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Latest revision as of 01:17, 23 February 2010

Full dark has fallen over the Kamsho jungle in the minutes since the battle with the bloodthirsty Aukami and the brief showdown between Thayndor and Jaswinder. The apparition of Il'ri Kamm is nowhere to be seen, lost to the shadows of the jungle.

Razorback's pupils dilate fully, taking in every spare scrap of light as he moves cautiously through the jungle, his ears turning this way and that, nose sifting the air before him for traces of path the Aukami vampires took to reach the shuttle. He hefts his axe in his paws as his two companions follow nervously.

Umishi follows behind Razor ears flicking around rapidly.

Thayndor Zahir is quiet, now, and alert as the group makes its way down the trail. One hand is on his sword; he seems to be watching the trail and the jungle, seems to be aloof.

Dean's eye illuminates into a full flashlight, glancing left and right across the area. Two of his own companions, Phyrrian Helots, bipedal beings each with a single flashlight eye themselves, though not a bright spotlight like Dean's, follow behind him, bereft of nervousness, or any emotion whatsoever. All three bots are armed.

Sheppard follows Razor, his assault rifle ready. That carrot is still jammed into his mouth as the Solan watches the jungle, "Reminds me 'bout 'at planet Ah fought on in four-oh-one. 'Course, 'en 'em meat eater bastards 'ad artillery, wiped me'in mah 'toon clean out 'ey did," he remarks to Kes.

Kestrel is at the end of the line, moving quietly along the jungle path. The Later's still got her rifle at the ready. "...Shep, m'tryin' ta listen," she murmurs to the Solan. "Tell me later, a'ight?"

Ahead through the jungle scrub, coiled vines, and twisty-trunked trees, you begin to discern the moss-draped entrance to a rocky cavern in the side of one of the higher hills. A pair of pale blue plasma torches glow on either side of the opening. Two silver-haired Aukami flank the entrance. They do not appear armed from this distance.

Razorback holds up a paw to halt the two behind him. "I need someone to help me so that we can get in without them sounding an alarm," he whispers back down the line. His tail flicks predatorily in anticipation, his hackles rising.

Umishi nearly runs into the halted Razor and Co before flicking her ears to pick up why they stoped.

Thayndor Zahir indicates Kestrel with a nod of his head. "I seem to recall her being a good shot at range," he says, quietly, "and moving silently, too."

Dean's light in his eye goes off, putting them back in darkness. Each of the Helot's eyes dim, "Kestrel," The Overmind whispers quietly, "Think you could get the other guy silently?" He looks towards the Helot's, apparently a non verbal order, and they turn towards the perimeters of the group, eyeing the flanks.

Sheppard unsheaths the knife at his shoulder, "Ah'm game. 'Cept fer the whole 'not soundin' the 'larm' bit," he states, "Ain't no good at sneakin',"

There's a rustle of brush to the rear of the party - so faint, only Razorback's keen ears are able to hear it.

Kestrel shifts the rifle quietly out of her grip, getting the strap across her shoulder carefully, and draws another weapon -- a pistol with a canister style silencer on it. A nod is given toward Dean, and she starts to move quietly forward toward Razorback. Rustling in the brush? What? She's oblivious to it.

Razorback's ears flick towards Kestrel, or rather, what is behind her, his eyes widening a bit. He holds up a paw to halt her, quickly pointing towards the noise, though he keeps silent for now. His lip curls from his fangs as his ears fold down into his mane.

Umishi crouches down to try to keep a low profile ears flickin still, blinks at Razors motions as it takes her a moment to dechipher what hes trying to convey.

In the dim light from Dean and the Phyrrian's flashlight eyes, Thayndor looks after Razorback's outstretched claw. His body gets a little lower to the ground, too, as if in preparation. He scans along the brushline nearest to him, looking and listening for other signs of movement.

For those receptive to such things, two distinct voices can be heard hissing in your mind, as if they are right up behind you, breathing down your neck: "Return our crystals. Sacrifice the Opodian. Count yourselves lucky. Return from whence you came."

Dean turns around at Razor's mention, weapon ready. The Two Helot's watch the cave entrance way then, keeping a constant 360 degree visual. He's unaware of the voices.

It seems to be oblivious day for Kestrel, as she's not hearing the voices in her head. She does, however, nod curtly at Razor, then turn to face back the way she came from. The Later moves quietly off to the side of the path and crouches there, simply watching the jungle behind the group.

Those watching the cavern entrance may notice the guards suddenly taking a more alert and wary stance, their gazes swiveling simultaneously in the general direction of the approaching outlanders.

In the middle of the ground, the sole Opodian, Narai, looks around. It is almost as if he is waiting for something to happen. He watches the rest of his group, curiously. He checks his communication device to ensure that it is still transmitting.

Razorback glances towards the cave and snarls silently. He also steps off the path, heading back through the jungle growth toward the source of the noise a moment ago. His claws are unsheathed as he stretches his senses out to hunt his quarry.

The short bear-like creature looks around, thought he had heard something. He looks down at his communication device again and taps it. Shaking his head, Narai looks at the rest of the group. "If this is a joke, it is not funny."

Umishi 's ears pin back on her head as she hears the voices still trying to keep a low profile and following razor as quietly as she can..

Snikt. Thayndor keeps his sabre low, out of the beams of the robotic flashlights, gripped now in both hands. He spares Dean a moment's glance, taking one hand from his sabre long enough to gesture to Dean and the three robots, then towards what was the group's front. For his part, he follows Razorback's keener senses, keeping enough distance from the Demarian that blade and claw won't impede one another.

A quiet electronic stutter and whir as the two Phyrrian Helots communicate, both getting on one side of the path, facing the cave entrance and raising their pulse assault rifles. "They've spotted us," They say mechanically in standard, "Possible psionic communication." Dean takes the side of the path his buddies aren't on, nodding towards Thayndor and watching the cave entrance as well. He emits a small, mechanical whir, and both Helots ready their rifles, as he does his pistol.

Six more Aukami emerge from the cavern entrance. A seventh follows behind and they part way to grant her passage. Taller than the rest, she wears her silver hair in loose braids. She crosses her arms, sending a new telepathic message to those who are capable of receiving it: "You are well surrounded and many miles from anything that might remotely be considered your element. Kamm's Children do not suffer intruders kindly."

Razorback sighs faintly, rising to his full height before turning about to step out of the jungle. As he goes, he gestures for his compatriots to lay low, and they cover him with their weapons. "As you arrre awarrre of ourrr prrresensce," he replies, "Perrrhapss you might help uss, rrratherrr than hinderrr uss. We arrre sseeking a grrroup of Opodians that became lost in thiss arrrea." Despite his diplomatic tone, his own weapon remains ready, his fangs unsheathed.

Kestrel remains oblivious to the telepathic happenings, of course. At the words of the Helots, she looks back toward the cave. "'Kari's sword," she mutters under her breath. A glance goes aside to Razorback, and her brow furrows slightly before she returns her attention to the group of Aukami at the cave entrance.

Umishi ears keep flicking around in the hopes she might pick up the sound of something before it gets to them...though she been unlucky at that thus far.

"They are communicating," Thayndor informs Dean. "They say we're surrounded, outnumbered and far from home." He lifts his chin. "We knew it would be so when we flew here, of course." He gestures, seeking Kestrel's attention. Tilting his head as if phrasing a question, he describes a half-circle in the air near his hip, and points at the cave entrance. He looks at her with a raised eyebrow for a moment, but his attention is unquestionably focused on the bush.

