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Latest revision as of 08:48, 25 November 2013

Talking about a new town's creation

Summary: Xanya calls for a meeting to discuss about the new town to be created on Impiruil Baile.

Cast: Xanya, Kethren, Sadie.

Air Date: May 16, 2654

Setting: Conference Room - IND Cro na Mthar

Dominated mostly by a large conference table of dark red wood that has been polished to a very high shine, and surrounded by large comfortable chairs with enough space to fit a very large number of people. the room is richly appointed and the back wall is made up of large windows that afford a glorious view but can be covered by a retractable wall. A small section in the table's center can be opened to reveal a holoprojector which extends out to display needed information to the room, the controls for which are at the head of the table.~

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Xanya enters the Conference Room and takes a spot on the head of the table. waiting for everyone to arrive. Meanwhile she takes her PDA and gets some things ready on it.

Kethren walks in to the conference room, tapping on his pda, and has a seat near Xan.

Sadie walks in and takes her usual place at the table, watching Xan with a big grin.

Xanya looks at those present and smiles. "thank you for coming. there not as many as I had hoped but on such short notices I'm not complaining and others might arive later on during the meeting. I want to start with telling you that in this meeting I want to talk about the construction of our first city or town on the planet Impiruil Baile. I would like to get your input on what we want in that town and what you think should have priority. Also I want to talk about options on design and where to place the city for as far as it's known. Any questions so far?" Xanya asks.

Kethren grabs Kail and puts it in the seat next to him. "No questions yet, no."

Sadie shakes her head, grinning at Xanya.

Xanya smiles. "Alright then. Vessa asked us to make a list of buildings we think we should have in the town. I think we should have at least an office building for Dany chroi in it. ahm... do any of you have any more ideas?" Xanya asks.

Kethren nods "Well, one of the prettier general designs of castle would be a good start. That would contain ample room for housing and governance concerns."

Sadie looks to Xanya, nodding. "Definitely a hospital.. but as far as government building go, I think you and Kethren are better for those!" She smiles softly.

Xanya nods and writes the idea's down on her pda. "alright so as far as design goes a castle is a good start indeed. I think we can use that to house the most critical buildings. Other buildings can be placed outside of the castle. perhaps within walls if needed." She thinks a bit. "The hospital, do you think that would fit in the castle? or should we place it outside of the castle?" She asks.

Kethren nods "Well, certainly we should have some basic medical facilities on site, but I do think the hospital should be a bit closer to the residential district." Sadie nods to Xanya. "Since it will be public, I would say outside. We could have a small medical building inside the castle."

Xanya nods listening and writes things down. "good idea. we can starts with a small medical facility for now in the castle. and later when we expand and get more people living here we can make a larger hospital." She says and notes her ideas down her her pda. "besides the hospital, any other ideas?"

Kethren smiles faintly "Well, a tavern and an inn would be nice."

Xanya smiles at that. "right a tavern and an inn. sounds good but i think that is best outside the castle near the residential district. what do you think? oh and what do you think we should put in the castle since it sound to me like we should build that one first. I think I heard something about one office for each of the council members, a conference room, a ball room.... ahm... any ideas from you?"

Kethren smiles "Well, actually I think that we'll need a tavern slash inn by the residential area, but there should be a decent tavern inside the castle as well, though perhaps it wouldn't need an inn. But yes, we'll definitely need offices, a conference room, a good ball room, perhaps a sizable garden... and naturally we'll need a dining room and some kitchens. And possibly see if we can sneak in a few topiaries of flamingoes when Vessa's not looking."

Xanya giggles at kethren's Flamingo comment but doesn't reply to it. "sounds good on the rooms. how we dress them up is something perhaps for another time. Ahm... how about the hospital. any ideas on what to put in that one? and I mean the big one near the residential district."

Kethren shakes his head "Fraid not, I've never built a hospital. I'd suggest getting hold of Tei to get a more informed opinion."

Xanya nods. "or wait for Sadie, I think she can give us good idea's too. I think I would ask her first before Tei. Although taking the hospitals I've seen into acount I think it would need an emergency room, Operating room, some rooms where patients can rest and get better, possibly a research room, and ehm.. a cybernetic research room. Does this give you any ideas?"

Kethren chuckles "Some ideas, yes. But I would like to get Tei involved in this one if we could, along with Sadie. Tei's already designed a hospital, so she may've thought of something we haven't."

Xanya nods listing. "you got a good point. I think we should talk this over with Vessa as well. see what she thinks." She writes some things down on her pda and thinks some more. "lets see. what else would we need."

Kethren looks thoughtful "Did we already say we needed a council chamber? We'll need one of those."

Xanya nods. "good idea keth." She says as she keeps thinking. "I think we are missing something...."She says and snaps her fingers. "defences... we need shields. Do you know of a way to implement a shield to protect the whole city?"

