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Vessa nods to Leu, "Then lets head there and get that taken care of." she says with a broad grin and rubbing her hands together, "This should be fun to do, do love these kinds of trips." and moves to follow Leu, indicating the other two should as well.
Vessa nods to Leu, "Then lets head there and get that taken care of." she says with a broad grin and rubbing her hands together, "This should be fun to do, do love these kinds of trips." and moves to follow Leu, indicating the other two should as well.
This log continues at the logg: [[Talks about robotics and implants part 2]]

Revision as of 11:28, 19 March 2012

Talks about robotics and implants

Summary: Xanya meets up with some of her friends.

Cast: Xanya, Vessa, Anya, Kethren, Sadie, Leucohyle.

Air Date: February 18, 2654

Setting: Docking Hub - Comorro Station

Comorro Station isn't exactly a station. It doesn't remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship - incapable of atmospheric flight - that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years. The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats. Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel's nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas - such as the Forgotten Quarter - are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

"Fantastic!" It is about now that Vessa sees Anya as Vessa and Keth are chatting near the Selene, Anya having just exited said ship. "Anya my dear, enjoy the sleep?"

Xanya walks in from the tradeport hatch stretching herself and having a smile on her face. She looks around and sees vessa and anya waves to the girls, as she makes her way towards them.

Anya glances over at Vessa and shrugs her shoulders a little. "Eh.. was okay. Better with company." She grumbles a little as she goes to join the others.

Kethren stretches and looks around at everything

Vessa waves to Xanya and looks regretfully at Anya, "I got called away last night before you woke up or I would have stayed. I tried to get back this morning before you woke." She moves over and kisses the woman gently, if she will allow, "Ice cream apology?"

Xanya looks to vessa and anya. "had a long hot night girls?" She asks as she gets near them. "and did I hear something about ice cream?" She says licking her lips.

Anya shrugs her shoulders and allows the attention. "Perhaps." She states to Vessa with a nod of her head.

You paged Sadie with 'is there anything you want to say or know ahead of time incase someone in rp asks about sadie and xanya and how they woke up this morning?'

Kethren nods to everyone in a fairly genial manner.

"Hmmm, scuse us a moment you two," Vessa says to the other two and takes Anya's hand to guide her back to the Selene, if she will let her. "Lets have a quick chat."

Xanya sighs a bit but nods to Vessa. "you are excussed." She sais she then turnes to kethren. "I don't think i have seen you before. have I?"

Kethren looks over at Xanya and smirks. "I rather doubt that. I just found myself here a few minutes ago"

Anya follows after Vessa like a scolded child.

Vessa doesn't go far with Anya, just up the ramp of the Selene and far enough not to be heard by others. The rest are chatting nearby. "Hey, everything okay?" she asks concerned.

"you just arivered here?" Xanya askes curiously. "sounds like you rifted to this place. mind if I ask where you are from?"

Kethren nods "Yeah, that's what I've been told happened. Used to be on Earth."

Anya glances over at Vessa and shrugs. "Vodka.. is too early for not have vodka yet." She grumbles darkly. She pulls out an empty flask and shakes it.

Vessa has a look of understanding and holds out a hand for the flask, "Let me rectify that situation for you then dear Anya." She smiles, "Any preference on brand or shall I simply demand the best?"

Sadie practically runs into the docking hub and over to Xanya, almost out of breath. "Xanya!" She smiles as she moves one of her hands near one of Xanya's so she could grab it if she wanted to. "You left me breakfast!" She giggles like a little girl, forgetting that others are around. She sucks in both of her lips into her mouth at the same time, smiling wide as she looks around at the others. "Did somebody just rift in?" she asks excitedly, more to Xanya than anyone else.

Amidst the flow of human (and humanoid, and nonhuman) traffic coming from the Tradeport, there opens a small, approximately five foot radius, gap, where people just sort of alter their courses to get around whatever is moving there. The source of this gap, as it comes closer, is a pale, average-sized human, dressed in quite an ordinary fashion but being escorted by some less-than-ordinary robots. One is a beach-ball sized sphere, with cargo doors on its back, a lens-studded front, and multiple jointed limbs. The other is smaller, about the size of a basketball, and lacks doors but has a spiral-shuttered aperture below its lenses. Together they scuttle around the human in that five foot radius as she beelines for the unloading bay. "P-pickup for Leucohyle Hall, if-you-please," she pipes to the current attendant, a Hekayti female who is most likely twice the human's mass. Apparently, however, the girl and her spider-bots are familiar, as they get neither special attention nor special derision.