The two Aukampires approaching from the direction of the clearing with the shuttle move into patches of jungle dappled by moonlight through the canopy above. Their tunics are splattered with blood. One of them looks like they might have recently been blasted in the chest - although there's no indication of a wound remaining. Their eyes glow a cool green. The one that ended up headless on the ground scowls in Kestrel's direction. The other fixes his gaze on Razorback. "You did not come here to help. You came here to *kill*. We seek only to survive and be left alone."

The Opodian sees the to Aukami and ducks down. However, Narai knows it is too late, they are most likely aware that he is here - considering the cryptic message he heard. He looks at the group, at least those nearby, "If we are outnumbered, what do we do? Turn me over to die and let you run?" He doesn't like the sound of it and regrets it ever coming from his mouth, but he is sure the others may be considering handing him over.

Dean nods towards Thayndor, not moving but awaiting the response of the Aukami, towards the two Aukami at the rear, he mentions in Heykayan, "You killed our pilot." The two Helots are silent, ready.

Sheppard levels his assault rifle at the undead Aukami, "Yah fuckin' meat eaters. Ah /knew/ eatin' meat did weird shit ta yah," he declares, before stating, "Ah ain't givin' no-one ta no fuckin' sausage guzzlers. Ah say we take 'em all," he announces to whoever is listening.

The Later catches the movement from Thayndor. His suggestion prompts a raised brow, Kestrel's expression inquiring more eloquently than words ever could: are you nuts? She gives an almost imperceptible shake of her head before she meets the gaze (or as near as she can tell, anyway) of the scowling Aukami. "...Someone tell me what 'e's sayin'," she grumbles to nobody in particular. Then, "Shep, shuddup." She softens the sharp words with an explanation, "We don't get paid if'n we's dead."

Speaking in halting but, for the most part, grammatically correct Hekayan, Thayndor says: "We came to get Opodians. If you have the Opodians missing here, we want to know." At Kestrel's unspoken question, he offers a 'couldn't hurt' sort of shrug. To Narai, he adds: "We are not leaving you."

"We *fed* on the creature that served as your pilot, yes," the Aukami answers Dean. He looks at the others gathered in the jungle. "Some among you must surely have killed to gain sustenance. We are Kamm's Children. If you would know more, you must seek an audience with Auri, the Great Sister." He raises a slender finger, pointing in the direction of the tall woman with the cluster of kin outside the entrance to the cave. He lowers his arm. "You must not approach with weapons. However, we will grant safe passage to your Opodian pet...for the time being."

Listening to the Aukami, Narai stands well in between the others. Being defenseless doesn't really help in a situation like this. When he hears that he is to go speak to 'the Great Sister', he looks at the group. "Should I go? Or is it a trap to seperate me from the rest of you? If you want me to go, I will."

Razorback nods in agreement with Dean, while putting up a calming paw in Sheppard's direction. "We will defend ourrrselves if attacked," he replies, "Even kill, if nescesssarrry. We have come to find the missssing Opodians, nothing morrre. The 'Childrrren' sseem none the worrrsse forrr wearrr anyway." The Cliffwalker pauses, glancing back at Thayndor before turning to face the Aukampire. "You may help uss," he says, "Orrr you may not. But I do not ssuggesst that you hinderrr uss. If we find what we arrre looking forrr, we will indeed leave you alone. If not, morrre will come, and sstill morrre, until Kamm's Childrrren sceasse to exisst." He follows the pointing finger, then nods. "That is asceptable," he says, then turns towards Narai. "No," he says, "We will go togetherrr, but if anyone would prrreferrr to wait herrre and sstand watch without giving up theirrr arrrmaments, I will not prrrevent them."

Umishi keeps her self low to the ground still but seeming ready to follow Razor should he move.

In Terran, to Razorback, Thayndor says: "It is a yes or no question. This one is too: Did they eat the Opodians that came before? I think we already know the answer to that question. We should withdraw, unless we want to fight them on their home turf at night." He purses his lips. "Which might be fun."

"Fun?" grumbles Zolor Zahir, materializing just to Thayndor's left - visible only to the Zahir nobleman. "Fun like having some ancient ghost wear you like a sack robe? It was uncomfortably like knowing the existence of a gutted gourd."

Dean eyes the Aukami, nodding as Razor speaks. His face is as emotionless as his metal companions, who's only face is...Well, a metal-hooded light.

"Give up mah weapons?" Shep asks incredulously to Razor, "Ah ain't lettin' no salisbury steak muncher touch Ashley," he declares, all but growling, "Why Ah oughta jus' blow 'ere 'eads off. Bet 'ey couldn't surrvive a grenade goin' off in 'eir pants," to Kes, "Ah ain't gonna jus' let some meat eater tell me what ta do,"

The Cliffwalker steps up before Thayndor and plants the sunburst end of his axe in the ground in front of the Fastheldian. "Then keep thiss closse by and wait forrr uss while I go and assk them," he growls, then turns and glances over at Sheppard as well, "No one is assking you too. Sstay behind if that is what you wissh. Do not endangerrr the missssion." He then nods to his companions who remain behind as he approaches the speaking Aukami. "Verrry well," he says in Hekayan, "Lead on."

Kestrel mostly seems to stop paying attention to the conversation, since the request for translation seems to have yielded naught. She shrugs at Shep then. "Stay 'ere 'en. Tempted ta stay m'self. Can't unnerstand a 'Kari-cursed word 'ese Aukamis're sayin' anyhows, so it don' do me no good ta go."

"Approach as you will," the Aukami says to Razorback. "We will remain here. If any harm should befall your Opodian, we will serve as targets of reprisal."

Umishi starts to follow Razor.

Dean hands his pistol to the Helots, who take it. He lets out a series of blurs and a small shrill click. The Helots remain behind, guns still held. He approaches Razor's side and give a nod to the Aukami.

"Razorback is going to speak to their leader. Those who approach must approach unarmed, and they have promised not to harm the Opodian, at least for now." Thayndor frowns as the axe finds the loam between his feet. "It would be good if a number of us stay." he smiles an insincere smile. "In case we need you to hack your way in to get Razor, like." He gives a distracted and surprised look to the air to Kestrel's right -- where Zolor is -- and then unhooks his swordbelt. He leaves it hanging on an ornament of Razor's axe. "I should be one of those to go in," he adds, darkly. "Unfortunately." And he turns, with no further explanation, to follow the Demarian.

Sheppard watches as Razor goes, "'Oo put 'im in charge?" he asks Kes somewhat grumpily, apparently ready to stay behind, rifle still leveled at the nearest Aukami.

Razorback nods to the Aukami, moving beyond him with a silent, steady tread, scenting the air as he passes the blood-stained Aukami, hoping to garner some information as to what kind of blood it is. He then reaches the indicated Aukampire, inclining his head in her direction. "You arrre called Aurrri," he says, more a statement than a question, "I am called Rrrazorrrback Cliffwalkerrr. We have come to rrretrrrieve ssome Opodians who became losst in thiss jungle, and yourrr frrriend therrre told uss that you would be the perrrsson of whom to assk ssuch things."

The Later's lips quirk in a smirk at Thay's words, and she nods. One of Kes's brows raises when he looks off to her right, however, her gaze following his. "...'Kari-cursed crazy psionists," she mutters under her breath as the the Zahir walks away from her, giving a shake of her head. Either way, that pistol of hers gets holstered, and the rifle gets shifted into easy grabbing reach again. "So why're 'ese two hangin' out with us?" she asks of Shep, jerking her chin at the remaining two Aukami. "...S'pretty Kanter-fersaken creepy's what it is, yep."

"I can tell you that the Opodians you seek are, indeed, deceased," Auri replies, an eyebrow arching as she observes the Demarian's reaction. "We also fed upon the first expedition that sought them." Her nose wrinkles as she adds, "Your group has only one among you that would serve. However, you seem too attached to the Opodian to part with him. A snack for later, perhaps?"

