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{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Job Interview
|title = Job Interview - Dry run on the bridge
|summary = having applied for the job of captain on board the IND Cro na Mthar. Xanya is on her way for her job interview.
|summary = having applied for the job of captain on board the IND Cro na Mthar. Xanya is on her way for her job interview.
|cast = [[Xanya]], [[Vessa]], [[Sadie]].   
|cast = [[Xanya]], [[Vessa]], [[Sadie]].   
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The crewman on the sensor station nods and keeps watch, the next station is engines and the crewman notes drolly, "Engines are active and already live. Not problems." His eyes are on the station but he sits stiffly. Vessa continues to sit silently and watch.
The crewman on the sensor station nods and keeps watch, the next station is engines and the crewman notes drolly, "Engines are active and already live. Not problems." His eyes are on the station but he sits stiffly. Vessa continues to sit silently and watch.
''To be continued''
Xanya nods to the crew man in the engines station. "thank you. let me know if it changes." She says and walks to the next station.
Sadie continues to watch, looking from Vessa's face to the crew to Xanya, looking for reactions.
Next station is shields and the young woman manning the controls smiles up and nods, "All set cap'n." her voice bright and cheerful. Vessa continues sitting quietly and watching and giving no reaction to what she observes.
Xanya nods smiling back. "good to hear. Same goes for you. let me know when it changes." She says to the woman and walks on to the next station.
Sadie smiles wide as the woman on the consoles is cheerful towards Xanya.
As cheerful as the woman at the shields station is, the man at the thrusters station isn't, his words are barely a grunt of, "It's workin' fine." before he all but ignores Xanya, stabbing the buttons as needed. Vessa watches silently, her eyes watching intently though she seems to be reclining in a relaxed fashion in the chair.
Xanya nods to the man. "Thank you sir. As I said with the rest. When it changes I would like to hear about it." She says and then moves on to the next station.
Sadie sighs quietly as she continues to watch, turning in her chair back and forth unknowingly.
A grunt is Xanya's only reply from the crewman and finally is the FTL station, where a quiet young man sits and stutters, "A..a..all c..c...ccc..clear." His shoulders hunched forward slightly as he gives his status report and waits for further orders, once more Vessa simply sits silently and watches.
Xanya nods to the quiet young man. "That's good to hear. Like I told the other, when the status changes let me know. feel free to speak up if I do not hear you." She tell the young man with an encouraging smile. After that she walks back to her spot near Vessa.
Sadie grins at Xanya as she watches.
The young man nods, shoulders still hunched and there is waiting. Vessa continues to sit back in teh chair, she looks to Xanya with a raised eyebrow and waits.
Xanya back at her spots she looks around to the crew. "Alright people. The systems check is done and everything is working fine. Like I said we will be making a trip to kamsho. So I would like you to plot a save course towards our destination, and meanwhile charge the FTL-drive to make sure it's ready to go." She gives the orders and while she waits she thinks to herself a bit while giving a few looks to the young man with the hunched shoulders.
Sadie watches the young man intently, cocking her head as she studies him silently.
"We will not actually be going to Kamsho, however there is a simulation program there, initiate that." Vessa states in a calm clear voice, there are a round of nods and the holo-projector begins to show that coordinates have been entered and the ship, as far as anyone could tell the ship is being readied to move. The FTL station begins to show indication of charging.
Xanya nods to vessa and then looks around to the crew and everything that's happening. keeping an eye on the ftl changing.
Sadie watches, clearly intrigued.