Anya allows Vessa to take her flask and shakes her head. "Nyet.. will just go to Cafe on own.. Teacher worry too much." She replies with a faint smile.

Vessa smiles to Anya with a nod, "Yeah, Teacher is rather bad about that. If you are sure," She examines the flask a moment then hands it back with a small grin on her face, "I think I will need to start stocking vodka in the ship." she indicates the rest and says, "Lets go ahead and join them again then." She gently caresses Anya's cheek a moment before looking back and waving to the new arrivals, raising her voice a bit, "Sadie, Leu, hello."

Xanya smiles brighty and even giggles seeing sadie run so happely to her. Xanya galdy takes sadies hand as it gets closer. "Did you like your breakfast, dear?" She asks smiling to sadie. "this gentle man seems to have rifted in here, he is also from earth." She sais pointing to kethren Then she leans in to give sadie a kiss if she would let her.

Leucohyle and her two attending robots all simultaneously look in Vessa's direction upon hearing her name. "H-hello, Miss-Vessa," she calls, carefully, across the intervening space, as Iota, the larger of the two spider-bots, is loaded with some crates. "Good afternoon, er... everyone, yes hello."

Sadie giggling, she allows Xanya to kiss her, but only allows for a quick peck, as she is too excited at the moment. "The breakfast was so yummy! Thanks, again, love!" She smiles and looks to Kethren. "Earth? Me too! Where on Earth? What year?" She rattles off questions, curiosity and wonder in her eyes.

Kethren is slightly startled by all the enthusiasm. "Was in upstate NY in 2010"

Xanya smiles and looks lovelingly to Sadie. I'm glad you enjoyed your breakfast, love. I'm so sorry I could not be there to see you wake up and enjoy your meal." She then looks to Kethren. "2010? wow thats not from from me. I was rifted at the end of 2011. I lived in europe thougth. By the way. My name is Xanya." She sais and extends her free hand to shake kethrens if he wants.

Vessa heads back down the ramp and gives Sadie a look then Xanya, "How much sugar was in that breakfast?" Grinning she waves to Saide, "Hi sis." To Leu she says, "I have here a guy who can get those materials for you. If you wanted us to do that job for you."

Once the cargo bot has been loaded, Leu thumb-prints the dockworker's dataslate and goes meandering over towards Vessa. "Hmm? Oh yes, of of course, er, why wouldn't I still want you to do so? I er, haven't gone to any one else for it, after all. Rather wouldn't make sense." She nods to Xanya, politely, and then looks at Sadie and Kethren, fiddling her fingers together and offering a shy, fluting, "H-hello."

Sadie looks at Kethren with wide eyes. "New York, huh?" She laughs as she takes her wavy blonde hair out of the messy ponytail. "I promise I won't judge!" Another small giggle, "I'm from Montana, 2012." Her eyes shift to Xanya slowly, "I..I didn't know that you were from 2011." She smiles, tilting her head, "I always assumed you were from a more advanced era than me..but I guess I'm more advanced!" She winks excitedly. "Oh, Vess! You're just jealous cuz you didn't get breakfast in bed!" She smiles, biting her lower lip. Looking to Leu, she smiles, "Well hello, there!" She looks around to everyone. "What have y'all been up to?"

Kethren smiles at Xanya "Always wanted to visit Europe. Don't suppose I'll ever get to now, though." and waves hello to everyone else.

Xanya giggles. "yes sweety, YOU are more advanced then me, and there might be a few more things you do not know about me... yet." She says with wink and wraps one arm around sadie if she would let her. Then xanya would look to vessa. "No idea how much suggar was in that breakfast. I just ordered a bit of everything to make sure she could eat what ever her heart desired." She then looks to lue. "Hello again. good to see you again. how have you been miss."

Vessa smiles happily and rubs her hands, "Guess what crew, we have a job as you are all members of Danu. Kethren is the newest member, an architect and a resource gathering guru. Leu if you can send me the list of materials we can get that done for you right quick. How is the lab doing by the by?" Sadie gets a grin and a wink, "Yeah I am." and she winks at Xanya, "Good job."