The Opodian Priest looks at the group, then peaks over to Razorback to see what is going on. Narai shakes his head, "I do not like this at all. Not at all. I hope I have not offended Opodi, it is not my time to die."

Umishi peers around Razor from behind, "We weren't going to eat him."

"Deceased," The Overmind repeats, as he steps along with Razorback, glancing around. "You fed from them?" He concludes.

"This unit assures your safety," One of the Helots speak towards Narai. It's an emotionless comfort, but comfort nonetheless. The other Helot examines its weapon, still watching diligently.

Sheppard looks to Kes, then to the Aukami, then back to Kes, and finally settling on the Aukami, "We could kill 'em," he states, and it sounds like he's more pondering the 'how' rather than the 'if we should'.

Thayndor Zahir is impassive, for his part, both as he approaches Auri at the cave mouth and as she reveals the fate of the Opodians. "I am Thayndor," he adds to Auri, with a nod, in Hekayti with passable grammar. "You thirst for Opodian blood. Others say they do, but it is just a figure of speech for them."

"We do not conssume ssentient beings," Razorback replies quickly, then pauses. "Underrr norrrmal scirrrcumsstansces," he adds with a bit of a grimace. "The Opodians will not acscept yourrr prrresensce herrre, though," he says, "You will want to vacate thiss arrrea immediately I prrresume." With that, he retreats a step from the Aukami and inclines his head again. His eyes go from Thayndor to Dean as he begins to move away. He pauses only a moment, lifting his head to scent the air for any trace of Opodians other than Narai, then continues.

Kestrel looks askance at Shep, and smacks her free hand palm-first to her forehead. "Shep. 'Em's th'ones we killed already," she points out exasperatedly. "'Less ya think more pairs'a blood-drinkin' Aukamis're gonna be walkin' 'round with holes in 'eir shirts 'zactly where you shot yours, an' with a evil eye fer me." She raises a brow dubiously. "Somehow I don' think 'at's th'case." With that, she returns to scrutinizing the nearby Kamiroids thoughtfully.

"We are no threat to the Opodian general population," Auri replies, shrugging, her face betraying no obvious emotion. Her eyes flicker between green and pale blue, however. "Our appetite is limited, but not THAT limited. We are opportunistic feeders. We do not hunt in the cities. Each of Kamm's Children is given a crystal from birth that detects a Kamshoan target in proximity. We go no further than this jungle."

Umishi keeps peeking out from behind compared to her stature hes one hell of a sight blocker, ears flicking about attentively.

"All of that," Razorback says over his shoulder, pausing, "I was able to ssurrrmise. Sstill, you cannot be allowed to continue killing. You will find otherrr methods of ssusstenansce." That said, the Cliffwalker continues to head towards the waiting members of the group, his eyes flicking about to each of the Aukami as he begins to pass them by.

"Local wildlife, perhaps," Dean suggests off-hand, continuing his way along with the others.

The Helots continue to look around, back with the others.

Sheppard pulls a frag grenade from his kevlar, showing it to Kes, "Well, aye, butcha fink 'ey could surrvive onna 'ese? See, last times, 'ey went down when we shot ' Ah'm finkin', we shoot 'em, 'en stuff a 'nade in 'ere pants. 'Ey ain't gonna be gettin' up after 'at, Ah reckin,"

The pair of Aukampires standing with the group waiting away from the cave stare at Sheppard and his grenade with glowing crimson eyes.

Jaswinder bends forward to quietly translate for Kes, smiling slightly. Then straightens up and asks, in his halting Hekayt, "Did you eat any missionaries lately, or did I miss that part?" Then switching to Standard, turns to Shep and says, "Does that thing incinerate? I'm thinking nobody likes coming back as living barbecue, but holes probably heal."

"...Shep, put 'at 'Kari-cursed thing 'way," Kes hisses. "Jest cause 'ey can't unnerstand what we's sayin' don' mean 'ey dunno what a grenade looks like. An' Razor an' Dean an' wossface Zahir's over 'ere unarmed, ya idjit." She nods emphatically at Jazz then. "...'Em's th'two we killed," she agrees.

Thayndor Zahir steps back, not offering any more information as he wordlessly withdraws with Razorback and Dean.

Umishi follows thay, dean and razor out her eyes and ears darting around.

Auri watches the Demarian and his companions depart. She takes several steps forward away from her vanguard before resting her hands on her hips. "Kamm's Children must feed when the season is upon us. We harm no one who does not venture within our range. Send a warning, if you will, but we are not easily eliminated."

Dean continues to walk along with the group, nodding back towards Auri.

One of the Helots looks towards the grenade, "This unit advises putting the explosive away. The Aukami feel endangered." The other watches the glowing red-eyed beings carefully.

Sheppard squints at Kes, "Yah ain't no fun no more," he states, but he does put the grenade away.

Jaswinder lipquirks. "Fantasize about flamethrowers, Shep. Fantasize about flamethrowers. Maybe acid. Something like that. Plan." He looks toward the one that seems to be the spokeswoman. "If you have eaten the missionaries, may we have what is left of them to accent the warning to the Opodian people? Corpses make better statements than empty hands."

"It is courteous of you to give this warning," Thayndor says in halting Hekayt. He stops and turns to offer this parting notice to Auri from neutral ground, between her vanguard and the group of Outversers in the jungle. He inclines his head. "Thank you," he says. He takes cautious steps backwards before finally turning to go.

"Therrre will be no more killing," Razorback says, taking up his axe. He nods in agreement with Jaswinder. "That is a good idea," he says, turning to face the Aukami.

Kestrel raises a brow at Shep, then reaches over to pat his shoulder reassuringly. "We'll go tear up some Meddies soon," she offers. "Promise. But, uh... now ain't a good time ta go havin' 'at brand'a fun." She stops there, blinking as if surprised that those particular words just came out of *her* mouth.

Auri considers the request. Ultimately, she inclines her head and agrees: "It will be done." She motions to one of the guards. They enter the cave. Auri returns her attention to the offworlders. "The bodies have served their purpose. You may return them from whence they came." A short while later, Aukampires emerge from the shadowy cave in pairs, bearing cloth-shrouded bodies - a total of six. There *should* be seven. The corpses are lined up in the jungle next to Sheppard and Kestrel.

"The original group of Opodians," Dean speaks towards the Aukami, "Did you happen to find out why they ventured here?"

The Helots ready to transport the bodies.

The Opodian, Narai, looks at the corposes and lowers his head. He mumbles something under his breath, then looks up again, simply staring at the bodies.

Sheppard sneers in disgust at the bodies, having been subject to being eaten, that's why, "Fine, we'll kill some'ah 'em," he replies to Kes.

Razorback's hackles rise as he looks over the bodies. He looks up toward Auri, raising an eyeridge. "You arrre scerrrtain thiss is all of them?" he asks.

Umishi blinks and tilts her head to the side ears flattend to the side as she looks at the bodies.

Thayndor Zahir stops again in the neutral zone. He glances from Jazz to the corpses now being produced, watches them passing by. "Smart," he concedes. Then, to Auri: "And these are all of them?"

The Great Sister tilts her head, brow furrowing as her eyes flicker lavender. "You asked for the drained shells. These are the drained shells." Her kin return from the dropoff point to stand with her and observe the offworlders.

The Later counts the bodies, and counts again. Her brow furrows. "'Ey, wasn't 'ere four inna 'riginal party an' three later on?" Kes asks nobody in particular. "'At makes seven, an 'ere's only six 'ere." She counts again just to be sure. "Yeah, six." She looks over at Auri, her lips pursed thoughtfully, though clearly she doesn't comprehend what's being said.

