers The Viceroy begins to tap the various consoles to death, trying to get the ship moving. "If you find anything odd, let me know. I'll try powering up and moving it now." Narai says, studying the various displays.

With a lurch and a flash of white light the ship accelerates to FTL speed.

Riata waves a distracted paw at Narai, "Yes dear, you get the big ship moving and let us to our job. If you like you can have a biscuit for your troubles." she says distractedly over her shoulder

"Victory!" Narai shouts, as the ship jerks as it jumps. "I have set course for Irinnar. As soon as Mister Grey returns from searching the ship, he will be pleased." He turns to Riata, "You have biscuits with you?" He shakes his head, "In any case, start downloading the database, and we will do a database dump, wipe and restart later to be safe. We should be at Irinnar soon."

Riata pokes one slow crew member in the side, "You heard the Viceroy, "Well, get busy dear we haven't all day!" she says to the slowbe then rummages in her copious pockets and pulls out a package of biscuits, which are handed over to Narai, "There you are dear, if you were peckish you should have said." thus stated she goes back to poking slow crew members and berating their lack of speed, finally choosing to wave them all away in irritation and does it herself

"I'm not so much peckish, per say. Just excited." Narai says, turning back to the console and looking at their ETA to Irinnar. "I should check in with the rest of the crews and have them join in on the search of this craft." He looks at the screen, and says, "Sanctuary... Interesting name for this thing."

Riata murmurs something indistinct as she goes about the downloads, her tongue sticking out of the left side of her muzzle in concentration, occasionally wavering impatiently at the embarrassed crew as they attempt to take thier job over again.

Narai pulls out a commlink, ordering engineers to come up to the Command Center as well as Security officers to secure it, and to secure all other 'essential' systems on the ship. "Once it is secured, we will ensure this stays in orbit of Irinnar. We'll pour security forces from the planet onboard." He looks to Riata, "We should be there soon."

Riata nods absentmindedly at Narai's words, "Yes dear, there soon dear. Do pull over to ask directions if you make a wrong turn dear." she continues distractedly as she pokes the buttons to get the transfer to finish.

Narai shakes his head at the joke and sarcasm coming from Riata. "I think I can find my way." He says, as he moves over to another console to look at various other displays and system.

Riata finishes doing the download and smiles over at Narai, "Of course dear, that is what all the men say. Now then, the download is complete were there any other small tasks we can do for you then?

"No." Narai simply replies, reading the last line on the display then turns to the viewport, watching the ship pass through space at unimaginable speeds. He remains silent, taking it in, and waits for the ship to jump to normal space with the view of Irinnar in the display.

Riata walks over and looks at the view as well, "Very well dear, then we shall watch and see. It will be good to see the place again, lovely foliage, random strangers popping in for tea, and odd talking ships aside."

As the ship jumps to Normal space, and the rainy forest planet of Irinnar comes into view, Narai turns to the crew. "Bring the ship into orbit. Alert Command to send ground troops up to fortify the ship. Engineers and scientists as well to help with securing, adding defenses and whatever else they feel is needed." He smiles, looking to Riata, "I should find Grey and update him. You should search the rest of the ship for science and engineering areas we can use, that's more your style." He smiles and departs the bridge, assuming Riata is coming. "And fix this door, I want it locked."