"Oh er, the status of of the lab has not changed since you were last there, Miss-Vessa," Leu murmurs, perhaps somewhat off-put by the amount of people in the Tradeport in general, as well as the amount of unfamiliar people gathered so very closely. "Er well yes, I will make needs projections for the er, first job, and er traditionally it it is half payment in advance and then half payment upon delivery; is is this an amenable arrangement within the parameters of-your-organization?"

Sadie giggles, allowing Xanya to wrap her arm around her. "And I ate it ALL!" She bursts out laughing, then stops all of a sudden, looking down at her tummy. She begins to pout, "Oh, I must have gained about 20 pounds eatin' all of that food!" She shrugs after a long moment, then looks to Vessa, "How has my big sister been? Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever, it feels like!" She snuggles closer to Xanya, smiling.

Xanya Smiles to vessa. "thank you. to be honest I am Verry happy right now. more so then I would have expected to be without.... ehm... any of the... s word stuff." She says smiling. She then looks to Kethren. "A member of danu choi too? nice, welcome on board. I am an engineer for danu choi. mostly spaceships thought." She says with a smile and then looks to sadie and down to her tummy. She gently rubs on hand over it if sadie would let her. "Feel stuffed indeed. we might need to do something about that." she says with a playfull wink.

Vessa nods to Leu, "That sounds acceptable to me. I assume that all of that was worked out with Maina? She is the management side of things, I do the people stuff well and grunt work," she grins, "Half now and half after works fine for me. Good that things are going well." she snickers at Sadie, "We can always do some running to burn off your breakfast, I am sure that is what Xanya meant." She then looks a bit uncomfortable, "Uh yeah, lot has happened since we last met up." She chuckles nervously then changes the subject, "Any thing new going on for you?"

Sadie laughs at Vessa, "Running might do the trick. Though I'm sure I won't really gain any weight! You know how us Harden girls are!" She giggles and nods to herself.

Leucohyle purses her lips, and then shakes her head. "Errr no, no change. And er Miss-Maina and I did not designate a cost for the er, job yet, as initially we were simply going to be doing transport for existing known materials but reports indicate that er, some enterprising soul apparently had already cleared the useful scrap from the er, from the site. So. Other than small salvage opportunities in New Phyrria I I need to er, branch out for more materials."

Xanya Looks to vessa. "I was thnking of something along the lines of running yes. or meaby that... ehm self defence training we wanted to give sadie. if she is still interested." She says looking to sadie when she mentiones her name.

Vessa nods as she listens, "Hmm, maybe we should just get the stuff and you and Maina figure out the cost in total at the end of it. This is the part I am not so good at," she admits, "I have no idea what the right charge for that would be."

Leucohyle offers Vessa a wobbly smile. "Eryes, I I haven't the foggiest what the current 'going rate' for raw materials is, I'm I'm afraid. It's a er, fluctuating market, what with the constant changes in planetary accessibility, habitation, weather-patterns, etcetera... a a very imprecise science. But er, if you'd like, yes, we can er, go over what would be a a viable 'first shipment', as it were and then I would pay your organization accordingly."

Kethren stretches

Xanya moves behind sadie and wraps both her arms around her if sadie would let her. She would then put a single kiss in sadies neck and continues to listen to the conversation.

Sadie smiles as she looks around. She laughs softly as she looks at Vessa. "I have to admit..I have no idea what y'all are talking about."

Vessa nods in agreement, "That sounds fine to me. We can get what you need and you and Maina can come to an agreement on cost. I will also get the materials for that bot, already set something up for the implant and even spoke to them about improving processing power." She winces, "This will be interesting it seems."

Leucohyle claps her hands together in exact opposite of Vessa's expression. "Oh it -will- be interesting indeed, and exciting and lovely. Now you're r-really going to er, to join us in the thirtieth century, hmm?"

Xanya looks curious. "implant? imporved processing powers?" She says to herself wondering what theya re talking about.