A beep sounds and the young man states, "We are in transit." within moments red flashes all over the room as problems begin to resound from station to station, "Engines are failing, sensors are dark, and thrusters are locking." Vessa's attention is now fixed on Xanya as she watches.
Xanya walks a bit forward. "do we know what is causing the problems?" She firmly speaks her question to the crew.
Sadie keeps her eyes on Xanya, watching how she handles this.
"Not sure, seems that there is power loss in first the sensors, then the engine, then the thrusters," from across the room is heard, "Shields are failing," before the sector goes dark, FTL begins to flicker. It seems sensors are not quite dead when the crewman yells, "Ships on sensors, it is flickering too much to tell," then "Damage, we are being attacked." Vessa watches intently.
Xanya looks around hearing the problems and then that there bing attacked. "Reroute the power to the shields, I need them online. Shut down the FTL drives we won't need them. Can I get an Identity on who is attacking us?" She speaks the commands with a firm raised voice, doing her best to stay calm.
"Power rerouted and FTL shut down, we cannot tell who is attacking as sensors are spotty at best. Another hit, shields are holding." Panic begins in the crew as Vessa watches.
Xanya looks around thinking. then turns to comunications. "try to hail the ship thats attacking us. I want to talk to them and get an explanation. Meanwhile get us out of here."
"Hails are failing and they are attacking again, another hit, shields still holding. We have all of our power going to shields, everything else has failed." The crew are looking at Xanya with worried eyes now. Vessa continues to watch silently.
Xanya sighs hearing the problems. "can we lower the power on the shields so we can start the ftl drives again and get them changed?" she asks to the crew. "I want to get us out of here as soon as possible."
"Shield's power reduced, charging FTL. Another hit, moderate damage." Honest fear is going through the crew now and still Vessa sits silent.
"We are going to make it people as soon as the ftl drives are changed get us out of here and towards kamsho." Xanya speaks the command with raised voice so the crew hears her. Her own heart is now beating fast.
"Another hit," said at the same time as, "FTL charged and engaging." Vessa stands, "End scenario." And the simulator flashes back to systems normal and green. "I think this is a good time to end, well done all of you." Everyone seems to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Her eyes then turn to Xanya with no hint of how she did in Vessa's expression, "Think on the results tonight and tomorrow meet me in the office to go over what you did right and what could have been done better. Sadie you are up next."
Xanya nods to vessa and takes a deep breath. "I will do that vessa." She then turns to teh crew. "Thank you for your time everyone. it was an honor doing this dry run with you." She turns to sadie and gives her an encouraging smile. "good luck sadie. I will leave you to it and get to my room for some time to think and some sleep. I will see you all tomorrow." done speaking she walks out of the bridge.
Sadie nods as she stands up. She smiles at Xanya and whispers, "Good job, Xan." before looking around to the crew. After taking a deep breath, she grins and uses a loud voice. "Hey, y'all. First things first! I don't really know all of y'all, so I thought that it might be a great idea for us to get to know each other. When part of a crew, I believe that teamwork is the most important thing. We can't have teamwork without knowing each other better!" She grins as she looks around to each of the crew before continuing. "Ok! I need everyone to break into teams of 10 and get into team lines over here!" Her tone becomes serious as she raises a brow. "If you can't break up into your own teams, I have no problem putting teams together." She pulls out a bag of long purple carrot-looking vegetables from her bag. She watches the crew to make sure they are doing as she says.
The crew looks horribly confused, Sadie has certainly succeeded in getting their attention. Looking between each other they shrug and begin lining up into two lines with a look or two between each other and Vessa, who sits and watches after a smile and a, "Good night Xan,"