Jaswinder looks toward the group of, for lack of a better term, comrades, sticking to Terran. "One got away, or one hasn't been eaten yet. Stay and fight for that one, or leave with these six and return with flamethrowers? Chances are one survivor doesn't have long to live either way."

Dean doesn't seem bothered at being ignored, folding his arms as his eyes glance towards Razor.

The Helots secure the body-bags, shifting them one by one towards the off-worlder group. There is a couple mechanical stutters.

Sheppard stiffles a yawn, apparently the Solan finds this rather boring.

"You also said that the Opodians were dead," says Thayndor, in Hekayan. "Is there another ... not drained? Or in ... some ..." he struggles for the words. "Other state?"

Razorback moves up beside Narai and speaks quietly. "Have you had any contact with anyone on the communications device?" he asks.

The Opodian looks up at Razorback, pulling out his communication device. He taps it, looking down at it. Shaking his head, Narai replys, "Alas, no. But they have heard everything that has happened. Assuming it wasn't being jammed."

Umishi keeps looking around staying quiet.

Auri laces her long fingers before herself. "If you must be so specific, we *do* have one surviving member of the first expedition." Her eyes glitter green. "We had been hoping..." Her voice trails off.

Jaswinder sighs. "...Yeah, about that," he says quietly. "We've got a job to do. No offense. Any deal we can make for that one? I personally intend on not bothering you guys again once we're out of here. You've got your ways, they've got their ways, great circle of life and so on. If it helps, the little pandas are rabidly xenophobic and if you've scared the survivor enough, chances are they'll believe it a lot more readily than they will any of us outversers. Frankly, if we just bring back the bodies, as helpful as they are, they're as likely to blame us as believe our stories of you. Can we bargain for the survivor? Or no?"

"We're going to need that person back," Dean speaks towards Auri, "They're are others who have not yet fed?"

"That ssomeone would come to rrretrrrieve him beforrre you committed yet anotherrr unforrrtunate act of unnescessssarrry violensce?" Razorback asks, his ears leaning back. He looks over the crowd of gathered Aukampires, counting heads quietly. He looks over at Jaswinder, falling silent as he beckons his two companions toward him.

Kestrel nods aside to Jazz as the Aukami's words are translated for her. Her brow furrows as her expression darkens. "Oh, fer th'love'a Irit's bitty skirt," she mutters in reply. "'Is ain't gonna..." She trails off at the tirade from her Timonae companion, blinking blankly.

"Just the one Gankri," Auri notes with a sigh. "They are so plentiful on their island. They readily multiply! Surely one cannot be missed?"

"Any single life is precious," Dean speaks matter-of-factly, "Surely you would grieve over the loss of one of your own?"

Umishi blinks..."assuming they can die considering we killed two of them earlier."

Thayndor Zahir turns to walk the rest of the way to the group, shooting Razorback a dark look. He collects his swordbelt, unhurried, and seems willing to let Razorback do the talking.

"Thiss one Gankrrri came herrre forrr the ssame rrreason we did," Razorback replies to Auri, "Ourrr frrriend herrre is rrrright, what would you rrrequirrre in exchange?"

Auri takes a step closer to the group in the jungle. "We will release the Gankri to you if you return the crystals you stole from the Children you shot." She raises an arm to point a slender finger at the two Aukami standing near the cloth-wrapped corpses.

"...'Ey Jazz," Kes says, tugging at the Timonae's sleeve like a child might. Or rather, she would be if he was wearing a shirt. As it is, she mostly just pokes his arm gently. "Jazz. Where's 'em glowy thingers?" she asks, looking up at him. "Since 'em two ain't dead, reckon 'ey might want 'eir stuff back," she points out, shrugging.

Jaswinder blinks. "Oh...yeah," he says, fishing in his pockets for them. He holds them up then, one in each hand. "I got curious. Interesting things. Haven't broken them or anything. We have a deal, then?" He nods down to Kes, switching back to Standard. "Thanks. Totally forgot I had 'em. That's a first."

The crystals start glowing blue in Narai's presence.

"Hold on," Razorback says quietly, moving up beside Jaswinder, "Might I ssee one of those?" He turns to Auri with a raised eyeridge. "How many of these do you have?" he asks.

Again, the crystal glow near Narai. Still not hearing anything from the Great Temple on what they may be, he takes a step back. Better safe then sorry.

Umishi blinks at the crystal and thier glowyness, though to her its just a bright white. "Wonder why they do that.."

"She mentioned earlier," Thayndor says in Standard. "One for each of her kind. They glow in the presence of someone from Kamsho, she said." He's concerned with Auri, not the crystals.

"Sounds fair to me," Dean speaks.

"Overmind." One of the Helot's speak, holding out Dean's Pistol.

Dean takes it with a nod.

The Great Sister lifts her chin, pondering the question. "One for each of us," she says. "Those two are for the Children standing with you."

Razorback nods in agreement with Thayndor. "I had forrrgotten," he says, considering the matter, "Verrry well then. It will do forrr now."

Jaswinder holds one up for Razor to see, and says, "If you will bring us the survivor, then, we have a bargain."

Thayndor Zahir tightens his swordbelt wordlessly.

Kestrel looks thoughtful for a few moments. "Huh. Well, mine wasn't broke after all, 'en," she observes to nobody in particular. For some reason, this seems to make the little Later happy -- it's probably best not to ask. She does, however, look up at Jazz. "You owe me," she replies, blinking in (badly) feigned innocence. "We'll figger out how you kin pay me later, yep."

The eyes of the Aukampires standing near the corpses shift from green to pale blue. Auri turns to regard three of her vanguard. "Bring the Gankri," she commands. They bow their heads to the Great Sister, then enter the cave. Shortly, the trio returns with a haggard, bruised, but otherwise apparently intact Gankri - his hands are still bound with black straps. "Here. You have the dead. You have the living. Now give the crystals to my kin."

Dean awaits the exchange patiently, eyes on the Gankri.

Jaswinder nods, walks over to the two Aukampires that were shot before, and holds the crystals out. "Bargain made, bargain kept," he says in Hekayt. Switching to Standard, he says, "I always owe you, little redcap. You're my captain. Are we done here? Guys?"

Razorback nods slowly, carefully watching the Aukami for any sign of treachery as he approaches the bound Gankri. "I believe sso," he says, a claw reaching out to sever the Gankri's bonds.

Narai stands behind his comrades, watching what is happening with interest. He remains silent, waiting for a signal that they are leaving.

Umishi keeps looking around.

"Light, I hope so," Thayndor drawls in response to Jaswinder.

Once the Gankri is freed of its bonds, it goes loping through the jungle, eyes wide, as it screams in ecstacy, circling around until it can leap up on Razorback's razorless back like an ubercaffeinated orange-furred monkey. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! I'M YOURSFOREVEREVERANDEVERANDEVER!" The Aukampires near the corpses accept their crystals back, then start the short walk back to the cave. Auri motions for her kin to return to the cave, then looks toward Razorback and says, "He nearly talked our life force out of us. I do not think we would have lasted to require sustenance again before throwing him out for the jungle to consume. We can grow hungry. But we are never THAT hungry."

Dean observes the Gankri a moment, then turns and grabs a body bag with ease, as does both of the Helot's, leaving three still lying on the ground.

As the Gankri is freed and promptly goes completely and utterly bonkers, Kes first goes wide-eyed, her hand twitching toward her rifle... and then dissolves into a fit of giggles. "Aw, look, 'e likes ya." Umishi blinks, then blinks some more at the gankri.

Jaswinder smiles in honest amusement as the Gankri goes wild. "It's not often you see that kind of honesty anymore," he notes, heading back to Kes. "Dead recovered. Live recovered. Warning to carry to the little furry ones. Mission accomplished? Or what did I forget?"