Kethren glances over at Xanya and shrugs "I lost the thread of this some time ago"

Vessa blinks in surprise at Leu and laughs, "Hopefully they will provide something to practice with. I cannot wait to hook up to the sensors, that is what I am looking forward to most." She then grins at Xanya, "I am getting a neural implant so that I can hook directly into the ship and control it."

Leucohyle waves her pale, circuit-traced hands around with enthusiasm. "Oh, er, absolutely, there are three hundred and forty seven separate training exercises available for neural implant assimilation. OH! And and you'll be able to join us on Synapse, won't that be -lovely-? I I hear people from er, more primitive times find it quite -keen-."

Xanya mouth drops open. "YOU are going to do WHAT?!" Shakes her head. "isn't that dangerous? I mean. won't you get a computer virus in your brain? or something? or meaby some computer controling your actions?" She says sounding worried.

Kethren smirks "Oh, I'm sure that the worst we'll get there is if the ship implodes due to her having a nervous breakdown"

Leucohyle just blinks, for a few moments, at Xanya, and then offers up a wobbly, if faintly patronizing smile. "Oh, er, d-don't worry, Miss-Xanya, the er, implant merely allows for the transmission of data between the brain's own neural network and a selected unit or or network, and well the -brain-, as-it-is, is not a standardized programming language so therefore you cannot 'over-write' what could be considered the human mental operating system due to synaptic unidirectional transmissions, unstructured mnemonic matrices and and (technobabble technobabble technobabble). You'd you'd be much more vulnerable to say, the usage of psionic Phenomena, which are actually targeted towards thought processes."

Vessa waves a hand at Leu, "Uh yeah what she said," She says looking lost, then glares at Kethren, "I have never had a nervous breakdown I will have you know," she smirks then nods to Leu, "Oh good, I was hoping that there was a process, all they said was not to worry about it."

Xanya nods to leucohyle. "so it's save. I'll take your word for it since it's new to me." She then looks to vessa still worried. "Will you let me know how it goes the opperation and actualy usage? because... if it's ... safe... and practical... I might be able to ... use it myself. that is... if sadie lets me of course."

Kethren glances at Vessa "But the question remains, *would* the ship implode if you actually had a nervous breakdown? One too many blows to the head, perhaps?"

Leucohyle turns to blink at Kethren, her hazel eyes somewhat owlish behind her holographic spectacles. "O-oh generally in the cases of neural networking there are s-settings available for biomonitoring and feedback for synaptic activity, pulse and respiration, levels of cortisol, and and will initiate and over-ride manual control in the cases of unsuitable conditions.

Vessa looks at Leu in curiosity, "What is Synapsis? And uh I suppose that is a good fail safe, don't think I want ships imploding on me." She grins at Xanya, "Sure thing Xan, will let you know how it all works out. I don't think I need to worry about anything, seems like this is fairly normal in this timeline."

Xanya shakes her head. "normal or not I will still worry about you. V."

Kethren looks over at Leu "Well, that's good to know. I'd hate to be inside an imploding vessel if said implosion could have been easily prevented... So much to get used to."

"Synapse is the Hiverspace-wide network consisting of local and connective nodes. I I believe the equivalent from more primitive times would be 'the Internet'," Leu pipes, fiddling her fingers together. "The neural network from the er, users interfaces directly with the code, creating a manipulatable self-immersive experience which can be compared to what the er, fictional cultures of of your times would reference as 'virtual reality'." She gestures, carefully, and speaks very slowly and carefully as well, as though she's entirely uncertain as to how much of this is even comprehensible.

Xanya shakes her head. "I'm lost now, myself. Meaby I need to visite a pool to calm down or something." She then looks to Leu, "wait... that network thing works on Virtual reality?"

Vessa smiles at Xan, "Thanks, it will be alright I am sure." she smirks at Kethren then looks impressed at Leu, "Ohhhh, now that sounds awesome. So immediate access to instant information wherever I happen to be." She grins, "And more portable then a PDA." She nods, "I think I will enjoy the benefits of this immensely, I will get a brain backup before I get it done though. Would hate to lose anything important."

Kethren ponders "That does sound interesting, alright. For now though, I'll just file that away on the long term shopping list."