Latest revision as of 19:24, 2 April 2012

Job Interview

Summary: having applied for the job of captain on board the IND Cro na Mthar. Xanya is on her way for her job interview.

Cast: Xanya, Vessa.

Air Date: April 2, 2654

Setting: Guardian Office - IND Cro na Mthar

A large dark red wooden desk sits at the far end of the room from the door. Behind it sits a large comfortable chair with two overstuffed armchairs in front, and a large span of windows take up the back wall. Along the other two walls the lower half is lined with the same dark red wood as the desk and the hallway, with the upper half painted a deep burgundy. Along the walls are paintings of fields and mountains, of cliffs and oceans, all sorts of scapes including that of stars and the vistas found in certain areas of space. The floors are covered with a thick soft carpet.

Contents: Exits:
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Sitting behind the desk and doing paperwork is Vessa, Siren laying on a comfy pillow sleeping nearby. Soft music is playing from speakers above as the woman works and waits.

A knock on the door is heard.

Vessa sets the pen down and calls, "Come in." before setting the paperwork aside.

The door is opened and Xanya walks in. Dressed into a black velvet punk jacket which has lace trimming of the hem and cuff and a black velvet gothic long fishtail skirt that hugs the hip at the thighs and it flares out at knee length. "You asked for me?" She asks as she enters the room.

Vessa raises an eyebrow at the outfit but indicates a chair across the desk, "Close the door and take a seat, you applied for the position of Captain and this is your interview."

Xanya smiles and nods. "right of course." She says and closes the door and sits down at a chair. She looks a bit excited and nervous.

Vessa leans back in the chair and smile, "First let me ask, why do you want the job?"

Xanya Smiles back. "well as you know I designed the ship and know what it is capable off. So I know how much this ship can take. Besides that I know how to listen to people and be neutral when it comes to conflicts between two parties. Which I think is one of the aspects of being a captain, listing to advice from others and make a decision on the course of action based on that." She replies. "Ad to that the fact that I already have learned all I can to pilot space craft. I think I can be a good captain for this ship."

Vessa listens quietly until Xanya finishes and notes, "The Captain doesn't pilot. It is good that you understand how to pilot however, it is equally important to understand every aspect of the ship's crew. Science, medical, engineering, astrogation, all of it. So while you may not be proficient at any of them, at least understanding their importance and how they relate to the whole of the ship. My next question is what you see as the role of Captain? What do you feel is owed the Captain and what do you feel the Captain owes the crew?"

Xanya she thinks on that a moment and then replies. "well, The Captain is a leading role. and is expected to have responsibility for everything on the ship. He would need to have the crews respect to make sure they follow his command. But respect is not one way road. He in his turn will need to respect the crew as well, because if he does not respect them they will not respect them in return. He will also need to understand what drives them so he can try to get the best out of them. in other words, besides being a leader, he would also need to be a friend to some degree. That's my view anyway."

Vessa listens as silently to this as to the previous, "And that respect, how quickly can you assume to garner it, what will you feel should warrant it, and what form should it take?"

Xanya thinks a bit again. "I think respect has to be earned. How long it takes to garner it will probably be different for each crew member. Being a captain I think people will have a certain amount of respect from the start. But you can only keep that respect by doing the right things in times of need and in day to day activities. And what form it should take." She think a bit on that question. "Each person is different so the type of respect will be different with each crew member."

Vessa nods seeming pleased by the answer, "Two more points of curiosity on this then. I will take them one at a time. First presentation, I will expect decorum when on ship, I will expect you to present professionalism in dress and in manner. Can you do that? When you are off ship as well you will represent the crew and the org, and while your clothing is lovely and I don't mind individuality, it will be important to not go for sexuality or fashion. Would that be acceptable to you? And I am going to be changing my mode of dress as well so it isn't going to be just you, it is a price of the job. For me, I have to be a figurehead in a way, someone who is a visual expression of the org, and as I don't want to give the impression of laid back militant mindset, I need to change that image. The Captain needs to show an image of professional competency through clothing and manner."

Xanya Nods understanding. "I already expected as much. That's why I tried to come in, in something more suitable then my day to day clothing. But I also understand that this outfit along with the others I have is not up to specifications needed for a job such as captain. I will have no problems cleaning up my dresser and put back in only those clothing which will fit the role of captain, both on and off the ship."

Vessa nods as well, again seemingly satisfied. "Alright I think the last thing is information. As Captain I will likely be sharing information with you that is not for the ears of all of the crew. I will need you to think on your feet, to not be afraid to ask me something if you are not sure but also be able to understand that ultimately it is your responsibility to do a task and not the crew's. You can delegate, it is expected in fact, but the job being done and done well is up to you. How you do it, and what you choose to do it is up to you. You will need to keep some information to yourself. This does not mean you want to appear secretive, or that you want to let on that you know something others don't. Does this makes sense?"