Razorback growls, shaking his head irritably as he reaches around behind his shoulders. He grabs the Gankri by the scruff of the neck and bares his teeth at him. As the alien does not seem to be sufficiently cowed to shut up, the Cliffwalker gives up, still carrying the rescuee in one paw as he begins walking towards the shuttle landing clearing. "Collect the bodies," he says in a long-suffering tone as his deep voice. His followers take up one of the corpses between them, while Razor continues to drag his noisy burden into the forest. "We should check on the village," he calls over to Jazz, "Before we leave."

"Village?" Auri inquires. She was just turning to head back inside when the Demarian called to Jaswinder. "What village?"

Umishi looks to see if any bodies are left to be carried then after Razor and Auri speak her ears seem to flick toward razor in a 'good job' though in a universal feline and not a 'flick' manner

Dean just keeps trudging along with the body bags, as do the Helots. No sweat off their metallic, shiny backs.

Kestrel purses her lips. "...'Ey Jazz. You said 'ey said somethin' 'bout a season earlier," she says, shaking her head as if it were bothering her. And then she looks back at the Aukami, and over at Razor. For the second time tonight, the Later slaps a hand to her forehead. Her poker face is sadly lacking here.

Jaswinder looks down at Kes, before bending to grab a body bag. "Redcap, we've got only one piece of information they want. I'll trade it to 'em if you're that curious, but ...just making the position clear. Trade's the only method we got just now."

"So where are we gonna go now?" the Gankri asks. "What's your name, anyway? My name's Zig! Zig was also my father's name. I think it was also my grandfather's name. I also have three cousins named Zig! I like first Zig and third Zig. Second Zig, though, what a scoundrel. He stole my fourth girlfriend! Yes, sure, I've still got the three others, but it's the principle! How tall are you, anyway? Those are long claws! Have you ever killed anyone? What's it like? Who are these other people? Do you have any food? I could really go for a yamut right about now."

Razorback's ears swivel towards the Aukami and he growls quietly. "That," he replies, eyes smouldering, "Is not parrrt of the barrrgain. Good day." He puts the Gankri down and shooes it forward. "Move along," he hisses at him, getting his axe ready, but still continuing on.

The Opodian takes out his communication device again. Looking down at it, Narai inputs a few things into it then raises it to his mouth. He speaks in Opodian into the device for a few moments then puts it down again. He looks at the group, "I have requested that my people send a second shuttle with crew to recover the last one." He listens to the others speak, then says, "I should be able to find my way back to the shuttle and meet the others."

Dean's boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do. One day Dean's boots are gonna walk all over you.

Umishi gets next to Razor while hes move and whispers..UP..standing on her toes at him "Psstt..I can Somnolance him out if he gets annoying."

"Your communication devices should function again once you are clear of the jamming transmitters," Auri announces, apparently uninterested in pressing the issue of the mysterious village just now. She watches the group depart for a few moments, then disappears into the cave, leaving the two sentries behind to flank the entrance. Meanwhile, Zig scampers ahead through the brush and pushes through the last fringe to see the shuttle. "OH! That's like the one that dropped us off last week! It's a real beauty! Great fuel economy! Speed's not bad! I learned to fly from my cousin Zig. First Zig! Not that awful second Zig." He turns to look back at Razorback, bouncing up and down on big feet, tail lashing back and forth. "You want me to fly? I love to fly! I'm a good flier! Second Zig only let me fly slow in the airway, but sometimes I'd sneak out to the port when he wasn't paying attention and I'd get in that shuttle and VAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!"

The Opodian nods to Auri, "I will head back to the transport then and signal for assistance from there. I shall meet the rest of you there." Narai pockets the device, then scurries off in the direction of the shuttle as fast as he can - don't want to get eatten by anything else.

The Later heads out after Razorback, shaking her head at the Gankri's enthusiasm and chuckling to herself. Kestrel may not understand what's being said, but 'VAROOOOOOOM' translates awfully well, especially once one takes into account the proximity to the shuttle. "'Ere ain't no way 'at 'Kari-cursed crazy monkey's flyin' th'shuttle!" she hollers toward the Demarian and Gankri pair. "Jazz kin fly it!" A pause. "Hells, you'd be better off with me flyin'." At that, she snickers.

Dean loads the body bags into the shuttle with ease and he and the Helots mount up, moving the dead pilot's body if he's still there.

Umishi stares at the gankri..Just stares.

The dead Opodian is still on the ground next to the shuttle. The interior is still splashed with blood, growing stickier with the passage of time.

Razorback turns to Narai. "Can I see the map?" he asks, ignoring the Gankri as they arrive at the place where the shuttle is landed. He briefly speaks to the two who came with him and they climb aboard. He puts his axe back into its protective holster while he waits.

Jaswinder wrinkles his nose as he boards the shuttle, finding somewhere to stash the body bag. "Y'smell this, redcap? This is why I've got a thing about keeping the quarters clean. Add sex, sweat, and really bad Ungstiri potato-beer and then lock yourself in this for a few weeks." He shakes his head. "Maybe we can roll down the windows or something."

Umishi crouches down looking around the area.

Thayndor Zahir seems unimpressed by the stench as he boards the shuttle. "It could be worse," he says. "We could ..." there's a pause. "Well, no. I don't particularly care to think about what could smell worse than this."

Kestrel grins at Jazz. "Spent five years on teekay, 'member?" she asks. "Ol' Lake Melt-Yer-Face don' smell real good. Hells, nothin' smells good on 'at planet, point'a fact." The Later snickers, and clomps up into the shuttle, eyeing the bloodstains thoughtfully. "But I get whatcher gettin' at. Huh. An' 'ere I thoughtcha had a li'l bit'a 'at Cee-Oh-Dee stuff, but I reckon ya gotta point."

Dean sits in the back with his bots, closest to the bodies because the scent obviously doesn't bother them.

Running back from the transport, Narai comes to an abrupt stop infront of the group. Somewhat winded, he says, "I have contacted the Great Temple. I have asked for them to send people down to collect the bodies. I have said we will return on the transport we brought - provided one of you can fly it."

"That is good," Razorback says, sighing quietly. "Can I ssee the map, please?" he asks again.

Snapping his fingers, Narai puts away the communication device, and hands over the map. "What is it you look for?"

"Wow." Zig clambers aboard the shuttle, noticing a splotch of blood on the palm of his right hand as he gets to his feet in the cargo bay. "This shuttle sure is messy!" He wipes his hand on one of the bulkhead struts. Then he steps in a pool of blood with a twist of entrails. "Oh. Ewww." He wiggles his foot to get the sausage-like bits away. "So, anyway, I'm flying, right? I love to fly!" He scampers up into the cockpit and finds it is pretty well slicked with blood, with big splatters on the windshield. "Oh, yeeesh. Someone had a real party in here, didn't they? That's just rude! You know, I don't mind the blood-drinking part, that's okay, you know, live and let live. But why do they have to be so messy? Who wants a messy person around all the time?"

Thayndor Zahir glances at Jazz. "I think we've established that one of us /can/," he says. He looks around, as if for an un-bloodstained part of wall to lean against, but appears to have no luck.

Umishi blinks "uhhhhh should we let the Gankri near the cockpit?"

Razorback takes the map and looks at it for a moment, then shifts his eyes towards the jungle again. "The village," he tells Narai. He climbs aboard the vessel and comes up next to Jaswinder. "Sslight detourrr," he says, "If you could hoverrr herrre as low as you can forrr a moment, I would apprrresciate it." He takes a cloak from one of his companions which is made of some odd, shimmery kind of cloth. He then takes the Roomblaster from the human who has accompanied him.