"W-well yes if you have the appropriate model with wireless interfacing and you are somewhere that is currently broadcasting an an available network. Such as myself and Father in our labs, etcetera," Leu replies, blinking still at both Xanya and Kethren. "Oh yes and also if if you -have- a neural interface the backup process is considerably easier, not requiring the usage of nanomnemonic matrix imprint. You just p-plug in and let it er, run, as-it-were. If if you'd like, when you er, g-get the implant? I I could give you a tour of the Lab's network on Synapse and and allow you to er, experience some of this directly. There are some multimedia training materials as well, er, Synapse and You, So You're Considering Neural Interfaces, Direct Connection guides, etcetera..."

Xanya looks to vessa. "Brain back-up? is that what I think it is?" She then looks to leu. "Ahm, one question. when this implant is implanted in vessa, Mind if I be there as well? to be there for ... mental suport or whatever vessa would need?" She asks a bit nervously also looking to vessa to see if she minds.

Vessa nods as she listens to Leu then grins at Xanya, "Xan, I am going somewhere else to get it done, Leu is just giving me info about it. you can go with if you like sure." She shrugs, "I don't mind." Looking back to Leu she nods, "I would like to see about that, maybe ask for all that extra stuff you mentioned, this is going to be expensive I think." she mutters to herself that last sentence.

Kethren looks lost in thought

Leucohyle presses her lips together, and shifts her weight from foot to foot, fiddling her fingers together before answering Xanya, her little fluting voice changing to a far more -careful- tone. "W-well?" she begins. "You see it's -surgery-, Miss-Xanya, and and nonmedical personnel are not allowed into the surgical theatre for reasons of safety, security, sterility, etcetera. P-plus she will not be entirely conscious during this procedure as it does involve -the brain-, th-therefore she will not be aware of her surroundings and and thus not in need of any sort of emotional support. But er yes there is you know a waiting room and visitors are allowed in in recovery once the appropriate diagnostics are passed, etcetera."

Xanya nods to Leu. "of course. silly of me to think I could be there when it happend. being in a waiting room would be fine. I just want to knwo first hand the results when the opperation is done. and if it works properly and vessa is happy with it. and My love sadie alows me. I will save up credits to ... get it done myself." She says a bit hesitantly.

Vessa blinks, "Oh, I assumed you meant the waiting room. Eh, it should be fairly quick surgery, at least that is what the dude said. Sounded pretty routine actually, at least from what he told me. Course he could have been feeding me a line but," she shrugs, "We will have to see. I would hope that by now they had this sort of thing well in hand. I will let you know how I like it Xan but I figure it will take getting used to for a bit."

Kethren glances at Leu "So, they never film surgery here? I recall watching a few recordings of them before I wound up here. Might be interesting to watch from another room while it happens."

Leucohyle blinks at Kethren. "W-well I suppose that's within the realm of possibility, but having a recording device present in a surgery would be er, significantly different than an an independently operating sapient individual." She blinks a few more times. "H-honestly Father gets dreadfully irritated if if there are any sort of distractions while he works, really..." Trailing off, she turns to nod very emphatically at Vessa. "It it -is- routine, I I assure you. But as routine as it is, it's r-really not, you know, a -spectator- activity."

Xanya looks to Kethren. "excuse me? what makes you think I want to watch them cu....Preform sergury on my friend here. I'd probably pass out seeing that. no thank you. I'd prefere the waiting room."

Vessa grins, "Well good. I am sure it will be fine. So, materials we should get that done while we have the chance and people here. That will help get things rolling and give you two an opportunity to get a feel for the job."

Kethren looks over at Xanya and shrugs "Wasn't saying that you specifically would want to. Just think that there're people around who'd find it interesting. Providing they actually know the person of course, certainly not suggesting we start broadcasting *every* surgery to anyone who happens to have some free time."

"Errr, anyways, I do have some documentation at the labs that you can go over, and and also I can get your invoice for the materials I'd like to order and also the schematic for the Self-Defensive Assistant that that you'd like to have built?" Leu pipes to Vessa, leaping upon the other woman's change of subject.

Xanya enjoyes the change of subject and listens to it carefully.

Vessa nods to Leu, "Then lets head there and get that taken care of." she says with a broad grin and rubbing her hands together, "This should be fun to do, do love these kinds of trips." and moves to follow Leu, indicating the other two should as well.

This log continues at the logg: Talks about robotics and implants part 2