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[[Category: Otherspace Logs]]
[[Category: OtherSpace Logs]]
{{Infobox Log
|title = Return of the Fallen Angel
|summary = The crew of the Fallen Angel, trapped in the Ancient Expanse since the destruction of the Minerva, tests their new rift drive and returns to the Orion Arm, only to be met with an unpleasant surprise.
|cast = Falkenberg, Melania, Daxabi, Tkagorth (Hrothgar), Kaxina
|air_date = February 16, 2012
|location = Comorro Station, the IND Fallen Angel, Tomin Kora
|setting =
|contents =
|exits =
Underbelly Docks - Forgotten      16 February 2654     
Underbelly Docks - Forgotten      16 February 2654     

Latest revision as of 10:34, 17 February 2012

Return of the Fallen Angel

Summary: The crew of the Fallen Angel, trapped in the Ancient Expanse since the destruction of the Minerva, tests their new rift drive and returns to the Orion Arm, only to be met with an unpleasant surprise.

Cast: Falkenberg, Melania, Daxabi, Tkagorth (Hrothgar), Kaxina

Air Date: February 16, 2012

Setting: Comorro Station, the IND Fallen Angel, Tomin Kora

Contents: Exits:

Underbelly Docks - Forgotten 16 February 2654 Quarter - Comorro Station

Burrowed out of nerveless bundles of cartilage and ancient calcified cells, this cavernous chamber in the lower hull of the Yaralu known as Comorro serves as a port of entry for smugglers, pirates, and other potential mischief makers who want to avoid automated weapons and security detection systems in the legitimate docking hub. A jagged archway leads to the region known as the Forgotten Quarter.

Falkenberg disembarks from the IND Fallen Angel

Hrothgar arrives from Shady Hideouts - Comorro Station. Hrothgar has arrived.

Falkenberg is standing by the Fallen Angel's airlock, going over some data on a PDA.

How long the Zangali may have been watching Falk is anyone's guess, but, eventually, the lizard steps away from the cargo crate which he had been lurking behind, and starts towards the human. He comes to a stop a few feet away and grunts, "Falk. Where ship been?"

Falkenberg turns to look at Hrothgar. He narrows his eyes for a moment. "That's a complicated question. Here's a simpler one. Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

Hrothgar shrugs very slowly. "Hrothgar workeded Falk. Hrothgar have other name. Better name. Hrothgar taked new name hide stupid dumb softskins try stop Hrothgar do job. Hrothgar sayed he no see Falk long time. Stupid dumb softskins keep try stop Hrothgar. Hrothgar got stuck stupid dumb hive space. Hrothgar wait find Falk. Hrothgar find Falk."

Falkenberg seems puzzled for a moment. "You worked And you had a different name? What was it? And uh...what did you do"

Hrothgar nods as Falkenberg figure out his rather pained syntax. "Hrothgar no stupid. No say other name here. Softskins hear it, sell name to dumb law softskins. Law softskins try stop Hrothgar." At the question about what he did for Falk, the Zangali snorts quietly and says, "Hrothgar basheded stuff. Softskins, fuzzballs, stupid jellys, shorty nall."

"Yup. Said come find him. Dumb Neidermeyer place. Tomin whatever. Hrothgar go there soon. Find Falk. Falk find talkyship. Hrothgar no have go Tomin. Hrothgar have job. Hrothgar do job. No dumb softskin stuff try stop Hrothgar." The Zangali explains in what must be a very patient tone.

"I AM Falkenberg," Falkenberg says slowly, "at least, the only one you're going to find. And I do live on Tomin Kora, although I'm not sure And this is my ship," he says, pointing to the ship, "The Fallen Angel." He narrows his eyes and looks at Hrothgar. "You've been looking for... ah, me... all this time? That's very loyal."

"Yup. Hrothgar know you you." Hrothgar says, before he starts to walk towards the Fallen Angel, "Know not same Falk. Got old ship. Hrothgar no stupid. Hrothgar know: Falk captian. Have jobs. Hrothgar good job do. Hrothgar like job. Hrothgar want do more bash."