Kethren smirks "That sounds more like your end of things. I could possibly learn about them, but I've not studied shielding per se. Hasn't really been a major concern in my work."

Xanya shakes her head. "I know I know. Whta I mean was... any ideas on where to best place them so they don't show or are in an obvios place where they can be a easy target. I can make them work so they cover the city no worries there."

Kethren nods "Ah, ok. Well, if you could fit them in the palace basement, that'd be nice. Well underground if possible. Past that, we need to settle on where to put the city before we can really compare potential locations."

Xanya nods "basement is a good idea. I can indeed work out the details later when we have a design of the city. ahm... any idea's on where we can best place the city? I personaly was thinking of either underground on above ground. not effecting the landscape of the planet. what do you think."

Kethren smiles "Well, if we can make the city hover, that'd be all kinds of snazzy. Don't really want to go subterranian though, not enough opportunity to put in stained glass windows. If we have to put it on the surface though... I'd say in the general area between the hills and the mountain."

Kethren grins "Well, if you want to be /practical/ about the design methodology, sure."

Xanya I'm not just thinking about prectical design. I am also thinking about something that will keep our people safe. vessa would want that too, I think."

Kethren smiles faintly "That's part of the design being practical."

Xanya nods. "alright I understand. but can't a design me practical as well as beautifull? I mean I am will to keep the hover system open for depate when the other council members arive and give vessa her say in it too. I just want some good options here right now."

Kethren nods "Well, of course. I'm all for beautiful design, especially on a planet like this. Just hovering is probably a little /too/ impractical."

Xanya nods and smiles. "then we agree, on needing beautifull designs for our city. but we also need to make sure our citizens will be safe."

Kethren nods "Well, naturally. Too beautiful a planet to ruin with an ugly city. Oh, and make note, that we need to get laws on the books regarding logging. We'll surely have to cut a few trees for buildings, but we don't want people overdoing it."

Xanya nods and makes note of it. "I'm sure that will not be the only law we need to write down. but we will need to amke sure that all of teh council is here when we go on with that subject."

Kethren nod "Well, of course. Just one to put into the list of things to discuss."

Xanya nods as she puts it in her pda. and then thinks some more. "What else should we discuss."

Kethren looks thoughtful "I'm not sure, really. Any number of potential topics."

Xanya listens. "such ass?"

Kethren drums his fingers on the table a minute and turns to Kail "You have any ideas?"

Xanya thinsk a bit looking to her pda. "alright lets recap what we got so far. We got a castle district wich will contain a sizable garden, Offices for each of the council memebrs, which makes 7 in total. Council chamber, Conference room, Ballroom, Dining room, Kitchens, a Small hospital. Thats it for teh castle. moving on the the resitential district. which will contain a tavern and inn. and a large hospital. the hospital will so far contain an emergency room, operating room, recovery rooms, Research room and a Cybernetic research centre." Se says going over the list. "The city itself will be placed above ground either by hover system if we can find a safe system for it or more likely be placed on large fancy looking pilars." She says going over the last bit of her list. "Did I leave anything out?"

Kethren nods "Well, I still think the castle will need a small tavern in it. Might not want the bother of the more formal dining room after a long day's governing... and we could probably use a waiting room in the hospital."

Xanya nods and adds them to the list. good idea. ahm... talking about laws. don't we need a police station of some sort? to keep the piece? where do you think it will be best. the residential district?"

Kethren drums his fingers on the table a bit "Hrm... either residential or business. Ideally near both."

Xanya nods "maybe near the edge of both?"

Kethren nods "Quiteso, yes."

Xanya writes it down and makes some extra notes. "a police station would need, an entrance hall where people can come in and get there first bit of help or something. ahm... interrogation rooms, Prisons, offices. am I leaving anything out?"

Kethren nods "Yeah, that sounds like the vital parts of a police station. Maybe add in an armory or locker room."

Xanya nods and adds the info onto her pda. "right good ideas." She stretches her self a bit and yawns. "Longest meeting yet. ahmmm. lets see. did we forget anything?"

Kethren grins "Well, there was a disturbing lack of donuts on the conference table... Nothing really leaps to mind, though. I'm sure once we corner the others about it, we'll get some ideas of additional things we need, and then we can work on trimming it down if necessary."

Xanya nods agreeing. "I think we done alot today already. next is to meet up with the others and as you said talk it over with them." She closes the program on her pda and puts it away. "I think we have done a lot today already. lets say we take a break. what do you think?"

Kethren stretches and nods "I could use one. Somehow don't feel as good as I was on the planet."

Xanya nods. "I think i know what you mean. anyway. lets officially call this meeting closed. or however it's said." She says and gets up ready to leave the room.

Kethren puts Kail back on the floor and stands up "Well, adjourned is traditional, but it's like we're worrying about Robert and his rules, either."

Xanya giggles and smiles. "adjourned that the word indeed."