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[[Category: Open Races]][[category:Aliens]]
{{Template: Infobox Race
|race_name = Kirvir
|race_image =Kirvir.jpg
|scientific_name =
|classification = Canine humanoid
|height = 4' to 7'
|weight = 95 to 300 lbs
|lifespan = 130 years
|language = [[Krisvir]]
|homeworld = [[Skovas]]
=General Info=
Race name is: Kirvir
Race name is: Kirvir
These look like anthropomorphic fox people. They have hands that can use and manipulate tools and stand on their hind legs. They have feet and tend to wear shoes, however both hands and feet have pads and claws similar to a fox. The height and markings of the particular Kirvir are based upon culture generally. They wear clothing that is particular to their culture as well and they wear it as both a way of showing standing in their society as well as decoration. Kirvir generally do not walk around naked but they do tend to wear light layers due to the thick layer of fir.
These look like anthropomorphic fox people. They have hands that can use and manipulate tools and stand on their hind legs. They have feet and tend to wear shoes, however both hands and feet have pads and claws similar to a fox. The height and markings of the particular Kirvir are based upon culture generally. They wear clothing that is particular to their culture as well and they wear it as both a way of showing standing in their society as well as decoration. Kirvir generally do not walk around naked but they do tend to wear light layers due to the thick layer of fur.
Planet name: Skovas
Planet name: Skovas
Skovas is a bright and vibrant world full of plant and wild life. The Kirvir are not extremely well populous of it and there is still much to explore and discover to the plant itself. The only ones who have cared to being the Virn and even they tend to stay towards generationally laid down routes with little deviation.
==Cultures of the Kirvir:==
==Cultures of the Kirvir:==
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Mesnarit: Anyone who is not a Mesniv is of this caste and only those who are of a different race entirely are lower.
Mesnarit: Anyone who is not a Mesniv is of this caste and only those who are of a different race entirely are lower.
Kasri: The poor, anyone who must rely upon the kindness of others to get by. They are the destitute and this is the /only/ caste one may raise from with no fear of retribution.
Kasri: The poor, anyone who must rely upon the kindness of others to get by. They are the destitute and this is the /only/ caste one may raise from with no fear of retribution. No restriction beyond not turning traitor to their people, the Kasri can't fall any further then to become Mesnarit, this is rare as few willingly relinquish the right to call themselves Mesniv, due to a national pride bred into the entire society.
Nesrn: Worker class, these are the ones who /do/. They bake the bread, and clean the streets, and build the floating cities of the Gisrah. They are the bread and butter class of the Masniv.
Nesrn: Worker class, these are the ones who /do/. They bake the bread, and clean the streets, and build the floating cities of the Gisrah. They are the bread and butter class of the Masniv. The largest caste, the Nesrn have few restrictions and the tend to keep themselves polite, well mannered, and clean simply due to pride in themselves and being Mesniv.
Krestiv: The trading princes and business tycoons of the Mesniv. They are the wealthy, all of them are old families and guard their fortunes and power jealously.
Krestiv: The trading princes and business tycoons of the Mesniv. They are the wealthy, all of them are old families and guard their fortunes and power jealously. Expected to behave and dress as one of their station, no better dressed and mannered and no worse, they have more freedom then the Gisrah in this. They still have a certain level that should they not meet the expectations they will be reduced in caste as well.
Gisrah: The true nobility of the Mesniv. They are raised in the lap of luxury. Few ever actually set foot on the ground as they live in floating cities, preferring to look down upon those who work for their pleasure. They are the true power of the Mesniv, and if you ask them, the power of Skovas.
Gisrah: The true nobility of the Mesniv. They are raised in the lap of luxury. Few ever actually set foot on the ground as they live in floating cities, preferring to look down upon those who work for their pleasure. They are the true power of the Mesniv, and if you ask them, the power of Skovas. They are expected to be as close to perfection as they can. They have the possibility of marrying into the Kiv if they show themselves to be of appropriate purity and perfection, as close as possible to one not raised as a Kiv. Should any not follow the cultural norm of social skill, beauty, so on and so forth then they can easily be reduced in the caste system.
Kiv: The imperial family. Those who are family of or are the Emperor or Empress of the Mesniv.
Kiv: The imperial family. Those who are family of or are the Emperor or Empress of the Mesniv. They are the perfection of purity in their society. They are seen by the rest of the Mesniv as the next best thing to gods in life. They are expected to be the height of beauty, grace, wit, charm, and everything appealing and good in existence. Should they fail in this, it has been known that death might occur and in quite a public manner as well, to show the people that such a being would never be true Kiv. The only one exempt in this is the Emperor or Empress (whichever is on the throne at the time and currently it is an Empress, the first born of the previous monarch). Only they might act as they choose, very few ever act in such a way as those who do not act as expected tend to "disappear".
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Soul/Death: This ability lives within all Kirvir, or rather it's potential. Those who develop it and are caught using it, are hunted and locked away at best, at worst they are killed in a very public and painful manner. Small groups have been known to form and over time groups from each culture have sprung up to put them down. This is one of the few things all three cultures agree on.
Soul/Death: This ability lives within all Kirvir, or rather it's potential. Those who develop it and are caught using it, are hunted and locked away at best, at worst they are killed in a very public and painful manner. Small groups have been known to form and over time groups from each culture have sprung up to put them down. This is one of the few things all three cultures agree on.
Skovas is a bright and vibrant world full of plant and wild life. The Kirvir are not extremely well populous of it and there is still much to explore and discover to the plant itself. The only ones who have cared to being the Virn and even they tend to stay towards generationally laid down routes with little deviation.