Falkenberg slips his PDA into his pocket. He scratches the back of his neck with one hand, and seems to think something over. "We just got a working rift drive," he says. "And we're leaving for Tomin Kora, back in our universe, within the hour. You're looking for work. I can certainly use someone with your, ah, talent for bashing." He nods. "All right, you're hired."

"Good. Hrothgar go get bunk. Denseone somewhere near Hrothgar think." Hrothgar says, before he starts to walk towards the Fallen Angel.

Bridge - IND Fallen Angel 16 February 2651

The hatchway opens up to a small metal platform, which overlooks a compact command center. Light filters out from hidden coves, providing an even illumination across the bridge consoles. A rainbow of telltales and monitors add a touch of color, breathing life into the functional and utilitarian space. A few steps down, the bridge workstations are arranged in a rough semicircle, following the shark nosed form of the ship's bow. Two stations face forward and are centered beneath the main canopy. The other two workstations face the port and starboard, one on each side of the bridge. The space is tight, with arely enough room to move when all the stations are occupied.

Hrothgar arrives from Spinal Corridor - IND Fallen Angel. Hrothgar has arrived.

Falkenberg steps onto the bridge, followed closely by Hrothgar.

"Hrothgar real name Tkagorth. Hrothgar use real name boss want. Else Hrothgar stick Hrothgar." The Zangali explains as he walks in Falk's wake.

Melania is puttering about on the bridge, seated at the console. She blinks twice at the enterance of the Zangali, eye going to Falk. "I assume he's with you, John?"

Falkenberg looks over his shoulder at the big Zangali. "I see no reason why you can't use your real name where we're going," he says. Then he looks over at Melania. "Yes. Apparently he used to work The other me, on another Tomin Kora. And he's been looking for me for a long time. Seems like he'll be useful, so I've hired him." He looks at the Zangali again. "Tkagorth...this is Melania, part of the crew. Melania, Tkagorth."

Falkenberg has manned the main console.

Hrothgar just stares at Melania for a long moment, then nods to Falkenberg, "Good. Tkagorth tired use dumb stupid human name hide dumb softskins."

Melania just blinks hard at that concept. "Joy." her voice is the ever present of deadpan. Infact that seems to be how she always talks. "The Captain approves of you, that's good enough for me. As odd or as unsettling as that idea might be, it's not really my place to wonder." A nod goes to the Zangali. "Good enough. So, Captain." she now reguards Falk. "Daxabi has finished installing the rift drive. There was a minor variance in energy levels when it was connected to the ship's power plant, but other than that," she shrugs. "Seems to work fine. Though we really won't know until we use it."

Falkenberg nods to Melania. "Yeah, I saw it in the engine room, figured it was done. And...I see something on long range sensors I don't recognize. I'm betting it's a rift." He looks around. "Everyone might want to strap in."

"How you get here no use jumpy drive?" Tkagorth asks, looking from Melania to Falkenberg. He turns towards the woman and asks, "You no done this before? Tkagorth think Tkagorth wait until you do it one time."

With a lurch the ship's FTL drive slows to sublight and the viewscreen displays the starry void of space once again as the ship's computer reports the destination has been reached.

"An exploding rift drive." Melania clarifies for Tka. "Threw us into this Expanse place. We had to build our own to get back. I don't know the science behind it and I really don't care to, all I know it deals with these Kamir beings, and the more I hear about them the less I like." Another shrug for Falk. "Your guess is as good as mind, Boss. Not like a manual comes with these things."

The console's jump drive indicator beeps and glows red to indicate the jump drive has reached full charge. Falkenberg chuckles to Tkagorth. "Relax. I'm sure it's perfectly safe. You wanted to work for me, right? I'm not planning

on making two runs tonight." He looks at Melania. "Yeah, well, I guess I'll just start pushing buttons." He smirks. With a lurch and a flash of white light the ship accelerates to FTL speed.

Daxabi arrives from Spinal Corridor - IND Fallen Angel. Daxabi has arrived.

With a lurch the ship's FTL drive slows to sublight and the viewscreen displays the starry void of space once again as the ship's computer reports the destination has been reached.

Falkenberg is, y'know, flying the ship. Melania's on the weapons console. Tkagorth is standing nearby.

