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(RP of the positronic being, Iso, being merged with Narai's command ship - the Prominence.)
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[[category:OtherSpace Logs]]
[[category:OtherSpace Logs]]
[[category:Logs That Include Narai]][[category:Logs That Include Riata]][[category:Logs That Include Iso]][[category:Logs That Include MSLV Prominence]][[category:Logs of Player-Run Events]]
Participants: [ Narai], Riata, Iso
Participants: [[Narai]], Riata, Iso
'''Engineering – MSLV Prominence'''
'''Engineering – MSLV Prominence'''

Latest revision as of 16:57, 23 February 2012

Participants: Narai, Riata, Iso

Engineering – MSLV Prominence

With less than a day before the Prominence departs for the Rift, Narai has ordered his engineering team to work around the clock to get his positronic companion installed into the ships interface. Standing over a console, Narai reads the display, shouting orders at the various engineers around. "Connect the last of the interfaces and being power transfer."

Iso's positronic brain is a round, rather large device, with metal 'nerves' criss crossing its surface. Its nature as a prototype is evident by faded notes scribbed by the original inventors. He has thankfully been left a holographic emittor, and his Opodian avatar stands next to Narai, dry washing its paws nervously. "D-don't break anything - please!" He calls out, wincing at every motion his brain makes.

Riata is standing nearby looking rather nervous herself. "Oh dear, on dear."

Waving his hand at the hologram, Narai growls, "We won't break it!" Not meant to be taken as the Viceroy being mean, but more annoyed that Iso would assume he would break it. A light on the console blinks, and Narai turns to one of the engineers, "Slow power transfer by twenty percent. Start activating the interfaces with each of the ships systems one by one. Sensors, communication, navigation, environmental control, engineering systems and security systems. In that order!" The engineering nods, and begins to do what he is told. "Perhaps you should tell us if you feel anything different, or if something is wrong. Keep in mind, this ship is a thousand times the size of what you were in. I would assume there would be some difference." He looks to Riata, "Are you worried too?"

Iso flinches significantly as Narai snaps at him. The hologram visibly shrinking down a little. He nods and replies with a soft, "Yes sir!" As his positronic brain becomes linked with more and more of the ships systems, Iso's holographic display starts to flicker a little. "O-oh my... It is... Such a large ship..." He murmurs, his voice carrying with it an edge of static. It must be an odd feeling, to have these connections made to one's brain.

Riata tries not to show how very nervous she is as well, "Not too large I hope, I would hate to stretch you too thin Dear."

"It will take some time to get used to, I would assume. Like flying a ship. Once you learn how to fly a fighter, you can fly a freighter, then a cruiser." Narai says, his eyes fixated on the display. "Connect the last of the systems to him. Power to maximum. Let's see if this works."

[Skill System] Narai tests his Engineering + Electrical at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Iso's holographic image flickers for a second, and then vanishes completely as Narai increases the power through the interface. There is a startled, computer-like, "Eeep!" and then silence.

[Skill System] Iso tests its Computer + Hacking at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

The Viceroy looks to the hologram, and waits a moment to see what happens. "Are you alright?" He asks, waiting to make sure that the hologram suffered no damage, just a jolt of energy and probably the feeling of vastly expanding. "Can you control various ship systems?"

"It can hear you." Iso's electronic voice booms at first from the ship's speakers, probably ship wide. Then again, softer, and in this room only, "It can /see/ you." The positronic says. There's a brief, static filled moment, and his holographic image flickers to life again, where it had been before, clear and strong as ever. "It has many... many new systems..." He murmurs, eyes looking as if they were staring at something only he can see. "Interface... holding... Control maintained in... security... environmental systems..." Narai and Riata might feel the engines start to hum a little through the deck of the ship. "Engines..."

Narai holds onto the nearby console as the ship jerks for a moment as the engines come to life. "Very good. This should allow us for better control of the ship, rather then simple physically inputted commands." Smiling, he looks to Riata, then to the hologram. "No issues, I trust?"

"The influx of data is... overwhelming, Captain. It will take me several," There's a slight pause as calculations are made. "Days, to become /fully/ intergrated with this spacecraft. However, It believes it will be able to perform any task asked of it. It has control over all main systems." Iso shakes his head and blinks, his eyes focusing on Narai and Riata. "Has It done well?" He asks, frowning slightly. "The influx of data is... overwhelming, Captain. It will take me several," There's a slight pause as calculations are made. "Days, to become /fully/ intergrated with this spacecraft. However, It believes it will be able to perform any task asked of it. It has control over all main systems." Iso shakes his head and blinks, his eyes focusing on Narai and Riata. "Has It done well?" He asks, frowning slightly.

Nodding, Narai says, "Very well. Take what ever time you require. We depart for the rift tomorrow. I don't expect you to do ALL the ship controls - that's what the crew is for. At least you can use the ship to do what you need. And you are not on that planet anymore."

Iso flexes his panda-like hand/paws, his positronic mind racing through the extensive list of systems the luxury class cruiser has to offer. All around the ship lights start to dim, then return to their usual levels. Microphones crackle, and monitors flicker once or twice. "It will serve you well, Captain." He tells Narai, bowing slightly.

"I want the unit shielded, physically and from energy or electro-magnetic pulses." Narai says to an engineer. He turns back to Iso, "You should rest, friend. I don't know what you are going through, but the best thing, probably, is to take this slow. You have alot of information to process, don't want to overload your circuts now, do we?"

"Slow..." Iso repeats. The hologram nods. "Yes sir." He replies, easing up on his own interfacing with ships systems. A slight grin spreads across his bear-like muzzle. "It has never had sensors like this. It is quite..." His hologram flickers, and his words trail away. "It will not hold you up any longer, if you have duties to attend to, captain. If you require anything, just tell it what you need." No doubt he will be a presence where-ever Narai requires him.

"Very good." Narai replies, turning to his crew, "Good job, everyone. Continue with final preparation for the journey tomorrow. Iso, get some rest. I am sure you will be needed in the coming days." He nods again, and departs through the door to the corridor.