Xanya listens carefully to what vessa has to say and then nods as she finishes. "that makes perfect sense. if you choose me as captain I will need to learn about the job as I go along. Keeping you informed of my work and sharing information is key. What I share with the crew is a matter of finding a good balance. Getting the jobs done is not much different. something's I can let the crew do. Others I will need to supervise or even do myself. It will be a great learning experience for me, if you choose to accept me as captain of the IND Cro na Mthar.

Vessa nods again and stands, "Alright, now a dry run. This will be a series of scenarios on the bridge and I want to see how you act and react. The moment we step on the bridge until we step off, you will be acting Captain. I want you to understand that in every way that matters, for the time you are there, you will be that in full and act and react accordingly. Once the dry run is over and we step off of the bridge, then things will return to as they are now. Sound good?"

Xanya stands up and nods looking excited. "Yes, I understand completely. One question thought. Will this outfit do for that dry run?"

Vessa nods, "For now it will be fine. And all in all it isn't revealing and doesn't really give off any sort of expression so it is fine. Not something I would recommend on a day to day basis but you can certainly use similar design should you get the job on other clothing. I don't need you to lack style." she says with a grin and stands, moving to the door. "Stay put Siren," not like the fawn was going to move anyway and out they head.

Job Interview - Dry run on the bridge

Summary: having applied for the job of captain on board the IND Cro na Mthar. Xanya is on her way for her job interview.

Cast: Xanya, Vessa, Sadie.

Air Date: April 2, 2654

Setting: Bridge - IND Cro na Mthar

A classy black carpet covers the floor of the circular bridge, whose walls share the same paneling as the rest of the ship, interrupted only for several stations lining the wall. The stations come in pairs for sensor control, shields, and for communication, both internal and external. Another three stations are for the ships engine and movement controls. In the center of the room is a large chair for the Guardian, which is flanked by two other chairs for advisers. In front of those three chairs is a holo projector which can be used to display anything necessary, while behind the Guardian's chair is the Danu Chroi logo on a large banner.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Xanya follows Vessa out and towards the bridge. As they arrive on the bridge she looks around to see who is standing where and who is doing what at this moment.

Sadie looks up from her PDA to see Xanya and smiles softly. "Hey, Xanya. How are you today?"

Currently on bridge is a light crew, people of different races going about their business and as Xanya and Vessa step off they are given nods of greeting and attention is on the two. Vessa seeing Sadie smiles and moves forward, "Attention bridge crew of the Cro na Mthar. Today we will be doing two dry runs for the Captain position, first will be Xanya. From now until I say otherwise, she is acting Captain. I want you to act and react accordingly." Around the bridge are nods and people get ready to take orders. "Xanya, the bridge is yours. For this dry run we will move the ship as needed, though not far. I will give you a task to complete and I want you to do whatever needs doing with no help from me to complete it. I will occasionally toss in things that that are sudden and you will need to act on those. Begin by taking us to Kamsho." As the order is given, Vessa goes to sit in the central chair to observe.

Xanya noticing sadie she gives a nod to her But Xanya's attention is mostly on vessa and the job at hand. She moves along with vessa and listens as she speaks. When Vessa is done speaking Xanya nods. "I Understand." She nods to vessa and stand not far from the central chair where vessa sits down. "Alright crew, I have nothing to add to what Guardian Vessa just told you. As acting captain I lead you to the best of my abilities. I expect you to follow my orders unless Guardian Vessa says otherwise. Am I clear so far?" She says and looks around to the crew.

Sadie's eyes grow wide as she looks at Vessa. "" She moves to stand next to her, watching Xanya closely. She whispers over to Vessa, "Um, Vess.. I don't think that I should continue through with the dry run of me as Captain. I really don't know what to do and I already feel a little lost and uncomfortable. Not weak or anything, I don't want you to think less of me, but maybe there's a less...high up job that will come up?" She smiles nervously, a rare thing for this normally sickeningly happy girl.