Latest revision as of 00:47, 18 June 2012


Scientific Name:
Classification: Canine humanoid
Average Height 4' to 7'
Average Weight 95 to 300 lbs
Average Lifespan 130 years
Native Language Krisvir
Homeworld Skovas

General Info

Race name is: Kirvir

These look like anthropomorphic fox people. They have hands that can use and manipulate tools and stand on their hind legs. They have feet and tend to wear shoes, however both hands and feet have pads and claws similar to a fox. The height and markings of the particular Kirvir are based upon culture generally. They wear clothing that is particular to their culture as well and they wear it as both a way of showing standing in their society as well as decoration. Kirvir generally do not walk around naked but they do tend to wear light layers due to the thick layer of fur.

Planet name: Skovas

Skovas is a bright and vibrant world full of plant and wild life. The Kirvir are not extremely well populous of it and there is still much to explore and discover to the plant itself. The only ones who have cared to being the Virn and even they tend to stay towards generationally laid down routes with little deviation.

Cultures of the Kirvir:



Sturdy and can top 7 feet for the largest, they are bulky strong and well muscled, made for mining and farming and building the land of their home's mountains and valleys. They are strong simple and hardy and built to survive. They don't care for the fluff of the more high brow cultures of their people and have won their independence though bloody wars. They are generally a variety of colors on their under coat with stripes of just as wide a variety of colors to off set it. They tend to be rough in speech and in manner and suspicious as a whole but once they accept someone they can be some of the most loyal friends that can be found.


Led by councils, these people live in small communities. They don't like outsiders, they don't trust outsiders. They work hard and are intent on improving their settlements. Small towns are dotted around and they keep their population small on purpose so that no community is too overburdened to survive. The council is made up of 3 members in each town. They are not always the oldest, but always those who have a proven ability to lead. Generally these towns may choose their own mates however, once chosen those mates are for life. One may not break those ties for fear of being ostracized from the town. The Sendrak, the religion of the Nesvik, states that to leave one's mate and find another is to turn one's back on the heart of the people, and the spirits who provide for them.


All cases will be overseen and judged by the council. They and they alone can judge if the accused is guilty and give sentence.