Tkagorth just stands there, gripping the back of one of the bridge chairs rather tightly.

With a lurch and a flash of white light the ship accelerates to FTL speed. [ With a lurch the ship's FTL drive slows to sublight and the viewscreen displays the starry void of space once again as the ship's computer reports the destination has been reached.

The console's jump drive indicator beeps and glows red to indicate the jump drive has reached full charge. With a lurch and a flash of white light the ship accelerates to FTL speed.

Daxabi seems to take showers at the worst possible times. She's in naught but a towel as she jogs up to the bridge. "Lani, wh- holy!" she exclaims upon noticing the imposing big lizard in a jumpsuit. "Sorry, sorry. New crewmember? Are we taking off?"

Melania shoots a glance to Dax. "Dax. Calm down." As per usual, it doesn't sound like it's request of the Timonae. That said, she looks back at Falk. "Try not to push the wrong button, John. Espeically none of the red ones." she remarks a bit dryly.

Tkagorth snorts and glowers at Daxabi as she runs onto the bridge. The lizard glares at her for a moment, then says to Falkenberg, "Boss hire lots ladies. Tkagorth no sure Boss in same work Boss was Tkagorth do job."

Falkenberg looks at Daxabi, and raises both eyebrows. "We're going home, if this thing you built works," he says. "You uh, might wanna put on more clothes. And this is Tkagorth. He used to work for me...apparently. Sort of. Another me, anyway, and now he does again." To the Lizard he says, "It happened to work out that way," he says. "As for what we do, this is a pirate ship. I sort of assumed that was what my, ah, other self did as well."

Daxabi gets scolded and glared at. So she just tightens her towel and droops her shoulders a bit, frowning. "Oh, yeah, my... thing. All right, pardon me a moment..." Off she scoots to put on some damn clothes.

"Daxabi..." Lani mutters, rubbing her hand over her face, and shaking her head before the airhead scoots out. "It'll work. Saw her do enough work on it. And well, it glows so, I have assume it works. Engineering is over my head unless it's weapon systems."

A sharp nod comes from Tkagorth as he replies: "Good. Tkagorth worry Boss soft, Boss dumb softskin trader. Tkagorth have rob, kill all stupid softskins, softskins own good."

"Well, as long as it glows. Nothing bad ever happens from messing with unknown technology that glows," Falkenberg says drily. "I'm trying to take us back to where we came in. Hopefully that'll be a point we can cross back from. We'll find out in about 8 minutes."

Daxabi returns, dressed. "You and Lani seem to share the same outlook, sir," she chimes, wringing water out of her hair.

"The sooner the better. I never thought I'd say that I miss the Motherlode, but at this point, that dive is calling my name. Feels like it's been weeks." she muses neutrally. Looking over her shoulder at Dax's reappearence, she nods. "Sure you didn't leave anything inside that thing that wasn't supposed to be there? A wrench or something of the like?"

Tkagorth cracks his knuckles, then goes back to gripping the seat. He just stares out the viewscreen for the time being.

With a lurch the ship's FTL drive slows to sublight and the viewscreen displays the starry void of space once again as the ship's computer reports the destination has been reached.

Falkenberg chuckles as he eyes the sensor displays. "Relax, Daxabi. I'm sure it'll work. I really do NOT expect it to scatter our molecules across two universes, or cause us to simply wink out of existence. But if it does, I won't be around to shoot you for screwing up, so don't worry about it. If it works, you'll be my new favorite person."

The console's jump drive indicator beeps and glows red to indicate the jump drive has reached full charge.

"Tch," Dax rolls her eyes, smirking, "What, think I left nail polish in there or something?" To Falk, she shrugs lightly, "All true. Here's hoping."

"With you? Would you like to hear my answer?" Lani's humor is as dry as sandpaper. Perhaps there's a ghost of a smirk on her lips but it's just as quickly, instead focusing on the viewscreen. "So this is the place?" she wonders aloud, looking at her console. "Are we supposed to be seeing something important?"

Tkagorth just watches the scene. He is not familiar enough with the rest of the crew to banter.