Confused, slightly, Narai follows Razorback. "Should we not return to the Great Temple, and allow them to visit the village?" He asks.

"Get 'at crazy monkey outta th'cockpit!" Kes calls merrily, "'Fore 'e takes us *all* onna slight de-tour." The last word is drawled out, the Later giving a grin along with it as she finds a seat and secures herself in. Evidently, she's not willing to take the chance at being taken unawares.

Jaswinder mmms, frowning a bit, but gets into the cockpit. "Don't expect fancy flying," he says quietly. "I'm no expert at atmo craft. But I think I can get us back in one piece." He nods to Razorback. "I'll give it a go." He sets about getting the craft powered up and ready to fly. "All aboard. Zig, come sit with me. Need a copilot."

"This unit is capable of piloting," One of the Helots speak, moving up to the front passenger, next to Jazz, and reaching to pull back the Gankri.

"Sit down back here, Zig." Dean says. "I'd be more comfortable that way."

"I would appresciate if you would do jusst that," the Cliffwalker tells Narai with a wry, toothy grin as he sits down nearest the hatch.

Thayndor Zahir folds his arms, apparently electing to stand rather than get his clothes all covered in gore for no reason. "You're deviating from the plan that gets us paid," Thayndor observes to Razorback. "I hope it's to warn the villagers?"

"Suddenly, I'm very popular!" Zig enthuses, bouncing from the cockpit to Dean and then back into the cockpit. He jumps up onto the co-pilot seat, wobbling back and forth, then clambers down and runs back into the cargo bay to sit next to Dean. "I want to make everybody happy! You saved me, after all! If it wasn't for you, they'd be slurping me up in a few days time. They sure do get hungry when they get hungry. And they're really mad if you get their shiny rock things!" He scampers back toward the cockpit. "Tupai got one. Ooh! They were so mad! SO mad!"

Umishi blinks slowly..."Thats..not good is it?"

The Helot secures its spot as co-pilot as Dean shrugs, "Might as well take off."

Kestrel just rubs a hand through her hair and watches the game of Gankri-pong. "...Someone make 'im siddown, 'e's makin' me dizzy," the Later grumps, offering a snort afterward.

"That is indeed my intention," Razorback tells Thayndor with a brief nod. He reaches out to snag Zig and pass him back to Dean. "Herrre," he says, "Assk Dean about his magic eye."

The talking from the cockpit grabs Thay's attention as Zig zooms by. "Actually," says Thayndor. "What did the Tupai do with the crystal, Zig? I'm very interested in that story."

Jaswinder nods quietly to Dean. "Don't hesitate to take control if your logic circuits or whatever say you can do a better job," he says mildly. "Pride's no good to a corpse and this day's sucked enough as is." With that, he starts liftoff, following Razor's instructions when setting course. His flying is quite deliberate and careful - nothing fancy at all.

"Magic eye? What magic eye?" Zig peers at Dean. "What's magical about it? Does it do tricks? Does it disappear? Do fireworks explode out of it?" Then, distracted by Thayndor, he starts bobbing excitedly in his seat. "Ooh! The Tupai! The crystal! He grabbed it and flew! FLEW AND FLEW! Oh, the bloodsuckers hated that! HATED! They ran around, yelling, hissing, grabbing. That Tupai, she smashed that crystal against the wall! CRACK! POOF! No more shiny light! Then bloodsucker go POOF! Big cloud of smoke and ash. I think I've still got some in my fur. Wow, that was cool. I thought it was cool. Don't you think that was cool?"

The Later just tilts her head and watches the Gankri's antics. "...An' people say *I* need less sugar," Kes deadpans, blinking blankly.

"You do, Kestrel. Last time I checked your daily sugar intake is higher than recommended standards." Dean replies from the back of the shuttle. The Helot next to him speaks, "This unit recognizes the symbiotic relationship between the crystal and the Aukami."

The Helot Co-pilot nods towards Jazz. "This unit will interfere if you endanger the group."

"And now we know how to kill them," says Thayndor, jerking his head towards the cockpit after the Helot speaks. "What else did you see while you were with the Aukami?"

Umishi blinks slowly braced against the wall.

"I saw them eat that Tupai and second Zig! I was sorry about the Tupai, because what the Tupai did, that was so cool. But I wasn't really that sorry about second Zig," the Gankri replies. "Have I told you what second Zig did? He stole one of my girlfriends! Don't you think that's rude? I think it's rude." He bounces in his chair. "That tall female Aukami, she was madder than the rest! SO mad!"

Razorback nods in agreement with the Zahir. "Well done," he tells the Fastheldian, watching the jungle flash by beneath them, "Well done."

The shuttle is soon over the village of Ralakai, but this is only apparent because of the map. There are no lights glowing in the settlement. No indications of life at all.

Kestrel rubs a hand through her hair. "...We know how ta kill 'em?" she asks, looking around. She seems largely oblivious to the Gankri's ramblings, in any case, but a mock-glare goes Dean's way. "Yeah, an' you say I shouldn't smoke 'r drink neither. If'n I did everythin' like ya said I should, I'd die from bein' so Kanter-fersaken *bored*."

Jaswinder pretty much remains silent, focusing on flying the unfamiliar craft. But when the village comes in sight, he asks mildly, "Do these villagers go to bed early? If they don't, we've found more trouble."

Umishi blinks and trys to look up into the cockpit.

Razorback turns to Jaswinder as he rises to his feet. "Hold it steady as possible," he calls forward, undoing the hatch lever as he studies the jungle below very carefully.

Dean looks out the view ports as well. "Well, Razor?" Then to Kestrel, "Point taken."

"Ooh! Are we there? Is it the village? I want to see!" Zig scampers over to a porthole to stare down, hands pressed against the glass. "The tall one, she was so mad at the Tupai! SO mad! She sent her people out here. I didn't understand everything she said - she was SO SO mad - but I know she didn't even want anything brought back for drinking. She was THAT mad. I think the one the Tupai killed might've been someone important. REALLY important! Can you see anything? What do you see?" With his night vision, Razorback should be able to discern the forms of dozens of motionless winged creatures scattered around the base of the trees where the village sprawls.

Thayndor Zahir frowns, walking with Razor to the open hatch. "The people who lived here," he says. "They were Tupai? Our friend says these Aukami eat Tupai. But how much time must have passed since last they fed for the Tupai to be able to set up a village and prosper before being bled dry?"

"They did not," Razorback says, slamming the lever shut again, he growls tightly, shaking his head. "They arrre all dead, I believe," he says, before calling up front toward the cockpit. "We sshould head back now," he says, "Warrrn the Opodian authorrrities as ssoon as possssible. Therrre is no one herrre."

"Hokay, I'll ask what 'e said *later* when it ain't important no more," Kes grumbles, crossing her arms and slouching in the seat.

Umishi blinks and sits down..."I do not like this."

"It's almost over," Thayndor offers to Umishi, sympathetically. Pregnant pause. "I hope."

"Maybe we'll get a bonus," Dean offers after a moment.

Jaswinder nods, pulling the ship higher and taking a new course back to the city. "I know you're honorable and all, Razor, but under the circumstances could you see to it we get paid before we hand over all the data? They're not going to like that most of what we recovered is dead meat." Soon enough, the jungle gives way to the city of Ope'mot. The shuttle passes the dome of the Great Temple en route to the spaceport.

"Data -- you mean what we know about these ... demons?" Thayndor asks. He nods. "Indeed, there is nothing dishonorable in settling the matter of the missionaries first, and negotiating a separate price for what we learned in the course of recovering them. We certainly went through enough trouble to extract it."

Kestrel stifles a yawn. "I vote we come back later an' off 'em. See what we kin git fer 'at li'l bit'a mercy from th'fuzzies," she muses blandly, looking out the window at the Temple.