  • Murder: is illegal and will be met with at least jail time and at most death.
  • Skeev: is illegal and will always be met with death. This is use of soul/death powers.
  • Theft: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most jail time.
  • Assault: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most jail time.
  • Adultery: is illegal and will always be met with death for adulterer and the one they committed the crime with.


Simple clothing with few real decorations beyond a bit of sturdy jewelry here and there. Usually jewelry will be heavy and roughly designed but with a simple beauty, particularly as the best metal smiths come from this culture. The clothing is tough enough to withstand the hard work this culture is known for.



Sleek, generally slender, and light, they are usually traders, crafters, and diplomats. Usually between 4 feet and topping 6 for the tallest, they generally have white to bright orange and everywhere in between for coat color. Their fur tends to be very well tended and glossy with only the poorest of the poor with ratty fur. They are part of the Empire of the Suns. As such they tend to be arrogant, and high brow. Their settlements tend to range across forests and meadows and of course the Capitol City where the Imperial seat is housed. They have the Empress or Emperor depending on the era and the state of the government. Not much for physical prowess the Mesniv tend to win through tactics rather then power.


This society is made up of a caste system and is as follows:

Lowest: Outsider or Sernk-Anyone of a race that is not Kirvir

Mesnarit: Anyone who is not a Mesniv is of this caste and only those who are of a different race entirely are lower.

Kasri: The poor, anyone who must rely upon the kindness of others to get by. They are the destitute and this is the /only/ caste one may raise from with no fear of retribution. No restriction beyond not turning traitor to their people, the Kasri can't fall any further then to become Mesnarit, this is rare as few willingly relinquish the right to call themselves Mesniv, due to a national pride bred into the entire society.

Nesrn: Worker class, these are the ones who /do/. They bake the bread, and clean the streets, and build the floating cities of the Gisrah. They are the bread and butter class of the Masniv. The largest caste, the Nesrn have few restrictions and the tend to keep themselves polite, well mannered, and clean simply due to pride in themselves and being Mesniv.

Krestiv: The trading princes and business tycoons of the Mesniv. They are the wealthy, all of them are old families and guard their fortunes and power jealously. Expected to behave and dress as one of their station, no better dressed and mannered and no worse, they have more freedom then the Gisrah in this. They still have a certain level that should they not meet the expectations they will be reduced in caste as well.

Gisrah: The true nobility of the Mesniv. They are raised in the lap of luxury. Few ever actually set foot on the ground as they live in floating cities, preferring to look down upon those who work for their pleasure. They are the true power of the Mesniv, and if you ask them, the power of Skovas. They are expected to be as close to perfection as they can. They have the possibility of marrying into the Kiv if they show themselves to be of appropriate purity and perfection, as close as possible to one not raised as a Kiv. Should any not follow the cultural norm of social skill, beauty, so on and so forth then they can easily be reduced in the caste system.

Kiv: The imperial family. Those who are family of or are the Emperor or Empress of the Mesniv. They are the perfection of purity in their society. They are seen by the rest of the Mesniv as the next best thing to gods in life. They are expected to be the height of beauty, grace, wit, charm, and everything appealing and good in existence. Should they fail in this, it has been known that death might occur and in quite a public manner as well, to show the people that such a being would never be true Kiv. The only one exempt in this is the Emperor or Empress (whichever is on the throne at the time and currently it is an Empress, the first born of the previous monarch). Only they might act as they choose, very few ever act in such a way as those who do not act as expected tend to "disappear".


Low Court cases will be overseen and judged by a court with jury, judge, defense attorney, and prosecutor. They jury may declare guilty or not guilty and the judge may sentence.

High Court cases are presided over by the Kiv or a high ranking Gisrah depending on the status of the accuser or the accused and the nature of the crime.

  • Abuse of Caste: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most death.
  • Murder: is illegal and will be met with at least jail time and at most death.
  • Skeev: is illegal and will always be met with death. This is use of soul/death powers.
  • Theft: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most jail time.
  • Assault: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most jail time.