"I've got a rift on sensors, dead ahead. So the thing is working well enough to let us see a rift, or at least to let me see it from the nav console," Falkenberg says. "That's encouraging." He hesitates for a moment, hands over the controls. "Here goes nothing. Hold on." He activates the rift drive.

There is a low whine as the rift modulator activates the FTL drive and begins to modulate the ship's subspace field. With a flash the ship seems enveloped in a field of shimmering blue energy, and then with another flash, the blackness of space returns, dotted with different stars.

Falkenberg turns pale as he is momentarily nauseated by the transition. Then he leans over the console and checks the nav charts. "Well, that's the Tomin Nebula out there folks," he says. "And we're a short jump from Tomin Kora." He looks at

Daxabi. "Dax, I could kiss you." His hands move over the controls, and he returns his attention to flying. "We'll be home in a minute."

With a lurch and a flash of white light the ship accelerates to FTL speed. With a lurch the ship's FTL drive slows to sublight and the viewscreen displays the starry void of space once again as the

ship's computer reports the destination has been reached.

The ship fires its thrusters as it begins a descent towards the planet below.

The console's jump drive indicator beeps and glows red to indicate the jump drive has reached full charge.

Daxabi mimics the Zangali's seat gripping but manages to keep her focus on the viewscreen to admire the shimmering blue. When Falkenberg praises her, she beams and straightens, looking expectant. But the kiss never comes, bawww.

Melania lists back into her seat when the wave of blue light encompasses the ship, only shaking her head to get the cobwebs out afterwards. "I'm...picking up." An actual genuine smile passes her lips. "TeeKay. By the Gods, thank you." A sigh of relief, before leaning back into her chair.

Tkagorth squints his eyes as he looks at the rock that Tomin sits on, "Looks gooderer."

Falkenberg nods and sighs as he brings the ship in for a landing. "It does indeed look gooderer, Tkagorth. We're home."

Daxabi exhales and finds a seat to finally collapse in. "Phew... I was nervous there for a moment..."

A kid that's waiting to get out of the car when getting to the water park, Lani is already on her feet. "I don't care, it worked. I'll just be happy to set foot on home again. Let Abernanthy know that at least we're not dead."

Tkagorth starts to clomp out of the room once the ship is down, "Tkagorth go get bunk. No softskins touch Tkagorth stuff. Tkagorth bash."

Falkenberg nods and stands. "You mentioned the Motherlode, Lani. That's where I'm headed." He begins to move aft. "Tkagorth, feel free to join me. I hear the sewer water at the Motherlode is the best in the Fringe. But I'll understand if you want to settle in here first."

Freewheeling, Tomin Kora 10:21 PM Landing Platform - Freewheeling 16 February 2651

Clouds of steam hiss from vents along the edges of this broad gunmetal gray platform beneath a violet sky dotted with stars and gleaming with five moons of varying sizes. Some unsavory folks conduct their bleak business in the shadows, while others haggle with pilots over fares and freight charges. Mechanics clad in the silver-chased royal blue jumpsuits of the pirate king's technical squad wander from ship-to-ship, checking fuel levels and rad-ratings.

Falkenberg disembarks from the IND Fallen Angel

Melania has arrived. Melania disembarks from the IND Fallen Angel

Falkenberg steps off the Angel and takes a deep breath. "Ahhh..that stink never smelled so good," he sighs.

Daxabi has arrived. Daxabi disembarks from the IND Fallen Angel

Melania is right behind Falkenberg. And for once, the Martian just might be, for the first time in a very long time, be in an actual good mood. "Nothing to brighten ones spirits by coming back from the dead, right, John?" she muses dryly, shouldering her rifle casually.

A stunned silence surrounds the Angel, the dockhands and attendants among a growing throng of onlookers who regard the rifted vessel as one might the walking dead. While they gape and stare and whisper, Jack Falcone is shouldering his way through, clearing a path for his employer - and Dr. Nirali, for once, is speechless. "They said it was you," she comments breathlessly to the crew as the approaches, utterly at a loss. "I did not believe."

Falkenberg notices Kaxina, and smirks. He moves down the ramp and toward her, a cocky sway in his stride. "Surely you didn't think I was that easy to kill," Falkenberg says, rather loudly. "I have returned from a place called the Ancient Expanse, another universe, and I bring with me rift drive technology for Lord Fagin."