Some of the crew just nod, others give a shrug and move to their stations as though it doesn't much matter. Vessa waves Sadie to one of the chairs to the side of her own and says very very quietly so that the rest of the crew cannot hear, "Sadie, if you really want to back out that is fine but don't be your own worst enemy. You felt you were strong enough to start and even if you don't get the job, at least try. Give it your all or you will likely feel regret for a tast left unfinished." She looks up at her sister, her eyes seeking and meeting the other woman's, "Courage isn't the lack of fear, it is facing that fear and doing what must be done anyway." She gives a pause, "I will not force you, but I know you are stronger then that."

Xanya looks around to the crew as they each get to there stations, observing there reactions. When there all seated she continues. "Alright crew. Our first job for today is to get the ship to Kamsho. Before we leave however I would like to run a full systems check. I want to make sure each systems is running perfectly before we leave." Xanya walks towards the first station

Sadie nods slowly to Vessa, her eyes looking into her sister's, not knowing what to say. She smiles and nods again, "Okay, I will continue on with this. You /did/ teach me never to give up." She grins and looks on to the crew, watching how they react (or lack thereof) to Xanya.

The first station is sensors and the crew member of this station silently brings the system up and does a run through, "Sensors are functioning." Is her only phrase to the order. Vessa smiles to Sadie, a look of pride in her expression, and indicates the chair again, "Have a seat sis and let's watch." Her eyes then turn onto the rest of the bridge and she leans back in the chair watching. Now her attitude is all business, quiet speculation in her eyes as she sees the actions and reactions of the crew and their per diem Captain.

Xanya nods hearing that the sensors are fully functioning. "Alright thank you. Let me know as soon as you see a chance. No matter how important it seems." She then walks on to the next station. As she arrives she looks to both the crew and the systems themselves.

Sadie smiles and nods as she sits down next to Vessa and watches silently.

The crewman on the sensor station nods and keeps watch, the next station is engines and the crewman notes drolly, "Engines are active and already live. Not problems." His eyes are on the station but he sits stiffly. Vessa continues to sit silently and watch.

Xanya nods to the crew man in the engines station. "thank you. let me know if it changes." She says and walks to the next station.

Sadie continues to watch, looking from Vessa's face to the crew to Xanya, looking for reactions.

Next station is shields and the young woman manning the controls smiles up and nods, "All set cap'n." her voice bright and cheerful. Vessa continues sitting quietly and watching and giving no reaction to what she observes.

Xanya nods smiling back. "good to hear. Same goes for you. let me know when it changes." She says to the woman and walks on to the next station.

Sadie smiles wide as the woman on the consoles is cheerful towards Xanya.

As cheerful as the woman at the shields station is, the man at the thrusters station isn't, his words are barely a grunt of, "It's workin' fine." before he all but ignores Xanya, stabbing the buttons as needed. Vessa watches silently, her eyes watching intently though she seems to be reclining in a relaxed fashion in the chair.

Xanya nods to the man. "Thank you sir. As I said with the rest. When it changes I would like to hear about it." She says and then moves on to the next station.

Sadie sighs quietly as she continues to watch, turning in her chair back and forth unknowingly.

A grunt is Xanya's only reply from the crewman and finally is the FTL station, where a quiet young man sits and stutters, "A..a..all c..c...ccc..clear." His shoulders hunched forward slightly as he gives his status report and waits for further orders, once more Vessa simply sits silently and watches.

Xanya nods to the quiet young man. "That's good to hear. Like I told the other, when the status changes let me know. feel free to speak up if I do not hear you." She tell the young man with an encouraging smile. After that she walks back to her spot near Vessa.

Sadie grins at Xanya as she watches.

The young man nods, shoulders still hunched and there is waiting. Vessa continues to sit back in teh chair, she looks to Xanya with a raised eyebrow and waits.

Xanya back at her spots she looks around to the crew. "Alright people. The systems check is done and everything is working fine. Like I said we will be making a trip to kamsho. So I would like you to plot a save course towards our destination, and meanwhile charge the FTL-drive to make sure it's ready to go." She gives the orders and while she waits she thinks to herself a bit while giving a few looks to the young man with the hunched shoulders.

Sadie watches the young man intently, cocking her head as she studies him silently.

