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Latest revision as of 08:20, 1 March 2012

Xanya's log 2654-01-08 supplement 01

Summary: Xanya and Anya talking together

Cast: Xanya, Anya,

Air Date: Januari 8, 2654

Setting: Cafe Orion - Comorro Station

Above the door hangs a white oval sign in Terran Standard and Hekayan, proclaiming this place to be the Cafe Orion in sweeping round blue neon cursive. Upon entering the Cafe Orion, one might notice that there has been some serious attempt at making it seem far different then the rest of the locations to be found on Comorro Station. The ribs that arch over to serve as the ceiling have been covered up by navy blue fabric with fiberoptic lights running underneath; holes have been punched into it in the pattern of constellations and other space bodies from the Orion Arm, creating the feeling of being upon a planet's surface on a cool evening. They give the place a dark and cozy feel, without being too dim. The walls have been covered by various bits of wood, metal and plastic paneling, but between the gaps one can still make out the grey flesh that is the station. The menu consists of various simple but well-known Orion Arm food and drink items whose components can be substituted with local fare or grown on the ships. The items are delivered by a wait staff clad in black and white. The wall opposite the wide double doors is taken up by a makeshift collection of letters, photographs and all the other various knickknacks that make up a life, but this sober little memorial to those left behind in the Orion Arm does little to pull down the atmosphere of the cafe itself. One length of the wall is taken up by a bar made of gleaming steel and topped by a slab of smooth glass which glows a gentle blue. In the corner across from the bar is a small, raised stage that gives just enough room for performers and their equipment. By day the cafe's floor is filled with round steel tables and matching chairs. At night, when the atmosphere livens up, they're replaced with a few gambling tables and a dance floor. Lively music usually fills the air and drinks flow freely... as long as one has something to barter with.

Contents: Exits:
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Xanya still sitting at her table is working on her PDA but a bit of frustration can be seen on her face.

Anya returns to the cafe with a small smile on her face. The woman glances around for a moment then goes to join Xanya's table. "Well I got the job." She says with a smirk. "Not sure what its all about, but its all good da?"

Xanya jumps a bit as she was focusing on her PDA. "huh? oh HI Anya, Sorry I didn't see you there. Did you say you got an other job?"

Anya nods her head slightly and swings her legs lazily. "Ja, so I will be coming into some cash ya guess." The Ungstiri says with a smile. "Ship design?" She asks.

Xanya nods. "I am trying to work on some idea's but this PDA doesn;t let me work as precise as I would want to. It's frustrating the hell out me." She puts her PDA down on the table and waves to the waitress. "coffee please?"

Anya reaches over at the PDA and starts to study the program. "Where is it falling short?" The small woman asks without looking up from the program, though she pulls out her own microcomputer.

Xanya Thinks for a moment and as her coffee arives she takes a few zips from it. "I only seem to have a comercial drawing program. it's good for scetches but not for making blue prints that can be used in production, IF it ever gets to that point." She drinks a bit more while looking at Anya working with her PDA.

"Commerical? That means there is a professional suite of programs da?" Anya asks with a smile as she closes her eyes and gets very very still.

Xanya nods. "I got this PDA when I first arived here at comorro. it was the day I was rifted to this world. I was happy with it then since it was much more advanced then anything I ever had or could have had back home. It had alot of basic programs on it. But now that isn't working anymore. I saw some programs in one of the shops. but the prices are way higher then anything I could pay for right now." She sighs and drinks from her coffee.

Anya slowly opens her eyes and offers the PDA back. "Just try not to register program da?" The small woman grins brightly. "Was simply enough to crack the key." She adds happily.

Xanya Smiles brightly and slightly shakes her head. "just like people could do back home. Take a program, crack it's full content and work on it as if they had spend alot of money on a full version." She smiles as she checks the program on her PDA. "your amazing." She sais as she does a few scematics on the program. "I'll need to remember you just incase I got some programing to do in one of my future ship builds."