"If they feel they have been cheated," Razorback tells Jaswinder, "Therrre will scerrrtainly be conssequensces. But I sshall let otherrrs handle ssuch negotiations."

"Redcap, if you want, once we tell 'em what we know, chances are they'll be offering the contract to offworlders anyway," says Jazz mildly, his attention focused mostly on landing the craft without damaging it or the passengers. I just want to make sure that we get paid for all the shit we've already gone through. Bonuses certainly wouldn't ruin my day."

"I'm sure the Opodians have access to the right kind of technomancy to melt the place from the air," says Thayndor. "Those crystals are not particularly resilient. They break easily enough. There's a plasma whatsit or an incendiary widget that will explodify it well enough, I surmise, with a minimum of fuss." He stifles a yawn. "Although they'd probably want to send some offworlders afterwards to clean up."

"Meltin' stuff from th'air's a sure way ta make sure ya got at least a couple'a pissed-off enemies lurkin' at yer back," Kes says, smirking. "Plus, it messes up th'place like nothin' else. Pretty sure 'ey'd like ta 'void 'at" The Later nods in agreement with Jaswinder. "Reckon yer right. 'Ey might jest do it, since offworlders ain't what 'ey like ta eat." She rubs her hands together excitedly. "'Is might jest turn out ta be a good job after all."

The Tach-class shuttle descends toward the spaceport of Ope'mot. Zig is bouncing excitedly in his seat. "I can't wait to get home! Now that second Zig's out of the picture, I bet that other girlfriend's gonna come crawling back." He tugs on Razorback's arm. "Right? Don'tcha think?"

The only Opodian on the mission looks out the window. Smiling, Narai looks at the others. "This was, indeed, quite interesting. I am glad we all returned in one piece. Rest assured, the Great Temple will be pleased with us on return. You will all be rewarded nicely."

"Stabilize thrusters," The Helot co-pilot instructs Jazz from the passenger. "This unit will initate landing procedures." It reaches to press a few buttons in front them.

Dean keeps the body bags steady as they descend.

Jaswinder smiles a small half-smile. "Kid, you're the only survivor. You're either gonna be the hero or the scapegoat." As the shuttle touches down on tarmac, he lets out a low, slow exhalation of relief. "Who wants to talk to the officials?"

"I'd do 'er, but, well... m'a bad pick," Kes pipes up, a quiet snicker accompanying the observation.

The short bear-like Opodian speaks up, looking at Jaswinder, "I shall speak to the elder and comptroller. He does not speak any other language other then Opodian... Unless you have learned Opodian since we have left? That would be quite the miracle, I would have to say." Narai lets out abit of a chuckle.

Umishi streaches her arms behind her back.

Sheppard looks like he's a bit grumpy. He did only get one kill this whole time, and that kill came back to life, "'Ow mucha reward 'ey say we's gonna get? Better be big," he declares around his carrot.

"I cannot see why not," Razorback tells Zig with a faint chuckle, though he seems empty of mirth as he continues, "It worrrked forrr me..." He shakes his head sadly before looking over at Jaswinder. He nods in agreement with Narai. "That will make sense," he says, popping the hatch open and stepping down onto the pavement, "Lead on."

As the shuttle closes on the spaceport, Yasan Opo'te emerges from the terminal to await the craft's arrival. He stands in a shaft of amber light cast by a glow orb above the tarmac. He clasps his paws behind his back, waiting for the group to arrive and make their report.

Narai looks back to Sheppard, but speaks loud enough for the others to hear. "You will split the reward of 75,000 credits." Standing up, the Opodian moves through the shuttle and stops at the exit, waiting for the transport to land.

Dean decides to leave the body bags in the shuttle for now as he exits the shuttle, giving a short 'WHURRR' of Binary to the two Helots, who remain in the shuttle.

Umishi ears flatten to the side "I don't like the thing with the village..has me about as worried as those earthquakes on B'hira a few weeks ago."

Jaswinder nods to Narai. "Fair enough, and no, I don't. But I may have to take it personally if you talk to them and we don't get paid."

Kestrel reaches out to tousle Shep's hair, then hops up out of her seat. "Don' worry. We'll find ya somethin' ta shoot soon," she reassures the big Solan. That said, the Later joins the general exodus from the shuttlecraft, patting down her pockets briefly before she fishes out a cigarette.

Leaving the transport, Narai chuckles at Jaswinder. "Alas, I would not dare with hold payment from those who are so willing to use their weapons." He slowly makes his way up to Yasan, who is waiting for them.

"Brother Narai," Yasan says, bowing his snout in greeting. He then raises a paw in salute to Narai's companions. His somber gaze travels to the cargo bay of the shuttle, with the body bags stacked inside. He then quietly regards the Gankri. A faint snort emerges from his mouth. "The news is not good, I see."

Sheppard exits behind the group, not seeming to mind the tousling, that cowlick just going back to where it was anyways. He finally lights that carrot up, so that it is almost like a smelly, orange cigar.

Razorback frowns, looking over at Jazz again. "They might conssiderrr failurrre to rrrecoverrr the missssionarrries brrreach of contrrract," he says, following Narai towards Yasan.

Bowing his head as he comes close to Yasan, Narai shakes his head. "Alas, it is not good. We have retrieved the bodies of those who went on the expeditions, they are aboard the transport. It was Aukami, Brother. But I believe that the situation has been taken care of." He says in Opodian. "I will file a full report with the Temple later. The others are seeking payment at this time." He looks back at the group.

Jaswinder slants a look at Razor. "Yeah, that's why I said it. We risked our necks, we recovered all we could - one living, six dead, and information as to what happened to them, why, and how to stop it happening again. They want to take that and not hire us again cos we didn't bring back seven living people, fine. But we've done all that could be done this time, and more than they managed without us. Did the contract *specify* we bring 'em all back alive?"

Kestrel lights the cigarette and inhales gratefully, then looks askance at first the Demarian on her one side, and the Timonae on the other. "Search me," the Later says, shrugging. "Jest know we was s'poseta go look for 'em." Her brow furrows then. "Don' see how 'is's a breach'a contract, ain't like *we* killed 'em."

Yasan swivels his snout to regard Jaswinder. His ears twitch. He looks back to Narai. "What is that one's concern?"

Sheppard draws at his carrot, just watching the proceedings for the moment.

Shaking his head at Jaswinder, somewhat disapointed, Narai turns back to Yasan. "He feels that payment will be withheld, as only one of the original expedition was recovered, not all. " He shrugs, "I do not question the Great Temple, but we should in the future deal with internal issues ourselves. It is much.. easier." He sighs.

Razorback frowns with a heavy shrug as he turns back towards the Opodians. "Make scerrrtain to tell him of the Children of Kamm," he says, "And assk what he thinkss the offiscials will do about it."

Dean bows his head slightly towards the Opodians as he speaks in their language, "I am sorry for your loss." That's all he offers for now.

The Temple elder grunts, taking a PDA from a pouch slung at his side. "The Great Temple honors its obligations. I will leave it to you, Brother, to distribute the shares to your companions." He then turns to regard the human-looking fellow who speaks the language. "Our dead have gone to the greater glory of the waiting arms of our beloved Goddess. Your sympathies are appreciated, however." Yasan then starts tapping a sequence into his PDA.

Umishi blinks "Should we really tell them about the 'Children'...What if something bad happens?"

Narai nods to Yasan, "As you wish. I shall distribute the funds evenly among those who are here. I do not require payment. I am honored to serve the Great Temple, in all things Holy." He nods to Yasan, turning to the group. Speaking to them now, he says, "I shall distribute this evenly between you. I will not take any of the funds, I do not require payment for this."