"We will not actually be going to Kamsho, however there is a simulation program there, initiate that." Vessa states in a calm clear voice, there are a round of nods and the holo-projector begins to show that coordinates have been entered and the ship, as far as anyone could tell the ship is being readied to move. The FTL station begins to show indication of charging.

Xanya nods to vessa and then looks around to the crew and everything that's happening. keeping an eye on the ftl changing.

Sadie watches, clearly intrigued.

A beep sounds and the young man states, "We are in transit." within moments red flashes all over the room as problems begin to resound from station to station, "Engines are failing, sensors are dark, and thrusters are locking." Vessa's attention is now fixed on Xanya as she watches.

Xanya walks a bit forward. "do we know what is causing the problems?" She firmly speaks her question to the crew.

Sadie keeps her eyes on Xanya, watching how she handles this.

"Not sure, seems that there is power loss in first the sensors, then the engine, then the thrusters," from across the room is heard, "Shields are failing," before the sector goes dark, FTL begins to flicker. It seems sensors are not quite dead when the crewman yells, "Ships on sensors, it is flickering too much to tell," then "Damage, we are being attacked." Vessa watches intently.

Xanya looks around hearing the problems and then that there bing attacked. "Reroute the power to the shields, I need them online. Shut down the FTL drives we won't need them. Can I get an Identity on who is attacking us?" She speaks the commands with a firm raised voice, doing her best to stay calm.

"Power rerouted and FTL shut down, we cannot tell who is attacking as sensors are spotty at best. Another hit, shields are holding." Panic begins in the crew as Vessa watches.

Xanya looks around thinking. then turns to comunications. "try to hail the ship thats attacking us. I want to talk to them and get an explanation. Meanwhile get us out of here."

"Hails are failing and they are attacking again, another hit, shields still holding. We have all of our power going to shields, everything else has failed." The crew are looking at Xanya with worried eyes now. Vessa continues to watch silently.

Xanya sighs hearing the problems. "can we lower the power on the shields so we can start the ftl drives again and get them changed?" she asks to the crew. "I want to get us out of here as soon as possible."

"Shield's power reduced, charging FTL. Another hit, moderate damage." Honest fear is going through the crew now and still Vessa sits silent.

"We are going to make it people as soon as the ftl drives are changed get us out of here and towards kamsho." Xanya speaks the command with raised voice so the crew hears her. Her own heart is now beating fast.

"Another hit," said at the same time as, "FTL charged and engaging." Vessa stands, "End scenario." And the simulator flashes back to systems normal and green. "I think this is a good time to end, well done all of you." Everyone seems to take a deep breath and relax a bit. Her eyes then turn to Xanya with no hint of how she did in Vessa's expression, "Think on the results tonight and tomorrow meet me in the office to go over what you did right and what could have been done better. Sadie you are up next."

Xanya nods to vessa and takes a deep breath. "I will do that vessa." She then turns to teh crew. "Thank you for your time everyone. it was an honor doing this dry run with you." She turns to sadie and gives her an encouraging smile. "good luck sadie. I will leave you to it and get to my room for some time to think and some sleep. I will see you all tomorrow." done speaking she walks out of the bridge.

Sadie nods as she stands up. She smiles at Xanya and whispers, "Good job, Xan." before looking around to the crew. After taking a deep breath, she grins and uses a loud voice. "Hey, y'all. First things first! I don't really know all of y'all, so I thought that it might be a great idea for us to get to know each other. When part of a crew, I believe that teamwork is the most important thing. We can't have teamwork without knowing each other better!" She grins as she looks around to each of the crew before continuing. "Ok! I need everyone to break into teams of 10 and get into team lines over here!" Her tone becomes serious as she raises a brow. "If you can't break up into your own teams, I have no problem putting teams together." She pulls out a bag of long purple carrot-looking vegetables from her bag. She watches the crew to make sure they are doing as she says.

The crew looks horribly confused, Sadie has certainly succeeded in getting their attention. Looking between each other they shrug and begin lining up into two lines with a look or two between each other and Vessa, who sits and watches after a smile and a, "Good night Xan,"