Daxabi descends the ramp with far less triumph, as much as she wants to share Melania's high spirits. Because Kax is there. /Kax/. As Falkenberg boasts the tech, Daxabi just lingers at the back of the group, eying the onlookers.

"I don't die unless it's on my terms." is Melania's reponse on that matter of their recent ressurection. "News of our demise has been greately exagerrated. And were it not for Daxabi and her genius in engineering, we would likely still be there. A gift-wrapped rift drive for his lordship." Pause. "I'm sure we can find a bow to put on it somewhere."

"You--" Kaxina breaks off, and for three long heartbeats she stands there slack-jawed and senseless. Then she aburptly grins, and then finally /laughs,/ great ringing peals that map the road between triumph and relief before her hand finally smothers the sound. "You have it. You /have/ it! Oh, darling, you marvelous creature!" And three long strides eat the distance between her and the victor before willowy arms reach to wrap said person in an elated bear hug. Not the captain, no. Poor, terrified Daxabi.

Daxabi really, /really/ doesn't want attention drawn to her. She stares at Lani, expression unreadable. There is the beginnings of a glare until holy fucking shit, super rich Timmie bitch vaults over to embrace her. Daxabi gasps and goes rigid, ohgodohgod. "O-oh it w-w-w-was n-nothing..." Now she shoots some seriously panicked looks at Melania, absolutely certain Kaxina is going to shiv her any second now.

Falkenberg frowns briefly as Kaxina hugs Daxabi. "Her work of genius benefits his lordship," he says flatly. "Though I'm sure when he makes them commercially available, you'll be allowed to buy one. Assuming you can afford it." He smirks.

Melania is equally not enthused about Kaxina getting that close to the Timmie that the Martian has more or less been her charge and relative protector, so there's a level, anxeity only masked by a dark stoic look. She doesn't make a sound as she watches, but her thumb cracks the knuckles in one of her hands as a way to occupy herself. But like Falk, she's waiting.

The dig sails completely over Kaxina's head, so caught up in the moment is she. "Yes, of course it does," she agrees distractedly, her attention scattered between the series of incredible events. Oblivious to the engineer's terror, she releases Daxabi, half-turning in a swirl of skirt to share her smile with the scowls of the assembled crew. "Lady save us, but go! /Go!/ Tell his lordship and revel in Lin's mercy. I shall follow."

Falcone adds his scowl to the lot upon realizing that he will, one again, be barrelling through the pack of people. He tarts making noises at the gawkers to clear a path.

Daxabi appears utterly betrayed when Melania doesn't immediately crack Kaxina's skull with her sticks. Kax finally releases her, and Dax keeps her rigid, terrified stance, gazing off into the distance.

Falkenberg glares now at Kaxina. "If anyone will inform Lord Fagin or Majordomo Abernathy of the triumph of the crew of the Fallen Angel, it will be their captain," he says stiffly. "And last I checked that was me."

Melania says nothing but wordlessly stepping infront of Daxabi, in more protective stance of the 'hero' Timmie. This position just so happens to uncannily at Falk's side. There's really nothing for her say right now, letting the Captain say what he wants to.

Such terseness reawakens the familiar animosity between Terran and Timonae, and with it comes the serpentine edge to that pearly white smile. "I dare not dream of suggesting otherwise. However, the last /I/ checked, I was appointed head of the Guild, to which the Angel belongs," Dr. Nirali informs. "Though I shall receive your report through another channel, should you so desire."

Daxabi doesn't swoon. But she does stop freaking out. Her eyes dart for the Equinox, thoughts drifting to the poor lonely rat in her cage all alone. She does not quite pick up on the conversation going on, but Kaxina's terrifying smile alone makes her snap back to attention.

Falkenberg is beginning to walk down the ramp past her when Kaxina says that last part. He stops quite suddenly, as though he had walked directly into a wall. He flinches. "You what now?" He says, voice betraying a hint of anger. "I'm in no mood for jokes, Doctor."