Razorback looks over at Umishi with a frown. "Ssomething bad _has_ happened," he says, "It is necsessssarrry to inforrrm them."

Looking to Razorback, Narai nods. "You need not worry." He holds up the communication device, "This was on the entire time, and I will give a report directly to the Great Temple after. They will know. In the mean time, take your payment, as thanks."

Umishi says, "I mean something worse..I don't like to trust a bunch of Psionic Self resurrecting beings who eat the native Sentients for dinner."

"I will await your report, Brother Narai," Yasan says, moving past the other Opodian and his companions to approach the open cargo bay of the shuttle. "Aukami did this?" He bares fangs, but falls silent.

Sheppard takes his share of the payment, pocketing it swiftly and drawing on his carrot again, "Least we got a lotta creds fer it. Prolly shoulda taken some teef offa 'em when 'ey was dead, 'alf wonder if'n 'ey woulda grown back," he pauses, "Ahhhh damnit, Ah coulda 'ad all the teef Ah wanted,"

"She's gotta point," Kes observes, flicking ash off her cigarette idly. "S'kind'a weird, a bunch'a Aukamis livin' inna jungle eatin' bats an' bears an'... uh... whatever Gankris're s'poseta be." She perches the death-stick on her lip while she accepts the payment, giving a gracious incline of her head. Shep gets a *look*, one of the Later's eyebrows raising slightly.

Jaswinder takes his own share, halves it, and hands half to Kestrel. "Pain in the butt tax," he says simply, and pockets the rest. "Guessing we're done here. Little guy seems to have reporting all the rest of our work in hand."

"All the morrre rrreason to tell them," Razorback tells Umishi with a frustrated sigh, "Sso they can take prrreventative measurrres."

Umishi thinks a moment, "Oh yeah.." gets a bit of an emberrased look.

The others seem somewhat preoccupied with their payment and other things. Narai, on the other hand, walks up behind Yasan. "Indeed, it was. Children of Kamm." He takes out the communication device and hands it to Yasan, "This should have at least recorded what had happened, even if a jamming device prevented long range communication. It should make clear exactly what happened, and what needs to be done."

Yasan accepts the device. He clips it to the belt slung around his waist, then grabs the cargo bay hatch door and slides it closed, sealing the blood splatters and body bags from view. He bobs his snout at Narai.

Meanwhile, Zig bounces on his insteps next to Razorback. "So, where we goin' now? We're goin' somewhere, right? I love goin' places! Well, I didn't love goin' to that bloodsucker place. No, not at all! Well. I liked goin'! I just didn't like what happened once we got there! Where are YOU goin'? I wanna go! I wanna see where you come from!"

"Thank you," Dean again speaks in Opodian, then letting his eyes go towards Razor as he pockets his share of the credits. He observes Zig for a single moment.

Kestrel blinks blankly at Jazz. "Er... you don' gotta do 'at," she says, seemingly confused at the extra windfall. She's rapidly distracted by Zig, though. The Later tilts her head at the Gankri and chortles gleefully. "Somethin' 'bout 'at guy jest makes ya wanna hug 'im," she observes quietly. "Hug 'im real *real* tight an' not let go fer th'rest'a 'is life."

As the door to the transport is sealed, Narai lowers his head for a moment. After being silent for a minute, he looks back up at Yasan. "If that is all, once I have made my report I shall return to Commoro station to continue my... research." He pauses for a moment, not like the others can really understand what the two are discussing.

Sheppard looks to Kes, "So's now 'at we's paid, we gonna stick 'round or're we takin' off?" he querries.

"That is all," Yasan confirms. "Be well, Narai. Thank you. And thank your companions. For bringing them home."

The big Demarian looks skyward for a moment. "Why, Demar?" he rumbles in Demarese, "Why would you do this to me?" He shakes his head, studying the Gankri for a moment. "I am heading back to Comorrrrrro Sstation," he says, "Ssome people arrre fixsing up a sship forrr me."

Jaswinder tilts his head. "I don't know. I kinda like it, redcap. It's a nice background noise. And if he ever shuts up, you know the shit's really hit the fan. It's like a miner's canary for danger."

Umishi just stares at the Gankri and blinks...slowly backing away.

"A ship! I get the hint! YOU NEED A PILOT!" Zig bouncebouncebounces, tail lashing back and forth as he waves a hand in the air. "I can do it! I'm your flyer! Just gimme a chance! You'll see!"

Bowing one last time, Narai turns around and returns to the group. "The comptroller extends his thanks. If you wish to remain here and look around, you are welcome to do so. I must head to the Temple to give the report. I will see you all around Commoro, I am sure." He smiles, then walks off towards the temple.

"Reckon we's gonna head back," Kes says, shrugging at Shep. "Ain't no more ta do 'ere till after our buddy 'ere makes 'is report an' 'ey figure out if'n 'ey's gonna do anythin' 'bout 'em weird Aukamis." She stifles laughter at Zig's enthusiasm, a glance going aside to Jazz. "Gotta point on ya, chief. We oughta hire us one jest for laughs." The 'pain in the butt tax' is still in her hand, the Later apparently unsure of what to do with it for the moment.

"That ship's nearly completion, by the way," Dean says with a slight grin towards Razor, as he eyes Zig.

The two Helots emerge from the shuttle and move towards the Obsidian Dust.

Razorback's ears flatten a bit, a bit limp. "Very well," he says, "I do need a pilot. Alright, on one condition." He holds up a paw with a digit pointing skyward.

Umishi blinks as she watches them.

Jaswinder looks down at Kes, calm as ever. "Freedom begins with the freedom to take the consequences. I like the freedom of this life, little redcap. It's been short, but I've got enough memory to appreciate its merits."

"Ooh! What condition? Do I have to sing the Hodolo song backward ninety-nine times? You're not gonna make me lick the ogoti trail like second Zig did that time, I hope," Zig ventures. "Or, um, do I have to swim across the Wunta Reef? I punched a braggib once! Right in the blade fin! I'm still working on a song about that. Wanna hear it? It's great!" He clears his throat to begin singing.

Sheppard nods a bit to Kes, "Well, may's well go 'en," he states, drawing on that carrot again.

"That when I insstrrruct you to," the Cliffwalker says, "you will SHUT UP!"

Kestrel grins at Shep. "You kiddin'?" she asks, pointing at the Gankri. "'Is's almost as good as 'at one time ol' Two-Finger Sam got th'bright idear ta try singin' inna Angel's Trumpet." She pauses to take a drag from her cigarette, and chuckles. "'At ended up with 'em bein' tossed inta th'pit with three tribals, a midget D'marian an' a mutant dog, if'n mem'ry serves." Thayndor Zahir has connected.

"Oh, erm, so," the Gankri's shoulders slump. "Guess you don't want to hear that song, then. Eh. That's okay. You go on back to Comorro. You've got big important things to do. I just...thanks for saving me!" He hops up to hug Razorback around the neck, wrapping his legs around the Demarian's torso. "You're the best! THE BEST! I'm gonna write a song about you! I just have to figure out one hundred things that rhyme with Razorback. Let's see..." He hops up and over Razorback's shoulders, dangling like a cape. "Fazerlack! Gabermack! Paversack!"

"Enough!" the Cliffwalker growls, "Alright, you don't have to stay quiet, just ... do not write songs about me. Then you can come."

Sheppard glances to Kes, "'Is ain't fun, when Ah get ta kill somefin', it'll be fun," he assures the Later, drawing on his carrot before beginning to move towards...however they're getting off this place.

"Just don't do it while he's looking," suggests Thayndor, who has been here the whole time. Honest.

The Obsidian Dust starts up, assumedly by the Helots.

Dean chuckles and gives Razorback a nudge as he passes by, slowly moving towards his ship.