"Best computer tech in the region." Anya winks playfully. The small woman leans back and orders a tall glass of vodka. "Da, vi should, enjoy the work." She explains. "Ya am sure vi will make badass ships."

"The best tech in the region he? you might as well be. I have no reason to doubt your words." Xanya says smiles. "The ships will look great indeed. I already have got names for the 3 types of ships I am planing. each of them a different size and able to fit in the bigger version." She says as she puts her PDA back and leans back as well.

"Da? And what are their names of your nesting doll ship?" Anya says with a small smile. "Yuri, Pavel, Olga?" She asks in a slightly teasing tone. "Hmm... Love ships, Ungstiri of my time live almost completely on them."

Xanya smiles. "love ships? well .. I guess one could use them for that." She sais blushing slightly. "ahm... well the name of the small ship versions I am planing to make first will be the 'Lady-class Shuttle' and the 'Lady-Class Feighter'. As the name already suggests one will be made to carry people around and it will have alot of luxery on board to make the people as comvertable as posible. The other one will be used to carry goods around. The medium ships will be called the Princess-class and the large ships will be called the Queen-Class. I don't have any details on them yet. although the first Queen-class I will build will most likely be a mobile construction yard, to construct and repair ships."

"Da? And then there will be the Empress Class super carriers?" Anya asks with a smile. The small woman fiddles with her skirt for a moment then blinks as she tries to figure something out. "Ummm... da.. ships are what was home for most of ya's life... Vi doesn't mean love as in...?"

Xanya thinks for a moment and then grabs her PDA to write some things down. "Empress-class super carriers. great idea, Anya. I will have to get my mind around that idea too. You just gave me alot more work." she sais with a smile. She finishes writing on her pda and puts it away. "if ships where my home for most of my life? well, that depends on how you look at it. Before I was rifted I lived on earth up untill the year 2011. thats when I was rifted to this world and time. ever since then I have spend most of my time on comorro or other ships." She thinks for a bit. "Vi, that means love? I thought it ment 'you', or are you trying to ask something else. if something is on your mind you can ask me. I will awsner as best as I can." She says wondering what Anya is trying to say.

Anya blinks a few times and shakes her head. "Nyet! Vi means you. Was trying to get ya's mind around what vi meant by love ships." The woman explains with a confused smile. "Umm.. nyetmind it okay?" She says with a grin. "So... vi is fitting in very fast, in that time they were only going to start work on colony on Luna da?" She asks

Xanya thinks for a moment and shakes her head. "no I do not think they where working on colonizing the moon in the time I came from. but I could be mistaking. alot of things happend with the up most secretcy in mind." thinks a bit more. "Did I mention love ships? I can't remember that I did." tries to remember what she said about ships in this convetation.

"Da.. Ya is a great student of History. In time.. think great Father Putin put nasty EU in place over... umm... umm.. Wall of Berlin." Anya says with a small happy smile. "Hmmm.. Luna colony started.. tinier then Ungstiri mining ship." She nods. "Da... Luna is cruel world like Mater Ungstiri."

Xanya stretches herself and yawns a bit. "The wall of berlin. that one fell before I was born. I think. And a moon colony? that must have been some experiance living there." She says almost ready to dream about it.

Anya nods her head quickly. "Is like living on Ungistiri asteroid but need worksuit all time to live.. that and less minerals to mine." She says happily. "Oh..? Hrrrm.. But Great Father of Ungstiri Putin still Czar?" She asks in confusion.

Xanya thinks but shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I have no idea about the history of rusia or any moon colony. I am also getting tired. Mind if we continue this an other time? Pretty please?" She says while trying to give a puppy dog eyes look

Anya blushes slightly at the look and nods her head. "Da, since vi asked so sweetly." She says.

Xanya smiles brightly. "Thank you. your a sweet lady, anya." She stands up and stretches once more. "I hope we will see each other again soon."