Likewise, Melania was just going to walk past, staying at her Captain's side. Until that little gem gets produced. "Just trying to get under your skin, Boss." she utters low. "You mentioned you wanted a drink."

"You've had a long day, I imagine," Kaxina offers on a sympathetic note toward Falkenberg. Her lips tell him that they can discuss the matter later; that he should unwind and enjoy the afterglow. Her smile says /checkmate./

Daxabi belatedly realizes that shit's about to get real ugly. All she can do is try to stay out of the blast radius, drifting back towards the Martian.

Falkenberg turns now and meets Kaxina's eyes. He reads there that she is not joking. He sets his jaw. His breathing suddenly becomes quite audible through his nose. His face slowly reddens. He clenches and unclenches both fists at his sides. His right hand repeatedly twitches toward the holster on his thigh. At great length, still breathing hard, he says through gritted teeth, "You mean to tell me, that we found the Minerva, and YOU are Guildmaster. We faced down the Nall, and YOU ARE guildmaster. We got BLOWN into ANOTHER UNIVERSE, and YOU ARE guildmaster. We BUILT A riftdrive AND CAME HOME WITH IT, AND *YOU* ARE *GUILDMASTER*. IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE TELLING ME, DOCTOR???" His voice, at the end, is so loud it can be heard by anyone in the spaceport within view of the Fallen Angel, and probably by patrons at the Motherlode as well.

Melania has been in situations like this before. Ones that border on or actually are standoffs. Granted, she's usually a mile away with a high-powered anti-material rifle, so most times she's watching them unfold. That doesn't mean she doesn't know what might happen. Her arms do slack, one being lazily placed over the battle rifle that's slung low at her side. She looks between Falk and Kax, already mentally calculating the distance from one to the other. "Dax. Leave." is all she says to engineer behind her, voice bordering on absolute zero. Her feet have slid into a shooting position, all that she needs is for Falk to give her the word.

Jack is more casual in his adoption of a protective posture, weight shifting as Lani's does though markedly less heated about it. His employer, however, only lifts her eyebrows, head canting just enough to spill her bangs into a sway along her jawline. "That is what the Majordomo told me," Dr. Nirali replies, as still and even as a puddle.

Daxabi slips into fight-or-flight mode when Falkenberg starts yelling. Where'd the lovable side go!? Melania's tone makes her take a few steps back, though she doesn't exactly leave, eyes wide.

Falkenberg 's eyes shift from Kaxina, to her bodyguard, back to Kaxina, and back to her bodyguard. He is trembling with rage. After a moment he can no longer contain himself. He reaches for his pulse pistol at his side. Falkenberg whips out his pulse pistol, and aims it straight at Jack's head before pulling the trigger.

That's all the signal that Melania has, the moment that Falk goes for his gun is telegraphed to the Martian, the rifle being brought up to bear. When he shoots, so does the sniper. Falk goes for the head, she goes for the heart, the three rounds of burst fire being let off.

Kaxina's pale eyes shutter, brow creased, as the trigger is pulled - and a second's stillness mingles with the smell of ozone in the silence that proceeds. When her shoulders uncoil, her gaze slowly reorients itself unerringly upon the captain, one two three long beats, then falls to the dead mobster. "Oh, Jack," she sighs. "I am sorry you died in such a hideous suit."

Daxabi flinches at the gun shots. But stifles the great urge to wheel about and wave her hands. When Kaxina comments, Dax just gawks at her. Then critically looks over the suit. That suit really does him no justice.

Having discharged his pistol, Falkenberg has apparently mastered his anger, at least for the moment. He twirls the gun on his finger and slips it smoothly back into the holster. He turns and locks eyes with Kaxina. "I'm at your service,

  • Guildmaster*," he says, spitting the word out through still-gritted teeth. He turns and moves toward the Decon Corridor.

"C'mon, Lani, Dax. I need a goddamn drink."

Melania lowers her rifle, eyeballing Kaxina for a moment, perhaps almost let down that she wasn't able to continue shooting. She starts to follow after Falkenberg, pausing long enough infront of Kax, sliding a cigarette out of her pack. "Be seeing you, Kax." she says after her first exhale. There's even a wink added to that. Then she continues onward.