The lower castes will be expected to wear simple clothing up through the upper castes. This culture is well known for liking it's creature comforts and soft light materials in colors that accent coat colors. No matter the quality of the material each member of this culture is expected to look their best within the social standing of their caste. Light beautiful jewelry is common, the higher the caste the more and better quality of jewelry is worn.

For every level, this does not include outsiders, a Kris is worn. An ear cuff with a chain that goes to an earring with a small metal tag that dangles on the end. The metal and decoration depends on the caste but it states for all to see what the family name of this particular Mesniv and their caste level. The higher the caste the better quality of metal and jewels would be included for the Kiv. A Mesniv would never not wear the Kris as it is a thing of pride that is uniquely Mesniv, regardless of caste.



Rough to sleek these are wanderers. They are the gypsies, the tinkers, and the sailors. Always on the move they are the engineers doctors and scientists of the Kirvir. They feel that to stay too long and grow roots would stagnate the being of their creative process and their gods and spirits would be displeased. Generally ranging from dark to light, marked and unmarked, it is clear that this group will breed with any other culture. They are also the romantics, they feel that love should be deep, intense, and full and have made an art from it's cultivation.


These people are wanderers, each live within a clan society and take to ocean or caravan depending on what their clan has done for generations. They are forced to move each spring from their northern home due to a deadly spore from a flower that grows rampant there. They would eradicate it but for the fact that it produces a spice that can be found no where else and is in high demand around the universe. They tried to remove the poison from the spore but this removed the flavor from the spice. It can only be harvested safely in winter and only grows in that one location. So every winter the Virn returns, harvests the spice, spends the winter in their clan houses and then before the snow has completely left, they leave on their trade runs.

They are led by a clan elder who can rule the individual lives of their clan should they choose. To go against the Elder is to go against the clan and should one do so, they can be removed from the clan or killed. This is the ONLY time a member of a clan can take the life of another. To do so not on the order of the Elder is to be labeled a kin-slayer and thus unclean to the gods. This will make one unseen and unheard to their clan or any other clan. They are branded and left with nothing. To feed Kraaah is to be unclean and Kraaah oneself. Only an Elder may declare a Kraaah as clean again and welcome within a clan.

Some Elders will declare who may and may not mate, and some will allow the clan to choose their own mates. Often Elders will try to bring in mates from the Nesvik or the Mesniv but often this is not easy and cross clan matings is not unheard of.


All cases will be overseen and judged by the Elder. They and they alone can judge if the accused is guilty and give sentence.

  • Murder: is illegal and will be met with at least jail time and at most death.
  • Skeev: is illegal and will always be met with death. This is use of soul/death powers.
  • Disobedience: of the Elder is illegal, this is subject to the will of the Elder and can be anything from completion of a specified task to banishment to death.
  • Desertion: is illegal and will be met with at least banishment and at most death.
  • Theft: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most jail time.
  • Assault: is illegal and will be met with at least a fine and at most jail time.


These people love bright clothing and generous amounts of jewelry. The amount and quality has nothing to do with station and is simply a matter of what can be afforded or more like, passed down through generations. Sometimes garish, depending on how skilled the individual Virn, or the difficulty of finding something sufficiently lively with their particular coat color, it can be a kaleidoscopic riot when looking at a particular clan of Virn.


All of the elements are available to the Kirvir however each culture has a particular one that resonates with them.

Cold: The harsh mountains and the deep mines have made the Nesvik resonate with the colder powers. They use electric and fire as well but do not feel the same call to use as with cold.

Electric: The Floating city and it's technological wonders have made the powers of electricity the primary power of the Mesniv. They use cold and fire as well.

Fire: The Virn's passions burn deep and hot and so do the powers that call them. While they might use the others they do not hold the same fondness for them.

Soul/Death: This ability lives within all Kirvir, or rather it's potential. Those who develop it and are caught using it, are hunted and locked away at best, at worst they are killed in a very public and painful manner. Small groups have been known to form and over time groups from each culture have sprung up to put them down. This is one of the few things all three cultures agree on.